满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

假定你是李华,你的外教Ms Jenkins约你本周六上午教她制作中国结(Chin...

假定你是李华,你的外教Ms Jenkins约你本周六上午教她制作中国结(Chinese knot),但你因故无法前往,你的朋友韩梅梅将代你去,请写一封电子邮件给Ms Jenkins,说明相关情况。


2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Ms Jenkins,



Li Hua


Dear Ms Jenkins,  I would like to express my apology for not being able to teach you to make Chinese knots this Saturday. The reason is that I have got a cold,and the doctor suggests that I should lie in bed for one week or so.But don’t worry.I’ve asked a friend of mine,Han Meimei,to go there instead.She is good at making Chinese knots.She will go to your apartment at 9:00 this Saturday morning. Please allow me to say sorry again.I have the confidence that you can learn how to make Chinese knots.Wish you a good time! Yours, Li Hua 【解析】本文为半开放式作文。首先,学生要仔细阅读提示,弄清试题提供的信息,明确主题。 其次,要注意提纲是文章的总体框架,要在提纲的范围内进行分析、构思和想象, 按照一定逻辑关系来写。 最后,要根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;语言表达要符合英语习惯。本文的主题是你的朋友韩梅梅将代你去教Ms Jenkins制作中国结,因为你有事去不了。框架可以是三段式,先表达歉意,再说明原因,再想说让谁代你去,而且保证肯定会把事情做好,最后可以再次表达歉意。 【亮点说明】本文内容齐全,结构严谨,层次分明,布局合理,语言精练,同时运用高级句子。表语从句的使用:The reason is that I have got a cold;宾语从句的使用:the doctor suggests that I should lie in bed for one week or so;同位语从句的使用:I have the confidence that you can learn how to make Chinese knots.  







My father is the man I respect most. Strict as he may be, however he never fails to show her care and consideration. Once I broke a neighbor window. Seeing nobody around, I ran away immediately. When Dad came home, he noticed my uneasiness and asked me what has happened. I could only tell him a truth. Instead of scold, he praised my honesty and then encouraged me to apologize our neighbor. I learned from this incident that not only does Dad take care of my health and he also teaches me what to be a good citizen. How luckily I am to have such a good father!



Tyler Thompson is1.unlikely star in the world of Peking opera. The 15-year-old from Oakland has fascinated audiences in the U.S. and China with his ability2.(sing) pitch-perfect Mandarin(普通话) and perform the ancient Chinese art form. The teen,3.is black and only speaks some basic Chinese, has been praised by teachers since he4.(pick) up the music as a kindergartner. “As soon as he opens5.(he) mouth and sings in Chinese, the Chinese are very surprised and they feel very proud of him,” said his music teacher. “When he puts on the costume, and all the acting, you can see that he is pretty good.”

Tyler has learned to sing several well-known pieces of Peking opera, a centuries-old form of musical theater6.(know) for its highly structured costumes, changing gongs() and cymbals(), wide-ranging voices and highly stylized7.(move). Tyler got8.(stand) cheers when he performed9.Justice Bao, a famous Song Dynasty judge who fought corruption, from the Chinese classic Bao Qing Tian. “The music is very beautiful, and it’s very passionate,” said Tyler, “It’s made me want to know10.(much) about the world outside of America or California or Oakland.”



My parents owned a 500-acre farm in Montana when I was young. Life there was filled not just with fun and games but______as well. The lambing season was especially hard. Montana’s freezing spring weather kept my parents watching______mamas at all hours of the day and night______a newborn lamb.

It was during this time of new life that my favorite childhood memory______. One exceptionally______day, my mother spied a sheep trying to deliver her baby lamb and needed our______. My mother calmly held the sheep’s head and______me to get hold of the lamb’s protruding(伸出) legs.

I______and must have had a look of panic on my face. The little things were______not something I wanted to touch. But I______my courage and wrapped my fingers______them. I can still remember the______of the unexpectedly delicate legs. My heart beat in fear and excitement______I pulled with all my strength. The lamb was delivered!

I was no______to seeing farm animals being born, but to have a______in it was something I will cherish forever. I’m sure everyone got very______hearing me tell and retell my heroic story.

Looking back, I’m so glad that I didn’t______to get my hands dirty, If I had, the miraculous moment and the precious memory would have been______. I try to instill(逐渐灌输) that life______into my children. Sometimes you need to get your hands a little dirty to experience something______and pure.

1.A. pleasure    B. danger    C. dilemma    D. hardship

2.A. pregnant    B. working    C. desperate    D. sleeping

3.A. at the risk of    B. in case of    C. free from    D. in exchange for

4.A. faded    B. took place    C. impressed    D. broke down

5.A. warm    B. cold    C. mild    D. hot

6.A. notice    B. support    C. help    D. operation

7.A. begged    B. invited    C. forbade    D. instructed

8.A. wondered    B. resisted    C. suspected    D. hesitated

9.A. surely    B. hardly    C. only    D. hopefully

10.A. lost    B. gathered    C. searched    D. lacked

11.A. beyond    B. through    C. around    D. in

12.A. feel    B. point    C. sight    D. thought

13.A. because    B. as    C. if    D. unless

14.A. stranger    B. beginner    C. newcomer    D. speaker

15.A. memory    B. hand    C. look    D. difference

16.A. proud of    B. excited about    C. tired of    D. sorry for

17.A. refuse    B. promise    C. choose    D. pause

18.A. kept    B. lost    C. ignored    D. forgotten

19.A. quality    B. skill    C. lesson    D. standard

20.A. upset    B. funny    C. thrilling    D. amazing



Choosing the right college for you is not so easy.You should have a general idea of what you want and don't want.The idea can guide you to find what fits your needs best.1.

Think about what major you want to study in college.If you know that,just look at colleges that have your major. 2.So think carefully about your major and interests before choosing one.

Where the college is located matters.Anyone who tells you the location isn't important is lying.3.If you look forward to working in the publishing industry,New York may be your best bet.If your parents want you to stay close to home,please don't consider anywhere that requires a plane ticket to get to.

Think about how much you can afford.Are your parents,paying for your education? If so,how much are they willing to spend?Do you have to contribute anything? Financial aid and scholarship exist,but don't count on anything.   4.These are all things to consider before you fall in love with a college.

Make sure you're going to spend time with the right people.The cool thing about college is that each different one attracts different kinds of people.For the first thing in your life,you get to choose where you get to spend your time and who you get to spend it with.5.Make sure that the people you're with for four years are your kind of people.

A.College is about learning what you love.

B.You'd better choose a major that is popular.

C.Go to the college with some people you like.

D.Are you willing to go into major debt over a school?

E.Remember,above all,it's the people that make the place.

F.If you don't like cold weather,stay away from northern schools.

G.These guidelines will help figure out what college you want to go to.



Lying alongside mountains of smelly garbage under the South American sun, Cateura is a long way from the conservatories of Prague or Vienna. Yet the township, which grew out of Paraguay's largest dump(垃圾场), is gaining a reputation as a hothouse for musical talent and for its youth orchestra(管弦乐队) that plays instruments made from garbage. "The world sends us garbage. We send back music," says Favio Chavez, leader of the "Recycled Orchestra," during a recent visit by the group to Los Angeles. Orchestra members, poor children from Cateura, play violins fashioned from oven trays and guitars made from dessert dishes. The orchestra provides the youngsters an outlet and an escape, a chance to go beyond the mess of their slum(贫民窟) through the music of Mozart, and even Sinatra. "In the beginning, it was difficult to play," says the l0-year-old violinist Celeste Fleitas." But Favio helped me learn over time. From Favio, I have learned to be more responsible and value the things I have."

The destination for more than 1,500 tons of waste each day, the community has no safe drinking water and little access to electricity or sanitation(卫生设施). Illiteracy is severe, and the children of the township often fall into drugs, violence and crimes.

Favio Chavez, a musical talent, came to Cateura as an environmental technician in 2006 and started a youth music school. He knew shop-bought instruments were beyond the means of villagers whose sheds are worth less than a violin, so he approached a carpenter to make some out of waste from the dump.

The orchestra caught the eye of Paraguayan filmmaker Alejandra Amarilla. She uploaded a short piece of the orchestra to YouTube in 2012, hoping to secure crowdfunding for what would become Landfill Harmonic, a documentary released across the United States this month and promoting the youngsters on a tour of the world's music halls later on.

1.What is the best title of the text?

A. Youngsters carry tunes from garbage to victory

B. A music talent hit the road to the world stage

C. A town for music fans

D. An orchestra on a global tour

2.What do we know about Cateura?

A. It has raised people's awareness of recycling trash

B. It has caught more attention through the orchestra

C. It recycles more than l,500 tons of rubbish per day

D. It provides its children with better schooling conditions

3.Why did Alejandra Amarilla upload a piece of the orchestra to YouTube?

A. To assist the youngsters with a world tour

B. To collect funding for a documentary

C. To organize carpenters to make instruments

D. To catch the eye of the Paraguay government

4.What can we learn from Favio Chavez?

A. To work in a team weighs more

B. To recycle things is to conserve things

C. To be creative is a quality of a leader

D. To own nothing is no excuse to do nothing



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