满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Once upon a time,there lived a poor farm...

Once upon a time,there lived a poor farmer and his wife.One day,having _______ their day’s labor and eaten their simple _______,they were sitting by the fire.And then they had a quarrel over who should _______ the door—it was blown open by the _______.

“Darling,shut the door!” said the man.

_______,do it yourself!” the woman answered.

“I will not shut it,and you shall not shut it,” said the man,“but let the one who speaks the _______ word shut it.”

His words _______ the wife,so the old couple,well satisfied,went to _______ in silence.

In the middle of the night they heard a _______,and looking around,they found that a wild dog had ________the room,and that he was busy ________ their food.Not a word,however,would either of these ________ people say,and the dog,having eaten as much as he wanted,went out of the house.

The next morning the woman went ________ by herself.

When she was ________,a barber entered and said to the husband,“Why are you ________ here alone?” The farmer didn’t say a word.The barber then shaved()his head,but still he did not ________.He shaved off half his beard,but even then the man kept silent.“The man is crazy!” cried the barber,and he ________ escaped out of the house.

At this moment the man’s wife ________ from the shop.She,seeing her husband in such a(n)________ condition,cried,“Ah!What have you been ________?”

“You spoke the first word,” said the farmer,“so,please shut the door.”

1.A. found    B. divided    C. began    D. finished

2.A. breakfast    B. supper    C. lunch    D. soup

3.A. shut    B. paint    C. repair    D. answer

4.A. cloud    B. snow    C. wind    D. air

5.A. All right    B. No problem    C. Good idea    D. No way

6.A. last    B. only    C. first    D. same

7.A. troubled    B. pleased    C. angered    D. surprised

8.A. chair    B. field    C. bed    D. table

9.A. noise    B. knock    C. voice    D. song

10.A. filled    B. left N    C. cleaned    D. entered

11.A. preparing    B. eating    C. smelling    D. cooking

12.A. weak    B. careless    C. silly    D. patient

13.A. shopping    B. swimming    C. walking    D. dancing

14.A. free    B. in    C. ill    D. out

15.A. singing    B. sleeping    C. sitting    D. working

16.A. look    B. speak    C. stand    D. arrive

17.A. quickly    B. happily    C. carefully    D. sadly

18.A. returned    B. ran    C. came    D. moved

19.A. dangerous    B. nervous    C. angry    D. strange

20.A. drinking    B. doing    C. offering    D. taking


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.B 17.A 18.A 19.D 20.B 【解析】本文是一篇故事。从前一个农夫和他妻子劳动了一天,吃完饭坐在火炉旁突然一扇门敞开了,丈夫让妻子关门,妻子不去。于是他们俩打赌谁先说话谁关门。于是当一只野狗进来吃东西他们不说话,丈夫被一个理发师理了发,刮了胡子也不说,最后由于妻子的问话才结束了俩人之间的赌局。 1. D 考查动词辨析。从本空后的内容可知,他们吃完了晚饭,然后坐在火堆旁闲谈。可推出是做完了一天的农活。故选finished. 2.B 考查名词。根据第9小题之前的“In the middle of the night”可知应该是晚饭,故选B项。 3.A 考查动词辨析。下文多处的shut有提示:他们开始争论到底该谁去把被风吹开的门“关上”。另外与本空后的“open”构成对比。 4.C 考查名词。根据本空前的“blown”可知,房间的门是被一阵“风”给吹开的。故选C。 5.D 考查名词短语辨析。考查由下句“I will not shut it,and you shall not shut it,” 可知,他的妻子不愿意去关门。A. All right好吧; B. No problem 没问题; C. Good idea好主意;D. No way没门。从句意中可以妻子不愿意,因此选no way表示拒绝。 6.C 考查形容词。根据本文最后一段最后一句““You spoke the first word,” said the farmer,“so, please shut the door.” “你说了第一个字,”农夫说,“那么,请把门关上。”可知选C项。 7.B 考查动词辨析。丈夫的这个提议让妻子很高兴。于是,夫妻俩满意地上“床”睡觉。后文的“satisfied”也有所提示。 8.C 考查名词。从下文“In the middle of the night ”也可推断出night,故上床睡觉。故选C。 9.A 考查名词。从下文“they found that a wild dog”可知是一只野狗闯进来了,弄出了“声响”(noise,噪音)。Knock敲门;. Voice(好听的)声音; song歌曲,故A符合题意。 10.D 考查动词辨析。从上句:他们四处看,发现一只野狗进来了。故用enter,进入。Fill(使)充满,(使)装满; leave离开;.clean清洁‘变干净‘除去…的灰尘‘使…干净;enter进入,因此enter符合本题。 11.B 考查动词辨析。由本空后food可知:这只狗在这里大吃了一顿。故选B.eat吃。 12.C 考查形容词。由本文中这对夫妇的行为可见:他们愚蠢透顶。A. weak柔弱的,虚弱的, 无力的,软弱的,B. careless 粗心的; C. silly蠢的,糊涂的,没头脑的;D. patient有耐性的,能容忍的。因此C符合本题。 13.A 考查名词。从下文第18题的shop推断出:第二天早晨,妻子独自一人去买东西。故A符合本题。 14.D4 考查介词。从下文可知:当女主人离开后,一位理发师进来了。 15.C 考查动词。从下文的理发师与其对话,可知这个丈夫不是睡觉的(sleeping),不会是唱歌(sing),也不会是(working),由此可判断出:第二天早晨了,丈夫起床后一个人坐在家里。 16.B 考查动词。由于农夫正与他的妻子打赌,因此理发师问他的问题他都一概不理,当理发师给他剃头时,他仍然没有说话(speak),故选B。 17.A 考查副词。他认为这人着了魔,吓得他赶紧(quickly)逃离了这座房子。 18.A 考查动词辨析。因为理发师认为这个丈夫是疯了,于理发师正往外跑,女主人从商店买东西回来了。A. return返回;ran 跑; came 来;. Moved感动。故A返回符合题意。 19.D 考查形容词。她看见她丈夫头发剃完了,胡子被剃了一半,这个样子肯定非常怪(strange),故选D。 20.B 考查动词。(妻子看见丈夫这个样子。)妻子就她问丈夫:“你到底在干(doing)什么?A. drinking喝,饮;B. doing 做;C. offering 提供;D. taking拿。从句意可知B符合题意。

Each New Year,we wish others happiness and success.1. There are several—a smile,freedom,the willingness to share and the confidence that you will get what you need in life.

2. As you turn over the calendar,keep turning over your mind as well.Don’t fill your future dates with past events.Just move on.

You want to be free of such weaknesses as complaint,hatred,and anger.3. Do not let the past affect your life in the present.If you cannot forgive the past,then your future will be dark.

As long as you are useful to people,your value will never be lost.“Any of your good actions will always come back to you.Today you have the whole world for a family.What you need to feel is that everybody is part of your own family.4. Open your eyes and see how much you have been given.5. The more thankful you feel,the more you will be given.However,the more you complain,the more will be taken away from you.

There is always happiness when you focus on what you have.With this calmness,abilities appear naturally.Success comes,beauty comes,and peace comes.

A.What are the effects of success?

B.What really is the sign of success?

C.Welcome the New Year with a smile.

D.Take responsibility and then there is no suffering.

E.Understand that negative feelings are because of the past.

F.Focus on what you have rather than what you don’t have.

G.Never quit and keep on trying,and then you will make it.



After years of heated debate, gray wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park. Fourteen wolves were caught in Canada and transported to the park. By last year, the Yellowstone wolf population had grown to more than 170 wolves.

Gray wolves once were seen here and there in the Yellowstone area and much of the continental United States, but they were gradually displaced by human development. By the 1920s, wolves had practically disappeared from the Yellowstone area. They went farther north into the deep forests of Canada, where there were fewer humans around.

The disappearance of the wolves had many unexpected results. Deer and elk populations — major food sources (来源) for the wolf – grew rapidly. These animals consumed large amounts of vegetation (植被), which reduced plant diversity in the park. In the absence of wolves, coyote populations also grew quickly. The coyotes killed a large percentage of the park’ s red foxes, and completely drove away the park’ s beavers.

As early as 1966,biologists asked the government to consider reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone Park.They hoped that wolves would be able to control the elk and coyote problems.Many farmers opposed the plan because they feared that wolves would kill their farm animals or pets.

  The government spent nearly 30 years coming up with a plan to reintroduce the wolvers. The U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service carefully monitors and manages the wolf packs in Yellowstone.Today,the debate continues over how well the gray wolf is fitting in at Yellowstone.Elk,deer,and coyote populations are down,while beavers and red fores have made a comeback.The Yellowstone wolf project has been a valuable experiment to help biologists decide whether to reintroduce wolves to other parts of the country as well.

1.What is the text mainly about?

A. Wildlife research in the United States.

B. Plant diversity in the Yellowstone area.

C. The conflict between farmers and gray wolves.

D. The reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone Park.

2.What does the underlined word “displaced” in paragraph 2 mean?

A. Tested.    B. Separated.    C. Forced out.    D. Tracked down.

3.What did the disappearance of gray wolves bring about?

A. Damage to local ecology.    B. A decline in the park’s income.

C. Preservation of vegetation.    D. An increase in the variety of animals.

4.What is the author’s attitude towards the Yellowstone wolf project?

A. Doubtful.    B. Positive.    C. Disapproving.    D. Uncaring.



When I was a child,my parents often took me to an old house in a thick forest.No other children ever stayed there.I didn’t even have the choice of playing with a brother or sister.

I could never understand what the attraction of the house was,even for my parents,who enjoyed nothing better than to sit in silence with a good book.The woman in the house,my father’s distant cousin,was a terrible cook and her food was inedible.

One day,when I was wandering around the garden behind the house,I noticed a wooden house which had clearly been abandoned.As I walked towards it,I heard a noise,like an animal moving hurriedly away.Then I saw a man with a long beard standing at the door.I was greatly surprised.

“Please don’t tell them you saw me,” he said.“They never use this place,and I have nowhere else to live.” “Don’t worry,” I said.“I won’t tell anyone.But are you all right out here?I mean—do you have enough to eat?” The old man shook his head.

The same evening,I took a small plastic bag into the dining room and,while no one was looking,emptied some of the food into it.Later,I got out of the back door secretly and gave the food to the old man,whose name I had discovered was Taff.

I had never seen anything else as lovely as the smile of satisfaction on Taff’s face when he ate the food.From then on,my visits to the old house had a purpose,and I enjoyed every minute of the rest of my stay.

1.How did the writer feel about staying in the old house at first?

A. He was happy to be with his parents.

B. He enjoyed reading good books there.

C. He was pleased with the woods.

D. He felt very lonely.

2.The underlined word “inedible” is closest in meaning to “   ”.

A. too bad for him to eat

B. nice to look at

C. not enough to eat

D. as delicious as usual

3.What can we know about the old man from the passage?

A. He was poor and hungry.

B. He helped to repair the old house.

C. He liked to play hide-and-seek with the writer.

D. He raised many animals.

4.The story mainly tells us    .

A. it’s nice to raise wild animals

B. it’s valuable to help others

C. it’s good to live in the forest

D. it’s comfortable to live in the old house



Bikes are popular in the Netherlands.In fact,nearly half of all travel in the Netherlands is by bike.Now,one Dutch bike designer,Thomas,has taken the country’s interest in bikes by making a school bus bike.

The big bike has eight sets of pedals for kids,a driver seat for an adult,and three other seats,comfortably letting little kids for their trip to and from school.The bike even has a motor,which can help with high hills or at times when few kids on it.

So far,Thomas tells Fast Company,he’s sold 25 school-bikes,at a price of $25,000 each—less than it would cost to buy a traditional school bus with the same number of seats.Along with the traditional color,the bikes are colored yellow so that they can be seen easily.

Thomas says he’s sold school bus bikes to neighboring countries such as Belgium,England and Germany,but so far,the school bus bike hasn’t been sold in the United States.If the US agrees to buy this kind of school bus bike,it could do a lot of good to improve exercise for a young age and help them keep healthy.

1.How do people in the Netherlands usually go to work?

A. By car.    B. By bus.

C. By bike.    D. On foot.

2.The school buses are yellow in the Netherlands because    .

A. the color yellow is easy to paint

B. yellow buses can be seen easily

C. yellow is the national color of the Netherlands

D. it’s the designer’s favorite color

3.Which country of the following hasn’t bought a school bus bike?

A. America.    B. Germany.

C. England.    D. Belgium.

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Thomas made a new kind of school bus.

B. A school bus usually costs $25,000.

C. Thomas sold bikes to Asian countries.

D. Riding school bus bikes helps keep kids healthy.



以下是你所在的广州第一中学一位外籍教师Eric Nilsson的简历:



Eric Nilsson












1. 热爱教学,乐于帮助大家,治学严谨,深受学生喜爱和尊重;

2. 课堂生动有趣,受到同学们的欢迎;

3. 经常给学生做各种讲座(例如:如何培养好的学习习惯等)。


写作内容:假设你所在中学的校报拟定在下期介绍各位外籍教师,请就Eric Nilsson的简历为他写一篇介绍性的英语短文。













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