满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

They hurried back home only to find thei...

They hurried back home only to find their house                  into.

A. break    B. to break

C. broken    D. breaking


C 【解析】考查固定结构。句意:他们匆忙赶回家,发现他们的房子被破门而入。find sth. done是固定结构;break into与前面的house是被动关系。所以选C。  

The girl glanced over her shoulder and found herself                  by a young man in black.

A. was followed    B. followed

C. following    D. had been followed



Her car is very dusty and she has to                 .

A. get washed    B. get it wash

C. get it washed    D. get it washing





Nowadays many farmers want to ________________ rural life and make a living in cities.

2.The old man opened the drawer and ________________(发现所有的现金都被偷了). (词数不限)

3.在足球比赛中我双脚被别人伤到了。(get sth. done)

I ________________ in the soccer game.


Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks ________________ in disasters.


The Egyptian King ________________ the pyramid ________________.

6.When I came in, I ________________(发现一个陌生的女孩坐在) in the corner.


After we learnt the text, everyone in our class knew the fact that the UK ________________.  (consist) (词数不限)

8.为了方便起见, 英格兰大致可以分为三个地区。

For convenience, England is ________________ ________________ ________________ three zones.


You've ________________ ________________ the most important word in this sentence.


Mr. Wang is ill. I'll ________________ him.




1.She ________________(折叠) the letter in half and put it into her pocket.

2.It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century don't ________________(吸引) visitors.

3.A big class ________________(组成) of 100 students is hard to manage.

4.What you say now is not ________________(一致的,相符的) with what you said last week.

5.I hope that what I say will ________________(澄清) the situation.

6.They often ________________(争吵) with each other about whose turn it is to cook the dinner.

7.They had no time to ________________(筹备、安排) their own wedding, so they had it organized by a company.

8.In this resort, you can enjoy all the comfort and ________________(便利) of modern tourism.

9.To our ________________(高兴), we all passed the exam.

10.It is not wise, even foolish, to end ________________(冲突) with violence. There must be good ways to solve the problem.

11.The ________________(辉煌的) image of Lei Feng will forever live in the heart of the people.

12.Does the ________________(描述) fit your personality?

13.You should not try to ________________(完成) two tasks at once.

14.The boy followed his mother's advice ________________(不情愿地).

15.Soldiers still wore the four­ hundred­-year­-old ________________(制服) of the time of Queen Elizabeth I.




1.The beautiful scenery and the places of interest of our city a________________ thousands of visitors every year.

2.They had no time to a________________ their own wedding, so they had it organized by a company.

3.Jack f________________ the map up and put it into his pocket.

4.You can easily c________________ any problems.

5.To their d________________, their son was admitted into a famous university.

6.Our team c________________ of ten members.

7.He can a________________ more work in a day than anyone else I know in the company.

8.A witness has given the police a very detailed d________________ of the man who robbed the bank.

9.If something is done for your c________________, it is done in a way that is suitable or useful for you.

10.There is no p________________ that a similar tsunami will happen in the same places again.



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