满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I don’t think this doctor will ________ ...

I don’t think this doctor will ________ him of his heart disease.

A.recover           B.cure              C.treat            D.help


B 【解析】动词recover表示“康复”,常与介词from连用;cure表示“治愈”,常与介词of连用,表示“治好某种疾病”;treat则表示“治疗”,不与of连用;help则是“帮助”之意,常与介词with连用。  


1.Jenny has been attending on her sick mother for many years.


2.The child was cured his bad habit with the help of his friends.


3.Exposed to the polluted air did harm to his health.


4.We got together at the night he returned from abroad.


5When will you have your homework hand in?






1. The h__________ of the door is off.

2. Don’t come to the c__________ before you make a careful investigation.

3. We d__________ Lincoln High School in the baseball game yesterday.

4. Some chemical are easily a__________ into the bloodstream, while others are not.

5. The opposition leader c__________ the prime minister to call an election.

6. How many people __________(参加) your wedding?

7.They __________(怀疑) me of having a hand in the affair.

8.She __________(责怪) him for the failure of their marriage.

9.The air is __________(污染) so badly in some regions that people could hardly breathe.

10. Good planning is one of the __________(特征) of a successful business.





1. 描述比赛的情况;

2. 希望他提供单词的记忆方法;

3. 欢迎他到中国过春节。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:the Spring Festival春节

Dear Tom,










Li Hua





In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear 1 spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it correctly with confidence and without hesitation. 2 (three), we must be able to read the language, and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct.

There is no easy way to success 3 language learning. 4 good memory is of great help, but it is not enough only 5 (memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long a list of words and 6 (they) meaning, studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. If we __7__ (satisfy) with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. "Learn through use" is a good piece of 8 (advise) for those 9 are studying a new language. Practice is important. We must practice speaking and 10 (write) the language whenever we can.





I sit outside of my daughter’s nursery school classroom, patiently waiting for her. When the door opens, my daughter runs out with a broad smile. She 1 the excitement of school.

"How was your 2 ?" I ask casually, while 3 wanting to hear every single detail. "It was so good, Mommy!" my daughter replies. That’s it. That’s all I 4 .

On the car ride home, I ask her a lot of questions. She answers me with a few words, but never goes into much __5__. Usually she tells me that she wants to 6 something else.

It has only been a few weeks, but I still find it so 7 that my daughter has a whole morning in school without me. I 8 ask the teachers for details and I am often provided with the same 9 answers that my daughter gives.

Now, three mornings a week, I close her classroom door behind me and she has her own 10 . I am given some 11 of her days like apples glued onto paper trees and paint dirt under her fingernails.

I know she 12 this privacy and the time to 13 a new environment and meet different kids. 14 , I can’t help but want to know about the details of her days. The ride home is the 15 time that she will provide me with some 16 about her morning.

When we pull into the driveway, I change the 17 to something else. I am sure that my constant questions annoy her, so I try to 18 them to the car ride after school.

I am 19 that my daughter doesn’t quite know our driving route yet; she can’t tell that I sometimes take the long way home, 20 we have those few extra minutes together.

1.A. learns     B. adds     C. misses     D. enjoys

2.A. morning     B. afternoon    C. evening    D. night

3.A. tiredly    B. carelessly    C. secretly    D. suddenly

4.A. get     B. need     C. plan     D. understand

5.A. study     B. detail     C. advice     D. work

6.A. wait for B. prepare for   C. worry about     D. talk about

7.A. strange    B. simple     C. common    D. practical

8.A. always     B. just     C. even     D. never

9.A. satisfying    B. funny     C. short     D. confusing

10.A. direction   B. imagination    C. influence    D. experience

11.A. kindness    B. excuses    C. evidence    D. challenges

12.A. promises    B. achieves    C. deserves    D. ignores

13.A. remember   B. explore    C. choose     D. consider

14.A. Then     B. Again     C. Also     D. Still

15.A. only     B. other     C. second     D. last

16.A. permission   B. information    C. devotion    D. intention

17.A. interest     B. rule     C. conversation   D. routine

18. A. take     B. guide     C. show     D. limit

19.A. proud     B. disappointed   C. anxious    D. grateful

20.A. although    B. because    C. so     D. or



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