满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The European members are afraid that the...

The European members are afraid that the new deal will upset the ________ balance of political interests.

A. ambitious    B. arbitrary

C. delicate    D. compulsory


C 【解析】 考查形容词辨析。A. ambitious雄心的;有抱负的; B. arbitrary随意的,专制的; C. delicate脆弱的; D. compulsory强制的;义务的; 句意:欧洲成员们担心这个新的交易会打破脆弱的政治利益的平衡。根据句意可知C项正确。  

Yangzhou Half Marathon, ________ popularity is growing stronger and stronger, has become the city’s annual sport gala.

A. which    B. whose

C. of which    D. its



---How do you find your new boss, you guys?

---Oh, I think he has earned our wide respect ________ he treats everyone fairly.

A. in that    B. so that

C. even though    D. as though



In less than two months, the world________ the UAE Asian Cup.

A. was watching    B. watched

C. will be watching    D. has been watching




In recent years, our parenting culture began to send the message that competence was important for building self-esteem. However, that same parenting culture made a big mistake by telling parents that the way to instill competence in their children was to tell them how competent they were. But here's the problem. Children can't be convinced that they are competent

When parents try to convince their children of how competent they are, they often have the exact opposite effect. There is this little thing called reality that children have to confront on a daily basis. When children are faced with the conflict between what their parents had told them about how good they are and what reality is telling them, the result is the bursting of the “You are the best” bubble that their parents blew up for them.

You can, however, do several things to encourage them to develop their own competence. First, you can give them opportunities in their daily lives to gain a sense of competence, for example, dressing, eating, drawing, cooking, and interacting with others. These daily experiences allow your children to develop specific competencies that will be helpful to them as they progress through childhood and into adulthood.

Second, you can be sure that they gain the most value from their experiences. You can direct their focus to the competencies that enabled those successes (e.g., “You were really focused and worked hard on that project.”) rather than some generic praise of the accomplishment itself (e.g., “Good job.!). And you can praise their accomplishments (e.g., “You must feel so good about your project.”).

But you shouldn't just focus on the successes because, as every parent knows, as your children develop, they will experience far more failures than successes as they begin to gain competence. How you react often dictates how they will respond to those failures. if you are positive and supportive, your children will get the message that failure is okay and just a part of life.





1. 祝贺她将进入重点高中学习

2. 建议她了解高中生活学习的特点,例如校园生活丰富多彩;课程内容的不同设置……

3. 再次表示祝贺,提出美好祝愿。



Dear Jane,




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