满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1.adj.有乐趣的;令人愉快的 2.n.校长 3.vt.获得;赚,挣得 4....





4.n.& vt.尊敬,敬重











15.n.& vt.经历,体验

16.n.& vt.交换;交流



1.enjoyable 2.headmaster 3.earn 4.respect 5.devote 6.literature 7.average 8.struggle 9.challenging 10.encouragement 11.extra 12.sculpture 13.dessert 14.satisfaction 15.experience 16.exchange 17.academic 【解析】本题考查了单词拼写。 1.考查形容词。根据提示“有乐趣的;令人愉快的”,故为形容词enjoyable。Eg. It was much more enjoyable than I had expected. 这比我预期的有趣得多。 2.考查名词。根据提示“校长”,故为名词headmaster。Eg. This headmaster is very modest. 这位校长很谦虚。 3.考查动词。根据提示“获得;赚,挣得”,故为动词earn。Eg. Companies must earn a reputation for honesty .公司必须树立诚信的声誉。 4.考查名词。根据提示“尊敬,敬重”,故为名词respect。Eg.I have the greatest for your brother。我非常尊敬你的哥哥。 5.考查动词。根据提示“致力于;献身”,故为动词devote。Eg. I will devote all my life to the cause of education. 我愿把毕生献给教育事业。 6.考查名词。根据提示“文学”,故为名词literature。Eg. Dickens 'novels have enriched English literature. 狄更斯的小说丰富了英国文学。 7.考查形容词。根据提示“一般的,普通的;平均的”,故为形容词average。Eg. The average life expectancy was 40 .平均期望寿命曾是40岁。 8.考查名词&动词。根据提示“难事;斗争;努力”以及动词词性“奋斗,努力;挣扎”,故为struggle。Eg. They had to struggle against all kinds of adversity .他们不得不同一切困境做斗争。 9.考查形容词。根据提示“具有挑战性的”,故为challenging。Eg. 'm ready to do all those things which are more challenging. 我愿意接受更大的挑战。 10.考查名词。根据提示“鼓励”,故为encouragement。Eg. Thanks for your advice and encouragement. 谢谢你的建议和鼓励。 11.考查形容词。根据提示“额外的,外加的”,故为extra。Eg. Police warned motorists to allow extra time to get to work .警方告诫驾车者出门上班要留出富余时间。 12.考查名词。根据提示“雕像,雕塑”,故为sculpture。Eg. Both studied sculpture. 两人都学习雕刻。 13.考查名词。根据提示“甜点”,故为dessert。Eg. She had homemade ice cream for dessert . 她用自制的冰激凌作饭后甜点。 14.考查名词。根据提示“满意”,故为satisfaction。Eg. She felt a small glow of satisfaction . 她有了一丝满足感。 15.考查名词动词。根据提示“经历,体验”,故为experience。Eg. Moving had become a common experience for me .搬家对我而言已经成了常事。 16.考查名词&动词。根据提示“交换;交流”,故为exchange。Eg. We exchanged addresses and Christmas cards. 我们交换了地址和圣诞贺卡。 17.考查名词。根据提示“学业的,学术的”,故为academic。Eg. Their academic standards are high. 他们的教学水平很高。 【名师点睛】在单词记忆上,总结了以下几种方法: 1.逻辑记忆:通过词的本身的内部逻辑关系,词与词之间的外部逻辑关系记忆单词。1)把几个字母看作做一个来记 如:"ight" light, right, fight, night, might, sight, tight 2)外旧内新,如:bridge “桥”看成 b+ridge ridge "山脊”sharp 看成 s+harp harp "竖琴。3)外新内旧,如:cleave “劈开”看成 c+leave, tact "机智:看成 t+act 2 联想记忆:1)音与形的联想,即根据读音规则记忆单词。2)形与义的联想,如:eye 把两个e看成两个眼。banana 把a看成一个个的香蕉。bird 把b和d看成两个翅膀。3)象声词,联想实际的声音,如:gong 锣 coo 咕咕声。 3.构词记忆:利用构词法,通过分析词根、前缀、后缀、派生和合成等记忆单词。 4.分类记忆:把单词进行分门类 如:动物,植物等,进行分类记忆。你可以找一本分类字典作为参考。 5.卡片记忆:自制作单词卡片随时随身进行记单词,卡片写上单词的词形、词性、词义、音标、搭配、例句等。 6.词典记忆:即背字典,这种方法是一种强行记忆的方法。它的缺点是容易忘记,只是孤立记住单词的意义。可以作为一种短时间的强化手段。 7.比较记忆:1)英汉比较 如:mama, cigar, beer, bar,fee等。2)单复数的比较 如:good-goods, spirit-spirits wood-woods 3)同音词的比较 如:right-write, eye-I 4)词的阴阳性的比较 如:actor-actress host-hostess 8.理解记忆:通过正确理解单词的本义、引申义和比喻义等如:second 是“秒”,它来源于古代的六分法,分,秒,它是二次划分, 因此second 也是“第二”,进一步引申,还可理解为“辅助”用这种方法特别适合那些一词多义的词。 9.联系记忆:记忆单词最好不要孤立地记,尽可能地和有关的东西联系来记。1)联系所学的文章大概意义,联系上下文,2)联系短语和搭配 10.感官记忆:记单词时,不要只用一种感官,尽可能地用多个感官,耳听、嘴读、手写、眼看、心记等。 11.软件记忆:有电脑的可利用电脑软件进行记单词,如:《开心背单词》、《开天辟地背单词》、《我爱背单词》等。 12.阅读记忆:通过阅读英语文章,小说等记忆单词,注意选择难度要适宜。 13.同义记忆:通过同义词一起进行单词记忆,可确切理解词义,这时不必注意它们的意义的区别。 14.反义记忆:通过反义词一起进行单词记忆,扩大了词义。 15.图表记忆:利用形象的图表进行记忆,它的优点是意、形、物直观的结合到一起。你可以找一本英语图解字典作为参考。 16.游戏记忆:通过自己和集体做游戏’在轻松愉快的气氛中进行记忆单词,你可以参照笔者主页上的“英语游戏”。 17.歌曲记忆:通过唱英语歌曲记忆单词,“听霸”“听力超人”等软件中有许多英文歌曲,并配有歌词和译文。 18.复习记忆:单词记住了,很快会忘掉,每隔一段时间要进行复习,巩固所学单词 19.商标记忆:通过看到的商标和广告随时随地进行记忆单词。 20.综合记忆:记忆单词最好综合利用多种方法,而不只是一种,利用各自的优点 根据单词的读音,多背背就找到规律了

A student is learning to speak British English.He wonders(想知道):Can I communicate(交际)with Americans?Can they understand me?Learners of English often ask:What are the differences between British and American English?How important are these differences?

Certainly,there are some differences between British and American English.There are a few differences in grammar.For example,speakers of British English say“in hospital”and“Have you a pen?”;Americans say “in the hospital”and“Do you have a pen?”.Pronunciation is sometimes different.Americans usually sound “r”s in words like“bird”and“hurt”.Speakers of British English do not sound “r” in these words.There are differences between British and American English in spelling and vocabulary.For example,“colour”and“honour”are British;“color”and“honor”are American.

These differences in grammar,pronunciation,spelling and vocabulary are not important,however.For the most part,British and American English are the same language.

1.According to this passage,a student who is learning to speak American English might be afraid that ______.

A. British people cannot understand him

B. American people cannot understand him

C. the grammar is too hard for him

D. the spelling is too hard for him

2.American English and British English are different in ________.

A. spelling    B. pronunciation

C. grammar    D. all of the above

3.What is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Whether there are differences between British English and American English.

B. Whether British English and American English are one language or two.

C. How the differences between British English and American English came about.

D. How important the differences are.

4.Most ______ say,“Do you have a watch?”

A. British people    B. Americans

C. children    D. teachers

5.According to this passage,British people and Americans have ________ difficulty in understanding each other.

A. little    B. much

C. some    D. great



-Hello,may I have an appointment with the doctor?


A. Sorry,he is busy at the moment.

B. Why did’t you call earlier?

C. Certainly,may I know your name?

D. Sorry,he doesn’t want to see you.



It has something to do with the part electricity ______ in our life.

A. plays    B. gives

C. takes    D. makes



One should speak clearly and it is the same ____ writing.

A. to    B. with

C. as    D. that



You should try to get a good night’s sleep ______ much work you have to do.

A. however    B. no matter

C. although    D. whatever



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