满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Cafes are everywhere these days,offering...

Cafes are everywhere these days,offering as many varieties of coffee as there are ways to have it served.And this leads to a range of prices,from cheap grab—and—go coffee,to the ultra—expensive artisanal coffee(匠人咖啡).However,an increasing number of Western consumers are happy to pay a little more for their cup in order to ensure that it comes from an ethically(道德地)produced and sustainable source.

At The Attendant,a cafe in east London,staff attempt to make customers aware of the story of the beans that they are drinking and the impact they are having by choosing to drink ethically.For a start,it can make coffee farmers better off,according to figures from the UN’s World Intellectual Property Organization(Wipo).Ryan de Oliveria,The Attendant’s co-founder and chief executive,says the extra income allows farmers and their families to have a better quality of life.It also makes investing or reinvesting in their business possible.

Wipo’s figures show smarter processing,branding and marketing make a huge difference to the growers and their communities.Technology now means that the beans can be tracked all the way from the farm to the cup.The research shows that for a pound(454g)of beans going to a supermarket,the export price is$1.45.Most of this goes to the farmer.The price almost doubles when the beans are he aded for large western coffee chains.But farmers exporting their beans to artisanal cafes make over $5 per pound.That’s because the coffee addicts who frequent these places are happy to pay more.

It seems that it’s a win—win situation for the farmers,cafes and consumers.So much so that more established coffee businesses are jumping on the band wagon by buying up(并购)artisanal rivals who have already accepted this way of doing things.If that’s the case,then the future of coffee production looks a little fairer for all.

1.What does paragraph 1 focus on?

A. The varieties of coffee.

B. The range of coffee prices.

C. The popularity of artisanal coffee.

D. The reason for customers to pay more for coffee.

2.Where can you find the data that best support“growing artisanal coffee is beneficial”?

A. In paragraph 1.    B. In paragraph 2.

C. In paragraph 3.    D. In paragraph 4.

3.What do the words“jumping on the band wagon”in the last paragraph probably mean?

A. Making a large profit.    B. Following the general trend.

C. Gaining a good reputation.    D. Avoiding the fierce competition.

4.What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To advocate ethical coffee.    B. To advertise coffee business.

C. To help customers to save money.    D. To introduce the art of processing coffee.


1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 【解析】 本文为议论文。现如今咖啡馆到处都是,它们提供尽可能多的咖啡品种。文章论述了为什么越来越多的顾客愿意花更多钱买一杯“道德”咖啡的原因。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段中的“However,an increasing number of Western consumers are happy to pay a little more for their cup in order to ensure that it comes from an ethically(道德地)produced and sustainable source.”(然而,越来越多的西方消费者愿意为他们的咖啡多花点钱,以确保它来自一个合乎道德的生产和可持续的来源)可推知,本段主要讲述顾客花更多钱买咖啡的原因。故D选项正确。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Wipo’s figures s…make a huge difference to the growers and their communities.”及“the export price is$1.45.Most of this goes to the farmer.The price almost double…But farmers…make over $5 per pound.”可知,在本段中能找到“种植手工咖啡是有益的”的数据。故C选项正确。 3.词义猜测题。根据上文对手工种植咖啡的好处的描述可推知,此处指“以至于更成熟的咖啡企业通过购买手工竞争对手以跟随这种趋势。”故B选项正确。 4.目的推断题。文章介绍了咖啡现在变的越来越流行,而且种植咖啡所带来的好处,从而可以推断出,作者希望通过这篇文章给大家推荐“道德”咖啡。故A选项正确。

The noble tree house—all natural materials,solid construction,away from the troubles of the world.In a more dangerous time in human history,their position above the ground would protect the dweller(居民)against environmental difficulties and possible predators(掠夺者).As modern construction has improved,these woody residences have become less of a practical dwelling and more of a children’s novelty.But now,these fun shelters are appealing to adults too and many are booking themselves in for a few nights among the treetops.

These tree house hotels can be found From Europe to Australia.Best of all,they come in a variety of interesting designs!From the traditional‘four walls and a roof’habitation,such as at TreeHouse Point,in Washington,North America,to the more artistic Nothofagus Hotel in Chilean Patagonia,whose twelve-sided walls make it look like a beehive.If that doesn’t appeal,how about a tree hut?

The Free Spirit Spheres resort on Vancouver Island in Canada allows guests to stay in one of three yellow spheres(球体),which hang from trees.The company was founded in 1998 by Tom Chudleigh,who hand built the huts from cedar wood and fiber glass.Not only are they as safe as houses,they’re popular!Mr Chudleigh tells the BBC.

Digs(借宿的地方)which are original seem to be a big draw.In Sweden,at the Treehotel numbers have also risen.“Today we have seven rooms and nearly 5,000 guests,”Kent Lindvall explains.Each of the houses there was designed to make use of the light and surroundings.

And how about an office?Microsoft,hoping to give its employees thinking space,has commissioned(委托)a tree-building structure from Pete Nelson,tree house book author and designer and builder of tree houses.“Studies show people can work better in nature.They are more productive,”says Mr Nelson.

1.What is the text mainly about?

A. The designs of the tree house hotels.

B. The function of the tree houses.

C. The trend for tree houses.

D. The future development of houses.

2.Why have tree houses become fun shelters?

A. People find few safe houses to live in.

B. They are of novel shape and appealing color.

C. There are no places of amusement for children.

D. Their construction have gotten modernized.

3.For what purpose has Microsoft built a tree house structure?

A. To help its employees work efficiently..

B. To provide its workers with break residences.

C. To offer its workers living convenience.

D. To give people space to make friends.

4.What can we infer from the text?

A. All tree house hotels have interesting designs.

B. Tree houses can make people safer nowadays.

C. Kent Lindvall have made hand—built tree houses.

D. Tree house hotels in Sweden seem to succeed.



My dream job would be to become an astronaut.My passion for space is all unbearable feeling that lies deep inside my heart.The mysteries that have been asked by millions of people have not yet been answered by NASA because of technology.Later on in the future,technology will be advanced and there will be answers to questions.I would like to be that one person to look down at young children and answer all their doubts over space.

Gemma Mandujano,Weslaco High School

My dream job is to be a professional photographer.I remember when I was 8 years old,I’d always steal my mothers’camera and take pictures of nature and life in general,and spend hours concocting the perfect moment to take pictures.To be a photographer,you must have the three P’s:patience,passion,and perfection.I would love to be a celebrated photographer,not for the fame,but for the recognition of capturing people’s most cherished moments to preserve them for a life time.

Amee Jocelyne Garcia,Weslaco High School

My dream job is to be an architect because I love to construct for other people.I have always been good at math.As well as having a talent for math I have loved to construct buildings that people can benefit out of.If I were to get the job as an architect I would be combining my love for math and construction to help the community.By helping and dealing with numbers I can honestly say that I will never go to work if I accomphsh my dream job.

Efren Segovia,Weslaco High School

My dream job is to be a vet! I love animal very much and I know I would never get bored of being a vet,taking care of them would never be a bother to me.And to be honest,the pay is very good and life would be great knowing that I have money for my family and going to work loving every moment.My dream job is not far away and I will try my best to accomplish college and be a vet one day.

Laurie Solis,Weslaco High School

1.For what does Amee Jocelyne take photographs?

A. To earn fame.    B. To make fortune.

C. To have fun.    D. To picture people’s precious scenes.

2.Who mentions the pay in the dream career?

A. Gemma.    B. Amee.

C. Efren.    D. Lauric.

3.What quality do the four students have in common?

A. Courage.    B. Passion.

C. Talent.    D. Perfection.



假如你是李华,红星中学学生会主席( Chairman of the Student Union),近日你校收到美国友好交流学校学生会主席John的邮件,希望你校捐赠一批传统文化书籍,供该校对此有兴趣的同学阅读,请你代表学校给John回复一封邮件,邮件中需要包含以下内容:





1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear John,


Yours faithfully,

Li Hua









Being a teacher is always believed to be one of greatest occupations, because teachers make great contributions for the world. Last week, I got a chance to experience teaching students. Our school asked us to teach some kids live in the countryside. The kids was so happy that they gave me a warm welcome. I teach them English and after class, we played games happily. We had a lot of funs together. When I returned back to school, I missed the students so much. They like me but some of them have kept in touch with me ever since. I felt so proudly of being a teacher.



Do you Douyin?

Got a moment – or, perhaps, 15 seconds? In the age of fragmented(碎片化的) time, Douyin, which is a massive hit in China right now, can perfectly fill in the gaps when people have nothing 1.(good) to do between two events; its daily plays 2. (spread) over one billion in the past few years. The Vine-like app allows users to produce creative short videos that combine music with mouth shapes or body moves. They can dance, sing, cook or do 3. their hearts desire.

4. (launch) in September 2016, Douyin is owned by Zhang Yiming, one of China's top tech leaders; he chairs ByteDance. Similar to how Vine worked5.a time-limited video platform, Douyin is a 6. (collect) of brief 15-second music videos, mainly focused on young people,7.it's certainly suitable for all ages.

On the platform, childish and strange behaviors are8. (total) acceptable. In high-pressure world, it is no surprise that Douyin has become so successful. All you need to do is pick up your phone and open the app to relieve some stress and have 9. laugh. The app pushes related videos and products based on users’ preferences and consequently, Douyin can be quite addictive. Many people just want to enjoy a few minutes at first, but end up10.(consume) several hours’ video time.



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