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If you desire to meet new friends, have ...

If you desire to meet new friends, have fun and get into shape, basketball is the best sport for you regardless of whether you are a professional or an amateur. 1..

        Here are some of the benefits you can acquire from playing basketball.

• Improve your fitness levels.

Playing basketball will definitely improve your fitness levels. Basketball is an amazing cardiovascular(心血管的) exercise, which is beneficial to people with heart problems. 2.

• Encourage teamwork.

Basketball requires team work to achieve a common objective. 3.this sport is great for kids, as it shows them how to work together in harmony to reach the goal. Learning how to relate with others will improve your child’s confidence as well as self-esteem.(自尊)


Making a shot or winning can really improve your child's self-esteem, which is a vital aspect during childhood. Children with confidence are able to overcome challenges better, according to recent studies.

• Develop social skills.

It brings individuals together and helps create friendship and bonds. This provides a great opportunity for children who are shy, as it helps them interact with new friends. 5.

Although there are no drawbacks associated to playing basketball, it is necessary that you perform other exercises to improve your speed and power.

A. Build up your muscles.

B. Improve confidence and self-esteem.

C. The players have to work as a team to guarantee a win.

D. Social skills will help your child function better in life.

E. Basketball is popular worldwide due to a variety of reasons.

F. Generally speaking, basketball is one of the safest sports in the world.

G. Moreover, it aids in oxygen circulation and blood distribution throughout the body.


1. E 2. G 3. C 4. B 5. D 【解析】 本文是体育运动类短文,介绍了打篮球的好处。 1.上句介绍如果想认识新朋友,玩得开心,锻炼身体,篮球是最适合的运动。E项:由于各种原因,篮球在世界范围内很受欢迎。与上句承接,说明了打篮球的普遍性,故选E. 2.本部分介绍打篮球能提高健康水平,上句介绍打篮球是很好的心血管运动,对心脏问题有好处。G项:此外,它有助于氧气循环和血液在全身的分布。与上句并列,说明打篮球对健康的好处,故选G. 3.本部分介绍打篮球能鼓励团队合作,C项:为了保证胜利,队员们必须团结一致。是介绍合作的重要性,符合本段内容,故选C. 4.根据本部分中 improve your child's self-esteem和Children with confidence可知是介绍打篮球对孩子自尊心和自信心的好处,B项:Improve confidence and self-esteem.概括了这两项内容,适合作为本段标题。故选B. 5.本部分介绍打篮球能提高社交技能,D项:社交技巧将帮助你的孩子在生活中更好地发挥作用,是介绍社交技能的重要性。D项中的Social skills与标题一致,故选D.

You can see a sea turtle named Herman, an octopus (章鱼) called Octavia, and a seal named Lidia at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, D.C. Rather than real animals, they are actually artworks made out of plastic trash from the ocean.

These artworks are part of a traveling exhibit called “Washed Ashore: Art to Save the Sea”. The Washed Ashore project, led by the artist called Pozzi, works to raise awareness about plastic pollution in Earth’s oceans.

More than 315 billion pounds of plastic litter the world’s oceans today. Most of the plastic is garbage from towns and cities, as well as trash that people leave on beaches. Rainwater, winds, and high tides bring the trash into the ocean or into rivers that lead to the ocean. Once it is under the waves, the plastic begins to break up into smaller and smaller pieces.

Thousands of sea animals die each year from eating plastic bags and other things. Each year, millions more pounds of plastic end up in the ocean. A recent study found that if that continues, by 2050 the total weight of plastic will be more than that of all the fish in the ocean.

The Washed Ashore project is working to stop that from happening. Since 2010, Washed Ashore volunteers have collected 38,000 pounds of plastic trash from more than 300 miles of beaches. They helped Pozzi create more than 60 artworks of sea creatures harmed by plastic pollution.

“These artworks are a powerful reminder of our personal role and global responsibility in preserving biodiversity (生物多样性) on land and in the sea,” says Dennis Kelly, director of the National Zoo.

1.What is the purpose of the artworks shown at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo?

A. To let people know about animals in the ocean.

B. To introduce one way of recycling plastic trash.

C. To warn people of plastic pollution in the ocean.

D. To show Pozzi’s great gift for creating artworks.

2.According to the passage, what is the source of plastic pollution in the ocean?

A. Garbage from towns and cities.    B. Trash left on beaches by people.

C. Plastic bags broken up by waves.    D. Litter created by human activities.

3.The data in Paragraph 5 is given to prove that ______.

A. plastic pollution will be more serious in the ocean.

B. more and more artworks of sea creatures will be made.

C. the Washed Ashore project has made great achievements.

D. volunteers can solve the ocean pollution successfully by 2050.

4.What’s Dennis Kelly’s attitude towards the artworks?

A. worried.    B. supportive.

C. doubtful.    D. unconcerned.



Binge-watching is when a person watches more than one episode of a show in quick succession(一连串,连续)". With developments in the speed and connectivity of the internet, increases in technology and the rise of on-demand entertainment companies, people can now have their favorite shows streamed directly to their television at their convenience.

This behavior is nothing new. In fact, " binge-watching" has been officially listed in dictionaries since 2015. The entertainment companies recognize this behavior and many take steps to encourage it. Often, instead of releasing each episode on a week-by-week basis, an entire series will become available concurrently. Once the episode finishes many platforms will display pop-ups with “you might like suggestions, or will automatically play the next episode”.

However, recent research suggests that out of the more than half of British adults who watch more than one episode of a show back-to-back, almost a third have admitted missing sleep or becoming tired as a result; and one quarter have neglected their household chores. Next we’ll be missing work!

Bingeing has other connections-binge eating, binge drinking and binge smoking. All of them are often associated with a lack of control and a possible route to addiction. Lindsey Fussell, consumer group director, said: “The days of waiting a week for the next episode are largely gone, with people finding it hard to resist watching multiple episodes around the house or on the move.” If people find binge-watching hard to resist, coupled with the fact that it has shown to lead to negligence in many, are we witnessing the birth of a new type of addiction?

The countless of information and entertainment that television and online media can bring us is, many would say, a good thing. However, when the activity begins to bleed into other areas, causing us to stop functioning then it becomes a problem. So, what's the answer? Moderation! Neither a tiny amount, nor too much. After all, as the old proverb says, “A little of what you fancy does you good.”

1.How did the writer develop the first paragraph?

A. Listing some examples.

B. Telling a story.

C. Giving a definition.

D. Analyzing the cause and effect.

2.Which of the following words can best replace the underlined word in paragraph 2 ?

A. similarly.    B. gradually.

C. naturally.    D. necessarily.

3.What Lindsey said in Paragraph 4 implies that _____________.

A. people have no patience to do work.

B. people can’t control their movements.

C. people are addicted to watching television.

D. people can’t resist the temptation.

4.What advice did the writer give at last?

A. To watch episodes in a moderate way.

B. To draw life lessons from the episodes.

C. To enjoy entertainment as much as possible.

D. To keep online media from stopping functioning.



Myles, my four-year-old son, somehow got into an adult pool while we were out swimming. We ran over and pulled him out of the water, only to see his blue face and grey, still body. He was lifeless.

One person immediately contacted the front desk while another called 911. My friend, John Newland, and I began CPR(心肺复苏). But we hadn't received any professional training. Despite our best efforts, we failed to make any important progress in bringing back my son.

Another friend of mine realized two off-duty lifeguards, Liz and Alison Manley, were nearby. The sisters, 15 and 18, recently trained by the Red Cross in CPR, ran to help. Alison took over directly above Myles and Liz near his feet. Alison started chest compressions (胸部压迫), and Liz gave instructions. They turned him on his side, and cleared the airway as he expelled(排出) water.They continued chest compressions and rescue breathing, staying calm and cooperating as a perfect team.

As the scene unfolded, so many things went through my mind. It seemed that seconds, minutes and hours passed, all at once. I saw his life flash before my eyes, the image of my beloved son wearing his favorite Lightning McQueen jammies (睡衣) and then his t-ball uniform. All at once was filled with both regret and hope." What kind of a father lets this happen?”,“ Stay with me!”,“ Come on, Myles”,"I don' t want to live without you !” and finally "God help, somebody, do anything!" Then it happened. Myles slowly opened one of his eyes and began to cry. I picked him up and held him.

Myles was allowed to leave the hospital the next morning and, despite everything that happened, he asked to go to Worlds of Fun. This was the best Father's Day gift I could have ever received, seeing that my wife, son and daughter reunited and were all healthy, playing together again! No days are taken for granted any longer!

1.When the author pulled his son out of the water, he found his son was __________

A. still breathing.

B. struggling hard.

C. crying loud in fear.

D. in a very bad situation.

2.How did Liz and Alison Manley react?

A. They called 911 for help immediately.

B. They took immediate actions to save the boy.

C. They asked the pools medical team for aid.

D. They taught the author to perform CPR.

3.What can we lean about the author from Paragraph 4?

A. He was considered a terrible father.

B. He was really worried about his son.

C. He was responsible for the accident.

D. He always believed his son would be fine.

4.After that accident, the author ____________.

A. decided to learn first aid.

B. never let his son swim again.

C. allowed his son to do whatever he wanted.

D. valued the time spent with his family more.



Want to choose a picture book to enjoy? Here are four popular books sold on the website of Amazon, Read and choose your favourite.

The Relatives Came by Cynthia Rylant

So many beautiful memories are collected when relatives come to visit. Join in the fun as a family gets together for a summer they will never forget. Warm and inviting language as well as wonderful pictures brings the story of this family’s summer get-together to life.

Available from Amazon. S11. 26

Jabari Jumps by Gaia Cornwall

You know that feeling when you're as excited as you are scared to make a jump. That's how Jabari feels about his first jump off the diving board. He knows how to swim. He knows jumping off surely looks fun. But is he brave enough to make a jump? With some gentle encouragement from his loving father, Jabari jumps.

Available from Amazon. $5.56

There Might Be Lobsters by Carolyn Crimi

Meet Suki. She's a small dog with a big fear of the beach. When a rescue is in order, Suki saves the day proving that there's nothing to fear but fear itself. It is a perfect picture book for kids who are afraid to try new experiences. It opens the door to calming dialogues and messages of bravery and victory.

Available from Amazon. $11.84

Three Little Words by Amy Novesky

Dory's"Just keep swimming!" message of never giving up is perfect for anyone who has ever felt like they were drowning. Follow Dory to an unforgettable adventure as she finds her way in this beautiful adventure of friendship and survival.

Available from Amazon. $12.06

1.What do we know about The Relatives Came?

A. It tells a story of adventure.

B. It is the cheapest picture book.

C. It's about a boy's memories.

D. It's about a family get-together.

2.Which book tells how to overcome fears by helping others?

A. The Relatives Came.

B. Jabari Jumps.

C. There Might Be Lobsters.

D. Three Little Words.

3.What does the book by Amy Novesky inspire its readers to do?

A. Learn to swim.

B. Never give up.

C. Love their friends.

D. Have an adventure.



假定你是李华,你校将接待一批来自美国的中学生,为期三周。学校遴选了一批为来访学生提供寄宿 (homestay)的自愿者,你是其中之一。请你给即将到来的学生Bobby写一封欢迎信,内容如下:


2. 你提供的食、宿等生活条件;

3. 他的周末安排。

注意:1. 词数100字左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。









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