满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

























How can we protect and create a harmonious environment? First of all,we should use proper words,behave politely and think for others.If we want to live and study happily, we should respect teachers,unite other students,and help each other.We should also treat and understand others with more patience.Besides,we should keep schoolyard clean,which helps to make our body healthy.Finally,we need to make efforts to create a family environment full of love and warmth.Often communicating with our parents,we will help them do what we can. In my opinion,environment protection depends on the efforts made by everyone. 【解析】试题分析:本文是一篇关于“环境”的英语短文。根据所给提纲,列出要点,并以此为基础充分发挥自己的想象力,灵活运用英语知识,采用不同的表达方式将各要点完整地表述出来。写作时注意时态、语态的合理运用,主次分明,详略得当,语言力求准确、简洁。根据情景的发展,按顺序安排好材料。同时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词,适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【亮点说明】 本文是一篇提纲式作文,内容齐全,结构布局合理,文中使用高级句子。How can we protect and create a harmonious environment?开头用特殊疑问句展开话题,非常巧妙;If we want to live and study happily, we should respect teachers,unite other students,and help each other.if条件句恰如其分;we should keep schoolyard clean,which helps to make our body healthy.which引导非限制性定语从句;Often communicating with our parents,we will help them do what we can.现在分词做条件状语,同时what引导宾语从句;environment protection depends on the efforts made by everyone.做后置定语,甚是经典;另外,First of all, Besides, Finally, In my opinion,的运用为文章增色添彩。  







People used to communicate with each other through letters and public phones.So nowadays they use mobile phones and the Internet instead of.This change in communication have good effects on our works and life.Comparing with letters and public phones,mobile phones and the Internet are fast and much more convenient.If you missed your grandmother,you just take out your phone and say “hello” to him.And she will be happy to hear your voice.If you want to place order with a foreign company,you can e-mail the message.It’ll be minutes after you get their reply.




1.I preferred the former design to the_______(后者).

2.She has been_______(受苦,受难)loss of memory since she had that car accident.

3.There were 2,000 people_______(出席的)at the meeting yesterday.

4.The play is_______(以……为基础)on a short story by Mark Twin of the same title.

5.She had a number of jobs abroad before she finally_______(安顿下来)down.

6.As far as I am________(concern),I can’t agree with what you said.

7.Both English and French are_______(office) languages in Canada.

8.Good books of high quality_______(rich) the mind.

9.He is_______(actual) over fifty years old.

10.A lot has been done in the_______(recover) of national economy in the past few years.



He was a professor.At the age of 90,he still worked eight hours every day regardless1.the weather.

His secretary said:“He was extremely old,but he forced himself to walk from his living place to the office through two blocks.2.would take him an hour to do so,but he insisted because it made him get a sense of3. (succeed).”

One day,a university student4.(step) out of his office with a pile of books.He complained: “He always answers my questions with just a yes or no.However,he always gives me dozens of books and suggests me5.(find) the answer on my own.”

By chance,the professor knew6.the student complained about.He explained to him with a smile:“This is the method I have learnt—the7.(hard) you work independently,the better solutions you will find.If you can make full use of the books,you will8.(probable) become a good lawyer in the future.”

This 90-year-old man was Pound,9.was the president of Law College of Harvard.He believed “all slopes are easy10.( go)”,of which he often reminded his students.



I was at the post office early that morning,hoping to be in and out in a short while.Yet,I____myself standing in a queue that went all the way into the hallway.I had never seen so many people there on a weekday.It seemed someone might have made an announcement,welcoming customers to carry as many____as they could and bring them in when I needed to have my own package____.The queue moved very slowly.My patience ran out and I got____.The longer it took,the angrier I became.When I got to the counter finally,I finished my____ quickly and briefly,and then walked past the queue that was now extending past the front door.

"Excuse me,"I said,trying not to be too pushy.Several people had to move____to make room for me to get to the ____.

I stepped out,complaining about the____conditions.Thinking I was going to be late for my dentist appointment,I headed into the parking lot.

A woman was coming across the lot in my____.She was walking with determination,and each step sounded very heavy.I____that she looked as if she could breathe fire.It stopped me in my tracks.I____myself and it wasn't pretty. Had I looked like that?Her body language said that she was having a____day.My anger melted away.I wished I could wrap her in a hug but I was a____.So I did what I could in a minute____she hurried past me-I smiled.In a second everything changed.She was astonished,then somewhat____.Then her face softened and her shoulders____.I saw her take a deep breath.Her pace slowed and she smiled back at me as we passed each other.

I continued to smile all the way to my____.Wow,it's amazing what a simple smile can do.

From then on,I became aware of people's____and my own,the way we show our feelings.Now I use that____ every day to let it____me that when facing the world,I can try a smile.

1.A. found    B. helped    C. troubled    D. enjoyed

2.A. things    B. packages    C. chances    D. dollars

3.A. lifted    B. cashed    C. weighed    D. carried

4.A. pleased    B. disappointed    C. delighted    D. annoyed

5.A. business    B. choice    C. situation    D. attitude

6.A. away    B. about    C. along    D. aside

7.A. counter    B. cashier    C. exit    D. entrance

8.A. weather    B. service    C. work    D. shopping

9.A. satisfaction    B. decision    C. direction    D. imagination

10.A. announced    B. discovered    C. proved    D. noticed

11.A. trusted    B. recognized    C. hid    D. persuaded

12.A. rough    B. bright    C. big    D. nice

13.A. gentleman    B. stranger    C. customer    D. passenger

14.A. until    B. though    C. before    D. since

15.A. attracted    B. frightened    C. cheered    D. confused

16.A. trembled    B. raised    C. relaxed    D. tightened

17.A. car    B. office    C. home    D. doctor

18.A. appearances    B. reactions    C. behaviors    D. expressions

19.A. treatment    B. awareness    C. conclusion    D. achievement

20.A. remind    B. show    C. give    D. tell



根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。(答题卡上E涂AB;F涂AC; G涂AD)

How to Study Better

If you want to study better, you should pay attention to learning methods, study skills and study habits. Developing them can help you learn better.

Keep your study area tidy and organized. Papers, books, magazines, or pictures all over your work area may distract you from the work you have to do.    1.  If there are too many icons on your desktop, it is difficult for you to find what you need immediately.

Maintain a quiet work area for yourself. Make sure your work area is free of distractions. There are too many distractions at home, such as a phone, music, TV, friends, or family members. Proper study space can usually be found in the public library, school library, or your bedroom.   2.

3. While learning, you need write, calculate and look up something. So it is very important and necessary to have all the necessary materials and tools that you need with you. In this way, you needn’t be busy borrowing them.

4.  In addition to reading your textbook, it is helpful to read or view materials from other sources, such as newspapers, magazines, the Internet, and television programs. You can understand what you will learn in class better.

Never forget to take notes carefully in class. Taking notes carefully can help to grasp the key parts.    5.     We can say that it is really a successful way to study.

A. A quiet place can help to improve study efficiency.

B. You should know how to schedule your study time.

C. The same is your computer desktop.

D. Try hard to learn knowledge as much as possible.

E. It is convenient to review them later.

F. Having necessary materials is very beneficial to study.

G. Get ready for class by reading extra materials ahead of time.



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