满分5 > 高中英语试题 >


假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学校辅导中心(Learning Center)的帮助。根据学校规定,你需书面预约,请按下列要点写一封信:




4.你的联系方式(Email address:lihua@126.com;Phone number:12345678)。


Dear Sir/Madam,








Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


Dear Sir/Madam,  I’m Li Hua,a Chinese student taking summer courses in your university.I’m writing to ask for some help.I came here last month and found my courses interesting.But I have some difficulties with note-taking and I have no idea of how to use the library.I was told the Learning Center provides help for students and I’m anxious to get help from you.I have no class on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons.Please let me know which day is OK with you.You may email or phone me.My email address is lihua@126.com and phone number is 12345678. Looking forward to your reply.  Yours, Li Hua 【解析】【名师点睛】提纲作文写作要领: 第一步:审题: 审题是否清楚是一篇书面表达成功与否的关键所在,在整个写作过程中起着决定性作用。 (1)审要求:搞清提出的内容要求,抓住所要表达的信息点。 (2)审文体:高考书面表达的体裁一般有三大类:记叙文、说明文和应用文。审题时要审清文体,注意格式上的不同,避免出错。 (3)审人称:即搞清楚此篇文章是“由谁写给谁”的。写稿人是谁一般都已明确指出,给出假设环境中的“某人”,如“假设你是李华”,写作时即用第一人称“我”,即李华。而读者对象有时没有明示,要考生自己去进行判断。 (4)审时态:根据情景判断短文需要的主体时态,即搞清楚要写的是什么时候的事,过去的就用过去时。 第二步:抓中心,列要点,列出写作提纲: 写作文时,一定要切题,抓住中心,紧扣要点。通过分析,获取与写作内容有关的主要信息,并按一定的逻辑顺序排列起来,找出最密切相关的要点,列出写作提纲。 第三步:选词组句: 在体裁明确、中心突出、要点清晰的前提下,应该选择自己最熟悉、最有把握的词语、句型,将要点逐条表达出来。表达时应该综合运用所掌握的知识,避开生僻的词汇,并克服母语的干扰,按照英语的习惯方式,用地道的英语表达出来,力求做到语言准确无误。 第四步:连句成篇: 根据要点选词组句,然后按照篇章结构连句成篇。在这一过程中要注意选择恰当的表示并列、递进、因果或转折意义的过渡词,把所有要点、句子连接起来,使句与句意思连贯,结构衔接,力求准确生动、条理清楚。 分析:本文是篇材料作文,要求学生描述暑假课程学习中遇到的困难,并向报刊专栏、相关专家等求援。让你以写一封信。所以人称是用第一人称,时态要用一般现在时。在写作时要点要齐全。在提示要点完整的前提睛,可以根据作文所给的材料进行适当的发挥,适当的补充,以期让文章更加完美。 亮点说明:本文一开始使用了一个非谓语作定语介绍了自己:a Chinese student taking summer courses in your university.接着表达了自己写信的目的,在这其中使用了一些短语如ask for some help; have some difficulties with; I have no idea of how to use the library;I was told the Learning Center provides help for students and I’m anxious to get help from you. Look forward to your reply等。同时还使用了一些衔接词,如:but ,and,给文章增添了一些亮点。  







This morning on my way to school I was deep moved by what I saw outside a bank.An old man was counting his money in the front of the bank.Suddenly a young man came running and knocked him down.To make things bad,his money was lying in all direction.In no time the people around rush to pick the money up while the old man stood there,not know what to do.Surprisingly,everyone gave back the money they had just picked.The old man counted the money again and found that not a single bill was missed.To my great joy,there are now a lot of nice people in your life.It’s true what honesty is more important than money!



I’m Jan Hasek,1. old miner from the Czech Republic.In April 1945 I2. (hear)something explode at midnight.I got up and3. (run)outside.The sound came from a mine 4. hadn’t been used for a long time.Suddenly I saw some German soldiers5.the light of the moon.They 6. (take) wooden boxes from trucks and putting them in the mine.

A week later I decided7. (go) and see for myself.To my surprise the entrance8. the mine was closed.Some people say that the Amber Room and some gold9. (bury) in the mine.I think it might be so,as the Amber Room has never 10.(find).



Can it really be sixty-two years ago that I first saw you?As I look into your eyes now,it ____ like only yesterday that I first saw you,in that small cafe in Hanover Square.

From the ____ I saw you smile,as you opened the door for that young mother and her newborn baby,I knew that I wanted to ____ the rest of my life with you.

I cannot tell you how ____ my love for you was back then,when I returned to you on leave in the September.We ____ each other so tight(紧地) that I thought we would burst.I ____ you to marry me the very same day and I cheered with ____ when you looked deep into my eyes and said “yes” to being my wife.

I ____ being so enjoyed,when a year later,you ____ held my hand to your waist() and said in my ____ that we were going to be a family.I know both our ____ love you dearly;they are outside the door now,____.

Do you remember how I looked like a mad man when Jonathan was ____?I can still picture you ____ at me now,as I held him for the very first time in my arms.I watched as your laughter died away into ____ and I looked at him and cried my own tears of joy,too.

I know you are ____,my dear,and I must let you ____.But I love you so much and it ____ to do so.I must go now,my darling.Our children are waiting outside.They want to say ____ to you.

I am sad that you had to leave me,but please don’t ____.I will be with you soon.

1.A. sounds    B. seems    C. looks    D. tastes

2.A. moment    B. place    C. restaurant    D. year

3.A. save    B. win    C. share    D. waste

4.A. high    B. weak    C. strong    D. thick

5.A. took    B. held    C. made    D. put

6.A. asked    B. thought    C. guessed    D. ordered

7.A. joy    B. interest    C. surprise    D. anger

8.A. finish    B. hate    C. forget    D. remember

9.A. suddenly    B. hard    C. gently    D. carelessly

10.A. head    B. hand    C. ear    D. mouth

11.A. parents    B. children    C. doctors    D. neighbours

12.A. singing    B. playing    C. resting    D. waiting

13.A. born    B. young    C. pleased    D. wrong

14.A. crying    B. shouting    C. laughing    D. listening

15.A. tears    B. sleep    C. death    D. excitement

16.A. great    B. tired    C. late    D. worried

17.A. drive    B. run    C. jump    D. go

18.A. ends    B. starts    C. hurts    D. smiles

19.A. goodbye    B. hello    C. news    D. stories

20.A. wait    B. worry    C. wake    D. miss



Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a batter student in several ways.1. Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.

You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report.2. Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process.3.

The following methods may work best for you.

●Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.

●Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.

● Write your notes in your own words.


● Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.

As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time.5.

A. Use words, not complete sentences.

B. There are three practical note-taking methods.

C. You must write your notes on separate paper.

D. Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.

AB. you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.

AC. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.

AD. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember   it.



1.Sydney Tower is    in Sydney,Australia.

A. the busiest street

B. the biggest station

C. the most beautiful park

D. the highest point

2.If you want to book a ticket to Sydney Tower,you can’t    .

A. email sydneytower@ hotmail.com

B. fax 02 9333 9203

C. search www.sydneytower.com.au

D. dial 02 9333 9222

3.Frank wants to go to Sydney Tower with his two children,so he will pay    .

A. $60    B. $90

C. $120    D. $150



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