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Dear Jackson, There will be a Beijing opera performance held in a theater this weekend. Now, let me introduce some details to you. As a perfect example of Chinese culture, Beijing opera has a long history. Centered in Beijing, the opera has many types of facial makeup, which refer to different characters. As the poster says, some popular selections will be performed during the show time this weekend and some famous actors will show a visual feast for audience. So I sincerely invite you to go to watch the show with me. It can give you some interesting things to appreciate even though you can’t understand what the actors sing. It will be a nice experience for you at least. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】本文是邀请信,市一家剧院将在本周末举办一场京剧演出,外教Jackson对此很感兴趣并向你打听相关事宜,写信向他介绍京剧和邀请参加。文章以现在时为主,主要分两部分。第一部分先说明写信的目的,简要介绍中国京剧;第二部分介绍演出内容:京剧名段,并邀请他一同前往观看。 写作时要注意用词礼貌,态度诚恳,要点全面,用词准确。还要运用高级句型来丰富文章内容,如过去分词held in a theater 和Centered in Beijing,定语从句which refer to different characters.宾语从句what the actors sing.词汇a visual feast for audience,at least等。  







One evening I went out with my friends Wang Yi for a meal in a country pub. We left at 9:30 and I was offered to take Wang Yi home. We were driving along when, suddenly, a car drove past us out of control. The car crashed and before that it burst into flames. We ran to the burning car quickly. When we get there, we saw three people trapping inside. They were screaming and we knew we had to get them in. It was extreme hot as we opened the doors, and we saved them successfully. It's nice feeling to know they have helped to save those people.



The Sydney Opera House has a very interesting history. 1. all started in the 1940s, when the Sydney Symphony Orchestra had nowhere to play. The orchestra’s conductor, Eugene Goossens, asked the Australian government to think about building a place and the government 2. (final) agreed to build an opera house in 1954.

The government held an 3. (nation) competition to find a design for the opera house. Many of the 233 designers from around the world 4. entered the competition were famous, but the design of an unknown Danish architect 5. (name) Jorn Utzom was chosen as the 6. (win).

While drawing up the plans, Utzon remembered the temples he 7. (see) in Mexico before and used them as his inspiration for the base 8. the opera house in Sydney The building of the opera house began in 1958, but Utzon had still not finished his plans He did not like his first plan as the concrete roof shells did not work. His new idea was 9. (make) the shell shapes on the roof into the shape of a ball. That way, the same ball mould (模型) could be used for several roof 10. (part). In 1962, the government agreed to the new ball roof idea. The building was completed and in November 1973, the Sydney Opera Hope was opened by Queen Elizabeth II.



A 17-year-old girl found living in a Georgia home after being missing for more than a year is now safe at her North Carolina home with her family. But her mother told local TV station WOSC that her daughter is not the same. “There are __ in my daughter,” Shaunna Burns said. “She is not the same person that __ and that is the hardest part of this. ”

Hailey was __ missing on May 23, 2016, who was 14 years old, after she walked out of her home __ telling anyone where she was going, WOSC reports. After Hailey went __, her family said she had run away with a man she met online. "He __ her to listen to him and not to follow our __ and then my daughter wasn’t communicating with me,” her father told WBTV.

On June 24,Hailey’s parents were __ that their daughter was in Duluth, Georgia. Hours later, she    was __ by federal agents and taken    to a local __ before    being returned to her __    , according to FBI officials.

Michael Ren Wysolovski, 31, was    arrested at the    __. He supposedly shared the __ with Hailey, who appeared to be physically __    except for weight loss, according to the FBI. Wysolovski has been __ with false imprisonment and    __ to children.

On Monday, Hailey’s father shared the family’s __ on social media. “I woke up to-day crying and being __ for the miracle that has happened in our live,” Anthony Burns wrote on Facebook. “We never __ .She is happy to be home. We can now __ again."

1.A. stories    B. changes    C. difficulties    D. wonders

2.A. left    B. worked    C. rose    D. remembered

3.A. witnessed    B. found    C. doubted    D. denied

4.A. after    B. since    C. besides    D. without

5.A. wrong    B. impatient    C. missing    D. impolite

6.A. forced    B. led    C. allowed    D. advised

7.A. promises    B. explanation    C. directions    D. introductions

8.A. warned    B. informed    C. suggested    D. persuaded

9.A. betrayed    B. tracked    C. rescued    D. seized

10.A. school    B. company    C. shelter    D. hospital

11.A. team    B. class    C. family    D. organization

12.A. show    B. scene    C. beginning    D. moment

13.A. home    B. dream    C. experience    D. adventure

14.A. unharmed    B. unavailable    C. uncompleted    D. unacceptable

15.A. supplied    B. awarded    C. connected    D. charged

16.A. murder    B. cruelty    C. kindness    D. tolerance

17.A. sorrow    B. prayer    C. relief    D. anger

18.A. surprised    B. dissatisfied    C. hopeful    D. grateful

19.A. ran away    B. woke up    C. went away    D. gave up

20.A. breathe    B. fight    C. climb    D. behave



English teachers love William Shakespeare for all his wonderful 16th century dialogue and prose (散文). 1. If you need or want to read a comedy or tragedy of Shakespeare's and don’t know how to begin, here are some tips to get you started

Keep a Shakespeare lexicon handy. A lexicon is a reference guide similar to a dictionary, except that it defines and explains word usage from different periods or regions.2.

Explore online study guides. Many sites offer free study guides to the works of William Shakespeare. 3. These websites will include a character analysis, plot timeline, major themes and chapter, as well as an explanation of unfamiliar terms.

4. Charles and Mary Lamb have written beautiful story versions that are very readable for all ages. If you read it as a story without the dialogue or unfamiliar dialect and language, you will get a feel for the plot and characters. You will understand the story better.

Watch a theater or movie version of the play. You can access some versions of the plays on United streaming. com as a teacher. As a student, look on the Internet movie database for a comprehensive list of productions. 5.

Shakespeare’s works are fun and wonderful! Make friends with the rhythm of this most engaging reading! Use this handy guide and soon you’ll be another Shakespeare in no time!

A. Try to add the correct emotion.

B. Listen to the way that the actors say the lines.

C. His works were written for actors in a theater.

D. English students hate him for the same reason.

E. It will translate terms from middle to modern English.

F. Read the story itself in children's version to get the main plot.

G. I regularly use Cliffnotes, Sparknotes and Pink Monkey for literary help.



Scientists think they have answered a mystery: How some ocean creatures got so huge so quickly.

A few million years ago, the largest whales, averaged about 15 feet long. Then seemingly overnight, one type of whale, the toothless baleen whale(须鲸类)became huge. Modern blue whales get as big as 100 feet. Nicholas Pyenson of the Smithsonian Natural History Museum said, “Why is that?” ”It happened in the glance of an evolutionary eye, which makes it harder to figure out what happened,” said Graham Slater, lead author of the study. Their study has suggested an answer: Ice ages in the last 3 to 5 million years started it, changing the oceans and food supply for whales.

The researchers used fossil records of the smaller whales to create a family tree for baleen whales which include blue whales, humpbacks and right whales. Using computer simulations(模拟)and knowledge about how evolution works, they concluded that when the size changes started, the poles got colder, ice expanded and the water circulation in the oceans changed and winds shifted,    Slater and Pyenson said cold water went deep and moved closer to the equator(赤道)and then eventually moved back up with small fish and other small animals that whales eat.

Baleen whale, which have no teeth, feed by eating huge amounts of fish they capture. Toothed whales, like sperm whales (抹香鲸), hunt individual fish, so the ocean chants that made food less evenly spread out didn’t affect them as much. But baleen whales hunt schools of fish.

Olivier Lambert at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences calls it “a really convincing situation”. But he said the lack of fossils in certain time periods is an issue. As oceans warm from man-made climate change, the seas will be more like it was when the whales smaller and they will have a more difficult time surviving.

1.What does the author mean by “It happened in the glance of an evolutionary eye” in the second paragraph?

A. The change of baleen whales happened too quickly.

B. The change of baleen whales was too difficult to explore.

C. Researchers paid little attention to the change of baleen whales.

D. Researchers thought the change of baleen whales was unimportant.

2.What played the key role in baleen whales’ becoming huge?

A. Man-made climate change.

B. Its eating a huge amount of fish.

C. The water circulation in the oceans.

D. The increase of food supply for whales.

3.What do we know about sperm whales and blue whales according to the text?

A. Sperm whales eat more food.

B. Blue whaler live much longer.

C. Sperm whales prefer to hunt schools of fish.

D. Blue whales usually swallow schools of fish.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. There are no whale fossils now.

B. The whales may become even bigger.

C. Global warming has threatened the whales.

D. Olivier Lamber thinks the study is perfect.



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