满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

With a violent effort, Mathilde Loisel o...

With a violent effort, Mathilde Loisel overcame her grief and replied, “Nothing. Only I haven't a dress. Give your invitation to some friend of yours whose wife will ________ better than I shall.”

A. turn out    B. carry out

C. give out    D. come out


A 【解析】试题分析:考查动词短语。A.turn out结果是,证明是;B.carry out执行,完成;C.give out分发,公布;D. come out出来,出现,出版。句意:玛蒂尔德·卢瓦泽尔努力克服了自己的悲伤,回复到:“没什么。如果我没有裙子,就把你的请柬送给证明比我会好的你那些朋友的妻子。在此turn out作系动词。A项符合语境。 【知识拓展】 1.make out(1) 理解,明白。如:I couldn’t make out what he meant. 我不懂他是什么意思。(2) 看清,(勉强)辨认出。如:I can’t make out his handwriting. 我辨认不出他的笔迹。We made out three figures moving in the distance. 我们看出远处有三个人影在移动。(3) 填写。如:I asked her to make out a receipt. 我叫她打了个收条。(4) 假装,装成,声称。如 :He made out to be ill. 他假装生病了。He makes out that he’s younger than me. 他声称比我年轻。 2.work out (1)(根据推理或计算)得出; 算出 (n. / wh-从句)(2) 想出;制订出;产生 (n. / wh-从句)(3) 锻炼;训练 (非正式用语)(4) 有好结果;进行情况良好(5)(情况等的)发展,进行 turn out(1)关掉。Turn out the light. 关灯。(2)赶出,辞退。He was turned out of his job. 他被辞退了。(3)集合,出席。Voters turned out in good numbers. 选民出席率很高。(4)结局,原来是。The story turned out happily. 故事结局圆满。She turned out to be his daughter.原来她就是他的女儿。 考点:考查动词短语  

Looking back upon my teaching career, I don’t remember ever having been doubted, or challenged in class, ________ rejected.

A. other than    B. let alone

C. rather than    D. more than



According to Global Blue, a tax-free shopping consultancy, Chinese shoppers were said to be the biggest overseas spenders in the year 2013, each customer _________ an average of £ 1,367 per transaction.

A. spent    B. to spend

C. spending    D. has spent



Present at the historic meeting ____many an official on Nov 7, of course President Xi Jinping and Ma Ying-jeou _________.

A. was; included    B. was; including

C. were; included    D. has been; included



It is vital to ________ to teenagers the simple fact that ________ the Internet will more or less do harm to both mental and physical health.

A. get across; being addicted to    B. get over; addicted to

C. get through; addicting to    D. get down; addicting themselves to



Each ticket, unless stated __________, admits only one person.

A. otherwise    B. else

C. others    D. rather



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