满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Three years ago Jenny Salgado, a Dominic...

Three years ago Jenny Salgado, a Dominican shop assistant, moved to Highlandtown, a neighborhood of Baltimore. When she arrived the shop she works in was one of only a few Spanish businesses. Now there are many more. “It’s good now if you speak Spanish,” she smiles.

Baltimore has been losing people for 60 years. To address this, its former mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, wanted to make it the most immigrant-friendly city in the world. Its libraries provide Spanish-language exercise classes. To help those with no papers, the city is introducing micro-loans (小额贷款)which require no credit checks. City police would no longer routinely check the immigration status of citizens or enforce any federal immigration law unless required to. The then governor, Martin O'Malley made it possible for illegal immigrants to get driving licenses. Such welcoming policies are spreading. Such cities as Cleveland, Dayton and Philadelphia all eagerly try to please immigrants. Rick Snyder, Governor of Michigan, has asked the federal government to offer 50,000 visas to people who agree to live in Detroit. His administration has made it easier for skilled migrants to get professional licenses.

When a city’s population falls, both tax receipts and services fall. Half-deserted neighborhoods breed (滋生)crime, driving yet more people to leave.

No city has escaped this without attracting new residents, says Steve Tobocman of Global Detroit. Several studies suggest that when immigrants arrive, crime goes down, schools improve and shops open up. In Detroit, immigrants living near the tiny separate city of Hamtramck have formed local watches to guard against thieves. Their neighborhoods are not just safer; they are also among the only places where it is as easy to buy fresh vegetables as drugs and alcohol.

But attracting new immigrants to the cities which most need them is hard, argues Audrey Singer of the Brookings Institution. They care about the same things as everyone else: safe streets, good schools and jobs. Cities which have lost population for decades struggle with all of these.

1.What does the underlined word “address” mean?

A. Account for.    B. Deal with.

C. Get through to.    D. Take away from.

2.Which can best describe the situation mentioned in Paragraph 3?

A. A constant matter.    B. A dilemma.

C. A classic case.    D. A death circle.

3.What is the topic of the last but one paragraph?

A. The positive role immigrants play.    B. Problems caused by immigrants.

C. The living conditions of immigrants.    D. Difficulties immigrants face in Detroit.

4.Which statement may Audrey Singer agree with?

A. Attracting immigrants to cities losing people is demanding.

B. Immigrants have higher expectations of a city than its locals.

C. There is no need to encourage such immigrant-friendly policies.

D. Attracting immigrants helps prevent a city from losing population.


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.A 【解析】本文叙述了对于人口越来越少的城市来说,移民是个解决方案,文中也叙述了移民带来的积极影响。 1.B 猜测词义。第一段通过店员叙述了巴尔的摩人口以前很少。第二段“Baltimore has been loseing people for 60 years.”巴尔的摩60年来国民一直在损失。从中可看出为了解决人口少这个问题,它的前市长,Stephanie Rawlings Blake,采取了许多优惠的政策来吸引移民的到来。因此可推断词义是解决。故选B.address. 2.D 推理判断。本段内容:当一个城市的人口减少时,税收和服务都会下降。半废弃的街区滋生犯罪,这又带动更多的人离开。从本段的内容可推断出是一个恶性循环。故选D. A death circle. 3.A 推理判断题。本段内容“…when immigrants arrive, crime goes down, schools improve and shops open up…immigrants living near the tiny … have formed local watches to guard against thieves ….”从本段中可知移民的到来,犯罪率下降,学校得以改善,商店开门,人们一起来警戒小偷……。这是移民带来的积极的一面。故选A. The positive role immigrants play. 4.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“But attracting new immigrants to the cities which most need them is hard , …Audrey Singer of the Brookings Institution….”从本句推测出A是正确的。故选A。

The Arctic is not a safe place to be by any stretch of the imagination. Essentially a vast, floating block of ice, with only a small area of land, the landscape can be almost totally different from year to year. Even the most experienced explorers are lucky to return with all their fingers and toes, not to mention their lives.

Into this extreme environment stepped Nabil Al Busaidi. In fact, he didn’t just step—he stepped and skied his way across 650km, pulling 50kg of equipment. He also carried the flag of the Sultanate of Oman, which he held in the air at the North Pole, becoming the first Arab to achieve this impressive feat (壮举).

On the way to the North Pole, Nabil was driven by the reward of success and the pain at the thought of failure. “Through the 20-whatever days , every minute there was a different thing that kept me going, either the fear of failure, the fear of dying or the reward of finishing and getting somewhere warm. ”

The ever-present cold, averaging around -40 but dropping as low as a recorded -81, is his overriding (首要的) memory of the experience. As an Omani, Nabil had an additional 20 drop in temperature to get used to, compared to his British teammates. Apart from the extreme cold, polar bears were a common feature of the journey, and Nabil and the team had their fair share of bear encounters. “Polar bears are dangerous, but they are not that threatening because they don’t intend to harm humans. They’re usually either curious or just don’t care. We saw five bears, and none were aggressive,” said Nabil.

One final problem Nabil faced was the stress put on team relations by the severity of the conditions, especially during the first three stages of the journey. However, during the fourth and final leg, the team worked so well together that they travelled 130km in only two and a half days.

1.What does Paragraph 1 show?

A. Nabil’s hard-won success.    B. The value of Arctic exploration.

C. Nabil’s good luck.    D. The change of the Arctic.

2.Which is the problem Nabil faced on his journey?

A. Gradually rising sea level.    B. Frequent polar bear attacks.

C. Constantly changing climate.    D. The heavy psychological burden.

3.What can we know about Nabil?

A. He had gone on an Arctic journey before.

B. He explored the Arctic with pretty light packs.

C. He finished the exploration of the Arctic all alone.

D. He suffered more from extreme cold than his teammates.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Life in the Arctic.

B. Climate of the Arctic.

C. The first Arab to step into the Arctic.

D. Achievements scientists made in the Arctic.



Professional development courses in London

●Business writing

Delivery method: Online, Video

Price: £49

About the course: Many people get blocked when forced to put their thoughts into words at work. This course gives you the tools and techniques to improve your writing, whether it’s a two-line email or a two-hundred-page report.

●Travel writing courses

Delivery method: Classroom, Seminar

Price: £115 (full day); £125 (evening classes)

About the course: Do you want to be a travel writer? Then come along to a one-day travel writing workshop or a four-week travel writing evening class. The courses help participants to write travel features and publish them in newspapers, magazines or on websites.

Pre-sessional programmes in CAP

Delivery method: Classroom, Seminar

Price: Starting from £1,250

About the course: Our five pre-sessional programmes in English for academic purposes are intended for international students who plan to study at Aston University. These programmes aim to equip you with the language and academic skills necessary for success in your future chosen subject area.


Delivery method: Classroom, Seminar

Price: Starting from £335

About the course: Whether you write fundraising letters, or for your website(s), this course will help you gain the ideas, knowledge and skills you need to write fundraising copy that produces more impressive and profitable results.

1.How is the business writing course different from the others?

A. It is delivered online.    B. It offers evening classes.

C. It focuses on report writing.    D. It is hosted by Aston University.

2.What can pre-sessional programmes in CAP help students do?

A. Choose a suitable college subject.    B. Prepare themselves for university.

C. Go to world-class universities.    D. Only improve their academic skills.

3.Which course fits John if he hopes to write inspiring words for fundraising activities?

A. Pre-sessional programmes in EAP.    B. Travel writing courses.

C. Business writing.    D. Masterclass.



假如你是李华,目前你们小区里有很多人养宠物,有的人养小猫小狗小鸟之类的小动物i,但也有的人养凶猛(violent)藏獒(Tibetan Mastiff)等危险的动物,因此小区不再安静与安全。






Dear editor,

Nowadays many people in our community are fond of keeping pets.But there are many problems caused by the situation.I would like to tell you my thoughts about it.









Yours faithfully

Li Hua



During the last past 15years,the most important lesson I had learned is that being a big brother is not easy for my own brother.My brother is four years old than me.As a child, I often tried to following him and his friends.I was the little sister whom always wanted to be included in everything, even when they were playing the basketball.My brother got angry for me sometimes and left the house without me.Therefore,later he regretted having done that.Now,my brother lives abroad because of  his job , he always calls me to ask how everything is going with him.In a word, having a brother is a wonderfully thing.




1.Passengers are r______________(提醒)that no smoking is allowed on this train.

2.He n______________(勉强地)escaped being killed in the fighting.

3.The first bubbles to escape from the liquid are a m______________(混合物)of air and hydrogen.

4.He tried to make his girl friend calm down by a______________(道歉)for being late.

5.What similarities or differences do you know about American and Chinese school s ______________(制度)?

6.He dealt with the problem in a highly p______________(专业的)way.

7.The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand,which a______________ for (.....的原因)my appearance.

8.Many of the people have f______________(逃走)to the mountains to escape the floods.

9.We g______________(由衷地)appreciate the time you’re giving us,and thank you.

10.The staff in the London office are helpful but only have l______________(有限的)information.



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