满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When Sabrina Vega was 5 years old, a fri...

When Sabrina Vega was 5 years old, a friend invited her to a party held at a gym where Sabrina discovered that she loved doing gymnastics.

A few nights after the party, Sabrina had a dream. She told her mother, Jahira, about the dream. Jahira said, “Sabrina said that in her dream she went to the Olympics. She described everything at this international competition. At first I did not take her story seriously.”

But Sabrina kept talking about her dream. She told it to her father, David. So Jahira and David decided to pay for Sabrina to learn gymnastics.

So Sabrina started to train at a special and competitive gym. Though only 7 years old, she was already training to compete at a high level. The years passed quickly. Sabrina got better and better. By the time she was 12 years old, Sabrina was training so many hours each day that she did not have time to do things that many other Americans of an age did.

When Sabrina was 13, she had a chance to compete in a national gymnastics event. If she did well, the event would give her the chance to join the national team — the team that trains for the Olympics.

But the family was out of money. Jahira had to tell Sabrina that she could not go. Jahira said, “Tears came to her eyes, and she said, ‘I understand’.”

A week or two later, a rich family came to visit Sabrina’s gym unexpectedly. They watched Sabrina train. Then they asked to talk to her mother. The rich family offered Jahira all the money they needed!

Eventually, Sabrina Vega competed at the 2012 Olympic Trials. She finished 10th in the all-round.

1.Sabrina Vega had a dream to       .

A. go to the party

B. do gymnastics

C. take part in the Olympics

D. attend a national competition

2.From the passage, we can infer       .

A. Sabrina’s parents were tired of her talking

B. Sabrina’s parents loved her and were moved by her

C. Sabrina’s parents supported her dream even at the beginning

D. Sabrina became a national team player at the age of twelve

3.What does the author want to tell us?

A. All roads lead to Rome.

B. Early birds catch worms.

C. Practice makes perfect.

D. God bless the determined and hard-working.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. A talented girl    B. The caring parents

C. An Olympic dream    D. A helping hand


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.C 【解析】这篇文章主要讲了Sabrina Vega做了一个参加奥运会的梦,于是她说服自己的父母送她去学习体操,有梦想的女孩儿Sabrina Vega通过自己的努力,最终获得了成功。 1.细节理解题。根据Sabrina said that in her dream she went to the Olympics.可知Sabrina Vega做了一个参加奥运会的梦。所以选C 2.推理判断题。根据But Sabrina kept talking about her dream. She told it to her father, David. So Jahira and David decided to pay for Sabrina to learn gymnastics. 可以看出Sabrina Vega家虽然非常贫困,但她的父母仍然送她去学习体操,可见她的父母非常爱她,并且被她感动了,所以选B。 3.推理判断题。本文讲了有梦想的女孩儿Sabrina Vega通过自己的努力,最终获得了成功。所以作者想要告诉我们天道酬勤这个道理。 所以选D。 4.主旨大意题。这篇文章主要讲了Sabrina Vega做了一个参加奥运会的梦,于是她说服自己的父母送她去学习体操,有梦想的女孩儿Sabrina Vega通过自己的努力,最终获得了成功。所以选C。


1. 特色(如词汇量,用法,例句等方面);

2. 使用心得

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


Hello, everyone!









Thank you for listening.








注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Smart phones had become part of our daily life. No matter who we are, we can see people busy play with their smart phones. Smart phones benefit them. They help us escape the pressure of life and get informations. However, if we spend too much time on them, we won’t have time to contact face to face our friends or family. And our life, study and work will hurt. In my view, we should limit to our using smart phones except for a purpose of learning. Meanwhile, it’s absolute necessary for us to take part in more outdoors activities.



One day, about ten years ago, while working at the cash register in the gift shop at my University Museum of Natural History, I saw 1. elderly couple come in with a little girl in a wheelchair. As I looked 2. ( close) at this girl, I found that she was fixed on her chair. I then realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, a neck and upper body, 3. (dress) in a little white skirt. As the couple wheeled her up to me, I turned my head toward the girl. When I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back 4. the girl, who was giving me the most optimistic, largest smile I had ever seen. All of a sudden, her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl, 5.smile just melted me 6. almost instantly gave me a completely new sense of 7. life is all about. She took me from a poor, unhappy college student and 8. (bring) me into her world; a world of smiles, love and 9. (warm). I’m a successful business man now and whenever I think about the troubles of the world, I think about that little girl and the remarkable lesson about life that she taught10..



One evening I was going back from a supermarket. As I ______ my car, I noticed that some person stood beside me. He was the one that could be ______ as a bum (流浪汉). It seemed that he was homeless. I ______ that he would ask me for money, but he did not do that. He only said, “ Your car is very nice.”

After several moments of ______, I replied, “ Thanks.” And then the inner voice ______ to me, “Ask him if he needs help.” After a short ______ I asked him that. His response was ______. I will never forget those simple three words “ Don’t we all? ”

It was a true ______ to me. I need help, just as those ______. I had money and a place to sleep, but I ______ needed help. Then I opened my wallet and offered him enough money to get some shelter for a day.

______ I understood that no matter how much money, ______, luxury things we have, we all need help. And on the other hand, no matter how poor you are, how many ______problems you have, you still might be giving. ______ it’s just a nice word, it can be ______to other people.

Maybe that man was just a homeless stranger, but to me he was ______ that. Maybe he was a man sent to ______me that there is one thing, among all ______, which is very important and cannot be ______for every person. Actually, it is a true ______ and it’s called Giving.

1.A. left    B. locked    C. approached    D. parked

2.A. turn down    B. referred to    C. left behind    D. kept off

3.A. expected    B. understood    C. admitted    D. recognized

4.A. contact    B. absence    C. conversation    D. silence

5.A. responded    B. reacted    C. appealed    D. whispered

6.A. hesitation    B. distance    C. drive    D. break

7.A. casual    B. cautious    C. astonishing    D. ambiguous

8.A. defeat    B. exploration    C. discovery    D. challenge

9.A. in reality    B. in trouble    C. in danger    D. in action

10.A. still    B. even    C. only    D. already

11.A. Previously    B. Obviously    C. Generally    D. Suddenly

12.A. achievements    B. talents    C. potentials    D. budgets

13.A. medical    B. material    C. absurd    D. theoretical

14.A. If only    B. Now that    C. Even though    D. In case

15.A. priceless    B. harmless    C. blameless    D. useless

16.A. other than    B. more than    C. rather than    D. less than

17.A. warn    B. promise    C. remind    D. assure

18.A. efforts    B. memories    C. factors    D. values

19.A. substituted    B. assigned    C. contradicted    D. betrayed

20.A. inspiration    B. gift    C. faith    D. guidance



Being successful in an exam is not just about studying hard and knowing the subject inside out. 1.

Research has shown that the calmer the mind, the better its ability to register and remember information. 2. When the mind is relaxed, it is in the “state of alpha”, where your brain waves are at about seven to fourteen cycles per second, the most helpful state for studying.

Choose a quiet place for studying and have everything handy that you need: books, pens, something to drink. 3.In this case, you can see yourself being congratulated by your family, friends and teachers. Enjoy the experience. And now you should be completely charged up and ready to absorb and keep important information.

4.It is a good idea to make a list of all the important things you have to learn, in order of importance, and estimate how much time you need for each one. Add it all up and compare this with how much time you have available. This will tell you if you have time to read slowly and carefully, or if you can only skim; also it will show you many times you can afford to look over the same information.

Because stress can have a negative effect on your memory, it’s important to stay calm during tests. 5. Breathing exercises during the examination, for example, can be extremely effective in helping you relax and reverse your stress response: just take deep breaths, and let the stress come out when you exhale(呼气).

A.Learn to both read between lines and skim.

B.Ensure that you sleep and eat well before a test.

C.Relax your body and mind and imagine the day of the results.

D.There are some stress relief techniques that can help to calm you down.

E.There are other things that you can do to help ensure you get good grades.

F.Every time you sit down to study, give yourself five minutes to calm your mind.

G.Depending on what you want to study, and how much you have to cover, plan your time.



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