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Dear Leslie, I’m writing this letter to invite you to the Cultural Center of our city to do voluntary work with us on Sunday, which can make our spare time colorful and meaningful. The Cultural Center lies in Zhenxing road, opposite Xinhua post office. Since it’s newly opened, lots of people are needed to offer help. Meanwhile, it’s a good chance for you to get exposed to the Chinese culture. We’re expected to help do some cleaning and keep order. We can also hand out flyers, providing visitors with more detailed information to make their visits more enjoyable. Not only can we help those who need our help, but also we can enrich our life. I do hope you can join us. It will be of great benefit to you. Your early reply is highly appreciated. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本文书面表达属于应用文,要求写一封电子邮件。 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇是一篇电子邮件:假设你是李华,请你给英国留学生Leslie写一封电子邮件,邀请他周末到振兴路,新华邮局对面刚开业的文化中心去做义工。内容包括:目的和意义;时间和地点;义务和责任(打扫卫生,维持秩序等)。 第2步:根据写作要求确定关键词,如:the Cultural Center(文化中心);opposite Xinhua post office(新华邮局对面);the Chinese culture(中国文化);more detailed information(更多详细信息)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态语态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。





注意:1.每处错误及其修改均限一词;  2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Tom,

How is everything going recently? That has been a long time since we meet in China last time. Having passed the finally exams, I am busy planning a two-weeks trip to the US during this winter holiday. Do you have some advices about the choice of American cities? I prefer to big and modern cities. I guess I’d better book a hotel. What is the price for single boy like myself? Is it easy to find Chinese food? What is the traffic like after I travel between cities in the US? Hope to hearing from you. Thank you!

Best regards!

Li Hua




Since the United Nations declared June 21 as the International Day of Yoga in 2014,many cities in China 1. (start)hosting international yoga festivals. Last year,for example,2. (celebrate)the festival,hundreds of yoga enthusiasts from India and China gathered on the Great Wall in Beijing.It 3. (certain)seems China’s enthusiasm for yoga isn’t going to cool down anytime soon. 4. addition to large-scale(大规模的)yoga festivals,smaller events are held in different communities,parks and also online across the nation.

There are many differences between China and India when it comes to how yoga 5.  (practise).6. people focus on are meditation (冥想)and breathing exercises in India,but in  China most of the time people just focus on physical exercise.Locations 7. practice takes  place tend to be different as well,since Indian people tend to practise yoga outside in the  mornings while most Chinese practise inside gyms and studios.Indians start practising yoga at a very young age,so their bodies are even 8. (strong).But in China,people start at an older age,so they should pay more attention to safety.Like many athletic 9. (activity),yoga comes with some risk. As 10. (it)popularity has gradually risen,so has the number of yoga—related injuries.



People say one man’s trash is another man's treasure. That _______ comes to me as I _______the house purchased in 1962 by my parents. My mother passed away in 1996. My father left the house _______ my sister and me when he died a few months ago.

After Dad was _______, we looked around the _______ house where we grew up and that Dad loved so much. At first we felt so _______ at all the stuff(东西)left. Like so many of their generation, my parents _______ everything. And like many in my generation, we faced anxious_______ about what to abandon and what to keep.

As we started throwing out old phone books and every medical bill from every _______my parents ever saw, I also ________ many hidden treasures. Mom's pocketbook was in their bedroom closet, which had everything in it, ________ her hairbrush with hair, as if she were still here. And Dad, who was a World War II veteran(退伍兵)and a world traveler, ________everything—from little spoons from all over the world to every letter he wrote to his parents while in the ________. The letters he wrote during the war ________ his thoughts as a young man. Later, in the basement, I ________ our old kitchen table, which brought back ________ of my parents and sister and me having breakfast together.

I’m realizing all these things ________ my parents’ life journey. Each time I go to the ________, I find something that reminded me of my childhood or teaches me something about my parents I ________ knew. ________, from the shabby furniture to all the hidden treasures, means more to me than all the money in the world.

1.A. thought    B. goal    C. principle    D. coincidence

2.A. looked for    B. looked through    C. looked into    D. looked after

3.A. with    B. for    C. to    D. by

4.A. retired    B. ill    C. gone    D. injured

5.A. clean    B. strange    C. modern    D. empty

6.A. pleased    B. familiar    C. disappointed    D. astonished

7.A. saved    B. enjoyed    C. purchased    D. designed

8.A. decisions    B. bargains    C. challenges    D. responsibilities

9.A. person    B. neighbor    C. doctor    D. child

10.A. bought    B. discovered    C. buried    D. lost

11.A. even    B. just    C. only    D. yet

12.A. liked    B. bought    C. kept    D. lost

13.A. countryside    B. army    C. college    D. school

14.A. receive    B. direct    C. sense    D. describe

15.A. repaired    B. cleaned    C. spotted    D. set

16.A. introductions    B. memories    C. descriptions    D. communications

17.A. recognized    B. represented    C. instructed    D. confirmed

18.A. supermarket    B. church    C. office    D. house

19.A. merely    B. always    C. really    D. never

20.A. Anything    B. Nothing    C. Everything    D. Something



Parents usually teach their children how to cross the street safety, by looking both ways for cars.1. The city of Honolulu, Hawaii wants everyone to learn that lesson.

2.Beginning on October 24, you will be fined from $ 15 to $ 99 if you step into a Honolulu street while looking at your phone. Honolulu is the first major U.S. city to ban what is called “distracted walking”. It recently passed a law in a seven to two vote. The law says, “No pedestrian shall cross a street or highway while viwing a mobile electronic device.’ 3.

The law includes all electronic devices with screens: cellphone, tablets, gaming devices, digital cameras and laptop computers.4. Pedestrians may use such devices in the street to call emergency services and rescue workers, such as firefighters and police officers.

Pedestrian deaths have been increasing as the use of cellphones rises. The Governors Highway Safety Association, or GHSA, says pedestrian deaths in the United States increased 25 percent 2010 and 2015. That trend continued in 2016 with the number of pedestrian deaths rising to almost 6000, 11% higher than in 2015.

5.The state of Washington was the first to outlaw distracted driving back in 2007. Now, 46 other states as well as D. C. , Puerto Rico, Guam and the U. S. Virgin Islands, have laws against texting while driving.

If you etill want to text while walking, you could avoid being fined in Honolulu by using a voice-controlled digital assistant such as Siri or Google Assistant. Or you could just wait until you are again, safely, off the street.

A. The law does permit an exception.

B. Other U. S. cities may follow Honolulu

C. But do they also teach them to put away their cellphones?

D. Texting while crossing the street will soon be banned in the city.

E. Do you like Honolulu’s new law that bans texting while walking?

F. In other words, do not look at a screen when you cross the street or you could be fined.

G. The law’s creator hope it will lower the number of people hit and killed by cars in the city.



Getting stitched(缝合) up by Dr. Robot may one day be reality. Scientists have created a robotic system which did just that in living animals without a real doctor pulling the strings. Much like engineers are designing self-driving cars, the medical research is part of a move toward autonomous surgical robots, removing the surgeon’s hands from certain tasks that a machine might perform all by itself.

Doctors wouldn’t leave the bedside they’re supposed to watch. Plus they’d handle the rest of the surgery. In small tests using pigs, the robotic arm performed at least as well, and in some cases a bit better, as some competing surgeons in stitching together intestinal(肠的) tissue. “The purpose wasn’t to replace surgeons, ”said Dr. Kim who led the project. “If you have all intelligent tool that works with a surgeon, can it improve the outcome? That’s what we have done.”

If you’ve heard about machines like the popular Da Vinci system, you might think robots already are operating. Not really. Today many hospitals offer robot-assisted surgery where surgeons use the machinery as tools that they control by hand to operate through tiny openings in the body. But robot-assisted surgery has been controversial, as some studies have shown it can bring higher costs without better outcomes.

Kim’s team at Children’s Sheikh Zayed Institute invented the new STAR system—it stands for Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot—works sort of like a programmable sewing machine. They added sensors to help guide each stitch and tell how tightly to pull. But the approach wasn’t perfect. In the living animals, the robot took much longer and made a few stitching mistakes while the surgeon sewing by hand made none. Kim said the robot can be sped up. He hopes to begin human studies in two or three years.

1.What’s the best title for the text?

A. A new robotic system

B. A new-style way of stitching

C. The newly-designed driverless vehicles

D. Robot surgeons one step closer to reality

2.What will surgeons do when Dr. Robot is used in surgery?

A. They can help pull the strings.    B. They rest at the bedside.

C. They join in when necessary.    D. They perform another surgery.

3.Some people are against using robots in surgery probably because_________.

A. they can be out of control    B. they will take shorter time

C. they may be expensive to use    D. they are likely to cause great pain

4.What can we infer from the text?

A. Dr. Robot can take the place of surgeons.

B. Dr. Robot will be improved.

C. Dr. Robot has been tested with human trials.

D. Dr. Robot can free doctors’ hands in the operation.



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