满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was a day in late June, gray and depr...

It was a day in late June, gray and depressing, with clouds hanging low. My husband and I were driving to Nova Scotia, Canada, for a much-needed vacation. We traveled tiredly, hoping to_______rest and dinner before the rain came. Suddenly, on a lonely stretch of highway, the storm _______. Cascades of water shut us in, making driving impossible. We _______ onto the shoulder of the road and stopped.

Then, as though someone had turned off a celestial tap, it _______. A thin radiance, like a spray of gold, _______from the clouds. Every blade of grass was crystalline as the sun flashed on _______ drops. The very road shone, and a rainbow arched across the sky. It was as though this beam of color had been built for us _______. We could hardly speak for awe and joy.

A friend of mine has described a _______ experience. She had walked out on a lonely beach at twilight. It was a time of grief for her, and _______ was what she wanted. Offshore, across the darkening sea, she made out the ________ of an anchored fishing boat, and in it the figure of a man. My friend told me that after a while, she felt an intense and glowing sense of oneness with that ________ figure. It was as though sea and sky and night and those two solitary human beings were united in a kind of profound identity. “I was ________by joy,” she said.

________almost anything may serve as the motivation of such a feeling—stars shine on new snow; a sudden field of daffodils; a moment in marriage when hand reaches out to hand in the ________ that this other person speaks as you speak, feels as you feel. Joy may wait, too, just  ________ danger when you have enough to face a situation and live it out. ________ the source, such experiences provide the most memorable moments of life.

What if these moments of joy are given to us to ________that this is the way we are meant to live? What if the clarity of joy is the way we should be seeing all the time? To many people, it seems almost wicked to feel this radiance in a world________as ours is. But most generations have known uncertainty and ________. The more damaged the world, the more we need to remember the luminous beauty at the center of life. Our moments of joy are ________that at the heart of darkness an unquenchable(不可遏制的) light shines.

Joy is the feeling that we have touched the edge of something far beyond ourselves.

1.A. reach    B. purchase    C. afford    D. offer

2.A. struck    B. attacked    C. fell    D. covered

3.A. pulled up    B. pulled through    C. pulled off    D. pulled down

4.A. started    B. ended    C. paused    D. disturbed

5.A. spread    B. unfolded    C. broadcast    D. reflected

6.A. bright    B. shrinking    C. trembling    D. thick

7.A. alone    B. lonely    C. only    D. together

8.A. contrary    B. different    C. similar    D. strange

9.A. discomfort    B. loneliness    C. despair    D. pain

10.A. sightseeing    B. scene    C. image    D. picture

11.A. silent    B. peaceful    C. quiet    D. calm

12.A. overlooked    B. overcome    C. overtaken    D. overdone

13.A. Apparently    B. Purposely    C. Accidentally    D. Fortunately

14.A. imagination    B. reputation    C. innovation    D. realization

15.A. against    B. beyond    C. within    D. without

16.A. Whichever    B. However    C. Whatever    D. Whenever

17.A. represent    B. recall    C. resemble    D. reveal

18.A. threatened    B. destroyed    C. cursed    D. interfered

19.A. opportunity    B. happiness    C. challenge    D. benefit

20.A. proof    B. version    C. foundation    D. comprehension


1.A 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.A 【解析】本篇主要讲述了作者因为在开车偶遇大雨由此而领悟到的一些哲理。 1.A考查动词辨析。句意:我们走累了,希望能在大雨来临之前能够(reach)休息和吃饭。reach到达,走到,够…,完成。purchase购买,采购。afford买得起,担负得起。offer提供,给予,提出,提议;出价。故选A。 2.A考查动词。句意:突然,在一段寂寥的高速公路上,风暴来袭(strike)。strike撞,攻击,来到,自然灾害的袭击。attack攻击,袭击。fall落下,掉下,跌倒。cover覆盖,遮蔽,采访,报导;涉及,包括。故A符合题意。 3.C考查动词短语辨析。句意:大雨让我们无法开车。我们只好暂停在路肩上。pull up使停下;pull through恢复健康,精神状况转好,度过难关。pull off(车辆或司机)驶向路边短暂停车。pull down拆毁,拉倒,拉下,降低。故选C项pull off,在路边暂停车。 4.B考查动词辨析。句意:然后,好像有人关掉了天上的水龙头,雨停了(end)。start开始;end结束;pause暂停;disturbed干扰。故选B。 5.A考查动词辨析。句意:一团淡淡的光,像一团金色的浪花,从云层中散开(spread)。spread伸开,展开;unfold打开;broadcast广播;reflect反射。故选A。 6.C考查形容词。句意:每一片草都因为太阳光照耀在摇晃的水滴上而亮晶晶的。因为雨水在树叶上晃动,所以是颤抖的或是摇晃的。故选trembling(颤抖的)。 7.A考查形容词。句意:好像这束光线是只为我们而设的。alone用在名词或代词之后表示“只有”或“仅仅”。lonely表示“孤独的,孤单的,寂寞的”。only表示“只有,仅仅”,修饰名词或代词要置于所修饰的名词之前。本句是放在被修饰的词之后的,所以不能用only。故只能选A项alone。 8.C考查形容词。句意:我的一个朋友向我描述过一个类似的经历。从下文可知,作者的朋友也有相似的经历。contrary相反的;different不同的;similar相似的;strange奇怪的。C项符合语境。 9.B考查名词辨析。句意:黄昏时她在荒凉的海滩上散步。这段时间她很悲伤,孤单正是她想要的。从上文可知,她自己一个人在黄昏时散步,可知她想独自一个人,故选loneliness,即B是正确的。 10.C考查动词。句意:近海的地方,透过黑暗的海洋,她辨认出远处抛锚的渔船以及船中的一个男子的身影。sightseeing观光;游览;scene场面;image形象,影像,肖像,镜像,映像;picture照片,画像,图画,图片。从远处只能辨认出人的身影,故选C。 11.A考查形容词。句意:她感到一种强烈的灼热感,与那个无声的身影合一。因为在远处,所以听不到声音,故选silent(沉默的,无言的,寂静的,无声的,静止的)。 12.C考查动词辨析。句意:我惊喜了(我被喜悦所压倒了)。overlook忽视,忽略;overcome克服;overtake压倒,击垮;overdone做得过分。故选C。 13.A考查副词。句意:显然(Apparently),几乎任何东西都可以产生一种快乐的感觉——星光照耀着新雪,水仙花的突然出现。A. Apparently显然;B. Purposely故意地;C. Accidentally意外地;偶然地;D. Fortunately幸运地。故选A 14.D考查名词。句意:在婚姻中,当你把手伸向对方时,意识到对方说了你想说的话,感觉到你的感觉。快乐可以等待。A. imagination想象;B. reputation名声;C. innovation创新;D. realization意识到。故选D。 15.B考查介词辨析。句意:在危险时,你有足够的能力面对这个局面和走出困境。“走出困境”表明是渡过了危险。故选B项beyond(超过;越过)。 16.C考查代词。句意:不论来源,这样的经历提供了人生最难忘的时刻。这是省略句Whatever the source(省略is), such experiences provide the most memorable moments of life,___ the source本句中缺少表语,所以用whatever。A. Whichever无论什么(有范围的);B. However无论如何;C. Whatever无论什么(无范围);D. Whenever无论何时。故选C。 17.D考查动词。句意:倘若这些快乐的时刻透露给我们这是我们注定的生活方式?A. represent代表,象征;B. recall回忆;C. resemble类似于;D. reveal显露,揭露,泄露,[神]启示。故选D。 18.A考查动词辨析。句意:对许多人来说,感觉光芒威胁(threatened)我们,这似乎是邪恶的。故选A。 19.C考查名词辨析。A. opportunity机会,机遇;B. happiness快乐,幸福;C. challenge挑战;D. benefit益处,好处,利益。句意:但大多数代人已经知道不确定性和挑战。与uncertainty(确定)并列的只能是challenge(挑战)。 20.A考查名词辨析。句意:我们的欢乐时刻证明了黑暗的心也阻挡不了光线的照射。A. proof证明;B. version版本;C. foundation基础;D. comprehension理解。A项符合语境。

It could be ________ for Jackson who seldom puts his hearts into his studies to be admitted into a key university.

A. a good Samaritan    B. a Herculean task

C. a dark horse    D. a bit of Scrooge



Enthusiastic fans would rather they________ the super star at the airport tomorrow morning.

A. should meet    B. would meet

C. met    D. were to meet



Various student clubs are set up in many senior high schools to urge students to ________ the opportunities to cultivate their good virtues and qualities.

A. gain admission to    B. make light of

C. keep faith with    D. take advantage of



I’m afraid there might have been an audience of about 100,000 watching his live concert in Bird Nest last night, ________?

A. weren’t there    B. didn’t there

C. haven’t there    D. hadn’t there



—Those grammar rules are really hard to remember.

—________. You know, practice makes perfect.

A. It’s hard to say    B. It’s up to you

C. You are not alone    D. You can’t be serious



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