满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据提示写出单词的正确形式。 1.It is advisable that yo...


1.It is advisable that you should a__________________ a recent photo of yours to your application form.

2.She was in a good m__________________ because she was accepted by the company.

3.The fire was s__________________ fast, but we were finally able to get all the people to leave the scene.

4.John Spencer p__________________ his first novel at his early twenties.

5.Standing on the top of the hill, you can get a wonderful v__________________.

6.Maybe you can come up with an _______________(可供选择的) suggestion concerning the location of the new market.

7.__________________(交流) between old and young people is not so difficult as you think.

8.You have to believe that NOTHING may __________________(逃脱) our teacher’s attention.

9.According to some philosopher, everything in __________________(存在) is reasonable.

10.We must continue to work until we find a peaceful __________________(解决办法).


1. attach 2. mood 3. spreading 4. published 5. view 6. alternative 7. communication 8. escape 9. existence 10. solution 【解析】 1.考查动词短语。句意:人们建议你应该把你最近的一张照片附在你的申请表里。动词短语attach...to … 把…附在...上;该短语在句中做谓语动词,所以要填动词attach。 2.考查名词。句意:她情绪很好因为她被这家公司录取了。名词mood意为“情绪”,介词短语in a good mood情绪很好。该短语在句中做表语,说明主语的情况。所以要填mood。 3.考查动词。句意:大火传播很快,但我们最终成功地让所有人都安全离开了火灾现场。动词spread传播,句中使用过去进行时叙述过去正在发生的事情。所以要填spreading。 4.考查时态。句意:John Spencer在刚刚过二十岁的时候就出版了第一本小说。动词publish意为“出版”,用一般过去时叙述过去发生的事情,所以要填published。 5.考查名词。句意:站在山顶上,你可以看到美丽的景色。名词view意为“风景”,表示特定地点所看到的景色。所以要填view。 6.考查形容词。句意:也许你能够想到一个关于新的市场地点的可供选择的建议。形容词alternative意为“可供选择的”,该词在句中做定语修饰名词suggestion。所以要填alternative。 7.考查名词。句意:老人和年轻人之间的交流并不像你认为的那么困难。名词communication意为“交流”,是一个抽象名词,要单独使用,本句中该词做主语。所以要填communication。 8.考查动词。句意:你不得不相信,没有什么事情可以逃脱老师的注意。动词escape意为“逃脱”,该词在句中做谓语动词。所以要填escape。 9.考查名词。句意:根据某个哲学家的观点,存在的事物都是合理的。名词existence意为“存在”,句中的介词短语in existence做定语修饰名词everything。所以句中要填existence。 10.考查名词。句意:我们必须继续工作直到我们知道一个和平的解决方法。名词solution意为“解决方法”,在句中做动词find的宾语。所以要填solution。

Since I taught in southern China, I have learned a lot about Chinese life and culture and found them very interesting.

First, family life is quite ______ in China from that in the USA.In the USA, many young people ______ home after they finish their education and start working.However, in China, it is ______ for people to live with their parents until they get married.______ , many of my Chinese friends told me that their ______ lived with them and helped take care of them when they were children.It seems that Americans think independence is more important ______ the Chinese think family relationships are more important.

Bargaining is another ______ that I have tried to learn.In the USA, prices are ______ and you can’t ask for a lower price.However, in some small Chinese stores and tourist places, you are ______ to bargain.My Chinese friends taught me to ask for 40 percent or 50 percent ______ the original price.If the salesperson doesn’t agree to my price, I should ______ to leave and he might let me come back and sell me the item.It is a skill that you have to ______ if you live in China.

Tipping hasn’t been easier to ______ .In the USA, many people in the service ______ want to get ______ money for serving customers.Tipping is not a part of Chinese culture.______ I tried to tip a taxi driver.He looked a little ______ and refused to take the money.

In dinners, perhaps what surprises an American visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their ______ .Actually, this is a ______ of true friendship and politeness.My Chinese friend told me if I didn’t want to eat it, I should just ______ the food in the plate.

1.A. different    B. unique    C. private    D. harmonious

2.A. come    B. build    C. abandon    D. leave

3.A. regular    B. true    C. usual    D. common

4.A. Still    B. Also    C. Therefore    D. Although

5.A. parents    B. relatives    C. grandparents    D. babysitters

6.A. since    B. while    C. when    D. as

7.A. custom    B. way    C. lesson    D. habit

8.A. made    B. agreed    C. set    D. charged

9.A. taught    B. expected    C. suggested    D. required

10.A. up    B. away    C. on    D. off

11.A. pretend    B. decide    C. promise    D. hope

12.A. tolerate    B. understand    C. consider    D. practise

13.A. turn to    B. adjust to    C. refer to    D. stick to

14.A. area    B. department    C. industry    D. branch

15.A. extra    B. easy    C. pocket    D. prize

16.A. Once    B. Often    C. Sometimes    D. Before

17.A. excited    B. satisfied    C. confused    D. frightened

18.A. own    B. children    C. guests    D. neighbors

19.A. signal    B. mark    C. feature    D. sign

20.A. remain    B. leave    C. put    D. taste



Like any good machine, the brain needs a little care and attention as it ages to ensure it continues to run in good working order. 1. .

Don’t lose faith in your abilities

As people get older, it’s easy to think that your memory is already poor. 2. . So if you do find yourself hesitating in a doorway not really knowing where you are meant to be, just see it as a reminder to push your memory a little bit harder.

Learn a language or a musical instrument

3., such as learning the piano or picking up a new language. Both rely on a wide skill set, exercising your memory, attention and so on.


Obesity can harm your brain in many ways. The good news is that certain nutrients seem to reduce age-related damage to the brain. This may explain why older people eating a typically Mediterranean diet tended to show the same cognitive skills as people 7.5 years their younger.

Build your body

5.. Physical activity not only builds a better blood flow to the brain, but also increases proteins such as “nerve growth factor”. So just choose a training that suits your fitness.

A. Don’t feast on junk food

B. Benefit your brain from a healthy diet

C. We tend to lose confidence in our mental abilities

D. Here are some promising ways to sharpen your brain

E. You should consider a more ambitious mental workout

F. In fact, it is just as likely to happen to young and old alike

G. Getting in shape is one of the surest ways to build your mind



Children who spend more time outdoors may have a lower risk of becoming nearsighted, new research suggests.

In the study, researchers looked at about 1,900 schoolchildren. The scientists found that the kids who had been instructed to spend more time outdoors over three years were 23 percent less likely to develop nearsightedness during this time than those who had not been instructed to spend more time outdoors. Moreover, among the kids who did become nearsighted during the study, the degree to which their eyesight worsened was slightly smaller among those who spent more time outdoors.

The researchers selected six schools and required the children, whose average age was 7 at the start of the study, to attend one additional 60-minute class of outdoor activities during each school day for three years. The parents of these children were also encouraged to engage their children in outdoor activities after school, especially during weekends and holidays. The other half of the children, from another six schools, continued their usual activity patterns. After three years, 30.4 percent of the kids in the intervention(干预) group had become nearsighted, compared with 38.5 percent of the kids in the other group.

It is not clear exactly why spending more time outside would benefit children’s eyesight, the researchers said. However, some research has suggested that the higher levels of light intensity found outdoors may increase the release of the chemical dopamine(多巴胺) of the eye. In turn, dopamine is known to restrain the type of growth in the eye that is associated with nearsightedness.

Based on the new results, the researchers recommend that children spend more time outdoors because of the potential benefits to their eyesight. However, it’s important to protect kids’ skin and eyes from UV light, which can be damaging.

1.What did the children in the intervention group do during each school day?

A. Continue to do their usual activities.

B. Spend one hour in doing eye exercises.

C. Attend an extra class of outdoor activities.

D. Participate in outdoor activities with parents.

2.What can we learn about the chemical dopamine?

A. It can control people’s growth.    B. It can lead to poor sight.

C. It means low levels of light intensity.    D. It is good to eyesight.

3.What does the underlined word “restrain” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. recover.    B. increase.

C. limit.    D. convey.

4.What may be discussed in the following paragraph?

A. How to prevent kids becoming nearsighted.

B. How to protect kids’ skin and eyes from UV light.

C. How to encourage kids to join in outdoor activities.

D. How to design outdoor activities for kids to cure their nearsightedness.



American Baylor spends most of his time in New York, working as a performer in the Broadway musical—The Lion King.But since 2011, he has also spent weeks in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda.There, he teaches dance to boys who live on the street.His teaching is part of an effort by the Rebecca Davis Dance Company.The project helps young people learn more about dance and learn how to behave in a classroom environment.

Baylor describes his students as genocide(种族屠杀) survivors. They have lost all of their families, some even have been in prison. “They have been through things that no one should ever have to go through,” said Baylor. Dance classes provide the children with structured learning and self-expression that they've never had before.They can also take classes in information and technology after they have learned to attend classes and follow directions.

Boys who have done best in the classes win scholarships and are sent to the Sunrise Boarding School.About 30 boys have won this kind of financial aid. All the students are male, because few girls in Rwanda live freely on the street.

The Rwanda program is the largest one set up by the Rebecca Davis Dance Company, founded and directed by Rebecca Davis. Ms.Davis has also set up dance programs in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Guinea.About 2,000 children in the three countries have taken part in the project since it was begun in 2010.

As for Baylor, he knows from his own experience how dance can lead to a better life. He is from Camden, New Jersey. Camden has sometimes been called America’s poorest and most dangerous city. Mr. Baylor says that growing up in Camden, it took a long time for him to find out what he wanted to do. He now thinks dancing saved his life.

1.It can be learned from the text that the children in Rwanda __________.

A. worked hard to win scholarships    B. have committed violent crimes

C. have gone through tough times    D. focused mainly on dancing

2.In how many countries are the dance program launched?

A. Two.    B. Three.

C. Four.    D. Five.

3.Which of the following in TRUE of the dance project?

A. Most children participating in it were boys.

B. It has gained much support from the world.

C. It is aimed to improve the kids’ dancing skills.

D. The project could date back to the year 2010.

4.What can be the main idea of the text?

A. Dance offers street children path to education.

B. The largest dance project was set up in Guinea.

C. Education is important to street children.

D. Where you grow up decides what you are.



They say chocolate makes everything better, and apparently wagyu beef is no exception. For the past 10 years, the Mayura Station Farm in southern Australia has been feeding its wagyu cattle chocolate and other sweets mixed with their regular feed, and the results have been shocking.

When Scott de Bruin, managing partner at Mayura Station, returned to his father's farm in the Limestone coast of Australia, in 1998, he knew he wanted to do something special to make their beef stand out. But he didn't know exactly how he was going to do that, so he consulted a cattle nutrition specialist from Japan and spent two years experimenting with different feed before deciding on the final daily ration(配给量) for his wagyu cows – a special mix of regular feed, chocolate, gummy bears, strawberries and cream flavored gummy snakes. Each cow eats up to 2 kilograms of ground and partially broken chocolate delivered by Cadbury's every day.

Adding chocolate to the daily diet of cows at Mayura Station started out as a simple experiment, but it ended up making their luxury beef one of the most appreciated in the world. “Many of my customers come to enjoy Mayura beef two to three times a week. They love how the beef has the perfect balance of fat, rich flavor and tender texture(质地),” Michelin star chef Umberto Bombana told Forbes Magazine.

Shane Osborn, Head Chef and Co-Owner of Arcane Restaurant in Hong Kong, added that its unique sweetness, hint of nuttiness and buttery texture make Mayura beef “the ultimate steak”.

Asked if the milk chocolate has a negative effect on the cattle's health, Scott de Bruin says “No, unlike humans – who may start eating chocolates at a very young age for over several decades – these cattle (raised on chocolates for only four months) won't see the long-term negative effects of chocolates in their system.”

As you can imagine, Mayura luxury beef is not cheap. Forbes reports that a 10.5oz-steak sells for $288, but those who can afford it claim it's worth every penny.

1.What is the purpose of the first paragraph?

A. To promote the act.    B. To present happiness.

C. To show the author’s shock    D. To introduce the topic.

2.What did Bruin do after returning to his father’s farm in 1998?

A. He began to work hard.    B. He started to do research.

C. He came to learn about cows.    D. He worked for a Japanese specialist.

3.Why did many customers come to enjoy Mayura beef frequently?

A. Because his service is the first class.

B. Because the price of beef is rather low.

C. Because his beef tastes good and nutritious.

D. Because his advertisement is fairly good.

4.What does Bruin think of the influence of the milk chocolate on cattle?

A. It has no bad influence in the long term.    B. It has long-term effects.

C. It has short-term effects.    D. It makes him puzzled.



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