满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was 3 am, a cold and wet night, on Au...

It was 3 am, a cold and wet night, on August 21, 2010. I had just left a local club to travel ten kilometers home when I lost________of my car on Grand Junction Road in Hope Valley.

I ______into a still car that was_______in front of a house, and then hit a tree. I was badly injured!______still, I had no idea that a fire had started______the bonnet(引擎盖)of my car.

___ in the car behind me was a young man, who I later found out was called Jared. He saw the accident occur and ______to help me out of the car. He put his own life in ______when he got into the back seat trying to undo my seat belt.

With my seat belt ______, Jared then broke the driver’s window to drag me out. He_______did this while my car was burning_______by the crash, the homeowners came out to investigate(调查). Jared told them to ring emergency services_______he continued to help me out of the car.

I ______my life to Jared and I consider him a good friend due to the_______bond created on the night he dragged me to safety. I was rushed to the Royal Adelaide Hospital in a _______condition, five bones broken.

I spent a few weeks in hospital, during which time Jared visited me to see how I was _____ .He also continued to contact me after I returned home. He says he doesn’t believe that he did anything special. On that, I ______disagree with him and am very glad that he didn’t get hurt in the _____.

Today, nearly seven years later, Jared and I still ______and often talk about the events of that night. Jared is my  ____ and my friend.

1.A. balance    B. sight    C. interest    D. control

2.A. got    B. stepped    C. crashed    D. hid

3.A. kept    B. parked    C. found    D. stood

4.A. Worse    B. Luckily    C. Clearly    D. Badly

5.A. off    B. under    C. near    D. beyond

6.A. Sitting    B. Sleeping    C. Driving    D. Waiting

7.A. stopped    B. failed    C. happened    D. hesitated

8.A. practice    B. hand    C. safety    D. danger

9.A. renewed    B. undone    C. repaired    D. fastened

10.A. hardly    B. gradually    C. bravely    D. naturally

11.A. Annoyed    B. Dragged    C. Warned    D. Woken

12.A. while    B. although    C. until    D. since

13.A. devote    B. owe    C. take    D. save

14.A. bloody    B. social    C. special    D. loose

15.A. nervous    B. pleasant    C. normal    D. serious

16.A. recovering    B. operating    C. struggling    D. relaxing

17.A. eventually    B. exactly    C. totally    D. probably

18.A. spot    B. process    C. way    D. challenge

19.A. take care    B. fit in    C. drop in on    D. keep in touch

20.A. angel    B. owner    C. doctor    D. driver


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.A 【解析】本文是记叙文,讲述了作者在发生车祸时,是一年轻人贾里德冒着生命危险救了他,并在作者住院期间看望他,他们由此成为了好朋友,从此以后一直保持联系。 1.D 考查固定搭配。由第二段的内容可知是出事故了,是因为车失控了。Lose control of…,为固定搭配,意思为“失去对….控制了”。句意:我刚离开当地的俱乐部在回家的路上,突然我的车失去了了控制。故选D。 2.C 考查动词辨析。句意:我的车撞到了前面一辆停止不动的车。get into,养成,进入;step into,进入; crash into撞上;hide…into…藏进.。因此C撞上,符合题意。 3.B 考查动词辨析。根据前面的“a still car”是一辆不动的车,可推测出是停放在房前的车。故选B.park停放。 4.A 考查固定搭配。Worse still更糟糕的是, 更坏。 5.B 考查介词辨析。句意:我不知道,在我车的引擎盖下起了火。因为在盖下才不知道,所以under在……的下面,符合题意。故选B。 6.C 考查动词辨析。由文章可知作者在开车回家的路上,所以这个人应该是也是开车的,所以才能看见我的车起火了,故选C.driving.开车。坐(sitting)在车里的或睡(sleeping)在车里的都不符合题意,更不会是在车的后面等(waiting) 7.A 考查动词辨析。从下文可知,后面车里的年轻人看见事故发生,停下来去帮助我下车。Stop to do sth.停下来去做另一件事。Fail to do,没做某事,happen to do ,碰巧做某事,hesitate to do,不愿意做某事,犹豫着做某事。因此stop to help me 停车来帮助我。故选A。 8.D 考查固定搭配。in practice 实践中,in hand 在手边,在手里;in safety 处于安全状态; in danger处于危险中。从下文他帮助处于起火车中的我试图解开安全带时,是把自己的生命置于危险之中(in danger).故选D。 9.B 考查动词辨析。从空后内容可知,Jared把我从窗户里拖出来,可知把安全带解开。A. renewed更新的,重建的,复兴的;B. undone已解开的,C. repaired 修理了的, D. fastened系紧了的。因此B符合题意。 10.C 考查副词。从下文可知,我的车正在着火,可知他救我很勇敢(bravely)。A. hardly 几乎不, B. gradually 慢慢地;C. bravely 勇敢地; D. naturally自然地。故选A。 11.D 考查动词辨析。由本文的第一段第一句可知是在一个又冷又湿的夜里,所以(睡觉中的)房子的主人被撞车的声响惊醒,故选D. Woken唤醒; Annoyed恼怒的,气恼的;Dragged被拖的,Warned被警告的。从句意可知D唤醒符合题意。 12..A 考查连词。句意:贾里德让他们打急救电话,与此同时他继续帮我下车。while在…期间, 一边…一边…,,与…同时,虽然,而;although尽管,虽然;,但是,然而。until 一直到…; since自从…以来,自从…的时候起,既然 。从句意可知while符合题意,故选A。 13.B 考查动词辨析。 我欠Jared一条命(是Jared救了我一命)。 devote…to…把…贡献给… ;. owe…to… 欠…,把…归功于…;take…to…. 把…带到…;save节省,挽救。从句意判断,owe 符合题意,故选B。 14.C 考查形容词。我把他看作好朋友,因为他在那天夜里把我拉到安全的地方,这种特殊的(special)关系。在第17小题与18小题之间(he doesn’t believe that he did anything special)的提示。bloody血腥的,残忍的,血一样的,血染的。social社会的,社会上的, 交际的,社交的;special特殊的,专门的,专用的;loose松的,散漫的自由的。从句意可知是那天夜里Jared救了我这种特殊的关系。故选C。 15.D 考查形容词辨析。从本空的上文(我被紧急送往皇家阿德莱德医院),本空的下文(五块骨头断裂),因此伤势严重(serious).A.nervous神经的,紧张不安的,胆小的。B. pleasant令人愉快的,有趣的。C. normal正常的,正规的,标准的。D. serious严肃的,严重的, 认真的,庄重的。因此D符合题意。故选D。 16.A 考查动词辨析。A. recovering 恢复;B. operating操作,手术;C. struggling 努力,奋斗;D. relaxing放松。我住了几个星期的院,在这期间Jared来看我恢复的怎么样。因为是住院,所以是恢复(recover)的怎么样。故选A. 17.C 考查副词。A. eventually最后,最终。B. exactly精确地,确切地C. totally完全,整个地,全部地。D. probably大概,或许,很可能。句意:他说他不相信那夜他做了什么特别的事。对此,我完全(totally)不同意他。故选C。 18.B 考查名词。句意:我很高兴他在这个(救我的)过程(process)中没有受伤。A. spot地点,场所,。B. process 过程,工序。C. way道路。方法。方向。某方面。D. challenge挑战。从句意可知是在救他的过程中,故选process。 19.D 考查动词短语辨析。take care提防,小心; fit in适应,适合;drop in on顺道拜访keep in touch保持联络。由上下文内容:七年后的今天,贾里德和我经常谈论那天晚上发生的事情,由此可知他们保持联系(keep in touch)。故选D。 20.A 考查名词辨析。angel 天使; owner主人;doctor医生;driver司机,驾驶员。从上文可知是贾里德救了我,因此他是天使(angel),故选A.

How to Get Organized

No one likes staying disorganized, so if disorganization is crowding your life and as a result you’re feeling frustrated, then it’s time to get organized. Organization takes time, but when you get into the habit of it, life becomes so much easier! 1.

1. Keep A List Of Things To Do

2.. Rather, they keep a list of things to do and then they check them off once they get done. Let making a list to do be your new habit.

2. Never Put Things Off

Procrastination is typical of those who are irresponsible and careless. 3., They do not want to put things off. They would rather stay up late and do what they are supposed to do.

3. Quit Multitasking

You are an organized person only if you do not let the stuff around you arranged in stages. 4.. Do it, and then move on to the next one.

4. Involve Other People

Organized people do not do it all alone. They try to involve others usually their wives or husbands, for support. Another good thing about this is that such couples usually manage to raise disciplined and responsible children.


First things first! What are your priorities? Do not waste your time trying to do 156 things. Spend your time and energy on something that is worth it. smaller things can wait. The things that are essential should always be done.

A. Priorities Rule.

B. Avoid Getting Tacked

C. It only takes a week to start a habit

D. Organized people do everything on time

E. Many people struggle with disorganization

F. Organized people do not keep things in head

G. Stay focused and concentrated on one task only



When Lone Star College student Dwyanya Earnhardt first heard about a food pantry(食品室)opening at her college in September 2015, she was embarrassed to ask for help, but knew she needed it. she’s used the food pantry several times since.

Lone Star Montgomery Campus is among a growing number of US colleges opening food pantries for students. In the Houston area alone, San Jacinto College and the University of Houston Downtown(UHD) have also added them. UHD opened its food pantry in spring 2015. it’s hoping to increase its use among students through a program being launched this term. About 100 to 150 students will be awarded food scholarships to use in a new food bank constructed inside the student services building.

“More students of different backgrounds have access to higher education, but that you got in doesn’t mean you have the support coming from home to keep you in,” said Patrick Jefferson, UHD”s assistant vice president for student affairs.

“Many of the students come after work, take their class, then they go home, and they don’t leave their challenges at the front door,” said Jefferson. “We’re recognizing that we just can’t ay. ‘We only worry about our students’ academic challenges.’ We have to think about the student as a whole person.”

The majority of donations to Lone Star’s food pantry have come from teachers and students. The food pantry is open from noon until 3 p. m. on Tuesdays and Fridays, but students can request it at another time if needed. Nearly 590 students have used the pantry since it opened last fall.

San Jacinto College has been offering food pantry services twice a month to students since 2013. The college sends a bag of items on certain days and has received more than 1,000 student requests since it began. It allows students from all income levels to request food. UHD and Lone Star Montgomery Campus also follow the same policy.

1.When a food pantry was first opened in Lone Star College__________.

A. it was quite new to all Americans

B. all colleges in the US followed the example

C. Dwyanya Earnhardt was not aware of its necessity

D. Dwyanya Earnhardt felt uncomfortable to ask for help

2.The food pantry in UHD is intended to __________.

A. build a new food bank

B. give support to students

C. offer service to teachers

D. award 250 students scholarships

3.Patrick Jefferson holds the idea that ___________.

A. students have to balance between work and study

B. students’ academic challenges are his main concern

C. access to higher education means easily continuing schooling

D. students’ challenges involve academic challenges and other problems

4.What can be inferred about the food pantries in Lone Star College and San Jacinto College?

A. Both of them offer services twice a week

B. Both of their donators are teachers and students

C. Neither of them sets income level standards for students

D. Neither of them has received as many as 1000 student requests



Despite the vital role they play in many ecosystems, animals considered to be “ugly” are being ignored by scientists. A study had found uglier animals attract less attention and less funding when it comes to conservation efforts and research. This could mean the ugliest animal population could be under threat.

The study was conducted by wildlife biologists Trish Fleming and Bill Bateman in Perth, Australia. They looked at research publications concerning 331 Australian mammal species that broadly fell into categories they labeled as “the good, the bad and the ugly”. It turned out that studies into “the good group” and “the bad group” were carried out while the “ugly group” was ignored.

Ugly animals, such as the fruit bat and the tree bat, are being ignored by conservationists. And some animals are even becoming endangered because of how they look. The Madagascan lemur(狐猴)called the aye---aye is so ugly that the natives have long seen them as a bad sign, or a sign of death, so they kill them whenever they see them. Other ugly animals under threat include the dugong(儒艮)and the proboscis monkey(长鼻猴).

Despite making up 45% of the 331 species studied, the ugly animals have attracted little attention from scientists. “We know so little about the biology of many of these species,” said Trish Fleming. “For many, we have catalogued their existence, but when it comes to understanding what they eat, their habitat needs, or how we could improve their chance of how we could improve their chance of survival, we are still in the dark.”

With Bill Bateman, Trish Fleming has called for improved funding for the lesser known mammals. “It would be ‘tragic’ if humans ended up causing the extinction of more species without even knowing anything about them,” they said.

1.Based on the text, the “ugly” animals _________

A. are increasing in number

B. get more conservation funds

C. play an important role in the ecosystem

D. cost quite a great deal of money in research

2.Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. People see the dugong as a sign of death

B. More attention has been paid to “the ugly animals”

C. There was not enough study about “the ugly animals”

D. Trish and Bill did research on 331 Australian mammals

3.The main reason for some animals’ being endangered may lie in _________.

A. their unpleasant looks    B. their broad categories

C. their economic values    D. their lovely appearances

4.The best title for the text would be _________.

A. The Ugliest Animal in the World

B. The Ugly Species Are under Threat

C. The Living Habits of the Ugly Species

D. The Proboscis Monkey Is Endangered



One day a professor entered the classroom and told the students about a surprise test. After hearing that, all students were seated and waited for the test to begin. Now, the professor gave the test papers to all students with text facing down on the desk. Once he was done with handing out the test to all students, he asked them to turn the test pages and begin.

Students were confused to see that there was not a question but just a black dot in the center of the page. The professor noticed the students’ facial expressions and told them, “I want you to write about what you see there.”

The students were still confused but got started with the test. At the end of the class, the professor took all answer sheets and started reading each answer from each sheet in front of all students. All of them described about the black dot and tried to explain its position. After the professor finished reading, the whole class was silent.

Now, the professor began to explain, “Don’t worry. I am not going to give you grades for this but I just want you to think about something. Here everyone focused on the black dot and wrote about it but no one wrote about the white paper. The same is with our lives. The white paper embodies our whole life and the black spot problems in our life.

Our life is a gift given to us by God, with love and care, and we always have reasons to celebrate---our friends around us, the job that provides us our livelihood, the miracles we see everyday. Still we just focus on day to day problems like health issues, lack of money, problems in relationships, etc. But we never see that these problems are very small compared to everything we have in our lives.”

1.From the text we learn that _________.

A. the professor gave the students an unexpected test

B. the professor graded the students’ test papers

C. none of the students focused on the black dot

D. the students were unwilling to take the test

2.The underlined word “embodies” in Paragraph 4 probably can be replaced by ________.

A. presents    B. represents

C. empties    D. enriches

3.What is the main idea of the text?

A. Be happy to take tests

B. Life is filled with problems

C. There are many black dots in our life

D. Take eyes off problems and enjoy life



Find out way around the British Museum, discover some of the most famous objects, and explore the unique collection.

Top tip

Some of the galleries can be very busy at peak times. If you want to avoid the crowds, try visiting these galleries.

Room 1

The Enlightenment Gallery provides an introduction to the Museum and its collections, showing how our understanding of the world of nature and human achievement has changed over time. It is divided into seven sections that explore the seven major ages. It is open daily 10:00---17:00, until 20:30 on Fridays.

Rooms 24

The Welcome Trust Gallery deals with the tough realities of life in many different ways. The displays in Room 24 explore different approaches to our shared challenges as human beings, focusing on how diverse cultures seek to maintain health and well-being. Daily 11:00---16:00.

Room 34

The John Addis Gallery houses the museum’s collection of Islamic art, which now officially forms part of the Department of Middle East. This includes objects from the earliest years of Islam to the 20th century. Available every Fri. , Sat. and Sun. at 11:30—14:00.

Room 77

Greek and Roman Architecture Gallery has an especially important collection of architecture and architectural sculpture from ancient Greek buildings. It has the earlier and later temples and the architecture on display in the room includes examples of the Corinthian and Composite orders in particular. Daily 11:00-----16:00.

Room 95

View famous blue-and-white china, which was first produced in China around AD 600. the skillful transformation of ordinary clay into beautiful objects has attracted the people across the globe. Within this gallery of almost 1,700 objects are examples of the finest china in the world, dating from the 3rd to the 20th century. Available Mon. ---Fri. at 10:30---16:00.

1.You can visit _______to know the general information about the Museum.

A. the Welcome Trust Gallery    B. the John Addis Gallery

C. Room 1    D. Room 95

2.The Welcome Trust Gallery features __________.

A. the understanding of living and dying

B. the ways of keeping healthy in Britain

C. the different realities in different cultures

D. the ideas about keeping fit from different cultures

3.If you plan to visit the John Addis Gallery at 12:00, you can go on ______.

A. December 1, 2017(Friday)    B. June 15, 2017(Thursday)

C. May 9, 2017(Tuesday)    D. March 20, 2017 (Monday)

4.Who might prefer to visit Room 95?

A. Professional architects    B. China lovers

C. Scholars majoring in religion    D. Students interested in medicine



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