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Our series The Genius Behind will take y...

Our series The Genius Behind will take you inside the minds of people who are making the impossible possible. Whether it is designing the fastest ever land vehicle, helping the blind to see or creating space history, success relies levels of knowledge to new heights . What can we learn about genius from minds? Based on the people and the projects outlined in the series, we’ve come up with five lessons.

Lesson one: New challenges require new ways of thinking

Bloodhound SSC aims to be the first vehicle to break the 1,000 mph barrier. One of the key challenge has been to design the wheels. Thinking twice, Mark Chapman, chief engineer decided to change the way they were trying to solve problems and came up with a wheel design, part car, part jet fighter and part spaceship, which would hold together and was strong enough.

Lesson two: Let evidence share your opinion

Geophysicists widely believed that water on Earth originated from comets. But by studying rocks, Steven Jacobsen discovered water hidden inside, suggesting that the oceans gradually made its way out of the planet’s interior many centuries ago. “Unfortunately, I had a pretty hard time convincing others,” he admits. Only time can tell whether the new theories are true.

Lesson three: It really is 99% efforts

Sheila Nirenberg at Cornell University is trying to develop a new prosthetic device(假肢器官)for treating blindness. “Sometimes I’m exhausted and I get burnt out,” she adds. “But then I get an email from somebody saying that they can’t see their own children’s faces, and it is like, ‘How can I possibly complain? Once I thought of this, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep—all I wanted to do was work’. It gives me the energy to just go back and keep doing it.”

Lesson four: The answer isn’t always what you expect

Sylvia Earle has spent decades trying to see the ocean with new eyes. Her “dream machine” is a submarine that could take scientists all the way to the bottom of the deepest ocean floor what sort of material could best withstand the types of pressure y would encounter thousands of miles below the ocean surface?” It could be steel, it could be titanium, it could be some sort of ceramic, or some kind of aluminium system,” says Earle. “But glass is the best choice.”

Lesson five: A little luck goes a long way

It was considered as one of the biggest success stories in the history of space exploration—20 years of planning ended earlier this year with the Philae lander landing safely Comet 67P over 300 million miles(480 million kilometers)away from Earth, though Philae’s anchoring harpoons(锚定鱼叉)didn’t fire as planned.

As a matter of fact, genius is difficult to define. “Genius is a funny word,” says Nirenberg. “I just sort of ignore it and just go on with life. You just do what you do regardless of whatever label’s attached to you. I don’t know really how else to explain it.

Title: Give lessons to be a Genius

Passage outlines

Supporting details


Our series The Genius Behind will bring you to get close to the real genius and learn lessons from their 1.

Five lessons


●New ways of thinking for new challenges

To be the first vehicle to break the 1,000 mph barrier, Bloodhound SSC adopted the technologies3.to car, jet fighter and spaceship.

●Evidence of shaping your opinion

It was a common 4.that water on Earth originated from comets, so it was hard for Steven Jacobsen to5.other geophysicists of his new discovery.

6.of hard work

Although exhausted, I would feel 7. to work on the new prosthetic device on hearing from the blind saying that they can’t see their own children’s face.

●The unexpected answer

8.in the ocean, glass is the only best choice to make a submarine that could take scientists all the way to the bottom.

●A little luck for a long way

Philae lander was based on 20 years of planning, with Comet 67P safely 9.with a small accident.


In fact, there’s no10.definition of Genius. Views on genius differ from one another, so you just do what you do regardless of whatever label’s attached to you.




1.achievements 2.behind 3.applied 4.belief 5.convince/persuade 6.Importance/Significance 7.energetic 8.Deep 9.landing 10.standard/proper/ appropriate/suitable/right/correct 【解析】这篇文章通过几个天才的故事为我们总结出了五点他们成功的原因。 1.从他们的成就中学习经验教训。分析文意可知,文中的五点经验是从这些天才的成就中总结出来的。故填achievements。 2.天才背后的五点经验。读懂原文及根据此空所在处所要概括的内容即来自天才的五点经验可推测出此空应填behind。 3.根据“...came up with a wheel design, part car, part jet fighter and part spaceship”,这里应是指将科技应用于汽车、喷气式飞机和宇宙飞船。apply to应用。故填applied。 4.根据“Geophysicists widely believed that water on Earth originated from comets.”,再由固定句式It is a common belief that可表示“普遍认为……”。故填belief。 5.根据“Unfortunately, I had a pretty hard time convincing others”,Steven很难劝说其他科学家相信他的发现。理解文意可知此处应填“劝说”convince/persuade。 6.努力工作的重要性。由原文第三个小标题“It really is 99% efforts”可知,努力是十分重要的。故填Importance/Significance(意义、重要性)。 7.根据原文“It gives me the energy to just go back and keep doing it.”,尽管劳累,但当Sheila听到盲人说看不到自己孩子的脸的邮件时便让她得到继续工作的力量。系动词feel后接形容词,故填energetic(精力充沛的)。 8.根据原文“...to the bottom of the deepest ocean floor…”,Sylvia Earle所研究的东西的使用条件是在深海里。deep in the ocean在深海中。故填Deep。 9.根据原文“...the Philae lander landing safely…”,可知此空应填landing。 10.事实上,天才并没有一个标准的定义。根据“As a matter of fact, genius is difficult to define……”由天才很难定义可知,天才是没有标准的定义的。故填standard(标准的)/proper(适当的)/appropriate(恰当的)/suitable(适当的)/right(恰当的)/correct(正确的)。



wind up             break up                lay out              bent on           try out

in tune           let out           touch on         subscribe to           for good measure


1.He started __________ the window but I grabbed the door and opened it.

2.The volunteers have distributed 50g of rice to each refugee in the flooded area and an extra spoonful _________.

3.His father bought Harry a new bike as a surprising birthday gift, so Harry could hardly wait to____________ it___________.

4.To tell the truth, I have never ___________ the belief that people are basically good.

5.His mother _____________his thick coat, he put it on and went on a long journey.

6.The young are really __________with the community and they do a lot of services in it.

7.He seemed to _____preserving his independence and his right to favor the weekly winner.

8.Secretary General of the UN said that in North Korea he __________a plan to seek the goal of a world without nuclear weapons in the near future.

9.So much for the introductory party which _________aspects of the materials that we’ll keep returning to.

10.‘Get well prepared for the topic’, the teacher said, ‘Next week you are required to ____________into discussion groups to report.’



I’m Mr. Lockwood and have been to see my landlord Mr. Heathcliff today. He was standing at the gate to his farm when I arrived. His black eyes looked at me suspiciously.

The name of Mr. Heathcliff’s house is Wuthering Heights. ‘Wuthering’ means ‘stormy’ or ‘windy’ in the local language and it describes the place well. The house stands on the top of a hill. On one side of it there are a few trees. They all lean in the same direction, blown by the strong north winds.

Then we went into the sitting room. The floor was made of smooth, white stone. There was a big fireplace at one end of it and a large dresser at the other end. Several large hunting dogs were lying in the dark corners of the room. I sat down in one of the chairs near the fire. But unfortunately, when Mr. Heathcliff was out for his servant, Joseph, I was attacked by his hunting dogs.

To my surprise, I enjoyed our conversation very much, though. When it was time for me to leave, I said, ‘I’ll come and see you again tomorrow’. I set out after lunch the following day. But Mr. Heathcliff wasn’t in, and a young man led me to the sitting room. His manner was proud and free, so I couldn’t decide if he was a servant or not. He was dressed like one and spoke like one.

A few minutes later, Heathcliff walked in. We all drank our tea in silence and there was a very tense atmosphere in the room. I thought it was my fault so I tried to be sociable.

‘This is a beautiful part of the country,’ I said, ‘but very isolated. However, you seem very happy here, with your wife and family…’

‘My wife!’ Heathcliff exclaimed looking around him. ‘Where? Are you talking about her spirit?’

How stupid of me! Of course the girl wasn’t his wife! She was much too young for him. She must be married to the young man.

‘Mrs. Heathcliff is my daughter-in-law’, said Heathcliff, reading my thoughts. There was hatred on his face as he spoke.

‘Ah, yes,’ I said. ‘You are very lucky to have such a lovely wife, young man.’

The youth went red and looked down at his plate.

‘I said she was my daughter-in-law, sir. She was married to my son,’ said Heathcliff.

‘And this young man is…’

‘Not my son.’

‘My name is Hareton Earnshaw,’ growled the youth angrily.

The atmosphere began to depress me. After a long silence I asked, ‘Perhaps one of your servants is free now to take me home?’

‘There’s only Heathcliff, Hareton, Zillah the housekeeper, Joseph and me here’, said the girl.

‘Then I suppose I’ll have to stay until the morning.’ I replied

That night, I was arranged in a house where the master didn’t usually allow people to stay. I closed the door and got into bed. I put my candle on a small shelf next to a pile of old books. To my surprise, I saw that the shelf was covered in writing. These names were scratched in the paint: Catherine Earnshaw, Catherine Heathcliff and Catherine Linton.

I picked up one of the books on the shelf. It was a diary. On the first page I read, ‘Catherine Earnshaw, her book’, and a date of twenty-five years ago. Curious to know more about this Catherine, I started to read. I understand the following: Catherine Earnshaw’s father was dead and she lived with her cruel older brother Hindley. Catherine and Heathcliff were close friends, but Hindley and his young wife Frances heated and abused the adopted Heathcliff.

I had terrible dreams that night. There was a lot of noise-rapping and tapping sounds. I woke up. The branch of a tree outside was hitting the glass in the window. I got up, pushed my hand through the glass and pout out my arm. But instead of the branch my fingers closed on a little ice-cold hand. The hand held mine tightly and a sad voice sobbed, ‘Let me in!’

‘Who are you?’ I said.

‘Catherine Linton’ it replied. ‘I’ve come home. I lost my way on the moor! Let me in!”

1.All of the following descriptions of Mr. Heathcliff’s house are true EXCEPT “_____”.

A. It was built on the top of a hill

B. It was named after the local climate

C. On the hill grow a few trees leaning north

D. The floor of the living room was made of stone

2.The underlined sentence ‘He was dressed like one and spoke like one’ in paragraph four means _____.

A. he was well-dressed but poorly-behaved

B. he was poorly-dressed but well-behaved

C. what he said does much what he did

D. what he wore does match what he said

3.Who is the housekeeper among the following characters?

A. Heathclliff.    B. Joseph.

C. Hareton.    D. Zillah.

4.From the conversation between Mr. Lockwood and Mr. Heathcliff, we can infer______.

A. Mr. Heachcliff is a sociable person

B. Mr. Heathcliff’s son had been dead for years

C. Mr. Heathcliff’s wife had been dead for years

D. Mr. Heathcliff liked his daughter-in-law very much

5.According to the last four paragraphs, what can we learn about Catherine?

A. Catherine Heathcliff was Heathcliff’s elder sister.

B. Catherine Earnshaw owned the room ten years ago.

C. Catherine Linton used to live in the room long before.

D. Catherine Earnshaw wasn’t interested in writing diaries.

6.Which of the following can be served as the best title of the passage?

A. A narrow escape    B. An unfriendly visit

C. An unpleasant experience    D. An unforgettable banquet



More people are dying from hepatitis(肝炎) than AIDS and tuberculosis, warns World Health Organization. The World Health Organization(WHO) has urged for action to wipe out hepatitis as ongoing illness worsens.

In its first global report on the infection, it said the number of people dying from treatable forms of the disease, often caused by alcohol and drug abuse, is rising. Viral hepatitis is believed to have killed 1.34 million people in 2015, and amount similar to that of tuberculosis.

But while those are both falling, hepatitis deaths are on the rise—increasing by 22 per cent since the turn of the century.

However, most of the 325 million people infected are completely unaware they have the virus and some lack life-saving medicines. As a result, millions of people are at risk of a slow progression to chronic liver disease, cancer and even death, the WHO warned, Margaret Chan, director general of the WHO, said: “Viral hepatitis is now a major public health challenge that requires an urgent response.”

The two most common forms, which are responsible for 96 per cent of deaths from the disease, are hepatitis B(HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV)

HBV can be passed on through unprotected sex and bodily fluids(液体). It requires life-long treatment with a drug commonly used to battle HIV. New infections of this type of the disease are falling, thanks to a vaccine given to 84 per cent of newborns across the world. However, just nine per cent of sufferers know they are infected, meaning many go under the radar and miss out on treatment.

HCV, usually spread through blood-to-blood contact with an infected person, can be cured relatively swiftly, but many patients across the world are unable to afford the medication. Around 1.75 million people were newly infected with HCV in 2015, bringing the global total to 71 million, figures suggests. But four fifths of those infected with this type of the disease are unaware they are suffering, the WHO warned.

Experts looking at the cases have identified unsafe healthcare procedure and injection drug use as the top causes. Gottfried Hirnschall, director of WHO’s Department of HIV and the Global Hepatitis Programme, said the WHO was working with governments, drugmakers and diagnostics companies to improve access.

He added: More countries are making hepatitis services available for people in need—a diagnostic test cost less than $1 (78p) and the cure for hepatitis C can be below $ 200 (£156). But the data clearly highlight the urgency with which we must address the remaining gaps in testing and treatment.

Charles Gore, president of the World Hepatitis Alliance, said: “For the first time in the history of viral hepatitis, we have an understanding of the true impact of the disease.”

1.Who are likely to die from the treatable hepatitis?

A. Those taking medicines.    B. Those suffering from cancer.

C. Those caring their illnesses.    D. Those being heavy drinkers.

2.What can we learn about hepatitis B?

A. Patients need to take drugs for the rest of their lives.

B. People will not get the new infections due to a vaccine.

C. Patients can be cured effectively at a costly price.

D. People will get infected through blood accidentally.

3.According to the statistics in 2015, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Hepatitis C is responsible for 96 per cent of deaths.

B. Around 1.75 million people were newly infected with hepatitis.

C. Most of those infected with HCV are aware they are suffering.

D. Tuberculosis is believed to have killed more than 1 million people.

4.The main purpose of writing the passage is _____.

A. to call on the public to fight with hepatitis

B. to request the public to care about the hepatitis patients

C. to warn the public to learn of the danger of the disease

D. to persuade the public to take regular examinations yearly



Happy Shakespeare Day!

The 23rd April is World Book Day, but did you know that it is also Shakespeare Day? Everybody has heard of Shakespeare, but do you know many plays he wrote? Have you heard of many of his poetry?

Shakespeare’s plays fit into three categories: tragedies, comedies and histories. Perhaps his most famous play is the tragedy story of Romeo and Juliet, which deals with two young lovers who are forbidden to marry by their parents. Other tragedies include Hamlet, a play about a vengeful ghost Othello, about an army general who is manipulated(操纵) into killing his wife, and Macbeth(麦克白). If you’ve seen Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban written which is sung in the Great Hall after the Sorting Ceremony. These words come from the Witches in Macbeth!

Shakespeare’s comedies include Much Ado About Nothing, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Twelfth Night. Twelfth Night is a play about confusing identities. Two twins are shipwrecked and the sister, Viola, dresses up as her brother, Sebastian, who she thinks is dead. It’s hilarious, because the brother reappears without Viola realizing and there’s a big love triangle going on: Viola is in love with the Duke Osino, who is in love with Olivia, who falls in love with Sebastian, except she doesn’t realize that Sebastian is actually Viola dressed up! Everybody falls in love with the wrong person, but it is all made right in the end.

The history plays, such as Antony and Cleopatra, Richard III and Henry V are based on the lives of real historical people. Antony and Cleopatra is a story about a doomed romance in ancient Egypt. Cleopatra becomes Antony’s mistress and Antony becomes so obsessed with her that he loses his military might. Cleopatra kills self by letting a snake bite her after Egypt’s army has been defeated by Octavius and Antony kills himself too.

Shakespeare’s plays can be very heavy going sometimes. Some of the themes they deal with are heavy and complex, so they almost always contain a lighter subplot with characters who aren’t closely linked to the characters in the main plot. They are often used in tragedies to lighten the mood of the play and to keep the audience interested in the main plot.

1.What can we learn about Shakespeare’s tragedies?

A. Romeo and Juliet is perhaps the most famous play of all time.

B. Hamlet tells us a story of two young lovers dead in the end.

C. The army general Othello kills his wife in person purposely.

D. Macbeth gives J.K. Rowling some inspiration in her writing.

2.What is not a probable ending in Twelfth Night?

A. Viola and Sebastian reunited.    B. Osino and Viola got marred.

C. Osino and Olivia got married.    D. Sebastian and Olivia got married.

3.Characters in the lighter subplot of Shakespeare’s plays are often used to_____.

A. deal with the heavy and complex themes

B. distinguish the characters in the main plot

C. make the mood of the play softer than before

D. interest the audience in the subplot to the great extent





Top 5 smart wearable vendors in the world

Market research company IDC’s latest data showed that a total of 21 million smart wearables were shipped in the third quarter of 2015, up by 197.6% year-on-year.

As a rather new area, market players change positions frequently. China’s BBK, owner of a children’s phone watch brand Xiaotiancai, outperformed Samsung and broke into the top five clubs, gaining a market share of 3.1 percent.

Let us have a look at the top 5 vendors.

No 5 BBK

Shipment volume: 0.7 million

Market share: 3.1%

People can watch a video on the website of Guangdong Xiaotiancai Tech Company Limited to know more about its phone watches.

No 4 Garmin

Shipment volume: 0.9 million

Market share: 4.1%

Garmin’s new fenix 3 multi-sport GPS training watch is displayed at the 2015 International CES, a trade show of consumer electronics, in Las Vegas, Nevada, Jan 7, 2015.

No 3 Xiaomi

Shipment volumes: 3.7 million

Market share: 17.4%

The Mi Bands, developed by Xiaomi’s ecosystem company Huami Co Ltd, has a function to track the user’s heart beat while in motion.

No 2 Apple

Shipment volume: 3.9 million

Market share: 18.6%

Customers try to use an Apple Watch in an Apple retail store in Hangzhou city, East China’s Zhejiang province, April 24, 2015. The watch went on sale on April 24 around the world.

No 1 Fitbit

Shipmen volume: 4.7 million

Market share: 22.2%

Various Fitbit devices were displayed outside the New York Stock Exchange on Jun 18, 2015, when the company got listed.


1.What is the shipment volume of the rest of the brands?

A. 21 million    B. 13.9 million

C. 7.1 million    D. 6.7 million

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. China’s BBK outperformed Samsung and became the top five clubs.

B. Garmin’s new product is fenix 3 multi-sport GPS training watch.

C. The Mi Band S has a function which tracks the users’ heart troubles.

D. That the company got listed made Fitbit devices become popular.



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