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Dear Amy, My in-laws are all the produc...


Dear Amy,

My in-laws are all the products of failed marriages, so there are blood relatives and step relatives to deal with on both sides of the aisle.

For years, my in-laws have told my children that my wife’s stepmother’s grandchildren are their cousins.

This alone is not true, since these kids are only involved in our lives due to marriage. I just keep talking to my kids and explaining to them the way the family tree works and that these kids are not their cousins.

At one point, my oldest son got mad and told one of these kids that he was not his real cousin, and then my in-laws confronted my son about what he said. They were apparently upset about it.

Amy, I am not going to create a world that does not exist. They are stuck on taking in these kids that have zero actual blood relation to them at all.

I stand my ground on this, and my wife just thinks that I am being an ass. Your thoughts?

Disturbed Dad

Disturbed Dad,

Before you spend the rest of your life carefully studying a family tree at every potluck dinner, remember that “family” isn’t some exclusive club that you get to join by having two or more of the same biological relatives.

People in highly functioning and inclusive families will tell you that all you have to do to be a part of any family is to be considered part of the family. This means being included, regardless of your biological status, and reveling in relationships that are auntlike, grandparent-like or cousinlike. It is wise to explain truthfully all of these many and varied relationships to your children, but to use loaded terms like “real family” only underlines your emotional ignorance about relationships.

Your in-laws are doing a wonderful thing accepting these children, so put down the genealogy chart and apologize. After all, if we follow your logic, then your in-laws shouldn’t be accepting you as family either; you aren’t related to them by blood, so you aren’t their “real family.”

The good news is, if you continue to treat your wife’s family this way, you won’t have to worry about keeping the blood relatives and the step-relatives in this family straight — given your lack of good manners, these family members might disregard you in favor of someone who is more open, accepting and inclusive.




1.The Disturbed Dad’s in-laws were upset because _______.

A. they all had failed marriages    B. they knew of the Dad’s thoughts

C. one of the grandsons got mad    D. some kids had no blood relation

2.What’s Amy’s attitude towards the Disturbed Dad’s opinion?

A. Objective.    B. Negative.

C. Doubtful.    D. Cautious.

3.Amy may agree that _______.

A. the Dad shouldn’t be narrow-minded about the family tree

B. it’s necessary to consider biological relationships in a family

C. the Dad shouldn’t be accepted as family by their in-laws

D. it’s good news for the family members to disregard the Dad


1.B 2.B 3.A 【解析】本文是两封信,父亲受困于再婚的关系处理中,写信向女儿Amy求助。女儿Amy对父亲狭隘的家族观点不太赞同,要父亲不能只从血缘看问题。 1.B推理判断题。根据第一封信第四段At one point, my oldest son got mad and told one of these kids that he was not his real cousin, and then my in-laws confronted my son about what he said. They were apparently upset about it.可知,他们不高兴的原因是知道父亲的想法,父亲不认为与他们是一家人。故选B。 2.B推理判断题。根据第二封信最后一段最后一句given your lack of good manners, these family members might disregard you in favor of someone who is more open, accepting and inclusive.可知,艾米对父亲不安的看法是负面的,即认为父亲不对。故选B。 3.A推理判断题。根据第二封信第二段中This means being included, regardless of your biological status, and reveling in relationships that are auntlike, grandparent-like or cousinlike. It is wise to explain truthfully all of these many and varied relationships to your children,可知,艾米可能会同意父亲不应该对家庭树有狭隘的态度。故选A。


Void Star by Zachary Mason

Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 400 pages

Zachary Mason creates a world in which the line between human and computer is completely erased, yet he still manages to make the reader feel for all the characters—both man and machine—equally. Add that to a highly addictive plot and an exploration of memory’s impact on our identity, and you’ve got one of the most richly complex novels of the year.

An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take It Back by Elisabeth Rosenthal

Penguin Press, 416 pages

It’s not uncommon to come across a complete takedown of the American healthcare system as it stands today. But what is uncommon is what Elisabeth Rosenthal has done in this must-read exploration of what we are (and aren’t) doing right: She has the answers we’ve all been searching for in a potential post-Obamacare world. An American Sickness is the frontline defense against a healthcare system that no longer has our well-being at heart.

A History of Violence: Living and Dying in Central America by Óscar Martínez

Verso, 288 pages

El Salvador and Honduras have had the highest homicide rates in the world over the past ten years, with Guatemala close behind. Every day more than 1,000 people—men, women, and children—flee these three countries for North America. Step outside yourself for a couple hours and immerse yourself in one of the most incredibly vivid, well-reported journeys through Central America that you will ever experience.

Sunshine State by Sarah Gerard

Harper Perennial, 384 pages

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The Day I Died by Lori Rader-Day

William Morrow Paperbacks, 432 pages

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1.If you want to know about social problems in the US, you will probably choose _______.

A. Void Star    B. A History of Violence

C. The Day I Died    D. Sunshine State

2.Which statement is NOT true according to these books?

A. Void Star is a science fiction with a highly addictive plot.

B. The American healthcare system is favored by all Americans.

C. A History of Violence perhaps involves violence problems.

D. The Day I Died is a novel not only about a murder mystery.



Happiness is one of the most precious things in life. _______ it, a man will feel that his ill fate has taken charge of him and the world is utterly dark and dreadful. As a result, too many people _______ of happiness as their ultimate goal of life. What is happiness? Many people think that when they become rich and successful, happiness will _______ follow. Let me tell you that nothing is further from the truth. The world is full of very rich people who are as _______as if they were living in hell. Besides, we have read stories about movie stars who _______suicide or died from drugs. It is _______ that money is not everything.

Happiness is not an end _______ in itself but is more of a way of life. If you’re waiting for happiness to _______, it’s likely that it never will! The only time to be happy is right now! When you’re always wanting something more and always looking forward to a time when you’ll be “happy”, you’ll never _______ that goal. Happiness is not a set of accomplishments or the ________ of material things. You must accept that life will always have ________ and things will not always go your way. Instead of feeling disappointed when things don’t ________ the way you’d hoped, you’d better feel ________ for the experience. ________ dreaming of a brighter, happier and richer tomorrow, you’d better make today as wonderful as you can.

Happiness is not some state we will one day reach for good, but a ________ process of honest, productive work which makes a real contribution to others and makes you feel you are a useful and ________ person. Just as a famous saying goes, “There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.” Happiness is a ________ decision that you can make right now. Thinking of the future and having aspirations is essential to ________ a happy and fulfilled life.

In a word, ________ waiting for happiness to arrive and simply decide to be happy! It’s not some great goal or destination, but a journey and a ________.

1.A. For    B. Without    C. Before    D. After

2.A. think    B. refer    C. regard    D. consider

3.A. naturally    B. constantly    C. eventually    D. deliberately

4.A. puzzled    B. changeable    C. disappointed    D. miserable

5.A. condemned    B. claimed    C. committed    D. commanded

6.A. possible    B. obvious    C. strange    D. difficult

7.A. dream    B. promotion    C. goal    D. success

8.A. show up    B. swell up    C. speed up    D. split up

9.A. analyze    B. arrive    C. distinguish    D. reach

10.A. distribution    B. evaluation    C. combination    D. accumulation

11.A. rewards    B. appreciation    C. challenges    D. fantasy

12.A. carry out    B. work out    C. let out    D. figure out

13.A. grateful    B. guilty    C. sympathy    D. sorry

14.A. On top of    B. In spite of    C. On account of    D. Instead of

15.A. serious    B. humorous    C. continuous    D. various

16.A. worthy    B. modest    C. kind    D. generous

17.A. reasonable    B. conscious    C. proper    D. temporary

18.A. spending    B. wasting    C. leading    D. consuming

19.A. remember    B. prevent    C. try    D. stop

20.A. lifestyle    B. criterion    C. demand    D. target



—The Smiths have invited us to join their picnic and I decide to give them a present.

—________ ! What’s it?

A. You don’t say    B. With pleasure

C. Not likely    D. I beg to differ



—Does my son listen to the teacher attentively in class?

—Rarely, believe it or not, ________ him behave well in class.

A. did I see    B. I saw

C. I have seen    D. have I seen



“Tokyo seeking international support over the Diaoyu Islands will be ________,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said on Tuesday.

A. in vain    B. in silence

C. in ruins    D. in chorus



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