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Up to 82 percent of children with healthy mothers are not easy to be obese(肥胖的), according to research. A mother, 1. has a healthy weight, exercises regularly, eats a healthy diet, doesn’t smoke and only 2.(drink) wine in moderation, is significantly less likely 3.(have)a fat child, scientists say.

And research suggests it could be more to do with nurture(养育)4. nature, as a mother's lifestyle appears 5.(direct) linked to the health of her child. When both mother and child follow a healthy lifestyle, the risk of obesity 6.(reduce)even more, the study of more than 24,000 children found.

The study examined the medical history and lifestyles of more than 24,000 children aged nine 7. fourteen, born to almost 17,000 women in the US. Researchers looked at the link between overall mother health and likelihood of a child 8.(be) obese.

The mother's health was judged on her height-to-weight ratio(比例), her diet, amount of physical 9.(active), smoking status and how much alcohol she drank. A healthy weight and diet, regular exercise, no smoking and moderate drinking all reduce the chance of a woman having 10. obese child.


1. who 2. drinks 3. to have 4. than 5. directly 6. is reduced 7. to 8. being 9. activity 10. an 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了研究发现健康的体重和饮食,定期锻炼,不吸烟以及适度饮酒都能降低女性生肥胖孩子的几率。 1.考查定语从句。句意:专家称,一个体重正常、经常锻炼、饮食健康、不吸烟、适量饮酒的母亲生出肥胖孩子的可能性要小得多。此处为非限定性定语从句,先行词为mother,指人,关系词在从句中作主语,故填who。 2.考查主谓一致和时态。句意参考上题解析。此处与has,exercises和eats等作并列谓语,时态为一般现在时,应该用第三人称单数形式,故填drinks。 3.考查不定式。句意参考第1题解析。be likely to do表示“可能做某事”,故填to have。 4.考查介词。句意:研究表明,这可能更多地与后天因素有关,而不是先天因素,因为母亲的生活方式似乎与孩子的健康直接相关。根据前面的“more”判断此处用than表示比较,故填than。 5.考查副词。句意参考上题解析。修饰linked用副词,故填directly。 6.考查时态和语态。句意:这项对24,000名儿童进行的研究发现,当母亲和孩子都遵循健康的生活方式时,肥胖的风险甚至会降低更多。描述的是客观事实,he risk of obesity与reduce之间是被动关系,应该用一般现在时的被动语态,故填is reduced。 7.考查介词。这项研究调查了美国近17,000名妇女所生的24,000多名9到14岁的儿童的病史和生活方式。from…to…表示“从……到”,故填to。 8.考查分词作定语。句意:研究人员研究了母亲的整体健康状况与孩子肥胖的可能性之间的关系。child是逻辑主语,空格处作介词of的宾语用动名词,故填being。 9.考查名词。句意:母亲的健康状况由身高体重比、饮食、运动量、吸烟情况和饮酒量等因素决定。此处的运动表示抽象意义,不可数,故填activity。 10.考查冠词。句意:健康的体重和饮食,定期锻炼,不吸烟以及适度饮酒都能降低女性生一个肥胖孩子的几率。此处泛指一个肥胖的孩子,obese以元音音素开头,故填an。

In 2016, 60-year-old Marshall Reeves got onto his bike in California. He _________ the Race Across America, a 3000-mile _________ than runs from coast to coast.

The _________ was to cross the finish line in Maryland in two weeks. It had _________ him twice. But he didn’t give up. For his third _________, Reeves had a new source of _________; He was racing with 3000 Miles to a Cure, which raises money for brain cancer research.

The race is one of the most _________ in the world. Only about half the competitors are able to finish it. _________ other long-distance bike races, it is continuous—once the clock starts in California, it doesn’t stop until Maryland. Therefore, racers have to meet the _________ time cutoffs(截止点), otherwise it is impossible for them to __________ it.

Racers are typically __________ by a small crew in cars, whose job is to keep the racers not only physically fit, but also mentally __________. In the early days of the race,when Reeves had time to stop at a hotel, he would be __________ to a full-body massage(按摩)and a good night’s sleep. But after three days, rest was a luxury(奢侈品)as he needed to __________ for over 20 hours a day to achieve his goal.

After crossing the two points where his previous attempts had __________, Reeves entered an unknown area. With just 25 miles left, Reeves __________ to stay awake, just catching quick naps. __________, he successfully crossed the finish line in 12 days, 13 hours and 52 minutes.

This year, Reeves will __________ across America again. But this time it’s a little __________ —as a road director, he returned the __________ for his crew’s hard work.

1.A. sponsored    B. canceled    C. began    D. delayed

2.A. way    B. journey    C. road    D. voyage

3.A. goal    B. point    C. order    D. rule

4.A. defeated    B. interrupted    C. prevented    D. blocked

5.A. idea    B. exam    C. desire    D. attempt

6.A. strength    B. motivation    C. method    D. experiment

7.A. rewarding    B. exciting    C. challenging    D. disappointing

8.A. As to    B. Except for    C. Unlike    D. Beyond

9.A. suitable    B. flexible    C. spare    D. strict

10.A. make    B. get    C. practice    D. enjoy

11.A. controlled    B. followed    C. directed    D. encouraged

12.A. determined    B. patient    C. delighted    D. cautious

13.A. shown    B. returned    C. treated    D. delivered

14.A. run    B. walk    C. drive    D. bike

15.A. paused    B. completed    C. disturbed    D. ended

16.A. preferred    B. struggled    C. offered    D. expected

17.A. Obviously    B. Generally    C. Eventually    D. Hopefully

18.A. set out    B. call off    C. come on    D. give up

19.A. tough    B. comfortable    C. normal    D. different

20.A. honor    B. favour    C. respect    D. praise



Thousands of college students have part-time jobs and nobody wants to become a slave to graduation debt.1. If you are one of those people,here are some small business ideas for you to try out.


Make use of your strong understanding of a specific subject and become a tutor.2. All you need to do is log in,sign up,and specify the subjects you’re good at,and the employer will match you with students.You can work online with learners from middle school to college level.


If you wouldn’t mind sharing your knowledge or life with other people,then this option is right for you.You can earn some cash by starting a blog.To make your blog a money-making machine,you need to gain much blog traffic.3. If you succeed in getting a lot of subscribers,you’ll start making cash quickly.

●Residential and Commercial Cleaning Services

Every business aims to satisfy a particular need of their customers.4. Before moving into a new place,people usually hire a house cleaner to tidy it up.Some people are just too busy to clean their homes or offices themselves.So,they use cleaning services.This is money waiting to be made.

●Graphic Design

5. If you’re a student majoring in art,design or a relative field,you can start a small design business that can provide such service.The quality of your products and design will determine the number of customers that will run after you.If you become successful in gaining a lot of returning customers,you might even make this your full time business after college.

A.Tutoring chances are rare in college.

B.There are websites that offer such services.

C.Let people know about your cleaning service.

D.So,look around and find out what that particular need is.

E.Take the topic you’re passionate about and provide consistent,unique content.

F.Rather than work for others,some students choose to launch their own businesses.

G.Most small business want to get professional looking logos without spending too much.



City Transformer,a four-year-old company based outside Tel Aviv,Israel,is ready to shake up the auto industry with their invention.

So what is it that they’ve created?A car that actually folds while you’re driving.It’s a neat trick,sure.Perhaps something you’d see in a superhero movie.But it actually serves a practical purpose.With more people choosing to live in urban environments,space can be tight.Picture yourself pulling up to a tiny parking space that’s only big enough for a motorcycle.No problem.Hit the button,and your car shrinks to fit into the space.

The car,which is available for pre-order now,is a case study in clean design.It contains only 1,000 parts,compared to the industry standard of about 20,000 in a regular car.It’s all electric,and doesn’t run on gas,causing no pollution.It’s autonomous-ready,which means that one day it will be able to drive itself.

City Transformer is considering a company of foldable cars positioned all across the globe.People who own membership of the car rental company can rent one of the cars wherever they are.What’s more,when you get into any of the cars,it will instantly recognize you and adjust the seats,temperature and music to your favorite settings.

Asaf Formoza,the company’s founder,believes it’s at the right place,at the right time.“It's very important for us to be in Israel,because we have more than 400 companies here just for the automotive departments,”he explained.“And we can take some of their proven technologies and adopt them to our car.”

“To bring something like that as a solution for cities when so many people around the world are stuck in traffic jams,this is going to be something that I think can really change the experience of drivers,”said project manager Itamar Meridor.

1.What is the advantage of the car?

A. It uses less gas.    B. It is easier to control.

C. It takes up less space.    D. It has a higher speed.

2.What can the car do when a person sits in it?

A. Drive itself.    B. Obey any order.

C. Take his or her temperature.    D. Provide personalized services.

3.Why does Asaf Formoza say the car is at the right place?

A. Israel is a large market for cars.

B. The car company pays no tax in Israel.

C. The road conditions in Israel are nice for cars.

D. The new technologies are available in Israel.

4.How does Itamar Meridor feel about the future of the car?

A. Uncertain.    B. Hopeful.

C. Concerned.    D. Doubtful.



Like toolmaking,teaching was once thought to be an exclusive(独有的)capacity of the human mind.It is not actually.

“Teaching”requires this:one individual must take time from their own task to demonstrate and instruct with effort and the student must learn a new  skill.That’s a tall order.

When a young chimpanzee watches a skilled adult and then imitates(模仿),that’s learning.But the adult has not taken time specifically to instruct,so it is not teaching.In the honeybees’ amazing dance,the dancer takes time to indicate information about a source of food,but observers learn no new skill.They do take time to show,but they do not pass on new skills to learners.

Dolphins teach.Atlantic spotted dolphin mothers sometimes free a caught fish in the presence of their youngsters and let their youngsters chase it,catching it again if it’s getting away.Dolphin youngsters also position themselves alongside mothers who are scanning sandy bottoms for hidden fish,and the mother spends extra time demonstrating.

Other teachers include:housecats who bring back live prey and let their young learn to catch it,and meerkats(猫鼬)who first bring to their growing young dead scorpions(蝎子),then disabled ones,to demonstrate how to remove the poisonous part on their tails.

Like toolmaking and teaching,imitation is also considered to reflect high intelligence.In South Africa lived a baby dolphin named Dolly.One day while she was just six months old,Dolly was watching a trainer standing at the window smoking a cigarette,blowing puffs of smoke.Dolly swam to her mother,got a mouthful of milk,then returned to the window and released a cloud of milk that surrounded her head.The trainer was“absolutely astonished”.Somehow Dolly came up with the idea of using milk to represent smoke.Using one thing to represent something else isn’t just imitation.It is art.

1.What does the underlined phrase“a tall order”probably mean in paragraph 2?

A. A clear instruction.    B. A high risk.

C. A difficult requirement.    D. A useful purpose.

2.What do we know about honeybees’ dance?

A. Presenting.    B. Learning.

C. Imitating.    D. Teaching.

3.What can we infer about animals that can teach?

A. Bees show their dance to younger generations.

B. Housecats teach in a way similar to dolphins.

C. Young dolphins must learn how to free a fish.

D. Meerkats have poisonous parts on the tails.

4.Why does the author use Dolly’s example?

A. To prove smoking can affect other animals.

B. To explain dolphins are capable of making art.

C. To show animals can be surprisingly intelligent.

D. To stress milk is to dolphins what smoking is to men.



I go out of my way to say“thank you”to my partner frequently,and he’s the same way.We were both raised by parents who valued politeness,and more than that,I want to do all those little things that psychologists say help couples stay together.Expressing gratitude(感谢)is one of those things,so a quick“thanks”seems like an easy one.

But according to a recent study,we’re not at all typical.The study looked at over l,000 recordings of casual conversations among families and close friends.In only about one out of 20 times were expressions of thanks observed.Phrases that meant“thanks”but weren’t a direct translation of the word were counted,including physical gestures of thanks.

The researchers looked at a wide variety of people from different places,representing eight languages:Polish,Russian,Italy,English,Murrinh-patha (an Aboriginal language),Cha’palaa,Lao and Siwu.

The Brits thanked people close to them the most,about 14.5 percent of the time,and close behind them were the Italians at 13.5 percent.The Murrinh-patha came next at 4.5 percent and following them were the Russians,the Polish,the Laotians and the Siwu speakers.The lowest?Well,the Cha'palaa speakers of Ecuador don’t have a word for“thank you”at all.

As the linguists explained,“Expressing thanks,in some cultures,is more of a linguistic tradition than a true expression of feelings.In cultures where thanks are less often said,it’s because social cooperation is taken for granted,and‘thank you’ isn’t really needed or necessary.”

The idea that you don’t need to thank others because it’s assumed that you’re appreciative is beautiful.But it is a bit hard for me to accept.So I’ll keep saying“thanks”as frequently as I do.But as a frequent traveler,I’ll keep in mind to watch the local custom and follow suit.

1.What might be psychologists’ opinion about expressing thank?

A. It can show a person’s values.

B. It is passed down from parents.

C. It is a little and unnecessary thing.

D. It can contribute to close relationship.

2.What is typical among family members according to the study?

A. They say thanks at any time.

B. They seldom express thanks.

C. They often show thanks using gestures.

D. They often use indirect translation of thanks.

3.Who never say“thank you”?

A. The Cha’palaa.    B. The Polish.

C. The Italians.    D. The Russians.

4.What is mainly talked about in the text?

A. People thank close friends and family less.

B. Family members don’t need to thank each other.

C. Close friends have different ways to express thanks.

D. Different cultures have different ways to express thanks.



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