满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I lifted my wet woollen gloves to my fac...

I lifted my wet woollen gloves to my face and wiped the snowflakes from my eyes. I could not feel my nose and my ______ formed a thick fog in the air. The biting wind was making me ____ I was fed up! I didn’t want to be here. I wanted to go home. But Mum and Dad had ____  me to go for a Sunday afternoon walk in the park. I could see my ______ in the snowy path, like a trail of breadcrumbs(一串面包屑) in the forest showing me the way _______. I stopped and listened to my _______. I could ______ the wind crying like a homeless dog hungry for a delicious ______. The once-green tree _______, which used to wave gently in the breeze, had become bare, and the grass was covered with a ________ blanket of fresh snow. Then I saw a broken spider’s web shining golden beneath a pale sun. My breath was like silky soft _____ floating up into the freezing cold air.

Suddenly there was Mum,_______ handing me a big cup of hot chocolate. Her big smile immediately _______ my heart.

“Here you are, Jo. This will keep you _______,”she said as she placed a comforting arm around my shoulders and _______ her cheek against mine.

I slowly took a mouthful of the hot _______ and felt it slowly dripping down my throat like lava(熔岩) ______down a mountainside. My wet woollen gloves were now warm, not ____. My breath warmed, and I was _______fed up or cold. I was happy and ______.

1.A. sweat    B. words    C. tears    D. breath

2.A. cold    B. thirsty    C. hungry    D. tired

3.A. needed    B. forbidden    C. allowed    D. forced

4.A. shadow    B. image    C. footprints    D. shoes

5.A. up    B. inside    C. there    D. home

6.A. whispers    B. surrounding    C. heartbeat    D. mind

7.A. hear    B. feel    C. see    D. smell

8.A. chocolate    B. bone    C. drink    D. snowball

9.A. roots    B. leaves    C. trunks    D. branches

10.A. white    B. shabby    C. plain    D. colorful

11.A. ice    B. smoke    C. rain    D. light

12.A. finally    B. unwillingly    C. gradually    D. cheerfully

13.A. broke    B. impressed    C. melted    D. stopped

14.A. calm    B. alive    C. awake    D. warm

15.A. pressed    B. felt    C. dropped    D. raised

16.A. soup    B. meal    C. liquid    D. cup

17.A. jumping    B. walking    C. flowin    D. squeezing

18.A. frozen    B. abandoned    C. damaged    D. worn

19.A. either    B. no longer    C. no less    D. sometimes

20.A. surprised    B. warm-hearted    C. determine    D. contented


1. D 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. A 11. B 12. D 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. C 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,在寒冷的冬天作者从公园回家,大雪和寒风让作者感觉非常凄凉,一杯热巧克力和妈妈的拥抱驱走了寒冷,家人的爱让作者感觉很幸福满足。 1.考查名词辨析及生活常识。A. sweat汗水;B. words话;C. tears眼泪;D. breath呼吸;前一句告诉我们下雪了,天气应该很冷,我无法感觉到自己的鼻子,在寒冷的天气这呼出的气变成了雾是常识。故D项正确。 2.考查形容词辨析及上下文串联。A. cold寒冷;B. thirsty口渴;C. hungry饥饿;D. tired疲惫;感觉第一句可知天气很冷,呼出的气都变成了雾,刺骨的风让我感觉很冷。故A项正确。 3.考查动词辨析。A. needed需要;B. forbidden禁止;C. allowed允许;D. forced迫使;我不想在外面想回家,但是爸爸和妈妈强迫我周日下午到公园里散步,故D项正确。 4.考查名词辨析及生活常识。A. shadow阴影;B. image形象;C. footprints脚印;D. shoes鞋子;根据第一句“….wiped the snowflakes from my eyes.”可知下了大雪,在雪里步行会留下脚印,这是生活常识。故C项正确。 5.考查上下文串联。根据上文可知下了大雪,爸爸妈妈强迫我在公园里步行回家,在回家的路上我的脚印就像是一串面包屑。故D项正确。 6.考查名词辨析及上下文串联。A. whispers低声说;B. surroundings环境;C. heartbeat心跳;D. mind思维;根据下句我听见风声,说明我停下了听周围的环境的声音。故B项正确。 7.考查动词辨析几上下文串联。A. hear听见;B. feel感觉,知觉;C. see看见;D. smell闻;根据前一句“I stopped and listened to…”可知我停下了听周围的声音,听见了风声就像饿狼想吃肉骨头的吼叫一样。故A项正确。 8.考查名词辨析。A. chocolate巧克力;B. bone骨头;C. drink饮料;D. snowball雪球;根据前句“…a homeless dog hungry…”可知作者把风声比喻成饿狼想吃肉骨头的吼声,故B项正确。 9.考查名词辨析及生活常识。A. roots树根;B. leaves树叶;C. trunks树干;D. branches 树枝;根据下句“….had become bare变得光秃”可知冬天的时候树叶落下,树枝变得光秃秃的。故D项正确。 10.考查形容词辨析及上下文串联。A. white白色的;B. shabby破旧的,寒酸的;C. plain普通的,平常的;D. colorful多姿多彩的;根据第一句“I lifted my wet woollen gloves to my face and wiped the snowflakes from my eyes.”可知下雪了,草地上都覆盖着白色的雪。故A项正确。 11.考查名词辨析及上下文串联。A. ice冰;B. smoke烟雾;C. rain雨水;D. light光线;根据后半句“….floating up into the freezing cold air漂浮在冰冷的空气里”可知只有烟雾才会漂浮在空中,故B项正确。 12.考查副词辨析。A. finally最后,终于;B. unwillingly不情愿地;C. gradually逐渐地;D. cheerfully高兴地;根据下句中“big smile”可知妈妈脸带笑意,说明妈妈情绪高涨。故D项正确。 13.考查动词辨析。A. broke打破;B. impressed使…印象深刻;C. melted融化;D. stopped停止;妈妈的微笑融化了我的心,在寒冬中让我感觉很温暖。故C项正确。 14.考查形容词辨析及上下文串联。A. calm镇定;B. alive活着;C. awake清醒;D. warm温暖;根据12空后“…handing me a big cup of hot chocolate.”可知妈妈端了一杯热巧克力给我,告诉我这杯巧克力可以让我保暖。故D项正确。 15.考查动词辨析。A. pressed挤压;B. felt感觉;C. dropped放弃,落下;D. raised筹集,提高;本句描述妈妈拥抱我的感觉,她搂着我的肩膀,把她的脸颊贴在我的脸上。故A项正确。 16.考查名词辨析及上下文串联。A. soup汤;B. meal一餐;C. liquid液体;D. cup杯子;根据12空后“…handing me a big cup of hot chocolate.”可知妈妈端了一杯热巧克力给我。我慢慢喝了一口热巧克力,文章的热巧克力是液体,故C项正确。 17.考查动词辨析。A. jumping跳跃;B. walking步行;C. flowing流淌;D. squeezing挤压;我喝了一口巧克力感觉到这液体像熔岩一样流进了我的胃里。故C项正确。 18.考查形容词辨析及上下文串联。A. frozen冰冻的;B. abandoned被遗弃的;C. damaged被毁坏的;D. worn用旧的;疲惫的;根据前句“My wet woollen gloves were now warm”可知我的手套现在暖和了,不冷了。故A项正确。 19.考查副词辨析及上下文串联。A. either也,要么;B. no longer不再;C. no less仍然,还是,依旧;D. sometimes有时;妈妈的爱让我感觉很温暖,不再寒冷,让我很幸福很满足。根据句意可知B项正确。 20.考查形容词辨析。A. surprised惊讶的;B. warm-hearted热心肠的;C. determined意志坚定的;D. contented满足的;妈妈的爱让我感觉很温暖,不再寒冷,让我很幸福很满足。根据句意可知D项正确。

If youˈre like many Americans, youˈre probably not getting enough sleep. Constantly on the go, you may think you never have enough time to finish everything on your to-do list. But that doesnˈt mean you should shortchange your sleep—or your health, for that matter.

1. Then, follow these simple tips to help you get better sleep and wake up feeling refreshed every morning.

Sleep Fix #1 Give your bedroom a makeover.

Make your sleeping area conducive to rest by keeping it dark and quiet. 2. Keep in mind that your body temperature drops at night, so you want to keep your room environment at a cool, comfortable level.

Sleep Fix #2 Get enough sleep.

Most people need seven or eight hours to best function, says Nancy Collop, MD, director of the Emory Sleep Center in Atlanta and president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. “You donˈt want to be tired or sleepy during the day,” she says. If you need an alarm clock to wake up, find yourself chugging caffeine to stay awake, or you nod off during meetings, you may not be getting enough shut-eye.

Sleep Fix #3 Establish a regular routine.

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. People who frequently switch their sleep times experience something similar to jet lag. Basner points to “Sunday night insomnia,” where weekend warriors stay up late on Friday and Saturday and then have trouble falling asleep on Sunday. 3., he explains.

Sleep Fix #44.

Itˈs tempting to watch TV or surf the web from bed, but those activities usually make it harder to wind down. The latest research suggests that artificial light coming from laptop screens, TVs, etc. suppresses the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin(诱导睡眠的褪黑激素). So give yourself a technology curfew and turn off those screens at least an hour before bedtime.

Sleep Fix #5 Make bedtime a priority for the whole family.

5. Use rituals(仪式、惯例) that help children wind down like bath, brushing teeth, and story time. Be aware that your kids may try to push the bedtime limits. “Kids are pretty clever. Theyˈll try to manipulate(操纵) parents if they can and parents need to try to avoid giving in to that,” says Colon.

A. There are treatments available for cases of sleeplessness.

B. So start by making sleep a priority in your life.

C. If you live in a city, consider using a white-noise machine to block out loud noises.

D. Unexplained sleepiness is an important signal that you should talk to your doctor.

E. Just those 24-48 hours can shift your circadian rhythm(昼夜节律) and cause poor sleep.

F. Put away your gadgets.

G. School-age kids benefit from a regular bedtime routine.



Much of my work as a coach includes helping people make an important decision, such as “If Iˈm at a crossroads in my career, which path should I follow?” “If Iˈm considering offers, which one should I accept?”

Difficult decisions like these remind me of a comment made by Scott McNealy, CEO of Sun Microsystems for years during a lecture while I was in a business school at Stanford. He was asked how he made decisions and responded, “Itˈs important to make good decisions. But I spend much less time and energy worrying about making the right decision and much more time and energy ensuring that any decision I make turns out right.”

In fact, before we make any decisions, particularly those difficult ones, weˈre anxious to focus on identifying the “best” option because of the risk of being “wrong”. But a side effect of that mindset(观念模式) is that we pay too much attention to the moment of choice and lose sight of everything that follows. Itˈs what happens next that finally determines whether a given decision was “right”.

Another aspect of this mindset is that our focus on making the “right” decision can easily lead to paralysis(麻痹), because the options weˈre choosing among are so difficult to rank in the first place. How can we definitively determine in advance what career path will be “the best”, or what job offer we should accept? Obviously, we canˈt.

Focusing on the effort after our decision not only helps us succeed, but also reminds us that we play a role in every outcome. Our control should be in our day-to-day activities rather than in our one-time decision.

1.What is the authorˈs job?

A. To teach people to choose good careers.

B. To tell people how to adapt to a new city.

C. To help people make a vital choice.

D. To advise people to ask for a high salary.

2.Which of the following about Scott McNealy is TRUE?

A. He tries his best to make his decision right in the end.

B. He never cares about whether his decision is good or not.

C. Making decisions is not very important for him.

D. He only focuses on the process rather than the outcome.

3.Most people feel anxious when making an important decision because they ________.

A. donˈt know what to do next

B. canˈt find a good coach to give them advice

C. worry about the undesired result it may bring about

D. have no idea of what to expect

4.What is the text mainly about?

A. Making the right decision is very important.

B. Stop worrying about making the right decision.

C. Believe in yourself and choose what you want.

D. Help others make the right decision.



Persuasion is the art of convincing someone to agree with your point of view. According to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, there are three basic tools of persuasion: ethos, pathos, and logos.

Ethos is a speakerˈs way of convincing people that she is an honest source. For example, a speaker can develop ethos by explaining how much experience or education she has in the field. After all, you would be more likely to listen to advice about how to take care of your teeth from a dentist than a firefighter. A speaker can also create ethos by convincing people that she is a good person who has their best interests at heart.

Pathos is a speakerˈs way of connecting with a listenerˈs emotions. For example, a speaker trying to convince people to vote for him might say that he alone can save the country from a terrible war. These words are intended to fill them with fear, thus making them want to vote for him. Similarly, a charity organization that helps animals might show pictures of injured dogs and cats, intended to fill the viewers with pity. If they feel bad for the animals, they will be more likely to donate money.

Logos is the use of facts, statistics, or other information to make your argument more convincing. An audience will be more likely to believe you if you have data to support your claims. For example, a commercial for soap might tell you that lab tests have shown that their soap kills all 7,000,000 of the bacteria living on your hands right now. It is more convincing than simply saying “our soap is the best!”Use of logos can also increase a speaker’s ethos.

Although ethos, pathos, and logos all have their strengths, they are often most effective when they are used together. The next time you listen to a speech, watch a commercial, or listen to a friend trying to convince you to lend him some money, be on the lookout for these ancient Greek tools of persuasion.

1.When a speaker tries to move people to tears, the tool of persuasion used by him is ________.

A. ethos    B. logos

C. pathos    D. strengths

2.________ is used by the writer in developing the three tools of persuasion.

A. Argument-comparisons

B. Detail-example

C. General-detail

D. Argument-example

3.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. A speaker can use misleading information to convince you to trust his argument.

B. A listener is likely to trust a speaker who uses evidence to support his argument.

C. Logos is believed to be a better tool of persuasion compared with that of ethos.

D. A person is more easily persuaded by facts than simple moving words said.

4.Doing persuasion, the author probably favors the most effective tool of ________.

A. a good combination of ethos, pathos and logos

B. pathos because people are emotionally persuaded

C. logos because use of logos can also increase ethos

D. ethos because it is a speakerˈs way of convincing people



Recently I went to the Tsavo National Park in northern Kenya for a film. We set off early for a distant water hole. A huge elephant, covered with dry mud, drank calmly and deeply. He might have traveled 50 km to reach the water. He wasnˈt going to hurry now. Heˈd drink a while and then rest in the shade, and then drink again—or so we thought. What actually happened was that he drank deeply and stepped away. Then he suddenly fell down. Within minutes he was dead.

We called animal doctor Jeremiah Poghon immediately. He removed the head of a poisoned arrow from the elephantˈs body, and let out over 100 litters of pus()—the result of the elephantˈs meeting with a poacher(偷猎者) months before.

Todayˈs poacher shoots from a blind. He fires an arrow, covered with poison, into the body of an elephant. If the poacher is lucky, the elephant might die in an hour or two; if not, he might have to follow the elephant for days before it dies. Often the arrow head fails to kill the elephant at once—it doesnˈt mean the poison wonˈt finally kill the elephant, but it will be a slow death. Living in Tsavo through these times, I could see the results of poaching from time to time.

When I think about the death of that elephant, what stays with me is the extraordinary silence after the shocking sound of his body hitting the ground. I took some comfort from the knowledge that as the dead body returned to the soil, some animals would benefit—but I couldnˈt escape the feeling that with the death of such a large animal, the world seemed a poorer and emptier place.

1.While filming near the water hole, the author and his team ________.

A. knew the elephant was injured

B. found the elephant acted violently

C. thought the elephant was in good condition

D. tried their best to save the elephant

2.Further examination showed that the dead elephant ________.

A. had wounds all over it

B. had suffered a lot

C. had drunk some deadly water

D. had had a good fight with a poacher

3.Further examination showed that the dead elephant ________.

A. Embarrassed.

B. Funny

C. Relieved

D. Upset

4.Why did the author write the text?

A. To introduce African elephant.

B. To ask readers to protect wild animals.

C. To describe his filming experience.

D. To show the cruelty of poaching.



During the Second World War, I met a housewife from Chicago who told me how she discovered for herself that “the cure for worry is to get completely occupied by doing something constructive.” I met this woman and her husband in the dining car while I was traveling from New York to my farm in Missouri.

This couple told me that their son had joined the armed forces the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The woman told me that she had almost ruined her health through worrying over that only son. Where was he? Was he safe? Would he be wounded? Killed?

When I asked her how she overcame her worry, she replied:“I got busy.” She told me that at first she had dismissed her maid and tried to keep busy by doing all her housework herself. But that didnˈt help much. “The trouble was,” she said, “that I could do my housework almost mechanically. So I kept on worrying. Then I realized I needed some new kind of work that would keep me busy both mentally and physically. So I took a job as a saleswoman in a store.”

“That did it,” she said. “I immediately found myself involved in a lot of activities:customers crowding around me, asking for prices, sizes, colors. Never a second to think of anything except my immediate duty. And when night came, I could think of nothing except getting off my aching feet. As soon as I ate dinner, I fell into bed and instantly became unconscious. I had neither the time nor the energy to worry.”

1.Doing housework failed to work on the woman because ________.

A. it was too boring to do housework

B. she didnˈt like doing housework at all

C. there wasnˈt much housework to do

D. she didnˈt need to use her mind to do housework

2.Why did the woman take a job as a saleswoman?

A. She had to work to support her family.

B. She needed a more effective way to defeat her worry.

C. She wanted to make her life more colorful.

D. She enjoyed being surrounded by people.

3.After a dayˈs work as a saleswoman, the woman ________.

A. felt extremely tired

B. fell into unconsciousness because of worries

C. seemed quite disappointed

D. lost her appetite



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