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Ann stepped outside her front door to se...

Ann stepped outside her front door to see1.the weather was like. It was still cold and2. (rain). It had been so cold that she had had to turn her heater on. She was lucky because her heart worked and she could pay her  3.(heat)bills.

Some people in Los Angeles weren’t so lucky.4.(able)to use their home heater, the placed charcoal into a barbecue grill and lit it. The heat kept them warm, but the carbon monoxide killed them.

This happens almost every winter in Los Angeles. People shut all the windows tight5.(keep)the cold out, then light the charcoal. Soon enough, the oxygen in their home 6.(consume)by the open flames. The family choke to death. Everyone knows smoke detectors(检测器)are required in Los Angeles. 7.many people don’t know about, or don’t think they need carbon monoxide detectors. They’re not expensive. A $25 investment can save a family from death.

People always think that nothing bad will happen to them; it always happens to “8.other guy”. So they forget to put several fresh 9.(battery) into their smoke detectors10.(annual), and they don’t bother to buy carbon monoxide detectors.


1.what 2.rainy/raining 3.heating 4.Unable 5.to keep 6.is consumed 7.But 8.the 9.batteries 10.annually 【解析】这篇短文讲述Ann因为天气冷而关闭门窗,打开暖气,但是有的洛杉矶的人们由于无法使用暖气而使用燃烧木炭,这样容易一氧化碳中毒,人们总是不在意,不去安装一氧化碳探测器。 1.考查宾语从句引导词。句意:Ann走出前门,想看看天气是怎样的。see后面是宾语从句,从句中设空处做like的表语,在从句中作表语只能用what.故填what. 2.考查介词。句意:天太冷了,她不得不把暖气打开。turn on打开。故填on. 3.考查动词ing形式。句意:她很幸运,因为她的取暖器工作,而且她还能支付取暖费。heating bill取暖费。故填heating. 4.考查分词。句意:由于无法使用家庭取暖器,他们在烧烤架上玩木炭,并点燃了它。此处“,”之前是省略的状语从句,结合句意可知完整的从句为“as they were unable to use their home heater”,从句中的主语与主句主语一致并且从句中有be动词时,可省略从句中的主语及be动词,放于句首,首字母大写。故填Unable. 5.考查不定式。句意:人们把所有的窗户都关紧,以保持寒冷,然后点燃木炭。此处是句子的目的状语,用不定式表目的。故填to keep. 6.考查动词形式。句意:很快,他们家里的氧气就被明火吞噬了。consume耗尽,消耗。根据句意可知consume与主语the oxygen之间是被动关系,主语是不可数名词,谓语用单数。故填is consumed. 7.考查连词。句意:但是很多人都不知道,或者不认为他们需要一氧化碳探测器。根据上下句关系可知,此处表示转折,放于句首,首字母大写。故填But. 8.考查冠词。句意:人们总是认为没有什么不好的事情发生在他们身上,总是发生在“另一个人”身上。此处表示除去自己的另一个人,根据名词guy是可数名词单数,所以用the other。故填the. 9.考查名词。句意:因此,他们忘记了每年在他们的烟雾探测器上安装几个新电池,他们也不会费心去购买一氧化碳探测器。根据battery 是可数名词,及前面的several可知此处用battery的复数形式batteries.故填batteries. 10.考查副词。句意:因此,他们忘记了每年在他们的烟雾探测器上安装几个新电池,他们也不会费心去购买一氧化碳探测器。结合句意可知annual在句中作时间状语,应该用副词形式annually.故填annually.

An anxious father,was worriedly sitting outside an operation room.Having met with a bad accident,his son was lying____inside.For the father,every moment seemed longer than a year.Suddenly a doctor____towards the operation room.

The father just could not control his____,“My son is lying on the____table for so long!”The doctor____the father and said,"This is the____I could reach.Please don’t____.”Then he continued running to the operation room. The father became even angrier,"How____you said not to worry!You doctors have no____at all!”

An hour passed;three more hours went by;the father then began to think of all the____things that he might have to hear once the doctor finished the marathon operation.____,the doctor came out of the room.Before the father could ask him____,the doctor said,“Your son is fine now.”land rushed away.

The father became angry again.He shouted at the nurse,“How proud!What does he think of himself?He has done no____to me at all!It is his____to serve his patients.”

The nurse requested him to____down and said,"I'm sorry,sir.Your son is out of____.The doctor who operated on your son was in the graveyard(基地)when we called him____your son was brought here.His son____away last night.Before leaving,the doctor gave me all the necessary____.”

Don't____before knowing the whole truth.

1.A. unconscious    B. unwilling    C. regretful    D. hopeless

2.A. walked    B. looked    C. drove    D. rushed

3.A. fear    B. pain    C. sorrow    D. anger

4.A. dinning    B. operation    C. writing    D. work

5.A. looked down on    B. took care of    C. stared at    D. laughed at

6.A. earliest    B. latest    C. hardest    D. farthest

7.A. worry    B. cry    C. hesitate    D. quarrel

8.A. stressfully    B. easily    C. patiently    D. embarrassedly

9.A. abilities    B. courage    C. feelings    D. spirits

10.A. dangerous    B. urgent    C. favorite    D. worst

11.A. Quickly    B. Gradually    C. Finally    D. Immediately

12.A. why    B. anything    C. when    D. everything

13.A. favour    B. wrong    C. good    D. harm

14.A. duty    B. problem    C. dream    D. chance

15.A. break    B. calm    C. set    D. fall

16.A. sight    B. order    C. danger    D. control

17.A. before    B. although    C. as long as    D. as soon as

18.A. walked.    B. passed    C. got    D. ran

19.A. possessions    B. assignments    C. instructions    D. requests

20.A. reply    B. imagine    C. regret  .    D. conclude



Four Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Travel Agent

While online booking engines have made it easier for travelers to buy their own flights or hotel rooms, travel agents still offer a level of service.1.

Have you visited my destinations?

Whether you’re traveling to Paris or Puerto Rico, ask if your agent has been there.2.But they don’t always measure up to being there in person. “Book knowledge or online training seminars by suppliers is totally different from experiencing it firsthand,” Flagg says.

What is your response time?

If waiting several days for a response to an emailed question is going to make you anxious, ask potential agents when they’re available and how quickly you should expect a response. “Some agents are part-time agents, and they work in the evenings,” Griswold says. “3.Others do this full time. It’s definitely smart to find out if your schedule can adjust with what your agent can provide.”


Agents provide varying levels of service. Some will only book hotels and flights and leave you to fill in the other details, so if you’re expecting help with dinner reservations or ground transportation, ask if he can handle those. “A good agent is going to help you with any details that you want,” Griswold says.

What fees should I expect?

Some agents charge a flat fee or an hourly fee for travel consulting, while others earn commission from the airline or hotel booked. “ 5.”Griswold says.

A. What services do you offer?

B. How do you find a right service?

C. Some are available during the school day

D. Guidebooks and websites offer lots of advertisements

E. Ask about fees, whether there are booking fees or any other fee.

F. Guidebooks and websites offer lots of details on given destination

G. Here are some questions that can help you choose the right travel agent.



Before you walked down the aisle—if you even did---did you first agree to take your partner’s name? had you agreed to the bank for updated credit cards, changed your email address, and updated your Facebook?

I didn't; and I know plenty of women out there didn't, either. So I was pretty shocked to learn that in a recent survey, over 50 percent of U.S. citizens believe a wife should take her husband's name—and she should be required to do so by law.

Author Emily Schafer, a sociology professor at Portland State University, surveyed a representative national sample of 1,200 people tar the study, which found that a larger number of American adults think there needs to actually be a law in place to prevent women from keeping their own name.

The most common reason given? The general belief is that women should prioritize(优先)their marriage and their family ahead of themselves. To this, I admit I'm a bit confused, because I don't understand how exactly riot taking your husband’s last name means you aren't prioritizing your marriage.

Now, I didn't take my husband's name for a variety of reasons: I didn’t feel like the name was "mine" and professionally I had built up a reputation as a writer under my maiden(未婚的)name, so I didn't want to lose that. His surname wasn't easy to spell, either; everyone gets it wrong (including my mother—still—and we've been married 13 years).But most of all, I felt like in taking my husband's last name, I was losing a huge sense of self. And while yes, we are a family, I don't want his surname to define me. I'm not his possession.

Just like every aspect of motherhood, each woman should be respected for the choices she makes—without having to do anything by law. And we should all be grateful to Lucy Stone—the first American woman to legally maintain her last name after marriage in 1856.Just imagine how difficult that must have been to forego tradition in that time?

1.What can be learned about the tradition of taking a husband's name from the survey?

A. A law should be there to break the tradition.

B. The majority of American adults support the tradition.

C. The majority of American women go against the tradition.

D. The law requires wives to take their husbands' names in America.

2.Why does an American woman generally take her husband's name?

A. To value her marriage and family.

B. To show honesty to her husband.

C. To join in the family of her husband.

D. To unite a new family under the same name.

3.What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about?

A. Why the author didn't use her husband's name.

B. Why the author's mother didn't like her husband.

C. How worthy the author's own maiden name was.

D. How bored the author became with her husband's name.

4.What does the author think of the tradition?

A. It's reasonable    B. It isn’t worth caring

C. Every coin has two sides    D. It's out of date and confusing.



If you believe in thermometers(温度计),you should believe in global warming. And if you believe in eating fries with your burger, you should worry more about carbon emissions.

It won't happen overnight, but as the planet's climate changes, the growth cycles of main crops will all be heavily affected .Here are three of the crops that might not beat the heat.

The potato actually needs a great deal of beauty rest to develop properly. “They need a cool nighttime temperature in order to start growing the tuber, the part that we eat,” Nelson says.

Temperature and altitude are two primary concerns in coffee growth, and farmers are stuck between a rock and a hard place. “We know that coffee grows in a certain temperature range,” Nelson says. “They've been moving up the mountains, but at some paint you run out of mountains to move up.” Higher-grade strains of Arabica coffee in Central American regions are at particular risk due to the need for lower growing temperature, especially since diseases and pests are also becoming more of a factor as temperatures rise.

Even if you're looking at the direct effects of temperature alone, rice is in trouble. “As nighttime temperatures go up ,the rice is going to have a problem flowering and won't make as many seeds,” Nelson says. In addition to this direct heat consequence, rising sea levels will flood many rice fields and destroy water salinity levels, while droughts will lower production, raise prices, and further shame westerners who are too clumsy with chopsticks to be able to clear their plates once a new grain is adopted.

1.What is the closest meaning to the underlined word “emissions” in Paragraph 1?

A. Mixture.    B. Pollution.

C. Going down.    D. Letting off.

2.What does the potatoes' development need according to Nelson?

A. Enough water and salt.    B. Cool temperature at night.

C. Much sunshine and fresh air.    D. Sudden rise of the temperature.

3.The rice is difficult to flower, probably because______.

A. sea levels go up suddenly    B. the temperature rises at night

C. many seeds can't be produced    D. both temperature and altitude rise

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. How Does Global Warming Affect Westerners

B. How Does The Cool Temperature Affect Ride

C. What Is The Real Reason For Crops' Growth

D. Three Crops That Won't Survive Minor Climate Changes



I went to the cinema this afternoon to see La La Land. Before going into the screening my sister and I visited the ladies’ washroom. As we entered, a little blonde haired girl about 5 years of age opened one of the cubicle(小隔间)doors and ran out of the washroom, hot pants in hand and looking upset and overwhelmed.

I went after her. Her dad was standing outside. She quickly gave him the hot pants to dress her. Little sweetheart. She obviously couldn't manage to button up her hot pants. Even though she had her little white tights on, she must have felt embarrassed about the lack of hot pants.

I tried to calm and reassure her, saying, “When I saw dad standing outside I knew he was waiting for someone very pretty, but I just hadn't realized how, pretty she was going to be.” She didn't bite; dad smiled though. I offered to bring her back to wash her hands.

She was too tiny to squeeze soap out of the dispenser, so I helped her. I could see poor dad out of the side of my eyes .He was right at the door looking in. I went with her to the hand dryer, but she was so tiny that the sensor couldn't even detect her little hands. I lifted her up and her hands were properly dried, well at least a little.

I was moved by this little girl’s helplessness in an adult world. I also felt for dad having to trust that his little girl would feel safe and secure for the few minutes out of his sight.

I reached out for help. I tried to bridge the gap when a little helpless girl was a few minutes without a trusted adult and a concerned father had to for a moment accept he could not give her the security he wanted for her. It wasn't much but it helped a caring father and his little daughter and for that, I'm grateful.

1.Why did the little girl catch the author's attention?

A. She got frightened by strangers.

B. She needed clothing to cover her.

C. She was probably lost in the crowd.

D. She was in an embarrassing situation.

2.Why did the hand dryer fail to work for the little girl?

A. The size of the sensor was too small.

B. She was not tall enough to reach it.

C. She didn’t know how to operate it.

D. It was drying the author's hands.

3.How did the father feel in the story?

A. Helpless.    B. Shy.

C. Shameful.    D. Calm



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