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The Iroquois named the great waterfall N...

The Iroquois named the great waterfall Niagara,which means “thunder of waters”.For people living near the falls in New York State or Canada,the thunder of falling water never stops—well,almost never.

On March 29,1848,the usually early signs of spring were coming to the Niagara Falls area.Snow was beginning to melt,and the air was losing its chilly bite .In the late afternoon,however,people began looking at each other as if to ask,“Something’s different.What is it?”Then they realized.The air was strangely silent;the thunder of the falls had stopped.

The people had been used to that dull roar(轰鸣)all their lives.They ran to the falls to see what had happened.To their astonishment,they found the riverbed above the falls empty.The  bottom of Niagara River lay exposed,with just a few trickles and puddles of water remaining among the rocks and mud.As word of the mysterious event spread,hundreds of people flocked to the scene—then thousands.After nightfall countless lanterns could be seen shining along the banks as New Yorkers and Canadians camped at the river’s edge,waiting to see the unusual sight at dawn.

Most who lived or came there were merely curious,but others felt a deep fear.Something unknown had upset the unchanging order of nature.What might happen next?

By the next day,5,000 people were there.Those who were brave began walking into the riverbed and to the base of the falls. They found arrowheads and other objects that had lain there for years—perhaps for ages.

For 30 hours the Niagara Rivet lay dry.Then came a distant roar,growing louder.People  scrambled up the banks.The waters rushed back,and all was as it had been.What had caused the river and the falls to stop? Only later did the people learn that a huge ice jam upstream had temporarily dammed the Niagara River.The fears were gone,but no one would forget the day the fails stopped.

1.What does the underlined words in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. The air was no longer able to bite.    B. The air was even colder than ever.

C. It was getting warmer.    D. It was not as cloudy as before.

2.Which of the following did people see at the riverbed and the base of the falls?

A. Remains of war.    B. Dead fish.

C. Large blocks of ice.    D. Strange animals.

3.What caused the falls to stop?

A. A newly man—made dam.    B. The ice that had piled up.

C. The rocks in upstream water.    D. The melting snow along the river.

4.It can be inferred from the passage that__________.

A. people living near the falls were used to the silence

B. the stop of the falls resulted from climate change

C. mysterious power may lie somewhere in the world

D. Niagara falls has never stopped since it came into being


1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 【解析】 本文主要介绍在1848年3月29日,被易洛魁人称为“水声之雷鸣”的尼亚加拉大瀑布突然断流,后来结果发现是上游的巨大冰凌堆积暂时阻塞了尼亚加拉河。 1.句意理解题。根据文章第二段此句前句“Snow was beginning to melt雪开始融化”提示可知,这里指天气开始变得更暖和了。故选C。 2.推理判断题。根据文章第五段They found arrowheads and other objects that had lain there for years—perhaps for ages.可知,人们在河床和瀑布的底部发现箭头和其它物品,可以推断出箭头是是战争的残骸。故选A。 3.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段Only later did the people learn that a huge ice jam upstream had temporarily dammed the Niagara River.可知,是上游巨大的冰凌堆积暂时阻塞了尼亚加拉河。 4.推理判断题。根据文章第二段On March 29,1848,the usually early signs of spring were coming to the Niagara Falls area.可知,此时是跟往常一样早春的迹象,从而推断出,气候的改变导致了瀑布的断流。故选B。

Few writers have had such an impact on the thinking of the modem world as British writer George Orwell(1903—1950).Orwell wrote many things on a variety of topics,for example,poverty in England in the 1930s during the Great Depression and his experience in the Spanish Civil War(1936—1939).

But he is most famous for his works of fiction,Animal Farm(1945)and,especially,Nineteen Eighty-Four(1949).These last books became especially influential in the West in the 1950s during the early Cold War years.

In Nineteen Eighty-Four,Orwell imagined a Britain of the future,modeled on the Soviet union(苏联).His frightening tale of Winston Smith,a regular man who comes into conflict with the government,was close to the fears of many people of the time.Ideas from the novel soon entered everyday culture,and are still in use today.“Big Brother”,for example,is a phrase from the book that refers to how authority is always looking over one’s shoulder. Other phrases used in the novel,1ike“War is Peace”and “Freedom is slavery”are also still used now.Indeed,many people see Orwell’s book as a warning about what might happen if those in power become corrupted.

Even today,Orwell remains an influential voice. Often,writers achieve great fame and popularity,but they don’t affect how people live their everyday lives.UNESCO’S Memory of the World Programme recently decided to include a collection of Orwell’s writings on its register.

The Memory of the World register is similar to UNESCO’s world heritage site program,which protects places and buildings natural features in the world.According to its website,the idea behind the body is“that the world’s documentary evidence belongs to all”and should be “accessible forever to all”.

University College London,which proposed the idea to UNESCO,said in its application that Orwell’s work“had a great influence on human thought in all parts of the world,an influence that remain powerful today”.

1.What do we know about Orwell?

A. He only wrote about imaginary worlds.

B. He liked to follow the style of other writers.

C. His works were based on his own experience.

D. His books were well-received during the Cold War.

2.Orwell wrote the novel Nineteen eight-Four to_______.

A. warn people of the dangers of corruption

B. present various conflicts with the government

C. expose the cruelty of the war in the 20th century

D. describe the serious effects of poverty in England

3.The passage mentioned some phrases from Orwell’s books mainly to__________.

A. stress his ideas are still popular today

B. share some of his ideas with leaders

C. show how he used language in a creative way

D. explain how he described the dark side of society

4.Why would the Memory of the Word register include Orwell’s writings?

A. They are a huge literary success.

B. They introduced a new way of writing.

C. They shaped political systems in Western countries.

D. They continue to have a great effect on human thought.



In recent years,Myanmar has opened its doors to western tourism. This once-closed state in Southeast Asia is a gold mine for those who enjoy the ancient Buddhist culture of the region. Compared to its neighbors, the landscape of Myanmar has been left largely undamaged. There are so many reasons why Myanmar is amazing and has been rated one of the top Asian tourist destinations for 2019. Here are some of its scenic spots:

Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon

As far as pagodas are concerned,this is one of the most respected in Myanmar. This massive 325-foot Buddhist pagoda is surrounded by smaller shiny-gold pagodas. It is believed that some of the hairs of Gautama Buddha are well- preserved in here. The Shwedagon Pagoda is a must-see destination on your traveling schedule.

Long Neck Tribe of the Hill Country

These women—who are identified by their long necks that are stretched by brass neck coils(项圈)from an early age—have become world-famous. You’ll find this tribe in the mountainous north of the country,especially in Chin state. This custom dates back to ancient times when tribesmen—who were always at war with neighboring tribes—put neck coils on their women to prevent them from being taken as prisoners of war.These days,the long-necked women are used to seeing foreigners,who make the long journey to this isolated region of Myanmar for the purpose of seeing them.

Mandalay City

This dusty, hot center of trading and commerce for Myanmar is both fascinating and exciting. You’ll never find a shortage of things to do here. Temples. Medieval-era castles. Buildings from the country’s colonial British past. There are over 600 monasteries and nunneries in the Holy Hills of Sagaing, which overlook Mandalay. The city also has an exciting nightlife which will be an attraction for many.

1.What does the writer intend to tell in the passage?

A. Life styles people in Myanmar have.

B. Activities tourists can attend in Myanmar.

C. Reasons why Myanmar is suddenly popular.

D. Information about some attractions in Myanmar.

2.For what purpose were the neck coils initially used?

A. To protect women’s necks.

B. To frighten the enemies away.

C. To make women more attractive.

D. To stop women being victims of war.

3.What will impress travelers to Mandalay City most?

A. Promising commercial future.

B. Architecture of different styles.

C. Shiny-gold pagodas.

D. Abundance of goods in night markets.




Li Shuangying said her 18­year­old son, who just took this year's college entrance exam, would become a professional in the artificial intelligence (AI) field.

Artificial intelligence is the branch of computer science concerned with making computers behave like humans. The requirement for AI talents is a solid foundation of maths and English, so for senior high graduates, they should have a higher mathematical thinking ability and have a good command of English if they want to become professionals in AI.

Li Shuangying said her son always has been one of the top students in his class at one of the leading high schools in Zhongshan, Guangdong province. Zhongshan, which neighbors Guangzhou, has been one of China's pioneering cities in embracing reform and opening up. It flourished(繁荣) on labor­intensive industries, but recent rising labor shortages and costs have become a real threat. In response, local manufacturers(制造商) have been quick to embrace automation(自动化)and adopt AI­assisted robots for survival.

The company Li works for, a medium­sized home appliance manufacturer with annual output of about 1 billion yuan($150 million), is no exception. Li said she used to bring her son to her workplace from time to time, and he has developed a strong interest in AI, automation and robots.

“Our family all agree that AI is the trend, and it holds great potential for future development,” Li said. That view is shared by many college students and their parents, who consider AI a desirable major.


1. 用约30词概括上文;

2. 用约120词发表你的观点,内容包括:

(1) 请你谈谈对人工智能专业的看法(至少两点);

(2) 作为高三学生,你是否会选择人工智能专业?请简要说明理由(23)。


1. 可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。







Educating girls quite possibly harvests a higher rate of return than any other investment available in the developing world. Women's education may be an unusual economical field, but increasing women's contribution to development is actually as much an economic issue as a social one. And economics, with its focus on encouragement, provides an explanation for why so many girls are rid of an education.

Parents in low­income countries fail to invest in their daughters because they do not expect them to make an economic contribution to the family: girls grow up only to marry into somebody else's family and bear children. Girls are thus seen as less valuable than boys and are kept at home to do housework while their brothers are sent to school—the prophecy(观念)becomes self­fulfilling, trapping women in a vicious(恶性的) circle of neglect.

An educated mother, on the other hand, has greater earning abilities outside the home and faces an entirely different set of choices. She is likely to have fewer but healthier children and can insist on the development of all her children, ensuring that her daughters are given a fair chance. The education of her daughters then makes it much more likely that the next generation of girls, as well as boys, will be educated and healthy. The vicious circle is thus transformed into a virtuous circle.

Few will argue that educating women has great social benefits. But it has enormous economic advantages as well. Most obviously, there is the direct effect of education on the wages of female workers. Wages rise by 10 to 20 percent for each additional year of schooling. Such big returns are impressive by the standard of other available investment, but they are just the beginning. Educating women also has a significant effect on health practices, including family planning.

The Significance of Female1. in Developing Countries


Though considered as a social issue, women's education is also linked to a developing country's2..

Supporting Details

A vicious circle

●With little3. of their daughters' contribution to their family, parents are unwilling to invest in them.

●Girls can't go to school,4. up as uneducated mothers after their marriages, whose daughters are likely to follow in their5..

A virtuous circle

●With fewer but healthier children, an educated mother is a good6. of her children's development.

●As a result, her daughters receive good education. So will the next7. of girls.

8. educated females have over uneducated ones

●They have9. to more iob opportunities and can earn more money.

●They will enjoy more health practices, including family planning.


Educating girls in developing countries is important and rewarding, so it is10. of being invested.





On the school playground in Los Tomes a lone child, José plays a ball­and­cup game. The eight­year­old is the school's only pupil. His teacher, Nilda, herself a former pupil, says that enrolment(注册入学) has dropped from 65 when she started teaching 43 years ago. Drought has driven families away, she says, “Only the old remain.”

Los Tomes is an agricultural cooperative, one of 178 in Chile's Coquimbo region. Nineteen communities try to grow wheat and raise sheep and goats on 2,800 hectares. A decade­long drought has made that harder. Hilltop springs where the animals once drank have dried up.  As the number of herds(畜群) decrease, farmers' children moved away to take jobs in cities or at copper mines.

 W. Hope for Los Tomes comes in the form of three 60­square­metre nets stretched between poles on a ridge(山脊) above the community. These nets capture(捕捉)droplets(水珠) from the fog that rolls in from the sea 4 kilometers away. They flow down to two troughs(), from which animals drink. The nets can harvest 650 litres of water a day.

 W. Chile has been investigating fog capture since the 1950s. The fog can be harvested with the help of a coastal mountain range and strong winds. Earlier attempts to turn the mist into usable water failed. In 1990 fog nets at a fishing village captured 8,000 litres a day. Villagers argued about how to share responsibility for maintaining the nets.

Climate change, which is expected to decrease rainfall in the region, has inspired a new search for sources of water. The project at Los Tomes is part of an attempt to capture fog. “The question is not whether the fog collectors work but who's going to provide and maintain them,” says Daniela.

At a community north of Los Tomes, three 150­square­metre fog catchers feed a plantation of young olive trees. When the trees mature, they will produce 750 litres of organic olive oil a year. The water source will be a big selling point. A privately owned brewery(啤酒厂)in Pena Blanca was quick to spot fog water's marketing appeal.

 W. The development fund paid 5.6 million pesos each piece to put up the structures in Los Tomes; when the nets wear out, the villagers will have to replace them at a cost of 100,000 pesos each. Coquimbo has more than 40,000 hectares of land with the right conditions for putting up fog­catchers. If it were fully employed, the region could harvest 1,400 litres a second, enough to supply all its drinking water.

 W. That might attract back educated young people from the cities. A chance to develop tourism near the Fray Jorge national park, a rainforest which has survived thanks to its own natural fog­collection mechanism, brought Salvador to his birthplace. “Roots, the land and the desire to start this brought me back, says Salvador.

1.The boy in the first paragraph is used as an example to show     W.

A. the poverty of the area    B. the seriousness of drought

C. the trend of the move    D. the lack of teachers

2.The ideal place for nets should be     W.

A. in the rough sea    B. over the sea

C. on a coastal ridge    D. at the foot of the ridge

3.The concern of the fishing village's people is       W.

A. whether the fog­catcher works

B. whether the fog­catcher can provide enough water

C. how to make use of the water

D. how to make the fog­catcher run well continuously

4.The sentence “It makes a profit, but most fog­harvesting projects require investment in their early stages.” should be put in     W.

A.     B.

C.     D.

5.According to the passage, which of the following statement is right?

A. The products made with fog water will probably appeal to the consumers.

B. Daniela suggests that olive trees should be planted in the plantation.

C. Water collected from fog can be sold as beer on the market.

D. Part of temperate rainforest's survival is due to the use of man­made fog nets.

6.Salvador returning to his birthplace mainly wants to     W.

A. protect the remaining forest    B. build more fog­catchers

C. develop local tourism    D. sell handicrafts on the road stands



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