满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

You want to run across the street to cat...

You want to run across the street to catch the bus which is leaving soon? But wait! You’d better not. If a policeman sees you, you’ll have to pay a fine. New traffic laws say that if people cross the street when the light is red, they can be fined as much as 50 yuan.

Traffic accidents killed more than 100,000 people in China one year. Chinese cities have more cars than ever. Drivers and pedestrians must work together to make the streets safer.

The law has new rules for drivers and pedestrians. Drivers have to slow down when they are close to crosswalks. If people are in a crosswalk, cars must stop to let them pass. There are rules for bus drivers, too. If bus drivers, smoke, drink or make phone calls while driving, they can be fined. Buses that carry too many people are also against the law.

Pedestrians will have to walk more safely under the new law. They must cross streets at crosswalks. Also, they shouldn’t climb over the fences (栅栏) along streets.

Do you bike to school? It’s not a good idea to carry classmates on the back. You could be fined 50 yuan. And stay in the bike lane (车道), when you’ re riding. The big roads are for cars and buses.

Do you like to ride your uncle’s motorbike? When you put on your helmet (头盔), ask him to put one on, too. People on motorbikes must wear helmets, the new law says. If they don’t, they’ll have to pay 200 yuan.

Do you ride in cars often? Don’t forget to put on your seat belt (安全带), even if you’re going for a short taxi ride. It could save your life.

If you see a hit-and-run(肇事逃逸), tell the police. They may give you a reward (奖赏).And don’t be afraid to help people to the hospital if they are hurt in an accident. Don’t worry about money. The new law says that doctors must take care of them even if they can’t pay right away.

1.According to the new traffic laws, if you run across the street when the light is red, you will       .

A. be not in danger    B. be fined

C. stop the traffic    D. see a policeman

2.When you ride in a car, even if in a taxi, you have to       .

A. Put on the helmet    B. stay in the bike lane

C. Put on the seatbelt    D. see if it carries too many people

3.You should do all the following EXCEPT       .

A. carry your class mate on the back when you’re riding a bike

B. phone the police when you see a hit-and-run

C. help people to the hospital if they are hurt in an accident

D. wear your helmet while riding a motor bike

4.What’s the purpose of the text?

A. To tell us those who break traffic rules will he punished seriously.

B. TO warn drivers not to break traffic laws.

C. To warn students not to break traffic laws.

D. To tell the readers some new traffic laws.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 【解析】试题分析:本文是一篇新闻报道。在中国每年都有很多人死于车祸,所以一定要遵守交通规则。新的交通法律对行人和司机都有新的规定,要求行人必须走人行道,不准跨越栅栏,司机不准酒驾和超载等等。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段尾句New traffic laws (交通法) say that if people cross the street when the light is red, they can be fined as much as 50 yuan.可知行人如果闯红灯将会罚款。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段句子Do you ride in cars often? Don’t forget to put on your seat belt (安全带)可知,当乘车时的第一件事要系好安全带。故选C。 3.细节理解题。根据最后一段句子If you see a hit-and-run(肇事逃逸), tell the police.可知,遇到肇事逃逸要报警;根据句子And don’t be afraid to help people to the hospital if they are hurt in an accident.可知如果人们在事故中受伤要帮助他们送到医院;根据倒数第三段句子People on motorbikes must wear helmets, the new law says.可知当你骑摩托车的时候要带好头盔。这些都是新法律要求必须做的。根据第五段句子It’s not a good idea to carry classmates on the back.可知,不准骑自行车带同学。故选A。 4.写作目的题。根据第一段提到的New traffic laws say that if people cross the street when the light is red, they can be fined as much as 50 yuan.和第三段首句The law has new rules for drivers and pedestrians.以及其它内容可推断,文章主要讲述了新交通法对行人和司机的新规定,因此推断文章的写作目的是告示读者一些新交通法规。故选D。

Volunteering abroad is a great way to help others, improve your skills and become a more confident, independent person. If you are interested in volunteering abroad, here are some places to go.


If you seek a life on the beach, in a great climate with friendly people, Australia might be your best bet. With thousands of volunteers already signing up to leave for Australia during the holidays, it will be a very popular option.


This vast country has some great opportunities on offer and is especially popular this year. A lot of volunteer work is available in Brazil centers on conservation and ecological projects. With the world’s largest rainforest in Brazil, of which huge part is in danger, there are lots of different jobs you can do.


Kenya is the destination for those seeking an African experience. Generally volunteers in Kenya work in orphanages (孤儿院) or with local children living in slums (贫民窟). There is a great demand for volunteers in Africa because many people live in poverty, so if you truly feel like making a difference to a community, Kenya should be at the top of your list.

Costa Rica

Golden sandy beaches, clear coastlines and beautiful cities are what Costa Rica is all about. Because of its small size, you can see a lot of the country in just a short time. You can really make the most of your time as a volunteer. A lot of work is needed with wildlife and ecological work, so if you want to look after turtles on the beach. Costa Rica could be just the place for you

1.If you are interested in protecting the environment, you will probably go to       .

A. Australia    B. Kenya

C. Brazil    D. Costa Rica

2.It can be inferred from the passage that volunteers in Kenya mainly work with       .

A. animals    B. plants

C. the elderly    D. children

3.If you choose to go to Costa Rica, you are supposed to       .

A. work with animals on the beach

B. surf with children in the water

C. take care of trees in the forests

D. look after children who have lost their parents



假如你是外教Daniel James,学生会主席Li Hua代表学校邀请你在2017年9月1日的开学典礼上做个讲话,你接受了邀请并且回信对讲话内容作了简要的安排,主要内容要求如下:





Dear Li Hua,

A lot of sincere thanks for










Looking forward to meeting you all soon. All the best wishes!


Daniel James









Nowadays, as the development of high technology, smart phone is very popular to high school student. Smart phone once is forbidden. But now it has become a very common tool for students. A lot of students keep his eyes on smart phones all the time. Teachers are annoying about this situation, so they feel most students ignore them when they are giving lessons. Some teachers think it is time to let the students hand to hand in their smart phones.

I don’t think it is good idea. Even for the teachers, they used their phones so much, let alone the students. The teachers should improve their teaching methods to catch the students’ interest.



Last October, while tending her garden in Mora, Sweden, Lena Pahlsson pulled out a handful of small 1.(carrot) and was about to throw them away .But something made her look closer ,and she noticed a 2.(shine) object .Yes ,there beneath the leafy top of one tiny carrot was her long-lost wedding ring.

Pahlsson screamed 3. loudly that her daughter came running from the house .“she thought I had hurt 4.(I),” says Pahlsson.

Sixteen years 5.(early), Pahlsson had removed the diamond ring 6.(cook) a meal. When she wanted to put the ring back on later, it was gone. She suspected that one of her three daughters-then ten. eight, and six-had picked it up, but the girls said they hadn’t. Pahlsson and her husband 7.(search) the kitchen, checking every corner, but turned up nothing. “I gave up hope of finding my ring again," she says. She never replaced it.

Pahlsson and her husband now think the ring probably got 8.(sweep) into a pile of kitchen rubbish and was spread over the garden, 9. it remained until the carrot’s leafy top accidentally sprouted (生长) through it. For Pahlsson, its return was 10. wonder.



As everybody knows, some people have their principles. Of course ______ also have their own opinions. I have opinions about what I think is right or ______ or good or bad. But they’re only opinions! I won’t try to build my life upon my opinions, but I’ll try to ______ my principles.

It’s said that a 17-year-old boy learned a lesson about life principles. He found a woman’s ______ that contained £127 and her ______. He jumped onto his bicycle and rode to her house---about a mile away. The woman gave him a(n) ______ and twenty pounds. That evening the boy told his parents about the ______ and his father said, “I don’t think you should have ______ £20 for doing what you should have done. A person shouldn’t be rewarded for being ______.”

There’s no denying that the boy thought over his father’s ______ and then he rode to the lady’s home again and gave the ______ back to her. She didn’t want to take it, but he told her she had to and that his father ______ something to him that he had never ______ before.

In my opinion, if we are always honest and insist on the personal ______ of always doing the right thing, we will ______ change. These great principles shape our lives and make us into persons of character. They build ______ and teach confidence. It’s pretty obvious that the boy is fortunate to be ______ by a wise father.

In a word, ______ Martin Luther King, Jr. said it well, “The time is always right to do what is right.” Those were his principles. Decide to always do what is ______, today and every day, and you will find yourself building a life that ______.

1.A. some    B. others    C. another    D. other

2.A. wrong    B. unnecessary    C. impossible    D. difficult

3.A. go through    B. make out    C. give away    D. stick to

4.A. envelope    B. drawer    C. basket    D. purse

5.A. address    B. means    C. solution    D. delivery

6.A. suggestion    B. number    C. hug    D. introduction

7.A. problem    B. secret    C. accident    D. experience

8.A. received    B. accepted    C. brought    D. gave

9.A. honest    B. pleased    C. depressed    D. perfect

10.A. anger    B. explanations    C. words    D. encouragements

11.A. card    B. money    C. present    D. expense

12.A. pointed out    B. gave in    C. sold out    D. found out

13.A. realized    B. took    C. afforded    D. remembered

14.A. condition    B. standard    C. fortune    D. treasure

15.A. probably    B. nearly    C. instantly    D. actually

16.A. bodies    B. miles    C. self-esteem    D. situation

17.A. honored    B. praised    C. raised    D. warned

18.A. which    B. if    C. as    D. but

19.A. ridiculous    B. accurate    C. boring    D. absurd

20.A. makes    B. decides    C. expects    D. matters



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