满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Vincent Van Gogh was the son of a pastor...

Vincent Van Gogh was the son of a pastor (牧师) in Holland. Around his early twenties he decided to become an artist. He felt that color was his main influence and he used it to express himself. The way he painted was very unusual during the late 1800s because he paid much attention to colorful abstract art. Van Gogh had many paintings that have changed the way we look at art. His paintings weren’t popular during his lifetime because of an illness that was possibly a mental disorder. However, they are now considered to be the most popular forms of art in the world today. In what ways can we appreciate his paintings?

Learn about the artistic style of expressionism. In Van Gogh’s artwork, the style that he used was expressionism, which was the only one of this kind compared to other paintings.

    Look for key symbols that would help you understand his artwork better such as the background of the objects.

Try to understand the artist’s aims. You can do this by watching the use of colors, perspectives, and the subject. Knowing the artist’s aims, you will be able to understand why he created the work.

Take what you have learned from the artwork and put it in your feelings to see how it affects you and is related to you. This will allow you to make a connection with the artist.

1.The article is mainly about _____.

A. how we should appreciate Van Gogh’s paintings

B. how Van Gogh expressed himself in paintings

C. why Van Gogh wanted to become an artist

D. why Van Gogh wasn’t famous in his lifetime

2.Van Gogh wanted to become an artist because _____.

A. his father was a famous artist    B. he liked to express himself with color

C. he had a serious mental illness    D. he grew up in a religious culture

3.According to the passage, which of the following about Van Gogh is NOT true?

A. Expressionism was usually used to describe his work.

B. He was likely to have suffered from a mental disorder.

C. When he was alive, his artwork wasn’t popular.

D. Like many others, he focused on colorful abstract art.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Van Gogh’s paintings were difficult to understand.

B. Van Gogh’s illness helped him paint.

C. Only after death can painters become famous.

D. We can’t understand Van Gogh’s feelings from his artwork.


1. A 2. B 3. D 4. A 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,现在梵高的作品非常受人欢迎,我们究竟应该从哪些方面去欣赏他的作品?文章介绍了我们可以从四个方面欣赏梵高的作品。 1.主旨大意题。文章第一段告诉我们现在梵高的作品非常受人欢迎,我们究竟应该从哪些方面去欣赏他的作品?第一段最后一句“In what ways can we appreciate his paintings?”是承上启下的句,在文章2-5段介绍了我们可以从四个方面欣赏梵高的作品。所以本文主要是涉及了我们应该如何欣赏梵高作品。故A项正确。 2.细节理解题。根据第一段2、3句“Around his early twenties he decided to become an artist. He felt that color was his main influence and he used it to express himself.”可知梵高决心要成为艺术家,感觉到颜色是他能影响别人的方面,于是他在作品里用颜色表示自己。故B项正确。 3.细节理解题。根据第一段第4句“The way he painted was very unusual during the late 1800s because he paid much attention to colorful abstract art.”梵高的绘画是抽象艺术,与众不同。没有别的画家和他类似,故D项说法是错误的,符合题意。故D项正确。 4.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“His paintings weren’t popular during his lifetime because of an illness that was possibly a mental disorder.”可知梵高活着的时候他的作品不受欢迎,因为他的作品属于抽象艺术,普通人难以理解。故A项正确。

Basketball Statistician Help Wanted

The Athletic Department is looking for students to help assist staff during the Fall 2018, Winter 2018 – 2019 and Spring 2019 semesters(学期). Students in this position will be keeping live statistics (计分)during basketball games. Students must meet all of the following requirements:

Good computer skills

Available evenings and weekends

Knowing basketball rules and statistics

Students interested in working for the Athletic Department should contact the Athletic Coordinator at their own campuses(校区).

TP/SS Athletic Coordinator, Michael Simone, 240-567-1308

Rockville Athletic Coordinator, Jorge Zuniga, 240-567-7589

Springfield Athletic coordinator, Gary Miller, 240-567-2273

Germantown Athletic Coordinator, Gauri Chavan, 240-567-6915

1.When will the job start?

A. In May 2018.    B. In May 2019.

C. In September 2019.    D. In September 2018.

2.Who is more likely to get the job?

A. Ted, computer major, basketball fan, free on evenings and weekends.

B. Judy, IT staff with night classes, children’s basketball team coach.

C. Sam, English major, member of the college football team.

D. Molly, part-time programmer, high school basketball player, new mother.

3.Whom should you contact if you want to apply for the job in Rockville?

A. Michael    B. Jorge

C. Gauri    D. Gary



假如你是小华, Jane是美国人。在她暑假来中国游玩时你们相识,并成为好朋友。Jane回国后,你很想念她,于是给她写了一封信,并且和她谈了你对高一新生活的感受。信头信尾均已给出;词数100左右。

Dear Jane,

Yours sincerely,










I love camping. It’s my favorite way to spent the summer vacation. Last year, my family and me went camping in the countryside. It was one of the most excited experiences I had never had. We slept in a tent and went for a long walk every day. We cooked over a fire and the food always tasted wonderfully. For a whole week, I appreciated lovely mountain views or breathed fresh air. At the night, I heard the gentle wind blowing in the tree, and I felt so peaceful. It doesn’t cost many to camp. I believe it’s the best way to get close nature and enjoy its beauty.




As a stranger in Atlantic City, I often used to go walking outside. One afternoon, I found a little boy1. (stand) alone, and he looked very lost. I tried to get his trust, so I2.(buy) him an ice-cream cone and decided to call the police to take him home. I told3. to stay there when I went to the phone booth(电话亭), 4. after I returned, he was missing. A few minutes later, 5. patrol car arrived. The policeman asked me 6. the child was. I felt stupid; 7. was embarrassing (难堪的) to say that I had lost a lost child. I told the policeman 8. had happened and gave him a 9.(describe) of the boy. "What did you treat him with?" he asked. "An ice-cream cone. Why?" "That kid lives only a few blocks  10. here, and you’re about the fifth stranger he’s conned (欺骗) for a treat!"



“Hi! John.” Mary ran towards me with a rare bright smile on her face, saying, “I’m going to have a ______performance tonight.I hope you'll come.Here is the______.” She left in a hurry, disappearing in the crowds of people_______

"Is that true?" I asked myself.She was a quite______girl.I had never seen her making up or wearing attractive clothes, for she did not know how to _______indeed.

I arrived at the________with the ticket, and found my seat.Her performance was the seventh one.I knew I would________from a hard time before her turn, for I had no______of art, but her performance was________watching, no matter how long I would wait.Time went slowly.I_____   with myself not to fall asleep.

"Let' s welcome the next exciting dance - Latin !" ______filled the hall at once.

I opened my eyes as large as possible,_____to lose anything.Wearing a golden and shining skirt, Mary appeared on the stage.Dancing with a charming smile, she was fully_______in the Latin music.At this moment, she looked like a pretty butterfly_______on the splendid stage.

After all the performance_______, I waited for her at the gate.

"Hi!" She stood in front of me with a bag and her crystal high-heeled shoes in her hands, and______as she used to be, but the making-up still could be seen.

"How do you feel?" There was not a little bit tired_______on her face.

"_____!" I answered.

"Thank you! I knew it would be." She could not______her excitement, laughing like a child.Looking at the shining crystal high-heeled shoes in the wonderful starry night, I ______that every girl has a pair of special shoes which are like the crystal shoes of Cinderella.

1.A. instrument    B. dance    C. music    D. opera

2.A. address    B. number    C. ticket    D. invitation

3.A. quickly    B. completely    C. quietly    D. excitedly

4.A. lovely    B. popular    C. confident    D. ordinary

5.A. cover up    B. turn off    C. dress up    D. take in

6.A. hall    B. party    C. theatre    D. school

7.A. relieve    B. escape    C. relax    D. suffer

8.A. interest    B. ability    C. sense    D. touch

9.A. proper    B. worth    C. good    D. happy

10.A. struggled    B. knocked    C. supported    D. controlled

11.A. Appreciation    B. Attention    C. Expectation    D. Applause

12.A. failing    B. fearing    C. forgetting    D. regretting

13.A. absorbed    B. swallowed    C. interested    D. surrounded

14.A. singing    B. flying    C. skipping    D. staying

15.A. stopped    B. paused    C. ended    D. succeeded

16.A. talked    B. dressed    C. laughed    D. looked

17.A. appearance    B. excitement    C. expression    D. exhibition

18.A. Sorry    B. Congratulations    C. Far from    D. Fantastic

19.A. hide    B. prevent    C. remove    D. abandon

20.A. doubted    B. realized    C. wondered    D. suggested



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