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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起),不计分.

When I was a child, I hoped to live in the city. I think I would be happy there. Now I am living in a city , but I miss my home in countryside. There the air is clean or the mountains are green. Unfortunately, on the development of industrialization, the environment has been polluted. Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem. The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier. Much rare animals are dying out . We must found ways to protect your environment. If we fail to do so , we’ll live to regret it .


1. think 改thought 2 in countryside中间加the 3. or改and 4.on 改with 5. 去掉第二个been 6.seirously改serious 7 airs改air 8.Much改Many 9.found改find 10.your改our或the 【解析】这篇文章主要讲了随着工业化的发展,我们的环境被严重的污染。我们必须找到方法来保护我们的环境。 考查时态。发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时,所以think 改thought。 考查固定用法。in the countryside是固定用法,意思是在乡下,所以in countryside中间加the。 考查连词。句意:那里空气是清新的,并且大山是绿色的。表示并列关系,所以or改and。 考查介词。表示“随着工业化的发展”用with,所以on 改with。 考查语态。Lots of studies与show之间是主动关系,用主动语态,所以去掉第二个been。 考查形容词。修饰名词problem,用形容词形式,所以seirously改serious。 考查名词。air是不可数名词,所以airs改air。 考查形容词。修饰可数名词复数,用many,所以Much改Many。 考查动词。情态动词之后用动词原形,所以found改find。 考查代词。句意:我们必须找到方法来保护我们的环境。所以your改our或the。  

How do learning habits influence learning results? It’s useful and necessary to discuss learning habits. There is a famous 1. (say) “Good habits lead to good endings”, which shows the importance of habits.

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Also 2. (show) a healthy everyday habit helps to build up our body. Thus, good learning habits can help us gain great learning results, high scores and abundant knowledge 3. (include). At first,learning habits form our ways of thinking and 4.(attitude) to the content of our learning. 5. ( obvious),a good habit can help us to speed up to reach our destinations. As we can see,developing a good habit is so important 6.  I would like to introduce one kind of good learning habits — keep a learning diary every day. We can start the habit by 7. (write) a learning summary and remember to record something 8. (impress) and meaningful. Keep it in mind, and we can gain this good learning habit and benefit from it.

What's 9.(much),I find out that I still have some bad learning habits 10. well. I can only concentrate on reading for a short time and I will conquer this problem by spending more effort on concentration practice in future.

I believe that through my efforts,I can gain good learning results by having good habits.



I am a 17-year-old college student. Something I came across today touched me, so I decided to _____ it.

After a long and boring morning at college, I was _____ at the bus station for my bus. While standing there, I was thinking about how _____ the week had been when this gentleman came and stood next to me. After a while he _____ talking to me, mainly about the buses and bus drivers. He had ____ noticed that I was feeling down, as he told me to cheer up and told a ______. This then turned into a casual ______ as we waited for the bus, which was late _____

He introduced himself to me and told me it was _____ to meet me.  Then the bus finally _____ We both got on the bus, and he sat in front of me, and we ______ talking. At this point all my ______ thoughts about the week were starting to _____. He asked me what I was doing at college, and what I was planning to do ____ I graduated. He wished me luck and told me he had his fingers crossed for me.

He then _____ me a piece of paper, with “Ten ideas for kindness” on it and a link to a website. When I got off the bus, he told me that it was a _____ to meet me and he wished me good luck.

I don’t _______ if this very caring man will ever read this article, ___ I want to say that he is the only person who had talked with me _____ for a while, and noticed that I needed cheering up. He made me _____ that life really is worth living.

1.A. report    B. share    C. describe    D. keep

2.A. gathering    B. searching.    C. waiting    D. sitting

3.A. pleasant    B. fast    C. busy    D. terrible

4.A. stopped    B. enjoyed    C. started    D. continued

5.A. nearly    B. hardly    C. instantly    D. obviously

6.A. remark    B. suggestion    C. joke    D. choice

7.A. discussion    B. greeting    C. conversation    D. meeting

8.A. as well    B. as usual    C. for once    D. so far

9.A. punctual    B. surprising    C. unlucky    D. lovely

10.A. started    B. left    C. arrived    D. stopped

11.A. insisted on    B. decided on    C. carried on    D. took on

12.A. serious    B. strange    C. negative    D. careful

13.A. form    B. melt    C. burst    D. disappear

14.A. after    B. when    C. before    D. until

15.A. sent    B. tore    C. handed    D. spread

16.A. pleasure    B. pity    C. duty    D. chance

17.A. expect    B. imagine    C. doubt    D. know

18.A. for    B. and    C. but    D. so

19.A. generally    B. quietly    C. sincerely    D. briefly

20.A. conclude    B. realize    C. convince    D. remind



The Farmers’ Fresh Market

This morning,I went to the Farmers Market in Burlington ,Vermont. I didn’t know what the Farmers Market is or how to get there. 1.

First ,I had to decide how to go there,and I chose both to walk and to take a bus. When I went,I would walk and when I came back,I would take a bus.  2.

Walking to the market in this city,I was surprised because every house was beautiful,and they were all arranged in good order. In Korea’s cities,most houses are not like that,and many apartments are like boxes which often screen off beautiful views like hills and mountains. Also,every road is not straight and narrow.  3.

4.It was a very small market,but a very interesting one. I don’t know why farmers go there to sell vegetables or why people go there to buy them because there are many more products in large supermarkets. 5.

Also ,all the things sold there were very novel. In addition to fresh food,there was homemade food and many other things such as woolen blankets,quilts ,and wooden products.

I wanted to buy some of them,but I didn’t need them,so I just looked at them. It was a very exciting experience.

A. I visited a flower stand at the market.

B. Anyway,I was able to find the Farmers’ Market.

C. So, to me, this American town was very impressive.

D. I decided to go early because the market is held in the morning.

E. I knew that it would take a long time to walk,but I wanted to see an American town.

F. I was attracted by the comfortable houses where they lived and the cars that they drove.

G. I think the reason is that the ones sold in the Farmers’ Market are fresher and cheaper.



The evidence for harmony may not be obvious in some families. But it seems that four out of five young people now get on well with their parents, which is the opposite of the popularly-held image of unhappy teenagers locked in their room after endless family quarrels.

An important new study into teenage attitudes surprisingly shows that their family life is more harmonious than it had ever been in the past. “We were surprised by just how positive today’s young people seem to be about their families,” said one member of the research team. “They’re expected to be rebellious(叛逆的) and selfish but actually they have other things on their minds: they want a car and material goods, and they worry about whether school is serving them well. There’s more negotiation(商议) and discussion between parents and children, and children expect to take part in the family decision-making process. They don’t want to rock the boat.”

So it seems that this generation of parents is much more likely than parents of 30 years ago to treat their children as friends. “My parents are happy to discuss things with me and willing to listen to me,” says 17-year-old Daniel Lazall. “I always tell them when I’m going out clubbing. As long as they know what I’m doing, they’re fine with me.” Susan Crome, who is now 21, agrees. “Looking back on the last 10 years, there was a lot of what you could call negotiation. For example, as long as I’d done all my homework, I could go out on a Saturday night. But I think my grandparents were a lot stricter with my parents than that.”

Maybe this positive view of family life should not be unexpected. It is possible that the idea of teenage rebellion(反抗) is not rooted in real facts. A researcher comments, “Our surprise that teenagers say they get along well with their parents comes because of a brief period in our social history when teenagers were regarded as different beings. But that idea of rebelling and breaking away from their parents really only happened during that one time in the 1960s when everyone rebelled. The normal situation throughout history has been a smooth change from helping out with the family business to taking it over. 

1.According to the author, teenage rebellion______

A. may be a false belief    B. is common nowadays

C. existed only in the 1960s    D. resulted from changes in families.

2.The study shows that teenagers don’t want to __________.

A. share family responsibility

B. cause trouble in their families

C. go boating with their family

D. make family decisions

3.Compared with parents of 30 years ago, today’s parents ____________.

A. go to clubs more often with their children

B. are much stricter with their children

C. care less about their children’s life

D. give their children more freedom

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Negotiation in family.    B. Education in family.

C. Harmony in family.    D. Teenage trouble in family.



Devon, 17, is used to paying her own cell phone and car expenses. But lately it's been harder. The family she baby-sits for hasn’t been calling as much as usual and she couldn't find a job over the summer. Devon's dad said it's a sign of the tough economy. He told her he's feeling the pinch too and that he had to use her college fund to pay the loan(货款).

This kind of money troubles isn't strange to common families these days. In fact, it's hard to avoid news about the economy on the screen of the TV or the computers recently. It can seem a bit worry and some families are hit really hard.

For most people, the big problem is that things cost more at a time when they have less money to spend. But higher prices aren't the only problem. Many people are having a tough time making payments on some types of home loans.

Therefore, some families are cutting back on what they spend.  For example, eating out less, staying home instead of going on vacation, moving to a less expensive house and so on.

However, as discouraging as things may seem now, the good news is that the economy always gets back on track after a while. Jobs may be hard to find, but the slow economy can open up new opportunities. The couple Devon babysat for might cut back on evening's out, but they could be interested in hiring her for after-school care. Perhaps it's time to sell her old toys and baby gear (设备)in the basement(地下室) or help others sell these items online if she is good at it. She could charge them a fee to sell their old stuff(东西).

1.What does the underlined phrase in the first paragraph refer to?

A. Getting hurt.    B. Receiving less calls.

C. Out of work.    D. Short of money

2.According to the passage, what constantly appears on the screen nowadays?

A. News on the tough economy.    B. Devon's family troubles.

C. Advertisements for babysitters.    D. Information on yard sales.

3.What do people do to overcome the tough economy?

A. To strike for high pay.    B. To open a new store to sell toys.

C. To cut down their expense.    D. To move to other places for vocations.

4.The passage is mainly about________

A. Devon’s own family money troubles

B. family troubles made by tough economy

C. ways of solving the slow economy

D. the increasing prices and expenses



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