满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



5 Tips for Surviving Shots

Do shots make you nervous? 1. Lots of people are afraid of them because they have a very real fear of needles. So next time your doctor asks you to roll up your sleeve, try these tips.

Distract yourself while you're waiting. Bring along a game, book, music, or a movie player — something you'll get completely caught up in. 2.

Concentrate on taking slow, deep breaths. Breathe all the way down into your stomach. 3. Moreover, concentrating on something other than the shot can take your mind off it.

4. Find a picture, poster, or a sign on the wall. Concentrate on the details. If you're looking at a painting, for example, try counting the number of flowers in the garden, cows in the field, or other images. Or create as many new words as you can using the lettering on a sign. Think about how the message on a health awareness poster might affect you. Whatever it takes, keep focusing on something other than the shot until it's over.

Cough. Research shows that coughing as the needle goes in can help some people feel less pain.

Relax your arm. If you're tense—especially if you tense up in the area where you're getting the shot, it can make a shot hurt more.

Sometimes people feel faint(头晕的) after getting a shot.5.

A. You are not alone at all.

B. Then they had better not get a shot.

C. Deep breathing can help people relax.

D. Focus attentively on something in the room.

E. Thus,you can make your waiting time shorter.

F. If you feel sick, sit or lie down and rest for 15 minutes.

G. Then you won't think about the shot while sitting in the waiting room.


1.A 2.G 3.C 4.D 5.F 【解析】文章介绍了消除打针时的紧张情绪的一些办法。 1.文章一开头提出问题:打针使你紧张吗?后面说:很多人都害怕打针。故空格处要承上启下,A选项“你不是唯一一个(害怕打针的人)”正确。 2.上文提到,你在等候的时候,可以带书籍之类的东西来分散注意力。当你沉浸其中的时候,你就不会一直想着打针的事了。故G选项切题。 3.上文建议人们深呼吸。故该空应该介绍深呼吸的好处。C选项正确。 4.下文提到:找一幅画,一张海报或一个牌子,专注于其细节。故D项“聚精会神地注意房间里的东西。”与本段内容相符,故选D。 5.上一句提到:有时候,人们打完针之后,会感到晕眩。F选项“如果你感到不舒服,坐下或躺下休息15分钟”承接上文,符合语境。

Morocco has a lot of sun, a lot of deserts and a high demand for imported fuel. And that's why the Moroccan government is moving ahead with a huge concentrated solar power plant near the desert city of Ouarzazate — one of four plants in total which, when completed, will have generating capacity(发电量) of 580MW. Combined with the country’s wind and hydro-power (水力发电) efforts, Morocco’s ambitious solar push will mean the country will get close to 50% of its electricity from renewable generation as early as 2020.

Phase I of the project, the 160MW Noor l, is going to start generating electricity next month and includes a capacity for molten sand energy storage which will allow up to 3 hours of electricity generation after the sun goes down. Phases 2 and 3 will have the capacity for up to eight hours of storage, meaning that solar energy really could be used to power homes around the clock.

Besides the scale of such plans, what’s impressive to me is how quickly the renewable energy can be developed. What other forms of energy could so greatly change a country’s energy composition in just a few short years? Not only should this be an encouraging sign for those of us who favor renewable energy, but it also should give reason for would-be investors in traditional fossil fuel generating industry.

If renewable energy costs continue to fall, even existing(有的) coal and gas plants will find themselves limited by newer, cleaner forms of energy that can be increased rapidly.

Interestingly, some analysts suggest this is happening already. In the US, for example, coal power plants are being retired earlier than expected due to a combination of increased competition from gas and renewable energy, as well as tighter regulations of emissions (排放). Also, increasing amounts of solar and wind cause gas and coal plants not to use, significantly reducing their profits and further giving an edge to the clean energy competition.

If this proves to be the case in North Africa too, Morocco's solar ambitions could help transform the energy system well beyond its own borders.

1.What's the main theme of the passage?

A. Solar energy is fully developed in Morocco.

B. There are advantages of developing solar energy.

C. Morocco is a country with quantities of deserts.

D. Morocco's efforts to generate renewable electricity.

2.What is the advantage of Phase l?

A. Its energy storage can last up to three hours.

B. It has the capacity for as many as eight hours.

C. It continues producing electricity after the sun sets.

D. It is going to begin generating electricity in a month.

3.What does the author think of the renewable energy development?

A. Upset.    B. Striking.    C. Sensitive.    D. Doubtful.

4.Coal power plants in the US are being retired earlier than expected because of ________.

A. various reasons    B. heavy pollution

C. fierce competition    D. the government's limitation



As free as they make us, mobile phones still need to stay close to a power source. Soon that may change with "green" power.

Three Chilean students got the idea for a plant-powered device(装置) to charge their cellphones, while sitting in their school's outdoor courtyard during a break from exams, with dead mobile phones. Then, one of them had an "aha" moment.

“It occurred to Camila to say about plants, "said inventor Evelyn Aravena. "Why don't you have a socket, if there are so many plants? 'After that, we thought, why don't they have a charging outlet? Because there are so many plants and living things that have the potential to produce energy, why not? ' "

Their invention — a small biological circuit called E-Kaia - uses the energy plants to produce during photosynthesis(光合作用). A plant uses only a small part of that energy and the rest goes into the soil, and that's where the E-Kaia collects it. The device plugs into the ground and then into your phone.

"It's the most amazing project I've ever seen in my life, plain and simple. They brought this original model, and it worked — and that's when it all changed, at least from my personal point of view and I began to support them. " said Mauricio Cifuentes.

The device solved two problems for the engineering students — they needed an idea for a class project, and an outlet to plug in their phones.

"Looking for a place to charge the notebook, which had no power, and the mobile phones, we weren't able to find anything because all the other students were in the same state of madness trying to find a place to charge their devices," said Aravena.

But plants are everywhere, and the biocircuit makes the best of their excess(过多的) power.

The E-Kaia doesn't carry much charge but it's powerful enough to completely recharge a mobile phone in less than two hours.

The student inventors have applied for patents on their technology, and expect the E-Kaia to go on sale in December 2016.

1.How could the students get the "green" power idea?

A. By carrying out an experiment.

B. Just from an occasional thought.

C. With the support of their professors.

D. Enlightened(启发) by the information in a science book.

2.How does the device work?

A. By using the energy during photosynthesis.    B. By using a small biological circuit.

C. By using the electricity stored in the device.    D. By using a device buried in the ground.

3.What can we learn from what Mauricio Cifuentes said?

A. He intended to buy the patent.

B. The device was made in a rough way.

C. He showed great interest in the device.

D. He attempted to produce the device in large numbers.

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A. A New Device to Change the World

B. Green Power - A New and Potential Source

C. Chilean Students Find A Green Way to Charge Phones

D. A New Device Invented by Chilean Students Will Be on Sale



There are some places in the world that one wants to return again and again. After my first visit to Boracay, Philippines, in March of last year, I knew that I would return soon. I was there again in April this year.

It was on the island that I first tried kite-surfing. The Bulabog Beach on the eastern side of Boracay has many wind-surfing and kite-surfing sports centers. I randomly chose a center, which happened to be an affiliation(附属机构) of International Kiteboarding Organization.

The organization has training centers around the world, and some of its courses are tailored for beginners like me.

The center on Boracay has different courses, from recreational to professional. In the recreational category, trainees have to do the "discovery" level before they go on to more advanced levels.

My instructor Brian, who was from the United States, strictly followed the center's rules about levels, and began the training by asking me to set up the kite on the sand, which was the very first step at the ground level of the "discovery" course.

I had a teammate, and we both couldn't wait to have the feeling of riding with the wind on the surface of the water. But we had to practice at length the various skills for assessing the direction of the wind and the move-ments of our bodies.

It was there in March, which was still the windy season on the island. Because of the winds, the Philippines were important on the ancient marine (海上的) trade route. They call the wind Amihan, or trade winds.

From May to October, the Amihan wind is channeled through the hills on the northern and southern ends of the island from the east onshore, and onto the Bulabog Beach on the eastern coast of the island.

1.Do you think why the author returned to Boracay?

A. Because it is a small island in the Philippines.

B. Because he intended to settle down there.

C. Because the place was very attractive.

D. Because the kite-surfing on this island was rather exciting.

2.What does the underlined word "tailored" in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. lost    B. known    C. cancelled    D. designed

3.What kind of person is Brian?

A. Easy-going.    B. Strict.    C. Dull.    D. Friendly.

4.Why did the Philippines call the wind "trade winds"?

A. Because the Philippines started to trade in the windy season.

B. Because the winds made the Philippines active in the ancient time.

C. Because the Philippines had been relying on the winds to trade.

D. Because the winds benefited the Philippines a lot in the ancient maritime trade.



Lying in Victoria, Australia, Phillip Island Nature Parks is a beautiful seaside holiday destination with perks(好处) like no other in the world. If you're seeking a relaxing, adventurous and memorable coastal holiday, Phillip Island is perfect for you. Full of family attractions, friendly wildlife, sheltered swimming spots and beautiful beaches and bays, it is really hard to find a reason not to take a holiday.

Philip Island's most famous and popular family attractions are The Penguin Parade and The Koala Conservation Centre.

Operating Hour

OPENING TIME: 10 a. m.


                 Closed on Christmas Day, 25 December


    1019 ventor Rd, Phillip Island, Victoria 3922

    3 Parks Pass Ticket

The ticket gives you standard entry to the Penguin Parade at Phillip Island Nature Parks, as well as standard entry to the Koala Conservation Centre and Churchill Island Heritage Farm.

All tickets will have 12 months validity from the time of purchase. Tickets will be delivered to your inbox within 60 minutes of the purchase. Please print out all tickets and take along with you to the attraction.

How to Get There

CAR: Phillip Island is an easy 90-minute drive from Melbourne. Travel along the Monash Freeway(MI) away from Melbourne and turn off at the South Gippsland Highway exit. Continue travelling on the South Gippsland Highway(M420) and follow the signs for the Phillip Island onto the Bass Highway(A420). At the Anderson roundabout(岛), turn right onto the Phillip Island Tourist Road(B420). At San Remo, cross the bridge onto the Phillip Island. Follow the signs to reach the Penguin Parade, Koala Conservation Centre, and Churchill sland Heritage Farm. The attractions are no more than a 15-minute drive from each other.

BUS: V/Line runs daily coach services between Southern Cross Station and Cowes on Phillip Island, via Grantville, Corinella, Bass, San Remo and Newhaven. For detailed information contact V/Line on 136 196 or visit www. vline. com. au.

Please note: The bus takes the main road into Cowes and does not stop at any of the Nature Parks' attractions.

1.What does the author think of a visit to the Phillip Island Nature Parks?

A. Cheap.    B. Dangerous.    C. Instructive.    D. Worthwhile.

2.How can a visitor get the ticket he/she buys?

A. By fax.    B. By e-mail.    C. By letter.    D. By express.

3.Which road is the nearest to the Penguin Parade?

A. The Monash Freeway.    B. The South Gippsland Highway.

C. The Bass Highway.    D. The Phillip Island Tourist Road.












Dear Andy,

How are you getting on?








Li Hua



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