满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1.Believe it or not,there is no such th...


1.Believe it or not,there is no such thing as standard English.



________________________________________________________ should be considered.

2.This is because in the early days of radio,those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English.



He was late;______________________________.

3.The USA is a large country in which many different dialects are spoken.



This is the house __________________________ two years ago.


1.信不信由你,(世界上)没有什么标准英语。Believe it or notall such possibilities 2.这是因为在早期的电台节目里,人们期望新闻播音员所说的英语是最好的英语。this is because he got up late 3.美国是一个使用多种方言的大国。in which/where I lived 【解析】 本大题主要考查学生对某些固定句式的运用和对定语从句的掌握情况。要注意定语从句中的介词+which/whom的用法。 1.(1). 信不信由你,(世界上)没有什么标准英语。 (2). Believe it or not (3). all such possibilities 考查固定句式。信不信由你,believe it or not为固定用法。such 修饰名词。因此第一句英译汉为::信不信由你,(世界上)没有什么标准英语。第二句汉译英:(2). Believe it or not (3) 所有的可能性. all such possibilities should be considered 2.考查固定句式和定语从句。This is because…这是因为…..,此句为固定句式,是一个由because引导的表语从句。第一句英译汉为:这是因为在早期的电台节目里,人们期望新闻播音员所说的英语是最好的英语。要注意第(1)句中的those是先行词,在从句中作主语,可以用who/that引导。第二句用“This is because…”来仿写为: this is because he got up late 3. 考查介词+which 引导的定语从句。第(1)中的定语从句的先行词是a large country,在从句中作状语,故用in which ,in which=where。翻译:美国是一个使用多种方言的大国。 第 (2).仿写,先行词是the house,在定语从句中也作状语,故用in which/where I lived .翻译为:in which/where I lived


1.He speaks with a strong southern ________(口音).

2.The officials often visited the ________(东部的)parts of the country.

3.He made repeated ________(请求)for help but nobody noticed that.

4.She took the dog for a walk around the __________ (街区).

5.From the teacher’s ____________(表情),we all knew that she was out of control.

6.Can you __________ (辨认出)her from this picture?

7.He drew a ________(直的)line on the paper.

8.The whole house vibrates(震动)whenever a heavy ________(卡车)passes by.



As a natural emotion that everyone experiences in life,anger is in many cases a perfectly healthy emotion.Anger can motivate(激发) people to make very positive changes in their lives.Sometimes we have to be angry at injustice(不公正),or even at nature,before we can do what needs to be done to correct wrongs or make things better.But of course,that is not what we usually think of anger.

Most people think of anger as an emotion we must keep under control.Parents tell a child to get control of himself when the child shows anger.Children are sometimes sent to their rooms or punished for expressing anger in an extreme way.We may be angry with friends or at work,but we know it is usually not suitable to show it.We have to control the anger or suffer what may be the negative consequences.Very early in life,we learn that anger is something that must be controlled.We learn this for a good reason.We know that uncontrolled anger can lead to fights,car accidents,bad relationships with others,unacceptable social behavior,and many other problems.

Many experts say that if one holds his anger in,it can even lead to severe mental and physical health problems.So what can we do to understand and calm this natural emotion that we call anger?

Experts offer many solutions to harmful anger.Some of these solutions include expressing your feelings and talking about what has caused the anger with someone you trust,avoiding a situation that causes anger,beating a pillow,exercising more and many other methods.Whatever solution one chooses,it is good to know that by trying to find the solution to the problem of anger,the first step in the right direction to solving the anger problem has been taken.











Dear Andrew,

Very happy to hear from you and youre welcome to study in our school for the next two months._________________________________________________________________________









Hopefully,what Ive mentioned above could be helpful and wish you a fun time in our school.


Li Hua



Britney Spears is a hot 1. (sing).Every girl wants to be her because Britney 2. (have) sweet voice and perfect outlook and everyone likes her.When I was very young,she was popular around 3. world.As she got famous at an early age,she got 4. (marry) when she was 24.But the marriage turned out to be bad,and Britney and her husband had many 5. (problem),so they divorced(离婚) two year 6. (late).After the divorce,Britney was like a crazy girl and was out of control.Some people even saw her 7. (cry) on the street.People thought she would be lost forever. 8. Britney came back.She focused on her new album,and she 9. (become) popular again.Many of her new songs won some awards,which were the best gifts for her.Britney is a great person 10.continues to surprise the world.



A man worked in a post office.His job was to handle(处理) all ______ that had unclear addresses.One day he came across a letter which was ______ to God.He opened it and it ______Dear God,I am an 83­year­old woman and I live on a very small pension(养老金).Yesterday someone stole my ______.There was a hundred dollars in it,which was all the money I had ______ until my next pension comes.Next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day,and I have invited my last two friends for ______.Without that money,I have ______ to buy food with.I have no family to ______,and you are my only ______.Can you please help me? The man was ______,and went around showing the letter to all the other workers.Each of them ______ their wallets and donated a few dollars.By the time he ______ his showing,he had collected 96 dollars.______then he sent it to the old woman.Thanksgiving Day came and went.The workers _______forgot about it.Then one day,there came another letter from the old lady to God.All the ______ gathered around when the letter was ______.It read,Dear God,how can I ever thank you enough for what you did for me?Because of your kindness,I was able to ______ a lovely dinner for my friends.We had a very ______ day,and I told my friends about your ______ gift.Thank you very much! Seeing this,all the workers felt ______ with the nice thing they had done.They looked into each others eyes and smiled.

1.A. stamps    B. money    C. mail    D. postcards

2.A. spoken    B. written    C. recorded    D. pointed

3.A. noticed    B. talked    C. read    D. told

4.A. clothes    B. purse    C. house    D. food

5.A. borrowed    B. wished    C. paid    D. left

6.A. dinner    B. fun    C. business    D. picnic

7.A. nothing    B. anything    C. something    D. everything

8.A. live in    B. live on    C. turn to    D. turn back

9.A. family    B. hope    C. friend    D. partner

10.A. excited    B. amazed    C. surprised    D. moved

11.A. gained    B. earned    C. searched    D. explored

12.A. finished    B. planned    C. started    D. toured

13.A. Or    B. As    C. And    D. But

14.A. gradually    B. usually    C. especially    D. easily

15.A. friends    B. workers    C. officers    D. guests

16.A. sent    B. replied    C. accepted    D. opened

17.A. bring    B. choose    C. prepare    D. enjoy

18.A. nice    B. strange    C. common    D. formal

19.A. traditional    B. wonderful    C. expensive    D. extra

20.A. annoyed    B. confident    C. pleased    D. hopeful



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