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Dear Mr and Mrs Smith

How time flies!___________________________________________________________________________







I will cherish the merry memories for the rest of my life. I hope we can keep in touch.


Li Ming


Dear Mr and Mrs Smith, How time flies! I have already returned to China safe and sound. When I think of the wonderful two weeks I spent in America,I just can't help thinking of both of you and want to express my gratitude to you. It was so kind of you to have provided everything to make my stay such a happy and wonderful experience, I have learned quite a lot, not only of English but also of your culture. And I really enjoyed the fun and laughter we shared with each other. It was your hospitality and great help that made my journey fruitful and worthwhile. I will cherish the merry memories for the rest of my life. I hope we can keep in touch. Yours, Li Ming 【解析】【名师点睛】 本文是一篇提纲类作文。文章出了详细的提示。考生在成文时应注意:合理发挥想象力,使文章的表达自然,丰满。文章的写作要点要齐全:1. I have already returned to China…2. want to express my gratitude…3. I have learned quite a lot …4. I will cherish the merry memories…:注意文章的人称:以第一人称为主。时态:一般现在时。注意使用高级词汇safe and sound,can't help thinking,express my gratitude,hospitality和句型,以提高文章的档次;恰当使用一些连词、插入语,使文章表达自然,流畅。注意次数:80—120之间。 【范文亮点】①I spent in America 和we shared with each other.省略关系代词的定语从句。②It was your hospitality and great help that made my journey fruitful and worthwhile. 强调句型。  







This morning I go to the shop to change the coat I bought yesterday. But the salesgirl treated me very cold. At the first, she said the coat wasn't selling in the shop, and then she said I had made it dirty. She gave me several different excuse and refused change the coat. So I got angry and argued with him. Just then the manager turned up. He asked that was the matter. After I told him the whole story, he said sorry to me but exchanged the coat for me. Satisfying, I said goodbye to them and took the new coat home.



I am reading 1984 these days, a novel 1. (write) by George Orwell in the 1940s. It occurred to me that in another 84 years, it will be 2100, so I'd like to make a few 2. (predict) for the next 84 years.

First, we will have made certain contact with lives  from other planets, 3. will change the way we look at the world and the universe. The most important outcome (结果) of this may be the uniting (联合) of the world.

The development of technology is a certainty. This can have many 4. (differ) outcomes, but it is clear that the new technology will have a major influence 5. human society.  Simply 6. (speak), the next 84 years will determine whether humans have a future here on this planet.

We are facing many challenges that are  forcing us 7. (choose) whether we will  change  the  way  we  live 8. die. We must use  our technology  to  bring  about  a  much 9. (good) world. If we are unable to solve our problems 10. (successful), it appears unlikely that we will have much of a future beyond the end of this century.



Popular Music

Popular music is also called pop. It is any type of music that a large number of people ______. It is different from folk (民间的) music, which is the ______ music and songs of common people. It's ______ different from classical (古典的) music, which is often more formal or artistic.

There are many types of popular music, ______ rock, country, rap, rhythm and blues (or R&B), the blues and jazz.

It is very ______ for popular music to be popular for only a short time. New songs regularly ______ hit songs. Even ______ of popular music lose popularity. The styles of big band, soul, and disco are no longer as popular as they once were. ______ some songs and styles have remained popular for ______.

Popular music developed out of many styles of religious (宗教的), folk, and classical music. In the 1800s concert bands and traveling musical groups brought ______ music to more and more people.

In the late 1800s and early 1900s the United States became a(n) ______ center of popular music. Songwriters in New York City wrote many popular songs, ______ African Americans created jazz and other new forms of popular music.

In the early 1900s phonograph records (留声机唱片) appeared, so people could ______ music in their homes. ______the first radio stations began playing popular songs.

Rock and roll, a mixture of country and blues music, ______ in the 1950s. It became wildly popular with young people. Rock is ______ the best­known form of popular music.

In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, radio, television, movies, and the Internet ______ popular music to grow and to change. These ______ made it possible for millions of people to hear a single ______ at the same time. They also helped to ______ popular music into the huge business that it is today.

1.A. try    B. enjoy    C. share    D. remember

2.A. quiet    B. light    C. serious    D. traditional

3.A. also    B. never    C. just    D. already

4.A. except for    B. because of    C. such as    D. instead of

5.A. interesting    B. common    C. difficult    D. terrible

6.A. improve    B. influence    C. control    D. replace

7.A. players    B. writers    C. types    D. concerts

8.A. However    B. Besides    C. Moreover    D. Anyhow

9.A. days    B. weeks    C. months    D. years

10.A. folk    B. popular    C. classical    D. religious

11.A. safe    B. strange    C. important    D. unusual

12.A. and    B. but    C. since    D. so

13.A. create    B. record    C. turn up    D. listen to

14.A. Once    B. Soon    C. Recently    D. Finally

15.A. changed    B. continued    C. increased    D. appeared

16.A. still    B. only    C. again    D. even

17.A. taught    B. expected    C. helped    D. warned

18.A. examples    B. inventions    C. advantages    D. activities

19.A. word    B. answer    C. notice    D. song

20.A. make    B. bring    C. introduce    D. add



Christmas can easily become an expensive time of a year. From gifts to decorating, the money spent on the celebration adds up quickly. But there's no reason to completely break the bank. 1.

Make a budget (预算). Set the amount you're willing to spend for the holiday, including gift giving, decorating and travel. 2. And if you can keep to your budget, you'll lead an easy life in the following weeks and months.

Start shopping for Christmas decorations early. Stores have sales for decorations between Halloween and Thanksgiving. 3.  Better yet, go shopping for next year's decorations the day after Christmas. You can buy many things at very low prices right after Christmas.

Shop for gifts all year round. Whenever you're out shopping, keep an eye out for great Christmas presents. 4. Shopping early can prevent you from spending more money than you can afford. And if you spend little here and there throughout the year, Christmas will have a much smaller influence on your wallet in December.

Scale down (缩减) your gift giving. Sometimes you just can't afford to get something for everyone. Remove the people from your list whom you rarely speak with. 5. The people you do choose to buy for don't need something expensive. Keep in mind that it's the thought that is more important.

A. Send them simple cards instead.

B. This budget is perfect for many people.

C. Once you have a budget set, keep to it.

D. And it's after Thanksgiving that the prices begin to go up.

E. Christmas is known as the season of giving, sharing and receiving.

F. There are ways to celebrate well and spend wisely at the same time.

G. It doesn't matter when you get the gift, whether it's January or June.



Pharrell Williams takes a breath and considers how the past years have developed for him: ten Grammy Awards and a number of hit singles including a song that has caused countless fans to express how they are “happy”.

And the key, says the 43­year­old known simply as Pharrell, has been taking advantage of audiences' (听众的) need for heartfelt personal stories.

“I think we've entered a new singer­songwriter time” said the American singer and producer. “People want a story. They want a story they can connect to. It's not about what you have or what you don't have; it's more about your journey and your viewpoint that's important to people.”

Pharrell  said he noticed  a  change  in audiences' tastes over the past year in particular with the sudden success of his song Happy, which received little fanfare upon its release but has turned into an international hit. Countless videos populate sites like YouTube with people from Portugal and China to Abu Dhabi and Iran singing and dancing along to the song.

After seeing how far his song traveled, the singer broke down in tears during a televised interview with the famous talk show host Oprah Winfrey.

“It's just encouraging to people who have something to say, something to express” he said.

The success has made Pharrell realize that people are searching for personal and emotional links (情感纽带), perhaps as a means of getting away from the modern technological world we're living in today.

“People want to feel. There's too much thinking to deal with” the singer said. “We're different from what we were 15 years ago, The only thing we have left that reminds (提醒) us that we are humans is feeling. It' s the most important thing ever.”

1.What's the key to successful music according  to Pharrell?

A. Writing happy songs.

B. Following your heart.

C. Telling moving stories.

D. Sharing personal experiences.

2.What can we learn about Pharrell's song Happy?

A. It received a cold welcome.

B. It became popular overnight.

C. It changed audiences' tastes in music.

D. It received different responses at home and abroad.

3.How did Pharrell feel about the success of his song?

A. It was caused by good luck.

B. It was within his expectations.

C. It gave him hope and confidence.

D. It prevented him giving up making music.

4.Why do people want to be connected to others emotionally?

A. They need someone to talk to.

B. They need others to help them think.

C. They are tired of their own personal life.

D. They feel less human in the technological world.



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