满分5 > 高中英语试题 >










Dear Liu Hua,

I learn that you prefer to work directly after high school rather than go to college.But I don't think it is a wise choice in a long term.__________________________________________________________________________









Liu Ming


I learn that you prefer to work directly after high school rather than go to college. But I don't think it is a wise choice in a long term. Actually, universities can offer various opportunities which you can take advantage of. Once being there, you can meet with people who share the same interests and build up relationships with them. Last but not least, you can also learn some important skills and improve personal abilities, develop self­confidence, and figure out what you want to be and can do in the future there. In my opinion, what we can learn and experience in university will be the best treasure of our life. Best wishes, Li Ming 【解析】书面表达的解题思路: 1.确定文章的体裁,本题所要求写的书面表达是书信,那么首先就需要知晓书信的写作特点。 2.确定文章时态的基调,确定文章时态的基调对于整个写作非常重要。它直接决定了不同句子使用的时态正确与否。就本题的要求,这篇短文应该使用一般现在时为主。 3. 给文章划分基本段落,仔细阅读题目要求和文字提示,领会要写的文章的主题,确定文章的段落,写出各段的主题句。本题中的内容要点有:①. 你写信的目的; ②.介绍你对刘华的做法的观点:列举上大学的好处(2-3点);③.陈述自己的观点。这样确定文章的基本段落分为三段。 4.尝试用高级词汇,使可读性增强。美化句子可以采用复合句和特殊的句型结构,也可以采用形式主语、形式宾语或简略句来实现。 5.连句成篇,在连句成篇的过程中需要注意过渡句和连接词的使用。 【范文亮点】 Once being there, you can meet with people who share the same interests and build up relationships with them. 句意:一旦到了那里,你就可以遇到那些有着相同兴趣的人,并与他们建立关系。此句中,once引导分词短语作状语,be与逻辑主语(主句主语)you之间是主动关系,因此用了现在分词作状语。主句中含有一个定语从句“who share the same interests”修饰先行词people。And连接两个承接的谓语动词meet和build up.  







After shopping,Mother and I went to a restaurant for lunch.I notice Mother looking at a nearby table occupy by an elderly woman and young couple.They ate silently,and it was clearly that things were not going well.As we left, Mother stopped on their table.“Excuse me,”she said,put her arm around the unhappy old woman.“You remind me so many of my mother.May I hug(拥抱)you?”The woman smiled happily as she accepted to it.After we left,I said, “That was very nice of you,Mother.So I didn’t think she looked like Grandma.”“Neither did me,”said Mother cheerfully.



Long ago,there was a mother and a son living in a house.She worked hard every day,1.they were always poor.

One day,her son stole his friend’s bag.“Mom,what do you think of this bag?”His mother praised her son instead of scolding him.The next time,he stole2.overcoat.She praised him again.A few years3.(late),he grew up to be a young man.He stole jewelry and brought them to his mother.This time,she did not scold her son.Then,he started4. (steal) more expensive things.

One day,the police caught him.Before he5.(put) in prison,he begged the police to meet his mother.They took him6.his mother.As soon as he saw his mother,he suddenly bit her ear.“Ouch!What is the matter with you?”She finally scolded him.Her son answered.“If you had given me a scolding like that when I stole the first bag,I could not 7.a thief.”8.(look) at her son heading to prison,“If only I9.turn back time,I would scold him severely.”She said10.(regret).



When I was growing up,I was ashamed to be seen with my father.He was severely disabled and very_______. When we would walk together,he put his hand on my arm for_______,and people would stare.I would be afraid of the unwanted_______.If he ever noticed or was bothered,he never let_______his feelings.It was_______to coordinate(使协调)our steps,and because of that,we didn't_______much as we went along.But as we started out,he always said,“You set the _______.I will try to follow you.”Our usual walk was to or from the subway,which was_______he got to work. He went to work,despite sickness or bad weather.He almost never missed a day,and would_______it to the office even if others could not.

He never talked about himself as an object of________.Nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or ________. What he looked for________others was a “good heart”,and if he found one,the________was good enough for him.Now that I am older,I believe that is a proper________by which to judge people,though I________don't know exactly what a “good heart” is.

He has been gone many years now,________I think of him often.I wonder if he________I was unwilling to be seen with him during our________.If he did,I am sorry for my feeling________to be with him in public and how I regretted it.I think of him when I complain about trifles(琐事),when I am envious of another's good fortune,and when I don't have a “good heart”.

At such times I put my hand on his arm to________my balance,and say,“You set the pace,and I will try to follow you.”

1.A. strong    B. energetic    C. short    D. handsome

2.A. balance    B. strength    C. comfort    D. courage

3.A. care    B. attention    C. situation    D. friendship

4.A. in    B. down    C. off    D. out

5.A. easy    B. difficult    C. possible    D. necessary

6.A. see    B. tell    C. say    D. give

7.A. rule    B. time    C. step    D. pace

8.A. how    B. why    C. when    D. where

9.A. get    B. make    C. take    D. walk

10.A. joy    B. faith    C. belief    D. pity

11.A. poor    B. painful    C. able    D. hardworking

12.A. on    B. in    C. at    D. with

13.A. owner    B. keeper    C. winner    D. other

14.A. method    B. value    C. standard    D. level

15.A. already    B. also    C. ever    D. still

16.A. so    B. but    C. now    D. then

17.A. sensed    B. smelled    C. agreed    D. recognized

18.A. walks    B. talks    C. stays    D. visits

19.A. afraid    B. proud    C. ashamed    D. disappointed

20.A. find    B. refill    C. have    D. regain



Have you ever seen the pictures of those suffering people who struggle every day for just a few drops of water? Water is not a never-ending resource(资源),but a resource more valuable and limited than anything else on the earth. 1.But drinking water is becoming less and less.It is important that people understand this.2.

According to a senior official,China is facing a water crisis(危机)more serious than any other countries in the world.3.Measures must be taken to save water.

4.?By following these simple suggestions,you will save money on your water bill.Vegetables and fruit should be washed in a bowl rather than under a running tap.Never put the water down the drain(下水道)when there may be another use for it such as watering a plant or cleaning.

Avoid washing the toilet unnecessarily.5.Take shorter showers.Do not let water run while shaving,brushing your teeth or washing your hair or face.Recently,Singaporeans were urged to shower a minute less as part of a national water protection effort.

By thinking carefully about your water use in the home and changing some water wasting habits,it is easy to save water.

A.Do not use your toilet as a wastebasket.

B.Saving water is the proper thing to do now.

C.Some other countries are facing water problems.

D.The crisis is caused by widespread drought(大面积的干旱),pollution,rapid economic growth and waste.

E.Water is the most important thing for life.

F.People can overcome drought by saving water.

G.It is important to use water wisely.



Although heat wasn't an issue at first,as it would become later,coming from New York to India would shock any foreign tourists.Quickly,however,I noticed how nice and helpful everyone was to us.The guest house we stayed in was full of people willing to help.The other two volunteers also helped to calm my nerves about being in India so far away from my home.After the first few days I was eager to get to Bal Ashram.

Upon getting to Bal Ashram,I was able to meet the boys,who called Bal Ashram their home.The center itself helps to rescue boys from child labor in various areas of India and give them a jump-start into education for free where they will then return to their families and continue their education.They are taught that without education there can be no future.Through education,Bal Ashram also builds a sense of community which can be seen with everyone who works and is taught here.Teaching English here to the children gave me great pride in knowing that these children would be helped within their own experiences here at Bal Ashram and their future lives.Each child was always willing to learn more.

Boys there were always seen laughing.Afternoon sports and nightly social events,including dancing,were just one of the many highlights with me and the children.Even my inner life was enriched,let alone theirs.Living in Bal Ashram also gave us a first hand view of village life in India as well as the culture and religion that surrounds this country.

My time spent at Bal Ashram was one I will never forget.Through the simplicity and life of the people and the children who are full of innocence and joy,I have taken with me so much more than when I arrived.

1.Why did the author come to India?

A. To learn about Indian culture and religion.

B. To learn about the life in Indian villages.

C. To work as a volunteer English teacher.

D. To rescue Indian boys from hard labor.

2.What did the author suffer from most while staying in India?

A. The unfair treatment by other volunteers.

B. The hot weather.

C. The communication barriers.

D. The culture and religion differences.

3.According to the text,what is Bal Ashram?

A. small town where the author stayed.

B. A host family that offered the author food and shelter.

C. A nonprofit educational and service organization.

D. An educational program offered to poor children in Indian.

4.The boys the author communicated with were ______.

A. uninterested in education

B. optimistic and in high spirits

C. unable to forget their pain and sufferings

D. out of touch with their parents forever



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