满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1.You must _______the time you wasted t...


1.You must _______the time you wasted this afternoon by working late tonight.

2.Could you________my clothes while I have a swim?

3.The new reforms have not met with ______approval within the government.

4.As time___________my memory seems to get worse.

5.Don’t lose heart.__________, you have tried your best.

6.I haven’t a thing____________with my father.

7.His parents doesn’t __________him________go out alone at night.

8.__________his teachers and parents, he has made rapid progress.

9.__________all the efforts, he failed.

10._________I can see what you mean, even though I don’t share your point of view.


1.make up 2.watch over 3.universal 4.goes by 5.After all 6.in common 7.allow ...to 8.With the help of 9.In spite of 10.In a way 【解析】完成句子。 1.句意:你一定要通过工作到深夜来弥补你今天下午浪费的时间。make up弥补,可知答案为make up。 2.句意:我游泳的时候你能照看一下我的衣服吗?watch over看守,照管,可知答案为watch over。 3.句意:新的改革在政府内没有得到全体一致赞同。 universal普遍的,全世界的。可知答案为universal。 4.句意:随着时间的推移我的记忆似乎变得更糟糕。As引到时间状语从句,随着---,go by经过,句子用一般现在时态,可知答案为goes by。 5.句意:不要丧失信心,毕竟你已经尽力了。After all终究,毕竟,可知答案为After all。 6.句意:我和父亲没有共同点。in common共同的,可知答案为in common。 7.句意:他的父母不允许他晚上单独出去。allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事,可知答案为allow --- to。 8.句意:在他父母和老师的帮助下,他取得了快速的进步。With the help of ---,在---的帮助下。可知答案为With the help of。 9.句意:尽管他付出了所有的努力,但是他失败了。可知答案为In spite of。 10.句意:在某种程度上我能明白你的意思,即使我不同意你的观点。In a way在某种程度上,可知答案为In a way。


1.共有;共用  __________________

2.的帮助下 _________________

3.走过;过去 ___________________

4.在某种程度上  ________________

5.看守;监视 ___________________


7.处理信息 ______________________


9.技术革命 _____________________

10.为人类服务 __________________

11.解决一个数学问题 __________________

12.允许某人做某事 ____________________

13.轮流做某事 ________________________

14.尽管;虽然  ______________________

15.每年一次 __________________________

16.获得第一名 _______________________

17.共享信息 _____________________

18.执行指令 _________________________

19.出现;发生 _____________________




在繁重的课业负担之下,中学生也应该学会适度地自我放松。请你围绕“Ways to get relaxed”这一话题,按照下列要点写一篇100词左右的英语短文:





There are various ways to get relaxed for middle school students.___________________________________
















When Mr and Mrs Smith went to theatre,they left their German dog to guard his home.When two burglars broke into and the burglar alarm rang,the dog was waiting for them.Unfortunately,one of the burglars was  dog-lover,and he quickly made friends with it.While the alarm was ringing,but the burglars were stealing cash and jewelry,worth over $10,000 from a safe,the dog laid  down in his basket and went to sleep.When the police arrived at twenty minutes later,the burglars had gone.The dog was proudly guarded the empty safe.When the first policeman entered into the room,it immediately attacked him,tearing his trousers and bit him in the leg.



W:So Mr Brown,this is your bed,and as you can see,there are three other beds in the ward.Have you 1.(get) everything you need?

M:Yes,madam,I think 2..I followed the hospital's advice,and I've only brought a few 3.(belong) with me.

W:Good,you can see the reasons 4. we ask you to do that,the cupboard is 5.(real)very small.

M:Yes.madam,can you tell me what the visiting hours are?

W:Yes,of course.They are in the afternoon from 2:30 to 4:30 and in the evening from 7:00 6.8:00,but remember that only two people can see you at the same time.

M:I see.What other rules are there?

W:Yes.We start pretty early.We wake you at 6 o'clock,and breakfast is at 8 o'clock,lunch is at noon,there is tea at 3:30,and supper is at 6 o'clock.

M:Oh,that's very 7.(difference) from what I have been used to.You'd better tell me the rest of the rules here.

W:Yes.Well,you can see the no 8.(smoke) sign.We don't allow smoking in the wards,and the same 9.(go) for alcohol.However,if you 10.(need) to smoke,there are special rooms.

M:Oh,I don't smoke,so it doesn't affect me.




There was a man playing the piano in a bar.He was a good piano player.People __________out just to hear him play.But one __________,a customer told him he didn't want to hear him just play any more.He wanted him to sing a song.

The man said,“I don't sing.”

But the customer was __________.He told the bartender(酒吧男招待),“I'm __________ listening to the piano.I want that guy to sing!”

The bartender __________across the room,“Hey!If you want to get __________,sing a song.The customers are __________ you to sing!”

So he did.He sang a song.A piano player who had __________sung in public did so for the __________first time.And __________had ever heard the song Mona Lisa sung the way it was sung by Nat King Cole!

He had talent he was sitting on!He may have lived the rest of his life as a no name__________player in a no name bar,but __________ he had to sing,he went on to__________one of the best known __________ in America.

You,too,have skills and abilities.You may not feel as if your “talent” is __________ great,but it may be __________ than  you think!And with persistence(坚持),most skills can be __________.You may as well have no ability at all,__________,if you sit on whatever talent you possess!The better question is not “What ability do I have that is __________?”It is rather “How will I__________whatever ability I have?”

1.A. came    B. ran    C. walked    D. looked

2.A. day    B. night    C. morning    D. afternoon

3.A. happy    B. surprised    C. sad    D. insistent

4.A. fond of    B. good at    C. tired of    D. looking forward to

5.A. shouted    B. suggested    C. encouraged    D. comforted

6.A. fired    B. hired    C. paid    D. lost

7.A. telling    B. ordering    C. asking    D. persuading

8.A. seldom    B. never    C. always    D. sometimes

9.A. very    B. so    C. yet    D. therefore

10.A. somebody    B. anybody    C. everybody    D. nobody

11.A. song    B. piano    C. violin    D. music

12.A. because    B. when    C. as soon as    D. after

13.A. grow    B. train    C. become    D. teach

14.A. pianists    B. singers    C. musicians    D. millionaires

15.A. especially    B. particularly    C. specially    D. highly

16.A. worse    B. less    C. more    D. better

17.A. learned    B. mastered    C. improved    D. found

18.A. besides    B. however    C. in other words    D. after all

19.A. real    B. special    C. useful    D. best

20.A. use    B. accept    C. believe    D. get



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