满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 In...



In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear 1 spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it correctly with confidence and without hesitation. 2 (three), we must be able to read the language, and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct.

There is no easy way to success 3 language learning. 4 good memory is of great help, but it is not enough only 5 (memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long a list of words and 6 (they) meaning, studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. If we __7__ (satisfy) with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. "Learn through use" is a good piece of 8 (advise) for those 9 are studying a new language. Practice is important. We must practice speaking and 10 (write) the language whenever we can.


1.it 2.Thirdly 3.in 4.A 5.to memorize 6.their 7.are satisfied 8.advice 9.who 10.writing 【解析】 【语篇解读】文章介绍学习一门外语必要的四件事。 1.句意:当听到这个语言被说的时候,我们必须理解它。指代上文的the language,用it。故填it。 2.根据上文的Firstly,Secondly可知这里是"第三"。故填Thirdly。 3.句意:语言学习的成功没有捷径。success in sth. 在某方面的成功。故填in。 4.这里泛指"一个好的记忆力"用不定冠词,good是以辅音音素开头的单词。故填A。 5.句意:只记语法书上的语法规则是不够的。使用主语+ be+ adj.+ enough +to do的结构。故填to memorize。 6.记住很多单词和它们的意思是不够的。指代words,作meaning的定语用their。故填their。 7.句意:如果我们仅仅满足于记忆一些语法规则,我们就不是真的在学习语言。be satisfied with满足于,对……满意。 8.a good piece of后面接名词,advise的名词是advice,而且是不可数名词。故填advice。 9.使用定语从句,先行词是those,指人,定语从句中缺少主语,用who引导定语从句。故填who。 10.和speaking并列作practice的宾语,用动名词。故填writing。



I sit outside of my daughter’s nursery school classroom, patiently waiting for her. When the door opens, my daughter runs out with a broad smile. She 1 the excitement of school.

"How was your 2 ?" I ask casually, while 3 wanting to hear every single detail. "It was so good, Mommy!" my daughter replies. That’s it. That’s all I 4 .

On the car ride home, I ask her a lot of questions. She answers me with a few words, but never goes into much __5__. Usually she tells me that she wants to 6 something else.

It has only been a few weeks, but I still find it so 7 that my daughter has a whole morning in school without me. I 8 ask the teachers for details and I am often provided with the same 9 answers that my daughter gives.

Now, three mornings a week, I close her classroom door behind me and she has her own 10 . I am given some 11 of her days like apples glued onto paper trees and paint dirt under her fingernails.

I know she 12 this privacy and the time to 13 a new environment and meet different kids. 14 , I can’t help but want to know about the details of her days. The ride home is the 15 time that she will provide me with some 16 about her morning.

When we pull into the driveway, I change the 17 to something else. I am sure that my constant questions annoy her, so I try to 18 them to the car ride after school.

I am 19 that my daughter doesn’t quite know our driving route yet; she can’t tell that I sometimes take the long way home, 20 we have those few extra minutes together.

1.A. learns     B. adds     C. misses     D. enjoys

2.A. morning     B. afternoon    C. evening    D. night

3.A. tiredly    B. carelessly    C. secretly    D. suddenly

4.A. get     B. need     C. plan     D. understand

5.A. study     B. detail     C. advice     D. work

6.A. wait for B. prepare for   C. worry about     D. talk about

7.A. strange    B. simple     C. common    D. practical

8.A. always     B. just     C. even     D. never

9.A. satisfying    B. funny     C. short     D. confusing

10.A. direction   B. imagination    C. influence    D. experience

11.A. kindness    B. excuses    C. evidence    D. challenges

12.A. promises    B. achieves    C. deserves    D. ignores

13.A. remember   B. explore    C. choose     D. consider

14.A. Then     B. Again     C. Also     D. Still

15.A. only     B. other     C. second     D. last

16.A. permission   B. information    C. devotion    D. intention

17.A. interest     B. rule     C. conversation   D. routine

18. A. take     B. guide     C. show     D. limit

19.A. proud     B. disappointed   C. anxious    D. grateful

20.A. although    B. because    C. so     D. or





Many parents would like to teach their children English at home, but don’t know how to start. It doesn’t matter if your own English is not perfect. The most important thing is that you give your children lots of encouragement and praise. ____1____ They will need some time to learn the language.

Make it a rule

Try to do certain activities at the same time every day. ____2____ For example, you could read an English story with your children before bedtime. Repetition (重复) is important children often need to hear words many times before they say them themselves.

Playing games

____3____ Cards are a great way to teach words and there are many different games which you can play with cards, such as Memory and Happy Families.

Using everyday situations

The advantage of teaching English at home is that you can use everyday situations to practice the language naturally. For example:

Talk about clothes when your child is getting dressed (Let’s put on your blue socks, etc.).

____4____ When you go to the supermarket, give your child a list of things to find.

Using songs

Songs are a really good way to learn new words. Songs with actions are especially good for very young children because they are able to join in. ____5____

A. Fifteen minutes is enough for very young children.

B. Children learn naturally when they are having fun.

C. Teach food words when you are cooking or going shopping.

D. The actions often show the meaning of the words in the song.

E. With younger children, there is no need to teach grammar rules.

F. Don’t worry if your child doesn’t start speaking English immediately.

G. Children feel more comfortable and confident when they know what to expect.




It is widely known that any English conversation begins with the weather. Such a fixation with the weather finds expression in Dr. Johnson’s famous comment that "When two English meet, their first talk is of weather". Though Johnson’s observation is as accurate now as it was over two hundred years ago, most commentators fail to come up with a convincing explanation for this English weather-speak.

Bill Bryson, for example, concludes that, as the English weather is not at all exciting, the obsession with it can hardly be understood. He argues that "To an outsider, the most striking thing about the English weather is that there is not very much of it." Simply, the reason is that the unusual and unpredictable weather is almost unknown in the British Isles.

Jeremy Paxman, however, disagrees with Bryson, arguing that the English weather is by nature attractive."Bryson is wrong," he says, "because the English preference for the weather has nothing to do with the natural phenomena. The interest is less in the phenomena themselves, but in uncertainty." According to him, the weather in England is very changeable and uncertain and it attracts the English as well as the outsider.

Bryson and Paxman stand for common misconceptions about the weather-speak among the English. Both commentators, somehow, are missing the point. The English weather conversation is not really about the weather at all. English weather-speak is a system of signs, which is developed to help the speakers overcome the natural reserve and actually talk to each other. Everyone knows conversations starting with weather-speak are not requests for weather data. Rather, they are routine greetings, conversation starters or the blank "fillers". In other words, English weather-speak is a means of social bonding.

1. The author mentions Dr. Johnson’s comment to show that ____________.

A. most commentators agree with Dr. Johnson

B. Dr. Johnson is famous for his weather observation

C. the comment was accurate two hundred years ago

D. English conversations usually start with the weather

2.What does the underlined word"obsession" most probably refer to?

A. A social trend.         B. An emotional state.

C. A historical concept.        D. An unknown phenomenon.

3. What is the author’s main purpose of writing the passage?

A. To explain what English weather-speak is about.

B. To analyse misconceptions about the English weather.

C. To find fault with both Bill Bryson and Jeremy Paxman.

D. To convince people that the English weather is changeable.




Why are certain people so memorable, while some fade from our memories over time? This question crosses my mind often; there are many possible answers. When you are raising children, you realize that some people become very important to them, draw them in, accept and respect them. These people change them.

Several examples come to mind with my youngest son. He was always more comfortable around his dad’s friends than his own. He loved to spend time with them, fish with them, listen to their stories and just be with them.

He has experienced the loss of several really meaningful friendships over the past few years, and it has been very painful for him. One, Dr. George, was a neighbor and fishing buddy who would call to see if Ken could go fishing with him. Dr. George always said Ken was the son he never had and that it meant everything to him. He died very suddenly while fishing with all of his best buddies a few years ago. The huge hole that left in so many lives simply cannot be filled for Ken it was immensely painful.

There was another fishing buddy of his dad’s, Frank, who was always fun to be around. Ken was very young then, but he really enjoyed getting along with "the guy" when they were fishing. Frank and his family went to the Keys in the same week as we did one year ago and the memory remains to this day. Cheerful and happy, he was able to laugh at himself and accept everyone’s abilities or lack of them, all qualities that impressed Ken so much.

When he became deadly ill, Ken drove from his home in North Carolina to Florida for an overnight visit with him. He died a short time later. The day after his funeral (葬礼), Frank came to Ken in a dream and asked if he would take care of his wife, Carol. To Ken this was very meaningful, and today they share a special bond that Frank somehow knew would be important for them both.

1. According to the author, some people are unforgettable to us because of       .

A. their great achievements

B. their consideration and kindness

C. good relationships between us

D. successful cooperation between us

2.What can best replace the underlined word "buddy" in the passage?

A. Friend.     B. Neighbor.  C. Instructor.  D. Guide.

3.Carol is mentioned in the last paragraph to show us that __________.

A. Frank wanted her to marry Ken     B. Ken met Frank in a dream

C. Frank regarded Ken as his son      D. Ken was a gentleman

4.Whats the main idea of this passage?

A. It’s interesting to go fishing with your father’s friends.

B. The friendship between Ken and his father’s friends.

C. Making friends with adults is easier than with your peers.

D. The good relationship among Ken’s families.




1. All the people present have _________________ (要求) that the fresh water should be supplied at once. (request)

2. The beauty of his paintings is ____________________ (无法形容). (expression)

3. The captain _____________________ (命令他的人) to sail to the port at a fast speed. (command)

4. I didn’t ______________________ (辨认出他的声音) on the phone last night. (recognize)

5. This is _______________________ (和……一样的笔) I bought yesterday. (as)

6. The famous actor ______________________ (扮演重要角色) in this new film. (part)

7. ________________________ (信不信由你), they will not keep their promise. (believe)

8. __________________________ (沿着这条路一直走) and then turn right. (straight)

9. Head for the 44th Street, _________________ (几个街区) east of the building. (block)

10. The young man has to stay at home. ____________________ (那是因为) his leg was hurt yesterday. (because)



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