满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

After a short ,I got my bag from the thi...

After a short         ,I got my bag from the thief’s hand successfully.

A. exchange    B. explanation

C. encouragement    D. struggle


D 【解析】试题分析:考查名词辨析A. exchange交换B. explanation解释,C. encouragement鼓励,D. struggle 挣扎,斗争,句意是:短暂斗争后,我成功的从小偷手里拿到包。 考点;考查名词辨析

I had as much fun sailing the seas as I now dowith students.

A. working             B. work

C. to work             D. worked



Every minute and every second should be made full         of         the finals.

A. use;to prepare for

B. using;to prepare for

C. use;preparing for

D. used;being prepared for



—My brother is a knowledgeable person in his office.

        books you read,        knowledge you’ll gain.

A. The many;the more    B. The more;the much

C. The more;the more    D. The many;the much



To the great ______ of the young writer, his first book sells well after it was published in May.

A. silence             B. respect

C. satisfaction          D. congratulation



The radio club in our school, which is in _____ charge of Hao Zhe, is much more than just ____ music for everyone.

A. /; /    B. /; the    C. the; /    D. the; the



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