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The thing that sets children apart from ...

    The thing that sets children apart from adults is not their ignorancenor their lack of skillsRatherit's their enormous capability for joyA friend told me a storyOne daywhen she went to get his 6-year-old son from soccer practiceher kid greeted her with a sad faceThe teacher had criticized him for not focusing on his soccer drillsThe little boy walked out of the schoo1 with his head and shoulders hanging downHe seemed wrapped in sadnessBut before reaching the car doorhe suddenly stoppedcrouching(蹲伏)down to look at something on the sidewalk“Momcome here! This is the strangest bug I’ve ever seenIt has 1ike a million legsIt’s amazing!”The little face was overflowing with indescribable excitement

Nowadayshoweverwhen we walk into a classroomespecially in a high schoolwe’ll be choked by towering books and papersand hiding behind them are a group of motionless creaturespens in handminds dryjust as the hollow men portrayed by TSEliotTheir pursuit of joy has given way to their hunger for gradesLaughter and happiness are a distant memory for them

Although joy is an unaffordable luxury in today’s increasingly fierce competitionadministrators and teachers need a mindset shift from crushing students with assignments to getting them to take pleasure in productive activities which develop their important qualitieslike perseverance and obligationThe assumption that pleasure is the enemy of competence and responsibility makes no sense educationally

Adults tend to talk about learning as if it were medicineunpleasantbut necessary and good for youWhy not think of learning as if it were food—something so valuable to humans that they want to experience it as a pleasure?

1.How is Paragraph 1 mainly developed?

A. By describing a procedure B. By analyzing the process

C. By giving an example D. By collecting data

2.What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 2?

A. Summarize the previous paragraph B. Provide some advice for the readers

C. Introduce the main topic for discussion D. Clarify some puzzling questions

3.What does the text suggest administrators and teachers do?

A. Stop giving students homework

B. Involve students in meaningful activities

C. Supply students with luxuries

D. Arouse students’fond memories

4.What is the text mainly about?

A. Joy is the spokesperson for learning B. Pleasure is the enemy of progress

C. Education is the paradise for parents D. Exams are a never-ending war


1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 【解析】 本文是一篇议论文,孩子和成年人最大的区别在于孩子可以迅速地得到快乐。而现在的教育体系让孩子们失去了快乐,笑声和快乐早已经成为了回忆。作者认为管理者和老师应该改变教育方法,让孩子们在学习中得到快乐同时也发展自己的能力。 1.写作手法题。根据第一段后半部分“One day,….The little face was overflowing with indescribable excitement.”作者通过列举一个孩子迅速从悲伤的情绪里恢复过来,变得非常高兴的事情告诉我们孩子和成年人最大的差别在于孩子可以迅速地快乐起来。故C项正确。 2.判断推理题。在第二段里作者告诉我们现在的孩子学习压力太大,学习让他们失去了很多快乐。笑声和快乐已经成为了他们遥远的回忆了。这是文章要讨论的话题,所以本段的目的是引出本文要讨论的话题,故C项正确。 3.推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“…administrators and teachers need a mindset shift from crushing students with assignments to getting them to take pleasure in productive activities which develop their important qualities,like perseverance and obligation.”可知,管理者和老师们应该转换一种思维方式,让学生从各种活动中得到快乐,培养学生的各种能力。也就是让学生参与有意义的活动,从中培养各种能力。故B项正确。 4.主旨大意题。本文是一篇议论文,孩子和成年人最大的区别在于孩子可以迅速地得到快乐。而现在的教育体系让孩子们失去了快乐,笑声和快乐早已经成为了回忆。作者认为管理者和老师应该改变教育方法,让孩子们在学习中得到快乐同时也发展自己的能力。故A项正确。

    British Writer John Donne once said“No man is an islandevery book is a world.”As an enthusiastic readerI can’t agree with the latter part of the sentence moreEvery summerI endeavor to find some peaceful places where I can attack some classics without being disturbedThomas Hardy wants to live far from the madding crowdI am no friend to chaoseither

I read George Orwell’s 1984 in a New England beachside cottage with no locks on the doorsno telephones or televisions in the rooms1984 is a good book that needs deep reflectionAttempting Sound and Fury lying on the bed of a poorly-occupied motelhowever was less fruitfulI made it through one and a quarter volumesbut then my eyelids were so heavy that I couldn’t keep them open

But this summer I find myself at a lossI’m not quite interested in JDSalingersayor FrankensteinThere’s always War and Peacewhich I’ve covered some distance several timesonly to get bogged down in the“War”partset it aside for a whileand realize that I have to start over from the beginning againhaving forgotten everyone’s name and social rankHow appealing to simply fall back on a favorite—once more into The Call of the Wild or Alice in the Wonderlandwhich feels almost like cheatingtoo exciting and too much fun to belong to serious literature

And then there’s John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of WrathThis title do not amaze but  confuse. We’re never short of sour grapesbut we’ve never heard of angry grapesAnyway grapes are my favorite fruit of summerThese stone fruits can always make me feel cheerful and peaceful all at once

1.What can we infer from Paragraph 2?

A. The author has a cottage in New England

B. 1984 is a book that needs deep reflection

C. Both of the reading attempts were not fruitful

D. Sound and Fury was set in a poorly-occupied hotel

2.Why does the author say reading his favorite books feels like cheating?

A. He finishes them quickly B. He should read something serious

C. He barely understands them D. He gets amazed by their titles

3.What can we say about the author?

A. Thomas Hardy is his friend B. He likes serious literature

C. He is quite forgetful D. He is a literary-minded man

4.What’s the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To share his reading experience

B. To encourage readers to read books

C. To introduce good books to readers

D. To condemn the chaotic world we live in



    My husband and I wanted desperately the instant transformation from typical consumers to eco-conscious peopleWe switched our light bulbs to CFL(compact fluorescent light)bulbs to conserve energyWe went about the house turning off lights and unplugging appliances that weren’t in useBut the rate of global warming exceeded our snail’s pace conversion to greenhoodSo I pressed onward

I decided to put veganism(素食主义)at the top of our agendaVegans refuse any animal flesh or commercial goods made from any animal byproducts such as milk or fatsAll the family applauded this option except for my husbandSome kind of animal needed to sacrifice its dear life for his meal or it wash’t dinnerI cooked up a stormstruggling to prepare nutritious meals dominated by not-so-obvious vegan dishes like bean burritos and high-fiber vegetable stir-fryIt took a few days before he realized that he hadn’t been eating any meat

“I feel like eating beef”he announcedSo that nightI took full advantage of a zucchini (一种南瓜)cut it into chunky(粗大的)pieces and cooked themThen I covered them with spicesMy beef-starved husband had some and a curious look crossed his face

“Where’s the beef?”

“Living peacefully somewhere on an open plain where it belongs

“I knew it”he murmured“You’ve surely made great contributions to the boom in cattle.”His taste buds were developed completely around the flavor of every kind of animalcattlepigsdeerlambchickens and ducksConverting him was like feeding grass to a lion

I’m all for preserving our planetbut what good would it do to save the earth for tomorrow’s generation if today’s died of starvation? The next daywe went out for burgersI was very careful to place the paper bag into our recycling bin

1.Which of the following best explains“exceeded”underlined in Paragraph 1?

A. Defeated B. Absorbed

C. Bound D. Distributed

2.What do we know about the author’s husband from Paragraph 2?

A. He supported the meat-free diet B. He was a preserver of animals

C. He was regarded as a meat Lover D. He played a dominant role in cooking

3.What do we know about the author?

A. She had a good sense of humor B. She successfully transformed her husband

C. She advocated raising more cattle D. She had a perfect recipe for cooking meals

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Hunger or Anger? B. Discrimination or Appreciation?

C. Vegetables or Marbles? D. Greens or Lions?



    You’ve probably visited the Tian’anmen Gatetower—the landmark building of Beijingbut you may not have heard of Kuai XiangAlong with himthe following remarkable architects all took the center stage at their times

Kuai Xiang(1399—1481)

Tian’anmen Gatetower is universally considered the brainchild of Kuai XiangBy following in the footsteps of ancient homebuildershe successfully presented the Emperor Judy with a grand wooden structure which has stood the test of time for almost 600 yearsVisitors are also hooked on its delicate paintings.

Ieob Ming Pei (1917-present)

His motto isTraditions should be sealed in glass boxes at museumsHe is always struggling with innovationAlthough under grilling from French conservative criticshe still planted a glass pyramid into the courtyard of the LouvreHis other works include John FKennedy LibraryBeijing Fragrant Hill Hotel and Suzhou Museum

Zaha Hadid(1950-2016)

In 2004she became the first woman to win the Pritzker Architecture Prizethe Nobel Prize for architectureShe used tricks to maximize available spaceHer fluid-style works pioneer the concept of micro-living. The curves(曲线)of Guangzhou Opera House perfectly match the rise and fall of its surrounding buildingsforming a unique view

Meng Fanchao (1959-present)

Many people dismissed the building of a mega bridge as a pipe dreambut Meng Fanchao turned this into reality by building Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao BridgeThis longest cross-sea bridgewhen viewed afarlooks like a dynamic dragon braving the rolling waves of Lingding Sea

1.What can we infer about Kuai Xiang?

A. He never follows traditions B. He lacks financial support

C. He is a successful architect D. He likes delicate hooks

2.What’s Ieoh Ming Pei’s attitude towards creation?

A. Positive B. Uncaring

C. Subjective D. Disapproving

3.What do Zaha Hadid and Meng Fanchao have in common?

A. They emphasize the use of space B. They set a remarkable record

C. They like following others’opinions D. their works meet with a boycott




1.What is special about LinkedIn networking services?

A. You can’t share photos.

B. Only business professionals can use it.

C. People need an“introduction”message to make connection.

2.When did LinkedIn start making money?

A. 1n 2003.    B. In 2006.    C. In 2008.

3.Who is the CEO of LinkedIn now?

A. Jeff Weiner.    B. Reid Hoffman.    C. Mary Bradley.

4.What does the woman ask the man to tell at last?

A. Some of the primary functions.

B. The ways of connecting with people.

C. The most recent changes in the company.




1.When did the man look at the photo albums last time?

A. Ten years ago.    B. Twenty years ago.    C. Thirty years ago.

2.How does the woman recognize the man in the first picture?

A. From his shirt.    B. From his long hair.    C. From his smile.

3.Why did the man’s leg look injured in the second picture?

A. He hurt it while skiing.

B. He injured it in a car accident.

C. He had a bad fall two years earlier.

4.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Friends.    B. Mother and son.    C. Husband and wife.



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