满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

假如你是李华,你班的美国交换生Tom 结束了在你校一年的学习,即将回国。你和同学...

假如你是李华,你班的美国交换生Tom 结束了在你校一年的学习,即将回国。你和同学打算于1230日下午在班上为他开一个欢送会(farewell party), 特写信邀请他参加。要点包括:

1.感谢Tom的帮助;2. 欢送会的时间和地点;

注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



Dear Tom, How time flies! It's one year since you came to study Chinese in our school. In the past year, you have helped us a lot, without which we couldn't have made great progress in English. During this year, we have learned lots of cultures about your country that cannot be found in the book. Before you leave, many classmates and I intend to hold a farewell party for you, hoping that you can remember the wonderful time we spent together. By the way, the party will be held in our classroom on the afternoon of December 30. May you have a pleasant journey home and welcome to China again. We are looking forward to your coming. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达是应用文,要求写一封书信。 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇为一封邀请信;假如你是李华,你班的美国交换生Tom 结束了在你校一年的学习,即将回国。你和同学打算于12月30日下午在班上为他开一个欢送会, 特写信邀请他参加。要点包括: 1.感谢Tom的帮助;2. 欢送会的时间和地点。时态应为一般现在时和一般将来时。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如: farewell party(欢送会),culture(文化),pleasant(愉快的),wonderful(美好的),welcome to(欢迎),May(祝愿)及exchange student(交换生)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持卷面的整洁美观。 本文内容完整,思路清晰,结构严谨,表达准确。另外全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





I liked cycling very much. At age of twelve, my father bought me a bike as a birthday gifts and taught me how to ride. Every time my father took him out for practice, my little brother would come along. One day, we were practicing while suddenly my brother screamed to help. When we rushed to him, we saw a snake wind around a frog tightly. I beg my father to save the frog. Immediate he picked it up a long stick, trying to drive the snake away. About two minutes later, the frog was set loose, what made us so happy.



As an old English saying goes, “Honesty is the best policy”. It is more than1.old cliché(陈词滥调), but  a good way to live your life. First, honesty is the2.(easy) choice that we can make. When people get caught in lies, it always costs them something. Many relationships are destroyed by lies. Second, honesty gives us much3.(free). Many believe that being honest limits them in life, but that is not true. Sooner or later those dishonest people 4. (pay) a price for their acts; on the contrary, when we are honest, we are 5. (true) free.

If there were two people standing before you, a person 6. a record of being honest and a person who is known to be dishonest, who would you be more likely 7. (believe)? I’m sure most people would side with the honest person. 8. we live in the truth or we live in lies. Truth sets us free and lies leave us in nothing 9. more troubles. Honesty is a choice that we can make each day. The choice is 10. (you). What will you choose?



Steve, a 12-year-old boy, had been failing since first grade. He generally went ___... until he joined Miss White’s class.

“You all did pretty well,” she told the ___as she went over the test results, “ ___one boy, and it breaks my heart to tell you this, but ...” She hesitated, looking at Steve.

“The ___boy in the seventh grade is failing my class.” Steve ___his eyes and carefully examined his fingertips.

After that, Steve refused to do his ___. Miss White was very ___and tried to encourage him to study.

“Give yourself a ___! Don’t give up on your life!” Miss White told him, yet it didn’t ___.

Then one day, she said, “Steve! Please! I care about you!”

___, Steve got it. Someone cared about him.

He spent the whole afternoon thinking about what he should do. Arriving at his house after school, feeling determined, he headed to his bedroom to ___.

Monday morning, Miss White gave a ___on the weekend homework. Steve ___through the test, and was the first to hand in his paper. Miss White looked it over in total ___. The smartest boy in the seventh grade had just ___his first test.

From that moment, nothing was the same for Steve. He discovered that not only could he learn, but he was ___it.

After high school, Steve joined the Navy. During his naval career, he ___many young people who might not have believed in themselves if he hadn’t believed in them first.

Miss White saved one boy who ___changing many lives.

You see, it’s simple, really. A(n) ___can take place within the heart of one boy, all because of one teacher, who ___.

1.A. unchallenged    B. unaccompanied    C. unnoticed    D. unpunished

2.A. class    B. staff    C. colleagues    D. parents

3.A. in addition to    B. except for    C. instead of    D. regardless of

4.A. laziest    B. richest    C. happiest    D. smartest

5.A. opened    B. closed    C. raised    D. dropped

6.A. research    B. homework    C. projects    D. presentations

7.A. impressed    B. surprised    C. anxious    D. embarrassed

8.A. chance    B. break    C. choice    D. reward

9.A. stop    B. work    C. matter    D. happen

10.A. Luckily    B. Gradually    C. Naturally    D. Suddenly

11.A. study    B. sleep    C. cry    D. play

12.A. question    B. lesson    C. quiz    D. review

13.A. hurried    B. lived    C. broke    D. saw

14.A. fear    B. shock    C. relief    D. anger

15.A. attended    B. designed    C. passed    D. failed

16.A. ready for    B. responsible for    C. tired of    D. good at

17.A. persuaded    B. taught    C. met    D. inspired

18.A. put up    B. gave up    C. ended up    D. took up

19.A. problem    B. change    C. recovery    D. improvement

20.A. cares    B. believes    C. understands    D. remembers



Why do we read poetry? First obvious one: because we enjoy it. 1.But that's not why this is here.

Many of us read poetry simply because we often feel depressed and hopelessly lost, and in poetry we see how beautiful and strange everything is. 2.

There are many different kinds of poems. They are not all calming. Some poems make me anxious, angry, scared, and sad, which is why I value them.3.I want the sweet and the bitter. Often, I read poetry when I'm already relaxed. In fact, I read more when I'm not stressed out.

Here are the main reasons I respond to poetry, as far as I can tell. 4.Usually, this is done by setting up a rhythm and then violating it or almost violating it. And then returning to it again. This satisfies my desire for order and also my desire for testing boundaries.

Poetry plays with language. It often slams words together in surprising ways, which is thrilling the way food can be when the chef has paired ingredients you never thought would taste good together but somehow do.

5.Words mean two or three things at once and lots of suggestions are packed between the lines. This is intellectually inspiring and it allows me to read the same poem over and over, always finding new things in it.

And, of course, there's the subject matter. It interests me just as it would if the same subject was explored in a story or essay. Not all poems interest me in this way, but then not all stories and essays do, either.

A. Many poems are dense.

B. So in that way poetry calms our anxiety.

C. As a reader, I want a full meal, not just dessert.

D. Another reason is to appreciate the suggestions offered.

E. The only other reason seems to be for academic purposes.

F. The best part about poetry is that they are flexible in length.

G. Metrical(格律的) poems are about setting up rules and then bending them.



When it comes to gift-giving, not only must the gift giver attempt to infer the recipient's(接受者的) tastes, needs, desires, and reactions, the gift selection may also be affected by the information which it would appear to convey about the giver and the giver-recipient relationship. The ancient practice of gift-giving is still common and important in modern cultures. For instance, Lowes Turner. and Willis (1971) mention a series of British Gallup Polls from 1963-1967, in which it was found that over 90 percent of the adult population did some Christmas gift-giving each year.

Gift-giving has been treated from a variety of related theoretical aspects. A famous theoretical analysis of the gift-giving process is an essay by French anthropologist- sociologist Marcell Mauss(1923). Based on his examination of gift-giving, Mauss concluded that gift-giving is a self-perpetuating(不停的) system of reciprocity. More specifically, Mauss summarized three types of obligations (义务): the obligation to give; the obligation to receive; the obligation to repay.

The obligation to give may be based on moral or religious necessities, with the need to recognize and keep a status hierarchy(等级制度) or the need to establish or keep peaceful relations. Receiving is seen as similarly obligatory. Mauss noted however that there is a certain tension created in receiving a gift since acceptance is an implied recognition of dependence on the giver. This tension may then be reduced by meeting the third obligation, the obligation to repay. Failure to repay or failure to repay adequately results in a loss of status and self-esteem. Adequate or overly adequate repayment, on the other hand, creates an obligation to repay on the part of the original giver, and the cycle is reinitiated.

Schwartz (1967) noted that beyond the functions served by the general process of gift exchange, the characteristics of the gift itself also act as a powerful statement of the giver’s perception(洞察力) of the recipient. He also suggested that acceptance of a particular gift constitutes an acknowledgment and acceptance of the identity that the gift is seen to imply. Among children this may lead to lasting changes in self-perceptions, but probably gifts have less influence on the self- concept of an adult.

There can be little doubt that gift-giving is a common experience in human life and consumer behavior.

1.What does the author want to stress by mentioning the example in Paragraph 1?

A. The anxiety between gift-givers and receivers.

B. The recent increase in gift-giving around Christmas time.

C. The common practice of gift-giving on special occasions.

D. The differences in gift-giving between ancient and modern times.

2.We can conclude that Mauss suggests a self-perpetuating system of reciprocity ______.

A. requires equal participation in a relationship

B. functions as a form of showing different status

C. shows an increasing amount of pressure on gift-giving

D. is a form of communication between gift-givers and recipients

3.What does the underlined word “ reinitiated” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Started again.    B. Prevented again.    C. Examined again.    D. Explained again.

4.How would Schwartz describe the gift-exchange process?

A. Stressful.    B. Symbolic.    C. Accidental.    D. Discouraging



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