满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The students in the class were four grou...

The students in the class were                  four groups before they started the game.

A. divided into    B. separated into

C. divided from    D. separated from


A 【解析】短语辨析. separate一般指是从……分离、挑拣出来的意思,常用的词组有separate from,也就是从一个大的整体里分出来;divide一般是把……分成几部分的意思,常用的词组有divide sth into,一般是要通过切、割、劈等手段的,是把一个大的整体分成几个小的部分。句意:在他们开始做游戏之前,这个班的学生被分成四个组。结合语境可知选A。  

They hurried back home only to find their house                  into.

A. break    B. to break

C. broken    D. breaking



The girl glanced over her shoulder and found herself                  by a young man in black.

A. was followed    B. followed

C. following    D. had been followed



Her car is very dusty and she has to                 .

A. get washed    B. get it wash

C. get it washed    D. get it washing





Nowadays many farmers want to ________________ rural life and make a living in cities.

2.The old man opened the drawer and ________________(发现所有的现金都被偷了). (词数不限)

3.在足球比赛中我双脚被别人伤到了。(get sth. done)

I ________________ in the soccer game.


Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks ________________ in disasters.


The Egyptian King ________________ the pyramid ________________.

6.When I came in, I ________________(发现一个陌生的女孩坐在) in the corner.


After we learnt the text, everyone in our class knew the fact that the UK ________________.  (consist) (词数不限)

8.为了方便起见, 英格兰大致可以分为三个地区。

For convenience, England is ________________ ________________ ________________ three zones.


You've ________________ ________________ the most important word in this sentence.


Mr. Wang is ill. I'll ________________ him.




1.She ________________(折叠) the letter in half and put it into her pocket.

2.It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century don't ________________(吸引) visitors.

3.A big class ________________(组成) of 100 students is hard to manage.

4.What you say now is not ________________(一致的,相符的) with what you said last week.

5.I hope that what I say will ________________(澄清) the situation.

6.They often ________________(争吵) with each other about whose turn it is to cook the dinner.

7.They had no time to ________________(筹备、安排) their own wedding, so they had it organized by a company.

8.In this resort, you can enjoy all the comfort and ________________(便利) of modern tourism.

9.To our ________________(高兴), we all passed the exam.

10.It is not wise, even foolish, to end ________________(冲突) with violence. There must be good ways to solve the problem.

11.The ________________(辉煌的) image of Lei Feng will forever live in the heart of the people.

12.Does the ________________(描述) fit your personality?

13.You should not try to ________________(完成) two tasks at once.

14.The boy followed his mother's advice ________________(不情愿地).

15.Soldiers still wore the four­ hundred­-year­-old ________________(制服) of the time of Queen Elizabeth I.



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