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Time for a Brainstorm A brainstorm is a ...

Time for a Brainstorm

A  brainstorm is a session where a small group of people come together to solve a problem.People voice spontaneous ideas, sometimes just shouting , and a note-taker writes them all down. 1..By getting different ideas out there, ideas are said to bounce off each other and even can help solve the problem at hand.Brainstorming is often a group exercise but individuals can also conduct personal brainstorms.

2.He defined it as using the brain to storm a creative problem and do so in commando (突击队)fashion,with each stormer attacking the same objective.According to him,, it was easier to tone down a wild idea than think up a new one.He placed importance on the collection of as many ideas as possible and dismissed scientific thinking.

Brainstorming has become one of the most popular ways to solve problems and hold discussion in schools and businesses.Many students brainstorm for a group assignment or even for a personal essay. Sarah Grace, 24, is an Australian marketing analyst and uses brainstorming during all her creative duties. She thinks brainstorming is the best way to work as a team.The sessions get everyone on the same page,everyone moving together and with a clear understanding about the foundations of an event or idea.3.

However, a big problem with brainstorming is creating a mess that leads people further away from a solution.4. If you don’t have a strong moderator or leader of the brainstorm, can go really off track,and people just start discussing something totally different. Brainstorming can sometimes confuse the human brain. 5. If you brainstorm too much and your page is filled up with all the messy links, you can paint yourself into a bit of comer and get trapped with ideas. You need to move past brainstorming as soon as you have something workable.

A.The ideas can be smart,strange or crazy.

B.It is caused by a lack of direction from a leader.

C.Brainstorming really helps her organize her thoughts.

D.Brainstorming really is the best way to build team spirit.

E.It can open too many doors and not suggest a clear direction.

F.Brainstorms were popularized in the 1940s by American advertising boss Alex Osborn..

G.They can be words, phrases, paragraphs and anything that can help answer the question.


1.A 2.F 3.D 4.B 5.E 【解析】文章讲述了什么是brainstorm、其创始人、具体应用和缺点。 1.A 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。上句介绍什么是brainstorm,人们畅所欲言然后有人把这些观点都记录下来。围绕ideas来写,说出ideas记录ideas. A项:这些想法可能是聪明的、奇怪的或疯狂的。与上文的ideas一致,故选A. 2.F 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据下文的He及他的做法和it was easier to tone down a wild idea than think up a new one.可知本段在介绍使brainstorm普及的人,F项提出此人是美国广告公司老板Alex Osborn,故选F. 3.D 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。本段讲brainstorm在学校和生意上的运用,它是the best way to work as a team.强调其合作和团队精神,与D项中build team spirit一致,符合本段内容,故选D. 4.B 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。上句讲brainstorm的一个缺点,会给人们造成混乱,远离解决方案,B项:这是由缺乏方向的领导者造成的,指出了其原因,故选B. 5.E 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。上句讲brainstorm的另一个缺点,会使大脑困惑。E项:它可能会涉及许多方面而不能给出明确的方向,是缺点的表现。故选E.

The “swim-with-dolphins” tourist industry is becoming more popular every year with the increase of people’s income. After all, it can cost a large amount of money to have this kind of holiday experience. So tour operators try to place eager swimmers as near as possible to the dolphins by trying to predict where the dolphins will be.

Research has shown that while dolphins can move away if they do not want to interact (交流) with human swimmers, they do not like it at all if the swimmers slip into the water directly on top of them or if humans are in their path of travel. However, if swimmers enter the water to one side of them, the dolphins do not avoid the swimmers to the same extent.

In all cases, the dolphins seem to have become more sensitive to the presence of the swimmers. For dolphins, swimming amongst or with humans is not necessarily a high priority. This research has shown that only 19% of any group of dolphins will participate in interaction. Young dolphins are the most likely to interact; they do seem curious about being with humans. It is believed that they see humans as “entertainment” and that the interaction is a new and unusual experience for them.

It is frequently asked whether “swim-with-dolphins” tourism should be discontinued. The advice is that dolphins should be given enough periods of time throughout the day when they are not exposed to tourism. Permitted interactions should not be too disturbing to the dolphins since there could be mothers and calves (幼崽) present in dolphin groups. There should also be educational campaigns about the creatures and what is likely to cause danger to them.

It is not easy to explain to someone that they cannot fulfill their lifelong dreams because the dolphins are resting, or that a mother dolphin and calf are in the area. But if we are to enjoy these remarkable animals and not just use them for our entertainment, then we must carefully monitor the “swim-with-dolphins” industry worldwide.

1.What makes “swim-with-dolphins” tourism popular?

A. The local government’s encouragement.

B. The improvement of people’s living standard.

C. The increasing number of tourists.

D. The high profits of the industry.

2.Why are young dolphins more likely to swim with humans?

A. They do this out of curiosity.

B. They like humans better.

C. They are less sensitive.

D. They prefer new things by nature.

3.What does the author suggest the “swim-with-dolphins” industry do in Paragraph 4?

A. Make people know the hidden threat to dolphins.

B. Strictly limit the expansion of the industry.

C. Avoid interaction with young dolphins.

D. Expose dolphins to tourists only in the daytime.

4.What is the author’s attitude toward “swim-with-dolphins”?

A. Negative.    B. Cautious.

C. Supportive.    D. Optimistic.



Dazha Crabs from Yangcheng Lake

With the Mid-Autumn Festival coming, the time for crabs is around the corner! Dazha Crabs from Yangcheng Lake in China are believed to be the best freshwater crabs.

“They are delicious, because the bottom of Yangcheng Lake is hard and the crabs grow strong by walking on such a hard surface,” said one sales manager in Suzhou.

Li Lei, a crab lover from Beijing, said “It’s very delicious! But there are too many fake Yangcheng Lake Dazha Crabs”.

“Maybe the crabs from other regions can appear to be glistening green back, white belly after people wash them, but the golden fine hair on crab claws is still a point of pride and is exclusive to Dazha Crabs from Yangcheng Lake,” said the manager.

The best time for enjoying them is during September and October of Chinese lunar calendar. “When the season for crabs arrives, the Dazha Crabs from Yangcheng Lake are flown to various cities so that people’s appetites can be satisfied,” said the sales manager. “They are really expensive here, sometimes more than 320RMB/500g, 10% of my salary!” said Li Lei.

Dazha Crabs are usually steamed or boiled for within 20 minutes before they come on the dinner table. They are often enjoyed with vinegar mixed with minced ginger to add flavor and get rid of the cold. People who are particular about how they eat crabs also need to have high-grade Shaoxing rice wine to warm their stomachs.

There is much work required to eat crabs. So much shell!Most people use both hands and teeth while eating Dazha Crabs. “The eating way is not graceful or elegant,” said Huck. “However, some professionals of eating crabs can use tools to take all the meat out of the crab without damaging a single bite and the crab can be restored to its original shape if the empty shells are pieced together!” said Han Mei, another Dazha crab lover.

1.What do we know about Dazha Crabs from Yangcheng Lake from the text?

A. They belong to seawater crabs.

B. You must use tools to eat them.

C. The best time for eating them lasts over three months.

D. Vinegar, ginger and rice wine can be enjoyed together with them.

2.The underlined word “exclusive” in Paragraph 4 probably means ___________.

A. expensive    B. unique

C. entire    D. similar

3.Which of the following is correct according to the passage?

A. The sales manager believes the living environment contributes nothing to the good taste of Dazha Crabs from Yangcheng Lake.

B. Li Lei has mixed feelings about Dazha Crabs from Yangcheng Lake.

C. Han Mei thinks little of some professionalsof eating crabs.

D. Huck supports the way that most people eat crabs.



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1.What can you do after joining Mac Kids Book Club?

A. Create your book store.    B. Earn much money.

C. Share books and movies.    D. Discuss your study..

2.You can enter the Free Book giveaway ________.

A. on the Internet.    B. by telephone.

C. in the bank.    D. by email

3.Who can be allowed to sign up for Free iDOGO ID?

A. British pupils.    B. Chinese teenagers.

C. American pupils    D. American adults.

4.This text is most probably taken from___________.

A. a research paper    B. a newspaper report

C. a class presentation    D. an online advertisement.



I have a Rewards Card for Showcase Cinema that allows me to earn rewards points with each purchase that I make at the theatre and periodically provides me with a free popcorn, soda or movie ticket coupon(优惠券). I had recently accumulated enough rewards points to obtain a coupon for a free popcorn.

Standing in the movie theatre ticket line on Saturday, I noticed just ahead of me, a father with his 2 small boys also waiting to buy their tickets for the Matinee Movie. Knowing that movies can be quite expensive for families nowadays, I tapped the Dad on the shoulder and asked, “I have a coupon for free popcorn and don’t plan to use it, would you like it for one of your boys?” He said, “Yeah, sure. That’s great! Thanks!” and took the coupon.

A few minutes later, after they had purchased their tickets, one of his small sons who appeared to be about 9 or 10 years old, walked up to me and silently held out a shiny penny to show me. I took it and said, “Wow that’s cool! It’s really shiny!” He quietly replied, “It’s a 2011”.

As I handed it back to him. He pushed the penny towards me once again and quietly said, “You can keep it”. Showing my gratitude, I replied, “Wow that’s awesome, thank you very much” and asked, “Where did you get it!” and he said quite softly, “I found it in my Dad’s car”. I said, “Oh that’s cool, thanks!” He smiled, quietly turned and walked back to his Dad who returned my smile with a knowing smile of his own. It’s the small special moments like that that can make an ordinary day special.

1.What can the author get after accumulating enough rewards points recently?

A. A coupon for free popcorn.

B. Soda.

C. A movie ticket.

D. A movie ticket coupon.

2.What do we know about the author?

A. He didn’t like to eat popcorn.

B. He didn’t plan to buy a ticket.

C. He sold his coupon to that father.

D. He was considerate to that father.

3.Why did the boy give the author a penny?

A. To get his coupon.

B. To thank him for his kindness.

C. To send him as a toy.

D. To make a friend.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. A Coupon for a Free Popcorn

B. Rewards Card for Showcase Cinema

C. The Small Moments That Can Light Up A Day

D. A Shiny Penny from a Boy








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