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Animal conservation Many animal and plan...

Animal conservation

Many animal and plant species have become extinct and many more are in critical danger.Finding ways to protect the earth's wildlife and conserve the natural world they inhabit(居住)is now more important than ever.


The Dodo is a classic example of how human caused damage to the earth's biology.The flightless Dodo was native to the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.It  lived off fruit fallen from the island's trees and lived unthreatened until humans arrived in 1505.The easily controlled bird became a source of food for sailors and was attacked by animals introduced to the Island by humans such as pigs, monkeys and rats.The population of Dodos rapidly decreased and the last one was killed in 1681.


The Rhino(犀牛)horn is a highly prized item for Asian medicine.This has led to the animal being hunted in its natural habitat.Once widespread in Africa and Eurasia,most Rhinos now live  in protected natural parks and reserves(保护区).Their numbers have rapidly decreased in the last 50 years,and the animals remain under constant threat from poachers(偷袭者).

The Giant Panda

The future of the World Wildlife Fund's symbol is far from certain.As few as 1,600 pandas remain in the wild.The Chinese government has set up 33 panda reserves to protect these beautiful animals and made poaching them punishable with 20 years in prison.However,the panda's distinct black and white patched coat fetches a high price on the black market and determined poachers still pose(造成)one of the most serious threats to the animal's continued existence.


The International Whaling Commission is fighting to ensure the survival of the whale species.Despite the fact that one-third of the world's oceans have been declared the whale sanctuaries(保护区).7 out of 13 whale species remain endangered.Hunted for their rich supply of oil,their numbers have decreased to just 300.Collisions with ships,poisonous pollution and being caught in fishing nets are other major causes of whale deaths.


The last 100 years has seen a 95% reduction in the numbers of remaining tigers to between 5,000 and 7,000 and The Bali,Javan,and Caspian tigers are already extinct.The South China tiger is precariously close to disappearing,with only 20 to 30 still alive.Like the Rhino horn,tigers' bones and organs are sought after for traditional Chinese medicines.These items are traded illegally along with tiger skins.

1.It implies that ________.

A. the Dodo lacked the ability to protect itself from other animals

B. sailors to the Island of Mauritius lived mainly on the Dodo

C. the Dodo used to be a strong animal that liked fighting

D. the Dodo,pigs,monkeys and rats were the natives to the Island of Mauritius

2.Which group of the following animals has already ceased to exist according to the text?

A. The Dodo,Rhinos and Giant Pandas.

B. The Rhino,Whales and South China Tigers.

C. The Rhino,Pandas,Whales and Tigers.

D. The Dodo and the Bali,Javan,and Caspian tigers.

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?


A. The number of South China tigers has reached crisis point.

B. Many animals are threatened with extinction as a result of human activities.

C. People hunt for the endangered animals for high profit.

D. The Whale is the representing mark for the World Wildlife Fund.

4.Which of the following is mentioned in all the descriptions of those wild animals?

A. The way of their life.

B. The reason for their extinction or being in danger.

C. Why they are hunted.

D. Punishment for hunting wild animals.


1.A 2.D 3.D 4.B 【解析】文章介绍了已经灭绝了的和现在生存环境并不理想的几种濒危动物及灭绝原因,旨在引起人们对动物保护的重视。 1.A 推理判断题。从文章Dodos中的“flightless,lived off fruit fallen from the island's trees...easily controlled, became a source of food for sailors and was attacked by animals”等词可推测出Dodo鸟和别的动物相比缺少保护自己的能力,故选A. 2.D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段的“The population of Dodos rapidly decreased and the last one was killed in 1681.”可判断Dodo鸟是灭绝的动物之一,再根据最后一段中的“The Bali,Javan,and Caspian tigers are already extinct.”可得知灭绝的动物还有这几种。故选D. 3.D 推理判断题。从第四段中的“The future of the World Wildlife Fund's symbol is far from certain.”可知世界野生动物基金会的代表动物还没确定,故选D. 4.B 推理判断题。根据Dodos中The easily controlled bird became a source of food for sailors and was attacked by animals introduced to the Island by humans such as pigs, monkeys and rats. Rhinos中The Rhino(犀牛)horn is a highly prized item for Asian medicine. and the animals remain under constant threat from poachers(偷袭者).The Giant Panda中the panda's distinct black and white patched coat fetches a high price on the black market and determined poachers still pose(造成)one of the most serious threats to the animal's continued existence. Whales中Hunted for their rich supply of oil, their numbers have decreased to just 300.Collisions with ships, poisonous pollution and being caught in fishing nets are other major causes of whale deaths. Tigers中tigers' bones and organs are sought after for traditional Chinese medicines. These items are traded illegally along with tiger skins.这些内容可知共同之处就是都介绍了野生动物濒临灭绝的原因,故选B. 【名师点睛】 推理判断题的常见考查形式及解题方法: 推理判断题包括判断和推理题。这两类题常常相互依存,推理是为了做出正确的判断,正确的判断又依赖于合乎逻辑的推理。此类题要求在理解表面文字的基础上,做出判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含的意思和深层的意思,也就是通过文章中的文字信息,上下逻辑关系及事物的发展变化等已知的信息,推断出作者没有直接表达的态度和观点。 本文主要推测文章的观点或结论。小题1从文章Dodos中的“flightless,lived off fruit fallen from the island's trees...easily controlled, became a source of food for sailors and was attacked by animals”等词可推测出Dodo鸟和别的动物相比缺少保护自己的能力。小题4判断对这些动物描述的共同点,根据Dodos内容中的The easily controlled bird became a source of food for sailors and was attacked by animals introduced to the Island by humans such as pigs, monkeys and rats. Rhinos内容中的The Rhino(犀牛)horn is a highly prized item for Asian medicine. and the animals remain under constant threat from poachers(偷袭者).The Giant Panda内容中的the panda's distinct black and white patched coat fetches a high price on the black market and determined poachers still pose(造成)one of the most serious threats to the animal's continued existence. Whales内容中的Hunted for their rich supply of oil, their numbers have decreased to just 300.Collisions with ships, poisonous pollution and being caught in fishing nets are other major causes of whale deaths. Tigers中tigers' bones and organs are sought after for traditional Chinese medicines. These items are traded illegally along with tiger skins.可知这些内容可知共同之处就是都介绍了野生动物濒临灭绝的原因。

假如你是李华,在丹麦访学的一周里,你住在Anne 家里,现在即将回国。请你给她写一封感谢信,要点如下:




参考词汇:Denmark 丹麦



Dear Anne,

I am writing to tell you_____________________________________________________________________







All the best wishes.


Li Hua









Dear Sir,

Last night I got caught in the heavy rain in the way home.As the result,I got a bad cold with a headache.I felt very tiring.My mother took me see the doctor.After the examination,the doctor told me to take it easy.He said it was nothing seriously.He also told me to have a good rest for a couple of days,take the medicines on time and drunk more boiled water.So I have to ask you for a three-day leave.After I recover,I would try to make up for the missing lessons.If there are anything I do not understand it,could I turn to you for help?


Li Hua



Why do I want to go to college?No one has ever asked me such 1. question.But many times I have asked 2.(I).I have come up with a whole 3.(various)of reasons.The most important reason is 4. I want to be a better man.

Many things make human beings different 5. or better than or even superior to animals.

One of the most important things is 6.(educate).If I fail to receive higher education,my education will not finish.As I want to be a fully 7.(develop)man,I must get a well-rounded education,8. good colleges and universities are supposed to provide.I know one can get educated in many ways,but colleges and universities are among the 9.(good)places to teach me how to educate myself.Only when I am well-educated will I be a better human being and be able to better fit into 10.(social).



Hannah Taylor is a schoolgirl from Manitoba,Canada.One day,when she was five years old,she was walking with her mother in downtown Winnipeg.They saw a man ____ out of a garbage can.She asked her mother why he did that,and her mother said that the man was homeless and hungry.Hannah was very ____.She couldn’t understand why some people had to live their lives without shelter or enough food.Hannah started to think about how she could ____,but,of course,there is not a lot one five-year-old can do to solve(解决)the problem of homelessness.

Later,when Hannah attended school,she saw another homeless person.It was a woman,____ an old shopping trolley(购物车)which was piled with ____.It seemed that everything the woman owned was in them.This made Hannah very sad,and even more ____ to do something.She had been talking to her mother about the lives of homeless people ____ they first saw the homeless man.Her mother told her that if she did something to change the problem that made her sad,she wouldn’t ____ as bad.

Hannah began to speak out about the homelessness in Manitoba and then in other provinces.She hoped to ____ her message of hope and awareness.She started the Ladybug Foundation,an organization aiming at getting rid of homelessness.She began to ____ “Big Bosses” lunches,where she would try to persuade local business leaders to ____ to the cause.She also organized a fundraising(募捐)drive in “Ladybug Jars” to collect everyone’s spare change during “Make Change” month.More recently,the foundation began another ____ called National Red Scarf Day—a day when people donate $20 and wear red scarves in support of Canada’s ____ and homeless.

There is an emergency shelter in Winnipeg called“Hannah’s Place”,something that Hannah is very ____ of.Hannah’s Place is divided into several areas,providing shelter for people when it is so cold that ____ outdoors can mean death.In the more than five years since Hannah began her activities,she has received a lot of ____.For example,she received the 2007 BRICK Award recognizing the ____ of young people to change the world.But ____ all this,Hannah still has the ____ life of a Winnipeg schoolgirl,except that she pays regular visits to homeless people.

Hannah is one of many examples of young people who are making a ____ in the world.You can,too!

1.A. jumping    B. eating    C. crying    D. waving

2.A. annoyed    B. nervous    C. ashamed    D. upset

3.A. behave    B. manage    C. help    D. work

4.A. pushing    B. carrying    C. buying    D. holding

5.A. goods    B. bottles    C. foods    D. bags

6.A. excited    B. determined    C. energetic    D. grateful

7.A. since    B. unless    C. although    D. as

8.A. sound    B. get    C. feel    D. look

9.A. exchange    B. leave    C. keep    D. spread

10.A. sell    B. deliver    C. host    D. pack

11.A. contribute    B. lead    C. apply    D. agree

12.A. campaign    B. trip    C. procedure    D. trial

13.A. elderly    B. hungry    C. lonely    D. sick

14.A. aware    B. afraid    C. proud    D. sure

15.A. going    B. sleeping    C. travelling    D. playing

16.A. praises    B. invitations    C. replies    D. appointments

17.A. needs    B. interests    C. dreams    D. efforts

18.A. for    B. through    C. besides    D. along

19.A. healthy    B. public    C. normal    D. tough

20.A. choice    B. profit    C. judgement    D. difference



Here are some top tips for world travelers.

Travel light.1. It’s no fun carrying a huge bag around a foreign city.Don’t take too many clothes and avoid heavy books and electrical equipment.

2. Always keep your passport on you in an inside pocket or special travel belt.There may be thieves about.It’s a good idea to make a photocopy(复印件)of your passport and travel documents.

Transport sense.Don’t let go of your bags on the train.3. There are always thieves on public transport.If you want to sleep,tie your bag to your arm.When you take a taxi,it’s a good idea to ask for the driver’s permit.Many foreigners pay too much money because they take unofficial taxis.

Keep clean.It’s a good idea to wear dark clothes because they hide the dirt while white clothes attract it!Make sure you have plenty of clean underclothes and deodorant(除臭剂).4.

5. You should always be polite and respectful towards the locals.Even if you find their habits and behaviour a bit strange,you shouldn’t show your feelings.Remember,you’re their guest.

A.Be polite.

B.Keep your documents safe.

C.You should carry a spare bag.

D.You don’t want to smell bad!

E.Keep them with you at all times.

F.Make sure your bag isn’t too heavy.

G.It’s a good idea to wear similar clothes to the local people.



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