满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

请以学生会的名义为一场英语晚会写一份海报,内容如下: 学生会将于9月30日7点在...













English Evening Party All Are Warmly Welcome Time:September 30,at 7 p.m. Place:School Hall Professor Smith from Canada will be there to answer questions about how to improve English before the performances,which will begin at 7∶30. Students’ Union September 23 【解析】本题考查提纲类作文。首先审题请以学生会的名义为一场英语晚会写一份海报,内容如下:学生会将于9月30日7点在校礼堂举办英语晚会,来自加拿大的史密斯教授在7∶30开始的节目表演前将回答同学们关于如何提高英语水平的问题。欢迎届时参加!然后要确定时态,表示发生在将来的事情,所以用一般将来时。在写作过程中,上下文意思要连贯,符合逻辑关系,一定要契合题目所给出的信息,不要出现偏题问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有文采。 【亮点说明】这篇短文使用了一些高级句型。例如Professor Smith from Canada will be there to answer questions about how to improve English before the performances,which will begin at 7∶30.这里含有一个定语从句。  

Im telling Mother about a new girl in school,and she suddenly looks up and says,Whore your two best friends? Im not sure what to say.Ive been friends with Jill since I was three or so,and I really like Jaime,a friend in kindergarten.Well,what about Karen and Cindy? She seems upset,like I hurt her feelings.But theyre my sisters. Yes,but they can still be your best friends.Friends may come and go,but your sisters will always be there for you.

At the time,the idea of my two sisters being my closest friends seemed strange to me.We fought all the time over toys,food and attention.How could my sisters be my best friends?They werent the same age as I.We all had our own friends in school.But my mother never let the three of us forget it:Sisters are lifelong friends.Her wish was to give us something that she never had.Growing up an only child,she longed for siblings (兄弟姐妹).When she gave birth to three daughters,the fulfillment of her dream had only just begun.Shed given us each a gift and she wanted to make sure we did not take that gift for granted.Shed frequently tell us how lucky we were.She never showed favoritism to one daughter over the other.And when we were teenagers,Mom always punished us equally.

We didnt always get along beautifully and fought just like any other siblings.But we realized that our mother was right.Today I share things with my sisters that I do with no one else.My sister Cindy and I ran the New York City Marathon together,side-by-side,even holding hands when we crossed the finish line.When my sister Karen got married,I was her maid of honor.The three of us trust each other with our greatest secrets.

It was twenty-three years ago that my mother first asked me who my two best friends were.Today she doesnt have to.She already knows.

1.Why does Mother say that my sisters can be my best friends?

A. Because we fight over toys,food and attention.

B. Because my sisters are the same age as I.

C. Because my sisters will always be there for me.

D. Because we are always punished by Mother equally.

2.Whats the authors greatest gift?

A. The friendship of her different friends.

B. What her mother did for her.

C. The love of her mother for her daughters.

D. Both of her sisters.

3.What made the author change her opinion about best friends?

A. What Mother said about the relationship between friends and sisters.

B. What Mother experienced because she had no siblings.

C. Her mothers favoritism to one daughter over the other.

D. What the sisters shared only with each other.

4.Twenty-three years later,who became the authors best friends?

A. My mother and father.

B. Jill and Jaime.

C. My sisters,Jim and Jaime.

D. Cindy and Karen.



He said,Dont do that again.

He ______ me ______ that again.

A. said to; not to do    B. said to; dont do

C. told; dont do    D. told; not to do



He asked me ______ with me.

A. what the matter is

B. what the matter was

C. whats the matter

D. what was the matter



He asked,How are you getting along?

He asked me ______.

A. how am I getting along

B. how are you getting along

C. how I was getting along

D. how was I getting along



The teacher asked me________.

A. that I had finished my homework

B. that had I finished my homework

C. whether had I finished my homework

D. if I had finished my homework



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