满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Andy lived high in the Rocky Mountains. ...

Andy lived high in the Rocky Mountains. He hunted wild animals there and he also took other men to hunt, which was his work.

One day a letter brought Andy a new job. This job changed both his feeling about animals and his way of hunting. The letter said, “I want to write a story about bighorn sheep(大角羊). I need pictures to go with my story. Will you get pictures of the sheep for me?"

Andy's two sons wanted their father to take the job. "We will help you!” they said. Bighorn sheep are very wild. Andy knew it would be hard to get their pictures. “But why not try?" they said.

For days, Andy and his sons tried to get their pictures, They did not want the sheep to hear them or see them, so they walked softly. They hid behind rocks, but the sheep always ran away.

Then one day, Andy and his sons walked around a big rock. They met some sheep face to face, but they didn't run. "Now I know why the sheep run away," Andy said. "They run because we come up behind them. From now on, we will stay where they can see us."

The next day; Andy saw some sheep right out in the open. He and his sons walked toward them. They did not try to hide, and they did walk slowly. They knew that any fast move would frighten them away.

"Don't look direct at the sheep," Andy said. "Wild animals do not like to be looked at. They will run away. " They looked off to this side and to that side, and they walked closer and closer. And soon they were close enough to get good clear pictures.

They made good friends with the wild sheep—and sent many fine pictures to the writer for his story. Since then, they have never hunted the bighorn sheep again.

1.What was the new job Andy got?

A. To hunt bighorn sheep.

B. To protect bighorn sheep.

C. To take pictures of bighorn sheep.

D. To write a story about bighorn sheep.

2.What is the right way to get close to bighorn sheep?

A. Looking directly at them.

B. Walking slowly to their faces.

C. Running to them from one side.

D. Following them from behind.

3.What did Andy gain from his new job?

A. He won respect from his children.

B. He was well paid by the story writer.

C. He knew better how to use a camera.

D. He learned more about bighorn sheep.


1.C 2.B 3.D 【解析】本文讲述了安迪因为一封信得到了新工作——替别人给大角羊拍照。安迪通过给大角羊拍照更加了解野生羊,并且和它们建立了友谊,并且从此以后再也没有捕杀大角羊。 1.C细节理解题。根据第二段中的"One day a letter brought Andy a new job. This job changed both his feeling about animals and his way of hunting. The letter said, “I want to write a story about bighorn sheep(大角羊). I need pictures to go with my story. Will you get pictures of the sheep for me?”可知,安迪因为一封信得到了新工作就是替写信的人给大角羊拍照。故选C。 2.B推理判断题。根据第五段中的"Then one day, Andy and his sons walked around a big rock. They met some sheep face to face, but they didn't run. "Now I know why the sheep run away," Andy said. "They run because we come up behind them. From now on, we will stay where they can see us."可知,安迪正面走到大角羊面前,发现羊儿们反而没有跑开。可以推断出接近大角羊的方法是慢慢走到他们面前。故选B. 3.D细节理解题。根据最后一段中的" They made good friends with the wild sheep—and sent many fine pictures to the writer for his story. Since then, they have never hunted the bighorn sheep again."可知,安迪通过给大角羊拍照更加了解野生羊,并且和它们建立了友谊,并且从此以后再也没有捕杀大角羊。故选D。








Dear Tom,

Thanks for your e-mail last time.










Li Hua









Last Saturday, Mum gave me two tickets for a film. Although she was too busy to go with me, she told me to sell the extra ticket if possibly. At the gate of the cinema I met a handsome young man who was offered to have them, but he had only an 100-yuan note. He asked me to wait a while for him change it in the cinema’s store. Without much thinking, I agreed. He walked so fast that I could hard keep up for him. Soon he disappeared. I stood there without knowing how to do. Suddenly I realized the handsome young fellow has cheated me. He had saved money, but lost his honor.



Have you ever noticed how hard it can be to find the right words? I have, frequently! And there are times 1. I am certain the right words do not even exist.

More than once I have been called to a hospital emergency room or to be with a family around the bed of a 2. (die) relative. And more than once I’ve been at a 3. (lose) for words.

4. wise doctor at a university teaching hospital once made a comment about comforting those who suffer. Someone asked the doctor 5. advice he offered his students, the future doctors, when caring for mothers who gave birth 6. lifeless babies. The doctor paused for a moment. Then he said, “I tell them they need two eyes. With one eye they have to check the drip. And with the 7. they have to weep. That’s what I tell them.”

That may be some of 8. (wise) advice I’ve heard. We may not always need to figure out what to say; we really only need two eyes. In Emily Dickinson’s words, “Saying nothing sometimes says the most.” It says I want to walk alongside them, difficult 9. it may be. My 10. (present) is something they can draw real strength and hope from.



Loving Today’s Challenge!

My 13-year-old son and I had quite the adventure this morning! We frequently walk by a ______ landscaped (美化的) yard with a nice little flower garden. I wanted to ______ my thanks for the time and effort put in by the ______, but I’ve never seen him or her, so we went to a local nursery and bought a gift card that I will leave with a ______ and a smile card the next time that I pass by.

We also ran to Walmart and ______ a few $ 10 gift cards along with some note cards and our other ______. While we were putting our things away in the car, my son ______ that a lady that had just parked next to us looked a little ______. As soon as she entered the ______, we grabbed (夺取) a note card, made a note ______, and added a gift card for her to find when she got back to her ______, hoping to comfort her feelings.

After that, we went for a(n) ______ breakfast. The restaurant was pretty ______ and the people working in the kitchen seemed to be busy forever. A young couple ______ across the dining room from us was having some trouble with their ______, who looked to be about four or five. He grew ______ and impatient with the wait and they had their hands ______ keeping him from making troubles.

I remember being in their ______, so I stopped their ______ and had their breakfast added to my check. Great ______ to my day, and I can’t wait to do it again!

1.A. smoothly    B. carelessly    C. roughly    D. beautifully

2.A. express    B. recognize    C. design    D. accept

3.A. nurse    B. dentist    C. gardener    D. passer-by

4.A. present    B. note    C. book    D. diploma

5.A. bought    B. borrowed    C. sold    D. imported

6.A. instruments    B. desserts    C. vegetables    D. groceries

7.A. suspected    B. observed    C. imagined    D. reserved

8.A. elegant    B. generous    C. excited    D. upset

9.A. store    B. clinic    C. bank    D. nursery

10.A. slowly    B. unwillingly    C. quickly    D. shyly

11.A. house    B. car    C. bike    D. bench

12.A. early    B. delicious    C. expensive    D. late

13.A. decorated    B. empty    C. packed    D. deserted

14.A. lain    B. loaded    C. seated    D. arranged

15.A. kid    B. daughter    C. dog    D. pet

16.A. defenseless    B. tireless    C. careless    D. restless

17.A. available    B. full    C. normal    D. necessary

18.A. shorts    B. gloves    C. shoes    D. socks

19.A. waitress    B. child    C. customer    D. hostess

20.A. end    B. start    C. story    D. dream



For over one hundred and fifty years,Americans of all social classes have worn blue jeans.1..Whether they are worn for work or for fashion today,Strauss' invention continues to be popular not only among Americans but also among people around the world.

Levis Strauss was born in Germany in 1829.2..He grew up in Kentucky before moving to New York in 1847, before becoming an American citizen and moving to the West in 1853,Strauss worked in his brother's dry goods business.This gave him a chance to produce his famous invention.After the gold rush of 1849,Strauss decided to move to the West to seek his fortunes.

Strauss did not want to be a person who searched an area for minerals.Instead,he knew he could make a good living by selling supplies to the miners.At first,he planned to sell sewing supplies and cloth.3..When he heard miners complaining that their clothes were easily broken or they usually tore their pockets during mining he decided to use a special fabric to make pants for the miners.These pants proved so popular that he quickly ran out of materials to make more.

In 1873,Strauss received a letter from a Jewish tailor named Jacob Davis who had invented a process of connecting pockets with copper rivets(铆钉).This made the pants last a long time.Because Davis did not have the money to patent his idea,he offered to share it with Strauss if Strauss would agree to pay for the patent.4..

By the time Strauss died in 1902,he had made a great contribution to American fashion.

5..The business has been growing ever since and Levi Strauss & Company is now one of the largest clothing companies in the world.

A.As a young boy,he moved with his family to the United States.

B.Nobody knew what kind of material was suitable.

C.He did and Levi jeans have been made with metal rivets ever since.

D.However,he did not get lunch business from those products.

E.He also made a great contribution to America's clothing-industry.

F.Since they were invented by Levi Strauss,they have become a symbol of American consumer culture.

G.As the business grew,Strauss got much money from it.



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