满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I awoke in the night to find my husband ...

I awoke in the night to find my husband gently rocking our baby son,Noah.

I felt in my heart that something was _______ wrong with Noah.This was one of several nights Noah had been _______,burning with a high fever.

Tears filled my eyes as I watched my husband move Noah’s little cheek up _______ his own chests,so that Noah could _______ the vibrations(振动) of his voice.Noah is deaf.

We had taken Noah to doctor more times than I can _______.It had been a week and a half and Noah’s _______ remained very high.I knew in my soul that Noah was in _______.

I gently touched my husband’s shoulder and we looked into each other’s eyes with the same _______.

When morning finally came,we called the doctor and were told to _______ him in again.Our hearts ________with fear.The doctor looked Noah over and told us the news we ________.Noah had to be admitted to the hospital.

I couldn’t focus on anything,and I couldn’t stop ________.I felt as if I were shattering(垮掉)from the inside out.My husband ________ me that he felt in his heart that Noah would be OK.He never gave up.

A short time later,the doctor told us that Noah’s first ________ were back,and that he had Influenza A(流感).Noah would ________ and soon be back to his little self.

Marty and I grinned(露齿而笑) at each other through our tears.________,in the middle of the night,we were told that it was ________ to take Noah home!

A few days later,I was cooking dinner.I peeked into the living room,seeing my husband playing and laughing with Noah.They both looked up and ________ me watching them,and my husband and I signed “I love you” to each other,then to Noah.And then Noah put his little arm up,________ to sign his own “I love you” to his daddy.I watched with tears as my husband ________ helped Noah form his tiny fingers into the sign I love you.

1.A. slightly    B. seriously    C. partly    D. suddenly

2.A. away    B. down    C. up    D. out

3.A. from    B. behind    C. with    D. against

4.A. feel    B. touch    C. see    D. know

5.A. describe    B. choose    C. remember    D. understand

6.A. fever    B. voice    C. weight    D. spirits

7.A. peace    B. trouble    C. anxiety    D. shock

8.A. pity    B. faith    C. regret    D. fear

9.A. bring    B. send    C. turn    D. call

10.A. met    B. covered    C. filled    D. presented

11.A. received    B. expected    C. suggested    D. requested

12.A. crying    B. talking    C. writing    D. thinking

13.A. warned    B. reminded    C. believed    D. comforted

14.A. notices    B. messages    C. results    D. samples

15.A. rest    B. recover    C. relax    D. change

16.A. However    B. Therefore    C. Besides    D. Finally

17.A. fine    B. unusual    C. impossible    D. necessary

18.A. understood    B. accepted    C. caught    D. noticed

19.A. meaning    B. trying    C. managing    D. pretending

20.A. hurriedly    B. nervously    C. curiously    D. carefully


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.D 【解析】本文是一个充满爱的家庭故事,作者以一位母亲和妻子的口吻讲述了自己和丈夫因聋哑的儿子生病而紧张担心的经历,最后又描写了丈夫陪儿子玩耍、教儿子用手语说“我爱你”的情节,字里行间都流露出一个女人对孩子和家庭的爱,画面温馨而感人。 1.考查副词。根据下文的“This was one of several nights Noah had been ,buring with a high fever.”可知,我内心感觉到Noah很(seriously)不对劲。slightly 轻微地,seriously 严重地,partly 部分地, suddenly忽然地,所以选B。 2.考查副词。根据上文的“my husband gently rocking our baby son”可知,Noah半夜起来(up) ,away离开, down向下, up起来,out在外,所以选C。 3.考查介词。根据下文“Noah is deaf.”可知,丈夫把Noah的脸颊紧紧地贴在(up against)胸前。from 来自, behind落后于, with 用,against倚、靠,所以选D。 4.考查动词。根据下一句“Noah is deaf.”可知,丈夫把Noah的脸颊紧紧地贴在胸前是为了让Noah感觉(feel)他的声音所带来的振动。feel 感觉, touch 触摸, see 看到,know知道,所以选A。 5.考查动词。句意:我已经记(remember)不清带Noah去看了多少次医生了。describe 描述, choose 选择,remember 记得, understand理解,所以选C。 6.考查名词。根据上文的“burning with a high fever”可知,Noah高烧(fever)不退。fever 发烧, voice 声音, weight 体重,spirits精力,所以选A。 7.考查名词。上文说Noah一整夜高烧不退,可知此处是说Noah陷入麻烦之中(in trouble)。peace 和平, trouble 麻烦, anxiety 焦虑, shock震惊, 所以选B。 8.考查名词。上文说Noah高烧不退,因此我和丈夫很害怕(fear) 。pity同情,faith 信念,regret 遗憾, fear害怕, 所以选D。 9.考查动词。根据下文医生给Noah检查可知,医生让我们再次把Noah带来(bring in) 。bring 带来, send 发送,turn 转向,call呼叫,所以选A。 10.考查动词。根据本空后的“with fear”可知,我们的心里充满(fill with)了恐惧。met 遇到,covered 覆盖, filled 充满, presented提出,所以选C。 11.考查动词。上文说Noah陷入麻烦之中,再结合本空后的“Noah had to be admitted to the hospital.”可知,和我们预想(expect)的一样,Noah需要住院治疗。received 收到,expected 预想,suggested 建议,requested要求,所以选B。 12.考查动词。根据本空后的“I felt as if I were shattering(垮掉) from the inside out.”可知,得知儿子病得这么重,我忍不住哭泣(cry) 。crying哭泣, talking 说话,writing 写, thinking思考,所以选A。 13.考查动词。根据本空后的“...that he felt in his heart that Noah would be OK.He never gave up.”可知,丈夫安慰(comfort)我说Noah一定会没事的。warned 警告, reminded 提醒,believed相信,comforted安慰,所以选D。 14.考查名词。根据本空后的“and that he had Influenza A”可知,第一份检查结果(results)显示Noah得了流感。notices 注意,messages 信息,results 结果, samples样品,所以选C。 15.考查动词。根据本空后的“and soon be back to his little self”可知,医生说Noah很快就会康复(recover) 。rest休息,recover 康复,relax 放松, change改变,所以选B。 16.考查副词。根据本空后的“in the middle of the night,we were told that”可知,此处是说最后(finally)。However 然而,Therefore 因此, Besides 此外, Finally 最后,所以选D。 17.考查形容词。根据本空后的“to take Noah home”可知,最后医生在半夜告诉我们可以(fine)带Noah回家了。fine 好的,unusual 不寻常的, impossible 不可能的,necessary必要的,所以选A。 18.考查动词。根据本空前的“They both looked up...”可知,他们抬头发现我在看他们,catch sb.doing sth.表示“发现、逮住某人正在做某事”。 understood 明白,accepted 接受, caught 逮住, noticed注意, 所以选C。 19.考查动词。根据本空前的“And then Noah put his little arm up”可知,Noah举起小手,试图(trying)用自己的方式对爸爸说“我爱你”。 meaning 意味, trying 试图,managing 管理,pretending假装,所以选D。 20.考查副词。根据本空后的“helped Noah form his tiny fingers into the sign I love you”可知,丈夫认真地(carefully)教Noah用手语表达“我爱你”。 hurriedly 匆忙地, nervously 焦急地,curiously好奇地, carefully认真地,所以选B。

—Are you sure you’re ready for the test?

        .I’m well prepared for it.(2016·浙江,1)

A. I’m afraid not    B. No problem

C. Hard to say    D. Not really



—David,do you like the Literature Club?

—Sure.Please inform me        any information about it if you are free.

A. for    B. with

C. of    D. on



True friends are those who are always there         you are rich or poor.

A. whatever    B. no matter

C. when    D. whether



Chinese government has passed a new law that doesn’t         gifts with public funds.

A. approve of its leaders bought

B. approve its leaders to buy

C. approve of its leaders to buy

D. approve of its leaders buying



Once children reach the age of 18,they are encouraged to be         and make a living on their own.

A. independent    B. confident

C. courageous    D. proud



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