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语法填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 T...


阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt. This trend, which was started by the medical community(医学界)   1   a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side   2   (effect) such as overweight and heart disease the very thing the medical community was trying to fight.

    Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet. They are required    3   (process) the food that we eat, to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions. When fat and salt    4   (remove) from food, the food tastes as if is missing something. As    5   result, people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing. Even    6   (bad), the amount of fast food that people eat goes up. Fast food    7     (be) full of fat and salt; by    8   (eat) more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet.

Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack(吃点心) between meals and will improve the taste of your food. However, be    9   (care) not to go to extremes. Like anything, it is possible to have too much of both,    10   is not good for the health.


1.as 2.effects 3.to process 4.are removed 5.a 6.worse 7.is 8.eating 9.careful 10.which 【解析】 1.考查介词。句意:这一趋势最初始于医学界作为一种对抗心脏病的方法。as表示“作为,以…… 身份”,故填as。 2.考查单复数。分析语境可知作者表达的意思是“一些不为人知的副作用”,根据前文的some 可知“side effect”(副作用)有很多,故填effects。 3.考查不定式。句意:他们被要求加工食物。require表示“要求”,require sb. to do sth.表示“要 求某人做某事”,被动形式为“sb. be required to do sth.”(某人被要求做某事)。故填to process。 4.考查被动语态。句意:当脂肪和盐分从食物中被去掉。分析可知fat,salt和move之间是 被动关系,脂肪和盐分是两种东西,且是被人们去掉,所以用被动语态。故填are removed。 5.考查冠词。 固定短语as a result表示“结果”。句意:结果,人们将吃更多的食物去弥补损失的东西。故填a。 6. 考查比较级。句意:更糟糕的是,人们所吃快餐的数量增加了。故填worse。 7.考查主谓一致。句意:快餐食物中满是脂肪和盐。fast food的意思是“快餐”,表示一类食物,为 不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式。故填is。 8.考查动名词。句意:通过吃更多的快餐,人们将在饮食中摄入超过需求量的脂肪和盐。根据前文 中的by可知此处应该填名词、动名词,所以填eating。 9.考查形容词。句意:然而,注意不要走极端。分析语境可知be后面应该用形容词作表语,故填careful。 10.考查非限制性定语从句。句意:很可能摄入过多的脂肪和盐,那对健康没有好处。分析可知 which is not good for the health为非限制性定语从句,先行词是前面的整句话。


A conflict at work is common. If you can avoid conflict, it means you will win what you want regardless of what the other person wants. Since the potential problem has not been removed, it will simply reappear later. 1

Be aware of the fact that some conflicts are unavoidable at work. On many occasions(场合), conflict and disagreement are likely to happen. But when a conflict happens it is not the end of the world. 2 Conflicts mean that people care enough to disagree strongly. The trick is not to allow the conflict to go on forever.

  3 Solve a conflict when it starts, as it only gets worse with time going by. Everyone is waiting for the other to admit he or she is wrong and gets more unpleasant after the conflict has lasted a while. It is necessary to interrupt the "waiting game" before it gets to that point.

Ask nicely. If somebody has done something that makes you angry, or if you don't understand their viewpoints or actions, simply asking nicely about them can make a world of difference. Never assume that people do what they do to annoy or hurt you. Sometimes there is a good reason why that person does what he or she does, and a potential conflict disappears right there. 4

Appreciate. 5 Tell them why it is worth it to you to solve the conflict. This can be difficult as few people find it easy to appreciate a person they disagree strongly with, but it is a great way to move forward.

A. Praise the other part in the conflict

B. Deal with conflicts sooner rather than later.

C. Invite the other person to talk about the situation.

D. Do remember to make an enquiry, not an accusation of any sort.

E. Here are the necessary steps to effectively get rid of conflicts at work

F. On the contrary, it can be the beginning of an interesting learning process.

G. Clear thinking is unlikely to happen while an argument continues to boil over.




Sandra Cisneros was born in Chicago in 1954 to a Mexican American family. As the only girl in a family of seven children, she often felt like she had "seven fathers ", because her six brothers, as well as her father, tried to control her. Feeling shy and unimportant, she hid herself into books. Despite her love of reading, she did not do well in elementary school because she was too shy to participate.

In high school, with the encouragement of one particular teacher, Cisneros improved her grades and worked for the school literary magazine. Her father encouraged her to go to college because he thought it would be a good way for her to find a husband. Cisneros did attend college, but instead of searching for a husband, she found a teacher who helped her join the famous graduate writing program at the University of Iowa. At the University's Writers' Workshop, however, she felt lonely—a Mexican American from a poor neighborhood among students from wealthy families. The feeling of being so different helped Cisneros find her "creative voice".

"It was not until this moment when I considered myself truly different that my writing acquired a voice. I knew I was a Mexican woman, but I didn't think it had anything to do with why I felt so much imbalanced in my life, but it had everything to do with it! That's when I decided I would write about something my classmates couldn't write about."

Cisneros published her first work, The House on Mango Street , when she was twenty-nine. The book tells about a young Mexican American girl growing up in a Spanish-speaking area in Chicago, much like the neighborhoods in which Cisneros lived as a child. The book won an award in 1985 and has been used in classes from high school through graduate school level. Since then, Cisneros has published several books of poetry, a children's book, and a shortstory collection.

1.Which of the following is TRUE about Cisneros in her childhood?

A. She had seven brothers.      B. She felt herself a nobody.

C. She was too shy to go to school.    D. She did not have any good teachers.

2.The graduate program gave Cisneros a chance to

A. make a lot of friends       B. develop her writing style

C. run away from her family      D. work for a school magazine

3.According to Cisneros, what played the decisive role in her success?

A. Her early years in college.      B. Her childhood experience.

C. Her training in the Workshop.     D. Her feeling of being different.

4.What do we learn about The House on Mango Street ?

A. It is quite popular among students.

B. It is the only book ever written by Cisneros.

C. It wasn't a success as it was written in Spanish.

D. It won an award when Cisneros was twenty-nine.

5. According to the text, we know that________

A. she didn't enjoy reading

B. she met a Mexican American girl

C. her brothers treated her very kindly

D. she lived an uneasy life in her childhood




Nikola Tesla

Long overshadowed in public memory by his one-time employer, Thomas Edison, Tesla (1856—1943) was a brilliant scientist and engineer who earned more than 700 patents. He is most famous for developing alternating current (交流电), but his work also led to advances in wireless communications, lasers, X-rays, radar, lighting, robotics, and much more.

Tesla was born to Serbian parents in what is now Croatia, but he emigrated(移民) to the U.S. as a young man, where he eventually became a naturalized citizen. Besides Edison, who later became his bitter rival, Tesla often worked with inventor George Westinghouse. In 1893, the pair demonstrated their advances in lighting and motors in the "White City" at the Chicago World’s Fair. In 1895, Tesla and Westinghouse developed the world’s first hydroelectric power plant, at Niagara Falls.

At the turn of the century, Tesla set up a laboratory called Wardenclyffe in the small community of Shoreham, Long Island, where he conducted some of his most ambitious experiments. The building was financed by J. P. Morgan and designed by acclaimed architect Stanford White.

The most prominent feature was Wardenclyffe Tower, also called Tesla Tower, a 187-foot-tall metal lattice tower topped with a big antenna that was intended to beam communications and even energy across the Atlantic.Tesla ran out of money while building the tower and was foreclosed(取消赎回权) on twice. As with his previous Colorado Springs lab, assets were sold to pay up his debts. In 1917, the U.S. government blew up the tower, fearing that German spies were using it in World War I. The metal was sold for scrap. For decades, the building was used for photo processing.

"The tower is long gone, but the three-quarter-length statue of Tesla unveiled last week is a fitting memorial," said Alcorn, a retired teacher. "This is the last remaining Tesla laboratory anywhere in the world," she said. "He inspires those who work hard but don’t get recognition, and people are starting to recognize how important his contributions are."

As a sign of that growing appreciation, Elon Musk’s start-up electric car company Tesla Motors was named after the visionary inventor in 2003.

1.We can infer from Para.1 that Tesla belong to those           .

A. who aren’t brilliant enough as an inventor

B. who work hard but don’t get recognition

C. who have worked only for one employer

D. who helped Edison to earn many patents

2.The events that are related to Tesla are           .

a. he moved to the U.S. to become an American

b. he entered the Chicago World’s Fair

c. he joined in American army in WWI

d. he developed the world’s first hydroelectric power plant

e. he built a lab called Wardenclyffe

A. b, c, d, e   B. c, d, e, a   C. a, b, d, e   D. a, b, c, d

3.Why did the U.S. government destroy the tower?

A. To treat it as a sign of German’s failure in WWI.

B. To stop it from being used for photo processing.

C. To get its metal for the material of war.

D. To prevent it being used by German spies in WWI.

4. Which of the following can be seen as a sign of growing appreciation towards Tesla?

A. An electric car company was named after him.

B. A new statue of him was built in Croatia.

C. People collect money to rebuild Tesla Tower.

D. A lab was opened as a museum to Tesla.

5.The purpose of writing this passage is to           .

A. explain why a car company was named Tesla

B. introduce the achievements of Tesla

C. inspire us to learn from a famous scientist

D. record the contribution made by Tesla in WWI





In summer,we usually ________________ one hour to take advantage of the summer daylight.


What makes you ________________ the money?


I am ready to ________________ the mistake.


Evidence shows that Tom ________________ the shooting.


Ive been ________________ here until the teacher arrives.



For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit ________ on his own farm.

A.grown              B.being grown      C.to be grown     D.to grow



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