满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I had just arrived in this Asian country...

I had just arrived in this Asian country for a one-year teaching position. One day, I took the subway to visit some ancient palaces and temples in the downtown. The following account of what happened to me has taught me much about culture________.

Since all the _____were taken, I stood. Suddenly, I felt someone pulling on my bag.______I probably was in someone’s way, I moved over slightly. But in one quick motion(动作), I felt my bag removed from my back, and in a flash it was ______. I turned around to see who the thief was, I looked at the people standing behind me, but didn’t see my bag or anyone______. My heart sank and I began to______ .

I glanced around the car only to find directly across from me was an elderly lady, and sitting on her lap was my   ____. I tired to get it back from her lap. But as I began to ______it up, she quickly grabbed(抓住)it back and held onto it. I looked around at the people standing beside me, and those sitting beside her, but no one took any_______of the situation. Trying not to cause a(an) _____ , I tried to negotiate through gestures. I used my hands as best as I could, but she ______my requests for my bag and pointed to my back. She picked up my bag, showing how_____ it was. I finally began to understand. She was holding my bag to______ me.

At the next stop, a middle-aged woman got on the crowded subway. Another elderly woman sitting down took her bag, ______ it on her lap. They didn’t talk;  _____this older woman was more than pleased to sit with this stranger’s bag on her lap throughout her journey.

As the subway pulled into the main downtown station and I was getting ready to get off, the woman ______handed me back my bag. But______ I had a chance to thank her, she had disappeared into the crowd.

Sadly, this considerate custom was more _______to me than if I had been robbed. Everyone back home had heard of being robbed-that was______city behavior-but having a stranger hold onto someone’s bag out of _______, in a city of twelve million people—that was truly unusual.

1.A. loss    B. difference    C. cause    D. aim

2.A. seats    B. cars    C. buses    D. stations

3.A. Deciding    B. Expecting    C. Admitting    D. Assuming

4.A. broken    B. gone    C. opened    D. emptied

5.A. dangerous    B. nervous    C. cautious    D. suspicious

6.A. scream    B. panic    C. leave    D. regret

7.A. book    B. money    C. bag    D. map

8.A. bring    B. pull    C. check    D. wrap

9.A. advantage    B. charge    C. notice    D. photo

10.A. scene    B. attack    C. accident    D. change

11.A. received    B. handled    C. ignored    D. considered

12.A. heavy    B. useful    C. small    D. special

13.A. remind    B. tease    C. warm    D. help

14.A. dropping    B. tapping    C. setting    D. closing

15.A. or    B. so    C. because    D. yet

16.A. gently    B. gratefully    C. angrily    D. anxiously

17.A. before    B. once    C. until    D. while

18.A. amusing    B. surprising    C. annoying    D. disappointing

19.A. practical    B. harmful    C. usual    D. suitable

20.A. curiosity    B. pity    C. desperation    D. kindness


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.D 【解析】这篇文章主要讲了作者到亚洲国家工作的一次经历。在地铁上,作者以为自己的包丢了,原来是一位上了年纪的妇女看作者的包太沉,所以帮作者拿上。作者对这体贴的习俗,感到很吃惊。 1.考查名词。根据下文内容,可知这些事情教会我文化的差异。loss 减少, difference 不同, cause 原因, aim目标,所以选B。 2.考查名词。根据I stood. 可知所有的座位都被占了。seats 座位, cars 汽车, buses 公共汽车, stations车站, 所以选A。 3.考查非谓语动词。根据I moved over slightly. 可知这里意思是我认为我可能挡住了别人的路。Deciding 决定, Expecting 期待,Admitting 承认, Assuming认为,所以选D。 4.考查固定用法。根据I turned around to see who the thief was, 可知这里意思是一瞬间它就不见了。be gone 不见了,消失了,所以选B。 5.考查形容词。句意:我看着站在我后边的人,但是没有看见我的包,也没有看见任何可疑的人。dangerous 危险的,nervous 紧张不安的, cautious 谨慎的, suspicious可疑的, 所以选D。 6.考查动词。句意:我感到沮丧,并且开始恐慌。scream 尖叫,panic 恐慌, leave 离开,regret后悔, 所以选B。 7.考查名词。根据I looked at the people standing behind me, but didn’t see my bag or anyone___5___. 可知这里意思是我看到一位上了年纪的妇女,坐在她膝盖上的正是我的包。book 书,money 钱, bag 包, map地图,所以选C。 8.考查动词。根据she quickly grabbed(抓住)it back and held onto it. 可知这里意思是但是当我想拉回我的包时。bring带来,pull 拉, check 检查, wrap包,所以选B。 9.考查固定短语。句意:但是没有任何人注意到这种情况。take notice of 是固定用法,意思是注意到,所以选C。 10.考查名词。根据I tried to negotiate through gestures. 可知这里意思是尽量不引起别人的注意。scene 场面,attack 攻击, accident 事故, change改变,所以选A。 11.考查动词。句意:但是她忽略了我要求归还我的包的请求,而是指向我的后背。received 收到, handled 处理, ignored 忽略, considered考虑,所以选C。 12.考查形容词。根据I finally began to understand. She was holding my bag to___13___ me. 可知这里意思是她捡起我的包,展示它有多重。heavy 沉重的,useful 有用的, small 小的,special特别的,所以选A。 13.考查动词。句意:她拿着我的包,是在帮助我。remind 提醒, tease 取笑, warm 使……温暖,help帮助, 所以选D。 14.考查非谓语动词。句意:另外一个坐着的上了年纪的妇女拿着她的包,把它放在她的膝盖上。dropping 落下,tapping 轻敲,setting 放置,closing关闭, 所以选C。 15.考查连词。句意:然而这位上了年纪的妇女更愿意在旅途中把陌生人的包放在自己的腿上。or 或者, so 所以, because 因为, yet然而,所以选D。 16.考查副词。句意:这位妇女轻轻地把包还给我。gently 轻轻地, gratefully 感激地, angrily 生气地,anxiously忧虑地,所以选A。 17.考查连词。句意:但是我还没来得及感谢她,她就消失在人群中了。before 在……之前, once 一旦, until 直到,while 然而,所以选A。 18.考查形容词。句意:悲哀的是,这个体贴的风俗让我很吃惊。amusing 有趣的,surprising 令人惊讶的, annoying 讨厌的,disappointing令人失望的, 所以选B。 19.考查形容词。句意:每一个人回到家,听说被抢劫了,那是很平常的城市行为。practical 实际的,harmful 有害的, usual 通常的, suitable适当的,所以选C。 20.考查名词。句意:但是一个陌生人出于善良,拿着别人的包。curiosity 好奇, pity 同情,desperation 绝望,kindness善良,所以选D。

Parents Model Healthy Eating

It should come as no surprise that the more stressed parents are not work, the greater the burden on their family is.   1.After all, the more time parents spend working, the less time and energy they have to plan and prepare healthful meals.

For years, most studies have focused on the role of working mothers while fathers were ignored. They didn’t look at the family as a whole,  2., adds a new wrinkle to the relationship between work stress and family nutrition.

Moms’ work related stress is still a central factor in how well families eat because they typically do most of the food shopping and cooking.3.The study found that when mom or dad experience high levels of work related stress, their families are eating one-and-a-half fewer family meals per week, and the parents themselves report eating fewer fruits and vegetables, more fast food, and are less likely to eat breakfast regularly.

It’s worth noting that the study looked mainly at low income families who belonged to ethnic or minority groups.   4. But the implications are wide ranging.

5.Teaching kids, especially teenagers, to help with grocery shopping and to cook actual meals, instead of just putting a frozen pizza in the microwave, could be an important piece of the puzzle in helping families improves their eating habits.

A. When it comes to family nutrition, the entire family plays a role even kids.

B. so the findings don’t necessarily apply directly to other types of families

C. But dad’s work related stress has a large impact, too.

D. Yet, the kids’ stress may influence the families’ nutrition, too

E. and at the role of fathers in particular

F. It’s also probably not a surprise that his can negatively affect a family’s nutrition

G. It is parents who give their kids a good model to develop a good eating habit.



Can training Your Working Memory Make You Smarter?

We would all like to increase our cognitive(认知的)ability beyond the limits set by Mother Nature. So it’s no wonder that brain-training programmes—which typically focus on training our working memory—are a multibillion-dollar industry. But can this kind of training really make us smarter?

Cognitive training sees the brain as a kind of muscle that can be made stronger with the right kind of practice. It consists of tasks or games carried out on computers or smart phones. Despite much research, there has so far been no agreement about its effectiveness. Some think that cognitive training increases a broad range of cognitive abilities, while others less optimistic.

Yet we do know that some cognitive skills, such as working memory and intelligence, tend to go together and are predictors of real-life skills such as work performance. Thus, training one cognitive skill might lead to an improvement in many other cognitive and non-cognitive skills. That is exactly the underlying hypothesis(假设)on which working-memory training is based.

To test this hypothesis, we examined all the studies about working-memory training we could find with normally developing children: 26 experiments and 1,601 total participants. Children represent an ideal test group: during childhood, skills are still at the beginning of their development. Thus, cognitive training is more likely to succeed with children than adults.

The results were very clear. Working-memory training did not show any effect on children’s fluid intelligence, a person’s ability to solve new problems and adapt to new situations. It didn’t influence their academic achievement or other cognitive abilities, either. The only reliable effect was that children got better at what they trained to do. No more, no less. So performing working-memory tasks does seem to make you better at doing them. Nonetheless, the fact that participants got better at such tasks does not necessarily mean that their working-memory ability increased. They may just have learnt how to perform that particular type of task.

The results do indicate that the use of working-memory training programs as an educational tool is fruitless. More generally, together with other research, the results contribute to disproving cognitive training companies promises of a better brain.

The results have even more important implications theoretically. They question the hypothesis that training general cognitive mechanisms can affect other cognitive or real-life skills. Beyond working-memory training, other recent studies have shown the improving cognitive skills outside music-including academic skills.

However, these negative results must not discourage us from training our cognitive and non-cognitive skills. We just have to be aware of the actual limitations of such practice in areas outside what we are actually training. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it-the most efficient way to develop a skill is, after all, to train that skill.

1.To find out the effect of working memory training, the author ________.

A. made some scientific studies

B. reviewed the previous research

C. compared different test groups

D. got some children involved in the experiment

2.Children joining in the experiments were able to __________.

A. do better in the field where they are trained

B. obtain greater academic achievements

C. adjust to new situations quickly

D. succeed when they deal with real life problems

3.What is the author’s attitude toward the cognitive training?

A. Pessimistic    B. Disapproving

C. Objective    D. Optimistic

4.Cognitive training is likely to _______ according to the passage.

A. discover the secrets of human minds

B. make one’s brain stronger by way of practice

C. earn a good name for the training company

D. bring much profit to the training companies



Many Shopping malls now have special areas that offer shoppers their first chance to experience “VR technology”. You may have entered one out of curiosity, or you may think it is just another piece of useless technology. Whatever your opinion, VR, or virtual(虚拟的)reality, is going to become a big part of our lives very soon.

2016 saw the introduction of many fancy products in the world of VR, including Microsoft's HoloLens and Samsung's Gear VR. All of them offer an exciting look at the new realities” and opportunities that VR brings.

These, however, are the early days of a technology that is expected to go from strength to strength. And 2017 looks like it is going to be the year in which VR technology really takes off.

For a start, using VR will become more normal in 2017. Microsoft and Intel have already discussed their plans for simpler and less expensive VR headsets.

The idea of VR will stop being a sci-fi (science-fiction) idea, and instead it will turn into an industry of real products used as ways to show off imagination.” said Andrew, a designer at US VR Company, Survios.

It is also expected that VR products will play a part in more common and real-life fields like fashion and film. For example, to enjoy the atmosphere and energy of the front row experience at a fashion show, fans will no longer have to go along in the flesh. Instead people will be able to enjoy the experience by just wearing a VR headset at home.

You can also expect VR mirrors and fitting-rooms sooner rather than later. '' This is an especially good opportunity for brands looking to offer very personalized experiences.'' said Roy DeYoung from US-based marketing agency, PMX.

As time goes on, there will be less discussion about whether people will accept VR technology. It will simply be a discussion of when.

1.Why do many shopping malls have areas for VR experiences?

A. To collect shoppers' opinions.

B. To meet the demands of shoppers.

C. To introduce the new technology to shoppers.

D. To entertain shoppers with new technology.

2.The underlined phrase “in the flesh” can be replaced by_____________.

A. in time    B. in person

C. in line    D. in order

3.What can we learn about VR products from the passage?

A. They are cheap for the time being

B. They are being used almost everywhere.

C. They won't be accepted for many years.

D. They will meet more personal demands.

4.What may be the best title for the passage?

A. VR Takes over Fashion

B. VR Mirror are around the corner

C. VR is Becoming Real

D. VR Meets our Life Goal



Young people in the United States do not have a strong understanding of the world and their place in it.

Two U. S.—based groups, the Council on Foreign Relations and the National Geographic, Society commissioned an online survey earlier this year. They wanted to know what young people educated in American colleges knew about geography, U. S. foreign policy, recent international events, and economics.

The survey was given to over 1,200 Americans between the ages of 18 and 26 years. All of them presently attending, or having previously graduated from, a 2-or 4-year college or university.

The average test score, out of 75 total possible answers, was 55 percent. The study identifies a few important problems. For example, only 30 percent knew that the only part of the U. S. government that can declare war is Congress. Only 60% of those taking the survey could identify Brazil on a world map.

Part of the problem, argue the organizers of the survey, is the internet. They say it is becoming harder to find high-quality information about world events amongst all the fake news and trivia which swamp the web. Forty-three percent of those questioned said they read about the news on Facebook.

Another problem is that most college courses do not require students to learn about international issues. If such information is not required, Richard Haass from the Council on Foreign Relations said, then the United States could have leaders like Gary Johnson. He was a recent presidential candidate who did not know about the Syrian city of Aleppo when a reporter asked him about it.

The survey results were not all bad. The young people also demonstrated a good understanding of climate change and renewable energy. And the majority of them said that international issues were becoming more important to them.

Haass says these findings suggest the need to find was to get good information to students, both in school and online. To help, the Council on Foreign Relations is creating a new program called CFR Campus, designed to help build knowledge about global issues.

1.What can we learn about the survey?

A. All the participants were recent university graduates

B. It was an online survey conducted by two US universities

C. Its aim is to figure out what the young people know about America

D. It was given to over 1,200 American people aged from 18 to 26

2.What’s one reason survey organizers give for young people’s lack of knowledge?

A. Young people are unwilling to travel abroad

B. The sources from which they get their information

C. The US university system is of poor quality

D. Their lack of interest in knowing more about the world

3.According to the survey, what topic did the young Americans understand best?

A. Environmental matters    B. Geographic information

C. Foreign relations    D. Government organizations

4.In which column of a newspaper could we find this article?

A. Economics    B. Entertainment

C. Politics    D. Education



The House at Pooh Corner by A. A. Milne

I bought a box set of four Winnie the Pooh books while on holiday when I was eight years old. I adored Pooh, Piglet, Tigger and Eeyore. They became very real to me and I credit them with starting a lifelong love of reading.

I still have the box set, and loved reading the stories to my children when they were small. Part of me secretly believes A. A. Milne’s wonderful characters are all alive and well and still having their adventures in the Hundred Acre Wood.

-----Roberta Smith

Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights by Charlotte and Emily Bronte

I can never separate Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre and Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights when I think about books that have stayed with me. Both had a deep impact on me when I read them as a teenager.

They were the first classic books I read purely for pleasure, rather than because I had to for school.

I grew up in Yorkshire, not far from where the Brontes lived, so part of me really understood the depressing landscape. That close geographical connection led to a lifelong interest in the authors as much as in the books themselves.

I wrote a high-school essay on the contrasts and similarities between Charlotte and Emily and their heroines. I’d be fascinated to read that essay now to see what conclusions I reached as a 17-year-old.

----Jane Lee

1.What do we know about the Winnie the Pooh books?

A. They are very romantic

B. They are designed for children

C. They describe summer holiday stories

D. They encourage people to have all kinds of adventures

2.One reason why the writer likes Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights is that __________.

A. the stories are in the background of an area that the writer knows well

B. the stories helped the writer with her essay writing

C. they were recommended by the teachers in her school

D. they were easy-to-find classic novels

3.The text intended to tell us _________.

A. to introduce the books’ authors

B. to improve some classical literature

C. to explain the influence of these books on the writers

D. to make comments on the books’ leading characters



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