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2.比赛时间和地点: 125日下午 2点到5点,学校会议室(五位英语老师将被邀请当评委,前10名优胜者将获奖)












Notice In order to improve students’ oral English, an English speaking contest will be held among Senior One students on December 5th in the school meeting room. The three-hour contest will start at 2 p.m. Five teachers will be invited to work as judges and the top ten winners will be given awards. Those who would like to take part should sign up before November 25th. All Senior 3 students are welcome to join in the contest. Get well prepared and we wish you success! The Student Union 【解析】 本文是一篇提纲类书面表达,要求考生把自己当成李华,学生会将举办英语演讲比赛,请写一份比赛通知,包括比赛时间地点及参赛者等信息。文章要点均已给出,总体难度不大。 第1步:审题。根据文字提示可知本文是一则通知,学生会将举办英语演讲比赛,请写一份比赛通知,包括比赛时间地点及参赛者等信息。全文以一般将来时和第三人称为主。 第2步:组织要点。1.参赛者:高一学生;2.比赛时间和地点: 12月5日下午 2点到5点,学校会议室(五位英语老师将被邀请当评委,前10名优胜者将获奖)。 第3步:根据提示及关键词组进行遣词造句,关键词为improve students’ oral English、start at 2 p.m.、five teachers will be invited to work as judges、the top ten winners 、sign up before November 25th、join in the contest等。写作时注意通知的格式和惯用语。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。



2.自从他大学毕业,他就梦想出国旅游。(ever since)




6.他们感到如此地惊恐以至于突然大哭起来。(so… that…)





Voyages of people from England play 1. important part in spreading English 2. is frequently spoken as an official or common language in many countries. All based on British English, the English 3. (speak) in those countries can be well understood by native English speakers. 4. (actual) theseEnglishes have been gradually changing in accents, spellings, 5. (express) and the usages of vocabulary. Because 6. this fact, you can make use of the differences7.(tell) which country the foreigners of your block are from. For example, if a boss fluently 8.(command) his driver, “Come up straight to my apartment by elevator and take some gas for my trucks and cabs”, instead of 9.(request), “Please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis”, you can recognize 10.(he) American identity, while the latter suggests that he is British.



I sat down at my desk and started writing a letter of thankfulness, but when it came to actually putting the letter into the mailbox... I ____ ...I couldn’t do it. I suddenly felt a sense of ______and insecurity (不安).

The letter was to an old teacher with whom I kept in _____ on Facebook. For months, I read about what she  _____ on her Facebook page, which helped me to live my life differently. Her volunteer (志愿者) work wasn’t huge. ____ , she was doing small, local good deeds.____ , she changed my views on the world and for some reason, I felt I should let her know how her example_____ influenced me.

I could have easily sent her an email, but that seemed not enough for such an important thank-you. That’s why I ended up_____ the letter. But now here I was, standing before the mailbox, unable to put the envelope inside. What was stopping me? It suddenly hit me that I was ____ of being too nice. I guess I felt strange __  it wasn’t like she was my best friend or a relative. Maybe my ______ was too heartfelt. Thinking this over, I put the envelope in the mailbox _____ .

Weeks later I received a message from her. It turned out she was ______ a hard time and my note ____ a lot to her. She said she had no idea she was playing such a big ______in others’ life.

Not only did this letter make her happier, but her response to it brightened my world and ______my level of happiness as well. I was so ______ that it had such a great influence on her that I decided to write a(n) ______ letter to someone each month. Now it’s easier for me to______ the goodness in others and be more______ for this beautiful life I’m living.

1.A. stopped    B. continued    C. swapped    D. paced

2.A. disappointment    B. concern    C. responsibility    D. power

3.A. touch    B. mind    C. sight    D. order

4.A. gave in    B. suffered from    C. packed up    D. set down

5.A. So    B. However    C. Instead    D. Meanwhile

6.A. Gradually    B. Exactly    C. Fluently    D. Frequently

7.A. widely    B. rapidly    C. loosely    D. greatly

8.A. checking    B. receiving    C. handwriting    D. reading

9.A. confident    B. afraid    C. fond    D. sure

10.A. because    B. although    C. while    D. until

11.A. purpose    B. agreement    C. present    D. message

12.A. sadly    B. officially    C. finally    D. entirely

13.A. turning over    B. giving in to    C. going through    D. making use of

14.A. ignored    B. meant    C. offered    D. recognized

15.A. part    B. decision    C. usage    D. command

16.A. forecast    B. increased    C. expressed    D. judged

17.A. stubborn    B. lonely    C. upset    D. excited

18.A. congratulation    B. thank-you    C. request    D. comfort

19.A. hand out    B. put out    C. set out    D. find out

20.A. satisfied    B. sorry    C. grateful    D. careful



How did you learn how to ride your bike? Someone probably gave you a few lessons and then you practiced a lot.1. No one is born to know how to study. You need to learn a few study skills and then practice them.

2. Do you have trouble paying attention in class? Are you sitting next to a loud person? Is it hard to see the board? Make sure you’re sitting in a good seat that lets you pay attention. Tell your teacher or parents about any problems that are preventing you from paying attention and taking good notes.

3..Waiting until Thursday night to study for Friday’s test will make a homework night no fun! It also makes it hard to do your best. We’re all guilty of putting things off sometimes. One of the best ways to make sure that doesn’t happen is to plan ahead.

Break it up! When there’s a lot to study, it can help to break things into chunks(大块). Let’s say you have a test on 20 spelling words. Instead of thinking about all of the words at once, try breaking them down into a five-word chunks and working on one or two different chunks each night.

Ask for help. You can’t study effectively if you don’t understand the material.4. You can check yourself by reading through your notes. Does it all make sense? If not, ask your teacher to go over it with you.

Get a good night’s sleep. So the test is tomorrow and you’ve followed your study plan—but suddenly you can’t remember anything, not even 2+2! Don’t worry. Your brain needs time to digest(消化) all the information you’ve given it. Try to get a good night’s sleep.5.

A. Plan ahead for tests and projects.

B. Study regularly instead of just the night before.

C. You can learn how to study in much the same way.

D. You’ll be surprised by what comes back to you in the morning.

E. If you’re studying math or science, do some practice problems.

F. Be sure to ask your teacher for help if you’re confused about something.

G. Good studying starts in class.



Since his students began using Quizlet, English teacher Tristan Thorne has noticed an improvement in their ability to learn and use new words. Quizlet is a learning App, a computer program you use on your mobile phone. It can help users build and test their knowledge of English words. Quizlet has word sets for millions of subjects. And, it is quickly becoming a useful mobile tool for language learners.

Thorne teachers at Columbia University in New York City. Thanks to learning Apps, Jeff Strack, another English teacher, has also notice improvement in his students’ ability to remember information. He teaches at Hostos Community College, also in New York. He and Thorne are part of a growing number of language educators adding mobile Apps to their classes.

Strack and Thorne seem to agree that the days when teachers would not permit the use of mobile phones are gone. When they use Apps, language learners communicate more differently than in a traditional classroom. Users act on or respond to something, instead of just listening to new information.

Thorne believes that Apps can help learners become more active in learning. For example, each week, his students are required to add vocabulary words into Quizlet for others to use. He says some Apps also make it easy for students to know their language strengths and weaknesses.

The biggest improvement Strack has seen in his students is that they are much more active inwhole-class or small-group discussions. “Apps let all students take part in the activity, whether it’s a game, quiz or practice activity.” he says.

Many existing learning Apps are designed for students of all ages and levels. Some are designed for group activities. Some support independent learning. Still some are good for homework. Thorne says he especially likes Quizlet and three other Apps: QR Codes, Socrative and Evernote.

1.What do Strack and Thorne do to improve their teaching?

A. They design learning Apps for their students.

B. They allow their students to use mobile Apps to study

C. They don’t allow their students to use Apps after class

D. They order their students not to use mobile phones in class

2.According to the text, Apps can help language learners __________.

A. save much time and money    B. take an active part in learning

C. remember their weaknesses    D. improve personal designing skills

3.What can we learn about the existing learning Apps?

A. They are designed for different uses.    B. They are too few to choose from.

C. They are only designed for homework.    D. They have three types in total.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. Great changes in science and technology

B. The use of mobile phones will be gone

C. Ways to choose from different mobile Apps

D. Better language learning with mobile Apps



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