满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1. 特色(如词汇量,用法,例句等方面);

2. 使用心得

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


Hello, everyone!









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Hello, everyone! I’d like to spend a few minutes in this class meeting introducing the Oxford English- English dictionary to you. First and foremost, it has a large vocabulary, with more than 1,000 new words added, which is indeed a help to us. As the explanations of the words are of great accuracy, it will be easy for us to understand and we will have a better understanding of a certain word. Moreover, the usages of the words are listed in detail, with many vivid examples. And I really appreciate these examples, for they can give me an authentic taste of this language. Still,, the variety of the structures used in the example sentences benefits me greatly. All in all, this dictionary really serves as a good tool for my English study. I strongly recommend you have one. Thank you for listening. 【解析】【名师点睛】高中英语提纲式作文写作技巧 高考中提纲式作文非常常见。下面是写提纲式作文的一点技巧。 1、审题:审题是做到切题的第一步。所谓审题就是要看清题意,确定文章的中心思想、主题,并围绕中心思想组织材料。 2、审好题进行构思,列出简单的提纲,打造文章之骨架. 3、扩展成文。扩展的内容一定要紧扣主题,不要写那些与主题不相关的内容。 扩展成文时还需注意以下方面问题: 确保提纲中段落结构的思路与各段主题句的一致性,要点完整,要灵活运用各种句式,从而增加文章的可读性。用好连接词,注意段落间、句子间的连贯性,注意使用高级框架结构的句子,让文章的结构错落有致,浑然一体 分析:本文属于提纲作文,本文给出了一个话题,关于你最近使用了一本新版的牛津英英字典,感觉非常实用,请你利用英语班会时间,向同学们推荐它。你的推荐是本词典的词汇量大,并有新增的单词,对我们有帮助。而且单词的用法讲解细,有例句等方面。最后是使用它的心得。 由于本文是向同学介绍词典的作法,用语相对来说要口语化。因此开以打招呼的方式开头:Hello, everyone!并使用了的委婉语“ I’d like to do… ”来造句引出了话题: I’d like to spend a few minutes in this class meeting introducing the Oxford English- English dictionary to you.。接着用连词(First and foremost,…Moreover… And…, )引出了推荐的理由:(理由1使用一个由which引导的非限制性定语从句)it has a large vocabulary, with more than 1,000 new words added, which is indeed a help to us. 理由2使用由as引导的原因状语从句As the explanations of the words are of great accuracy, it will be easy for us to understand and we will have a better understanding of a certain word.再用Moreover承上启下理由3使用了被动语态: the usages of the words are listed in detail, with many vivid examples. 下面又用and 引出了自己使用它的心得即:And I really appreciate these examples, for they can give me an authentic taste of this language. Still,, the variety of the structures used in the example sentences benefits me greatly.最后由一词组“All in all”作了总结:All in all, this dictionary really serves as a good tool for my English study. I strongly recommend you have one. 这本词典真的值得拥有,并强烈推荐,以此呼应了上文。 整个文章一气呵成,使用了连词及一些高级词汇如foremost , of great accuracy ,listed in detail, appreciate these examples, give me an authentic taste of, All in all. serves as a good tool ,ect.复合句与简单句相结合,条理清晰,要点完整,可称得上一篇好文章! , t  






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Smart phones had become part of our daily life. No matter who we are, we can see people busy play with their smart phones. Smart phones benefit them. They help us escape the pressure of life and get informations. However, if we spend too much time on them, we won’t have time to contact face to face our friends or family. And our life, study and work will hurt. In my view, we should limit to our using smart phones except for a purpose of learning. Meanwhile, it’s absolute necessary for us to take part in more outdoors activities.



One day, about ten years ago, while working at the cash register in the gift shop at my University Museum of Natural History, I saw 1. elderly couple come in with a little girl in a wheelchair. As I looked 2. ( close) at this girl, I found that she was fixed on her chair. I then realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, a neck and upper body, 3. (dress) in a little white skirt. As the couple wheeled her up to me, I turned my head toward the girl. When I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back 4. the girl, who was giving me the most optimistic, largest smile I had ever seen. All of a sudden, her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl, 5.smile just melted me 6. almost instantly gave me a completely new sense of 7. life is all about. She took me from a poor, unhappy college student and 8. (bring) me into her world; a world of smiles, love and 9. (warm). I’m a successful business man now and whenever I think about the troubles of the world, I think about that little girl and the remarkable lesson about life that she taught10..



One evening I was going back from a supermarket. As I ______ my car, I noticed that some person stood beside me. He was the one that could be ______ as a bum (流浪汉). It seemed that he was homeless. I ______ that he would ask me for money, but he did not do that. He only said, “ Your car is very nice.”

After several moments of ______, I replied, “ Thanks.” And then the inner voice ______ to me, “Ask him if he needs help.” After a short ______ I asked him that. His response was ______. I will never forget those simple three words “ Don’t we all? ”

It was a true ______ to me. I need help, just as those ______. I had money and a place to sleep, but I ______ needed help. Then I opened my wallet and offered him enough money to get some shelter for a day.

______ I understood that no matter how much money, ______, luxury things we have, we all need help. And on the other hand, no matter how poor you are, how many ______problems you have, you still might be giving. ______ it’s just a nice word, it can be ______to other people.

Maybe that man was just a homeless stranger, but to me he was ______ that. Maybe he was a man sent to ______me that there is one thing, among all ______, which is very important and cannot be ______for every person. Actually, it is a true ______ and it’s called Giving.

1.A. left    B. locked    C. approached    D. parked

2.A. turn down    B. referred to    C. left behind    D. kept off

3.A. expected    B. understood    C. admitted    D. recognized

4.A. contact    B. absence    C. conversation    D. silence

5.A. responded    B. reacted    C. appealed    D. whispered

6.A. hesitation    B. distance    C. drive    D. break

7.A. casual    B. cautious    C. astonishing    D. ambiguous

8.A. defeat    B. exploration    C. discovery    D. challenge

9.A. in reality    B. in trouble    C. in danger    D. in action

10.A. still    B. even    C. only    D. already

11.A. Previously    B. Obviously    C. Generally    D. Suddenly

12.A. achievements    B. talents    C. potentials    D. budgets

13.A. medical    B. material    C. absurd    D. theoretical

14.A. If only    B. Now that    C. Even though    D. In case

15.A. priceless    B. harmless    C. blameless    D. useless

16.A. other than    B. more than    C. rather than    D. less than

17.A. warn    B. promise    C. remind    D. assure

18.A. efforts    B. memories    C. factors    D. values

19.A. substituted    B. assigned    C. contradicted    D. betrayed

20.A. inspiration    B. gift    C. faith    D. guidance



Being successful in an exam is not just about studying hard and knowing the subject inside out. 1.

Research has shown that the calmer the mind, the better its ability to register and remember information. 2. When the mind is relaxed, it is in the “state of alpha”, where your brain waves are at about seven to fourteen cycles per second, the most helpful state for studying.

Choose a quiet place for studying and have everything handy that you need: books, pens, something to drink. 3.In this case, you can see yourself being congratulated by your family, friends and teachers. Enjoy the experience. And now you should be completely charged up and ready to absorb and keep important information.

4.It is a good idea to make a list of all the important things you have to learn, in order of importance, and estimate how much time you need for each one. Add it all up and compare this with how much time you have available. This will tell you if you have time to read slowly and carefully, or if you can only skim; also it will show you many times you can afford to look over the same information.

Because stress can have a negative effect on your memory, it’s important to stay calm during tests. 5. Breathing exercises during the examination, for example, can be extremely effective in helping you relax and reverse your stress response: just take deep breaths, and let the stress come out when you exhale(呼气).

A.Learn to both read between lines and skim.

B.Ensure that you sleep and eat well before a test.

C.Relax your body and mind and imagine the day of the results.

D.There are some stress relief techniques that can help to calm you down.

E.There are other things that you can do to help ensure you get good grades.

F.Every time you sit down to study, give yourself five minutes to calm your mind.

G.Depending on what you want to study, and how much you have to cover, plan your time.



The “swim-with-dolphins” tourist industry is becoming more popular every year. After all, it can cost a large amount of money to have this kind of holiday experience. So tour operators try to place eager swimmers as near as possible to the dolphins by trying to predict where the dolphins will be.

Research has shown that while dolphins can move away if they do not want to interact (交流) with human swimmers, they do not like it at all if the swimmers slip into the water directly on top of them or if humans are in their path of travel. However, if swimmers enter the water to one side of them, the dolphins do not avoid the swimmers to the same extent.

In all cases, the dolphins seem to have become more sensitive to the presence of the swimmers. For dolphins, swimming amongst or with humans is not necessarily a high priority. This research has shown that only 19% of any group of dolphins will participate in interaction. Young dolphins are the most likely to interact; they do seem curious about being with humans. It is believed that they see humans as “entertainment” and that the interaction is a new and unusual experience for them.

It is frequently asked whether “swim-with-dolphins” tourism should be discontinued. The advice is that dolphins should be given enough periods of time throughout the day when they are not exposed to tourism. Permitted interactions should not be too disturbing to the dolphins since there could be mothers and calves (幼崽) present in dolphin groups. There should also be educational campaigns about the creatures and what is likely to cause danger to them.

It is not easy to explain to someone that they cannot fulfill their lifelong dreams because the dolphins are resting, or that a mother dolphin and calf are in the area. But if we are to enjoy these remarkable animals and not just use them for our entertainment, then we must carefully monitor the “swim-with-dolphins” industry worldwide.

1.What makes “swim-with-dolphins” tourism popular?

A. The local government’s encouragement.

B. The improvement of people’s living standard.

C. The increasing number of tourists.

D. The high profits of the industry.

2.Why are young dolphins more likely to swim with humans?

A. They do this out of curiosity.

B. They like humans better.

C. They are less sensitive.

D. They prefer new things by nature.

3.What does the author suggest the “ swim-with-dolphins” industry do in Paragraph 4?

A. Avoid interaction with young dolphins.

B. Strictly limit the expansion of the industry.

C. Make people know the hidden threat to dolphins.

D. Expose dolphins to tourists only in the daytime.

4.What can be inferred from the last sentence of the passage?

A. The industry has been a hot topic worldwide.

B. The industry aims to bring happiness to humans.

C. The industry enables humans to swim with dolphins.



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