满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

假设你叫李华,最近在淘宝网上购买了一双鞋子,但出现了一些问题。 [写作内容] 请...






























Dear Sir, I’m writing to complain about a pair of sneakers recently purchased from your website. What I ordered was a pair of black size-37 shoes but I received a pair of white size-38 shoes instead. Worse still, there was a ten-day delay in delivering my shoes, which should have been received on April 10. For the above reasons, I demand either a new pair of black size-nine shoes be posted to me immediately or I should be given a full refund. Also, if I send back the wrong shoes, will your company pay for the postage? Thank you for your consideration. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【解析】本题考查提纲类作文。首先要认真审题,假设你叫李华,最近在淘宝网上购买了一双鞋子,但出现了一些问题,请给网站写一封投诉信。其次要确定时态,描述购买鞋子的情况时,用一般过去时;表达自己合理的要求时,用一般现在时。然后要确定文章的结构,首先要写明自己写这封信的目的,然后对自己购买鞋子的情况进行描述,最后提出自己可以接受的解决办法。在写作过程中,上下文意思要连贯,符合逻辑关系,一定要契合题目所给出的信息,不要出现偏题问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有文采。正确使用写信的格式。 【亮点说明】这篇短文使用了一些高级句型。例如What I ordered was a pair of black size-37 shoes but I received a pair of white size-38 shoes instead.这里含有一个主语从句。Worse still, there was a ten-day delay in delivering my shoes, which should have been received on April 10. 这里含有一个非限制性定语从句。  







I like traveling and my dream of visit Beijing, the capital city of our country, come true during the National Day holidays this year. In October 1st, I went to Tian’anmen Square with my parents, there we watched the flag-raising ceremony. As I watched flag rising slowly, I sang the national anthem, feeling extremely exciting. Then we went to some other famous tourist attraction, like the Great Wall. Standing on the Great Wall, I felt very proudly. I thought of the old saying that “One who fail to reach the Great Wall is not a hero.” Although I was tired, but I really had a good time.



I am a junior in high school. There is a lady at my school 1. job is to hand out call-slips(索书单) and prevent students from leaving campus 2. permission. Before today I had never seen her smile.

The other day my friends and I were eating in the cafeteria 3. I saw her walking around. When she came closely to us I could see that she was crying. She pulled out a tissue and quickly wiped her eyes. I thought to 4. that this lady was so under-appreciated that she needed 5.(praise) for all her hard work. So I wrote a note 6.(say) that the students appreciated everything she did and 7. her contribution to our school made a difference in all of our lives. I signed it “Some thankful students” and slipped it into 8. envelope. Then I realized I didn’t even know her name. I asked all of my professors but nobody knew her name. I finally went to ask the lady at student services and 9.(tell) that her name is Kathy. I brought her a bunch of 10.(color) sunflowers and taped the envelope to it. I brought the flowers to school and left them in her office. I believed I would see her smile soon.



Some people are afraid of starting a casual conversation with a stranger because of a fear of not having anything interesting to say. Fear of rejection is also a ______ for keeping silent. Small talk in a conversation can ______ as a way of warming up and getting to ______ each other. Most people, no matter ______ successful they are at work, will find the process of ______ small talk uncomfortable, even pointless.______, you will have a pretty small world ______ you refuse to let others in. Starting off with a casual comment or question will make others ______, and even just greeting them with a simple “hello” will often be enough.

Once you have made the first ______, there is no turning back. You need to keep things ______ before you can gracefully say goodbye. Think about what you would like to ______ with a new friend and that is what you can ask the other person about. Work, family, hobbies or interests are some ______ points of discussion. To keep the ball rolling, you can show that you are really ______ in what they are saying. Once you find common ______ of interest, things will definitely ______ off from there.

Small talk can ______ out to be a pleasant experience. The conversation ______ be brief and casual without turning into a long and boring discussion. Do not let yourself ______ the conversation where other people have no chance to talk. Stop worrying about how big of a fool you may appear to be. You may ______ find out later on that you have the “______” of getting people to open up to you by engaging them in small talk.

1.A. right    B. reason    C. result    D. sign

2.A. take    B. use    C. mean    D. serve

3.A. know    B. learn    C. recognize    D. help

4.A. what    B. whether    C. why    D. how

5.A. giving    B. leaving    C. making    D. forcing

6.A. So    B. Instead    C. However    D. Besides

7.A. unless    B. until    C. if    D. Though

8.A. comfortable    B. upset    C. nervous    D. satisfied

9.A. dream    B. plan    C. wish    D. move

10.A. changing    B. rising    C. improving    D. going

11.A. know    B. share    C. do    D. show

12.A. private    B. present    C. important    D. general

13.A. careful    B. surprised    C. interested    D. encouraged

14.A. ideas    B. experiences    C. points    D. actions

15.A. take    B. put    C. get    D. set

16.A. come    B. turn    C. find    D. figure

17.A. should    B. can    C. will    D. may

18.A. start    B. complete    C. consider    D. control

19.A. still    B. even    C. ever    D. almost

20.A. right    B. belief    C. talent    D. habit



How Teens Can Stay Fit

Any type of regular, physical activity can improve your fitness and your health. Doing physical exercise is easy, but the difficult thing is that you keep moving!1., like brushing your teeth, eating, and sleeping. It can be in gym class, joining a sports team, or working out on your own. Keep the following tips in mind:

2.. A good mental attitude is important. Find an activity that you think is fun. You are more likely to keep with it if you choose something you like. A lot of people find it’s more fun to exercise with someone else, so see if you can find a friend or family member to be active with you.

Take it one step at a time.3.. For example, walk or ride your bike to school or to a friend’s house instead of getting a ride. Get on or off the bus several blocks away and walk the rest of the way. Use the stairs instead of taking the elevator or escalator.

Get your heart pumping(跳动). Whatever you choose, make sure it includes aerobic(有氧的) activity that makes you breathe harder and increases your heart rate. This is the best type of exercise because it increases your fitness level and makes your heart and lungs work better.4.. Examples of aerobic activities are basketball, running, or swimming.

Don’t forget to warm up with some easy exercises or stretching(拉伸) before you do any physical activity.5.. Stretching makes your muscles and joints more flexible too. It is also important to stretch out after you exercise to cool down your muscles.

A. It also burns off body fat

B. Stay positive and have fun

C. Physical exercise can help prevent diseases

D. Small changes can add up to better fitness

E. Exercise should be a regular part of your day

F. This warms your muscles up and may help protect against injury

G. Do the activity as often as possible, but don’t exercise to the point of pain.



Elephants don’t forget-at least, female(雌性的) elephants don’t. Elephant families are matriarchal. And the social knowledge gained by the oldest females is the key to a family group's survival (生存), according to a study published in April by Karen McComb, a biologist at Sussex University in England.

Elephants announce their presence by making a deep, long sound, a practice referred to as contact calling(联络呼叫). An unfamiliar call may mean that an elephant from outside the family group is nearby. A stranger can cause trouble. Interrupting feeding or disturbing the young. So an elephant matriarch signals the family to gather around her; then they all lift their trunks in the air to smell the unfamiliar caller. False alarms can disturb the group and take time and energy away from feeding, so survival may depend in part on getting it right.

Working with Cynthia Moss, who founded the Amboseli Elephant Research Project in Kenya 30 years ago, McComb tested the social knowledge of 21 Amboseli elephant families with matriarchs 27 to 67 years old. She played recordings of contact calls to each family and found that the oldest matriarchs were much better at picking out unfamiliar calls. In fact, a group with a matriarch in her fifties was several thousand times more likely to form into a group upon hearing an unfamiliar contact call than when hearing a familiar call. However, families with younger matriarchs were less than twice as likely to gather together upon hearing an unfamiliar contact call as compared with a familiar call. And they gathered together a lot. Moreover, the social knowledge of older matriarchs translated into favorable results: Families with older matriarchs produced more baby elephants in each female-reproductive year.

This finding shows how difficult it is to protect the oldest members of elephant families. As elephants age, they continue to grow larger, as do their much wanted tusks(象牙). So the older-and wiser-a matriarch is, the greater the chance she will be killed. About 800,000 elephants have been killed by people in the past 20 years.

1.What does the underlined word in Para 2 "matriarch" mean?

A. An old member of an elephant family

B. A female head of an elephant family

C. A wise elephant

D. A large elephant

2.The research with recordings of contact calls shows     .

A. How fast elephants form into groups

B. How important the age of a leading elephant is

C. How frightened elephants are when hearing a strange call

D. How frequently old elephants call other members of the family

3.When do elephants form into a group?

A. When they are feeding the young.

B. When they see a familiar elephant.

C. When they are giving birth to baby elephants.

D. When the leading elephant gives out a warning.

4.The older a female elephant is, _____.

A. the stronger she will be

B. the poorer memory she will have

C. the more useless her tusks will be

D. the more likely she will be killed



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