满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1.他们有很多共同点并且相处很融洽。 They _______________...



They _______________ and get on well with each other.


Several years _______________ before they met again.


It doesn't often rain in the summer here.________________,we have to water the vegetable garden.


What _______________ has happened to him recently?


Please speak louder _______________


It is _______________ heavy a box _______________ I can't lift it.


His dream of being a college student _______________


Never _______________ your personal information like your name.


A medical team _______________ 3 doctors was sent to the disaster area.


_______________,I was reading some magazines.


1.have a lot in common 2.went by 3.As a result 4.do you think 5.to make ourself heard 6.sothat 7.has come true 8.give away 9.consisting of 10.While (I was) waiting 【解析】根据所给汉语完成句子。 1.have a lot in common 有许多共同点,根据汉语可知答案为have a lot in common。 2.go by经过,根据before they met again.可知主句用一般过去时态,答案为went by。 3.As a result 结果,根据句意可知答案为As a result。 4.根据句意可知do you think是插入语,故答案为do you think。 5.make oneself done使某人自己被---,此处是动词不定式做目的状语,根据所给汉语可知答案为to make ourselves heard。 6.根据句意可知此处是so---that---引导的结果状语从句,故答案为so---that。 7.根据句意可知句子用现在完成时态,his dream是句子主语,单数第三人称形式,come true变成现实,可知答案为has come true。 8.give away泄密,根据所给内容可知句子是否定祈使句,故答案为give away。 9.此处是现在分词做后置定语,consist of 组成,构成,无被动形式,故答案为consisting of 。 10.根据所给内容可知句子是while引导的时间状语从句,从句用过去进行时态,因为主、从句的主语相同,可知答案为While (I was) waiting。

Every student will be 1.(face) with the question when he2.(pass) the College Entrance Examinations: Should we choose a good major(专业) or a good university first?

Some students prefer to consider majors first so that they can learn 3..

they are interested in.It will also make 4.possible for them to take their favorite jobs in the future. However, those who think 5.(different) believe that the environment is important to one's 6. (develop) and that graduates from leading universities are often more likely 7.(find)  a good job.

In my opinion,the best choice is a good major at a good university. If we cannot obtain both, the first thing 8.(consider) is a good major,because no matter 9.we study,we can still achieve a lot in 10.certain field if we try our best.



A couple of weeks ago, my friend offered to sell some of our things for us. I thought it was a good opportunity to ______    my 7­year­old son's room and  ______ some toys that were no longer  suitable for him to play with. We  ______ that all the money we got from selling the toys would be his money.

The night before the ______, we loaded up the truck with toys and a little bike that was too ______ for him.In the yard he ______the bike for the last time and then happily put it onto the truck. This little bike had at least two previous owners as far as we ______. It wasn't in the best ______and was certainly not new,but the tires(轮胎)were ______ good.

We put a price of $10 on it, but it didn't sell.So,after the sale was ______,my friend put it on the sidewalk,with a sign that ______ “FREE BIKE”.Within five minutes her doorbell rang.A little boy was ______ there.In poor English he asked whether the bike was ______ free.We said yes and that he could have it for ______.He smiled,got on the bike and rode away.

Later that evening when I told my son how  much money he had made at the sale, he was very______,shouting happily. He asked about a few of his things, wondering ______  they had been sold.  When he asked about the bike, I told him about  the little boy and that made him  ______.He was much happier than when I told him how much he had ______.He was so happy to ______ that someone else would make good ______ of that little bike!

1.A. clean    B. check    C. display    D. design

2.A. look for    B. go through    C. show off    D. deal with

3.A. refused    B. agreed    C. wrote    D. lied

4.A. trip    B. show    C. sale    D. decision

5.A. weak    B. small    C. new    D. thin

6.A. rode    B. found    C. watched    D. felt

7.A. doubted    B. knew    C. told    D. thought

8.A. time    B. chance    C. place    D. shape

9.A. also    B. never    C. still    D. hardly

10.A. ahead    B. on    C. near    D. over

11.A. said    B. repeated    C. copied    D. expressed

12.A. jumping    B. standing    C. walking    D. shouting

13.A. barely    B. usually    C. really    D. always

14.A. something    B. anything    C. everything    D. nothing

15.A. calm    B. scared    C. excited    D. disappointed

16.A. when    B. if    C. why    D. how

17.A. smile    B. worry    C. leave    D. cry

18.A. enjoyed    B. lost    C. bought    D. made

19.A. hear    B. understand    C. remember    D. think

20.A. interest    B. money    C. use    D. price



Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they are meant to be there.1. They teach you a lesson,or help you figure out who you are or who you want to become.

2.They may be a roommate,a neighbor,a professor,a friend,a lover,or even a complete stranger.Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible at first,but later you will find that without those difficulties you would have never realized your potential.3.It would be safe and comfortable,but dull and completely pointless.

The people you meet who affect your life,help to create who you are and who you become.4.In fact,they are sometimes the most important ones.

If someone loves you,give love back to them not only because they love you,but also because they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things.

5.They have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart to.

Make every day count.Appreciate every moment.

A.They serve some sort of purpose.

B.Learn a lesson in life each day that you live.

C.Even the bad experiences can be learned from.

D.You never know who these people may be.

E.If someone hurts you,or breaks your heart,forgive them.

F.Without these small tests,life would be like a smooth road to nowhere.

G.If you don't believe in yourself,it will be hard for others to believe in you.



From the beginning of the Internet, online dating (约会) has become one of the most popular things to all the consumers (顾客).Although this may be fun, it is important to remember to think of your safety when trying to meet that certain somebody.When talking about safety I am referring to taking care of your computer and yourself.

Before getting into the world of online dating you should make sure you take care of protecting your computer.A good fire wall and an anti­virus program are a must. These are needed to protect your emails and anywhere you surf on the Internet.  There are many great programs offered at your local computer store or available to buy online.  With great programs often come some pretty good costs.  There is something that is better for the people who just can't afford the cost of a good anti­virus—you can find quite a few decent ones on the Internet for free.

Protecting yourself could surely be much more important than protecting your computer. You want to be careful in choosing your dating sites. Do some good research. If you know anyone who has tried an online dating  service,ask them what they thought. There are so many online dating sites that you should do extensive (广泛的) researches. Make sure you keep the web addresses. Keep a list of fees, regulations and anything else that looks interesting to you. If a place looks shady or makes you feel uncomfortable then you should steer clear away. At the end of the day make sure you take care of yourself.

1.When you meet somebody online you should        

A. try to know something about him or her

B. learn to protect yourself and your computer

C. remember that all of you are safe enough

D. realize that you are likely to be in trouble

2.The second paragraph is mainly to tell  us  that        

A. it is necessary for you to protect your emails

B. good programs are usually very expensive

C. we can buy good programs at the local store

D. an anti­virus is needed to protect the computer

3.Before you visit the dating sites       

A. you should try to learn more about them

B. you'd better have a talk with your friends

C. you can look through the web addresses

D. you will collect as many sites as you can

4.The underlined word “shady” in Paragraph 3 means “        ”.

A. funny    B. strange

C. unsafe    D. secret



If your child has mobile Internet access, it will be more difficult to monitor(监督) and control his or her Internet use. Kids are turning to the Internet for everything from hanging out with friends to shopping, which makes it harder for parents to keep track of their online activities. Fortunately, there are many choices for controlling what your kids see on their computers, laptops, and mobile devices.

Content blockers and filters are great tools to use for younger kids. They allow you more control over where they go and what they do online. A content blocker can block some unhealthy websites or limit a child's search to the kind of sites. A content filter can scan sites and pictures and block  those  sites  that  contain  certain words, key phrases, or content.

Consider tracking software for older teenagers. This software enables you to see which sites your children have visited, tracking their paths online. This tool gives young people more freedom to explore the Internet, but it also allows you to check that they are using the Internet responsibly.  Let your teenagers know  that you trust them, but that you will be regularly checking that they are visiting appropriate sites online.

Even if you use content blockers, filters, and trackers, you know that a lot of kids figure out ways to get around these, so  it's important to remain alert (警惕的). Remember that not all adult sites can be identified by blocker,  filter,  or tracker software. That's why it's important to talk to your kids about what to do when something inappropriate or scary comes  up. Nothing can replace involvement and supervision (监督) by adults. Keep monitoring how your kids use the Internet on a regular basis without getting into the role of Internet traffic police.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A. More and more kids have mobile Internet access.

B. Some choices for monitoring and controlling kid's Internet use.

C. It is difficult to monitor and control kid's Internet use.

D. Kids are turning to the Internet for everything.

2.How should parents monitor and control younger kids' Internet use?

A. With tracking software.

B. With tracking software and content blockers and filters.

C. With content blockers and filters.

D. With filters and trackers.

3.The 3rd paragraph is about       

A. how to monitor and control older teenagers' Internet use

B. how to monitor and control younger kids' Internet use

C. tracking software

D. content blockers and filters



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