满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

单句语法填空 1.After class, some students rema...


1.After class, some students remained ___________(seat)in the classroom and didn’t go out.

2.We lost our way in that small village, otherwise we ___________(visit) more places of interest yesterday.

3.Before you quit your job, ___________(consider)how your family would feel about your decision.

4.The book, The Little Prince, is so ___________(fascinate) that I cannot put it down.

5.One-third of the town ___________(cover) with trees and the majority of the residents are African American.

6.The fact that he can’t speak even one foreign language put him at a ___________(advantage)when he travelled abroad alone.

7.When___________(compare) different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the similarities.

8.Of the two sisters, Betty is ___________(attract) one, and she is also the one who loves to be quiet.

9.---Haven’t seen you for ages! Where have you been?

---I went to Gansu and_____________(stay) there for a year, teaching as a volunteer.

10.My chemistry teacher told us that when you heat a metal, it _____________(expand).


1. seated 2. would/could have visited 3. consider 4. fascinating 5. is covered 6. disadvantage 7. comparing 8. the more attractive 9. stayed 10. expands 【解析】 1.考查形容词。句意:下课后,一些学生坐在教室里,没出去。remain意为“保持某种状态”,seated表状态,意为“坐着的”。故填seated。 2.考查虚拟语气。句意:我们在小山村迷路了,否则,昨天我们就去参观更多的名胜古迹了。根据句意可知,此处为虚拟语气,would/could have done表示对过去事情的假设,意思是“本来会做而没有做”。故填would/could have visited。 3.考查祈使句。句意:你辞职之前,请好好考虑你家人对于你的决定的感受。根据句意的情景,consider不表目的、伴随、原因……,而就是一个祈使句,表示一种规劝、建议的语气。故填consider。 4.考查形容词。句意:《小王子》这本书太迷人了,我爱不释手。fascinating“迷人的,有极大吸引力的”。故填fascinating。 5.考查被动语态。句意:这个城镇三分之一都是被树覆盖着,大部分居民是非裔美国人。根据句意,此处应使用被动语态,主语One-third of the town,当主语是分数的时候,谓语和分数修饰的名词一致,这里是和the town一致,谓语动词应使用单数形式。故填is covered。 6.考查名词。句意:他一个人出国旅行时,连一门外语都不会说,这使他处于不利地位。根据句意可知,此处应使用advantage的反义词。故填disadvantage。 7.考查非谓语动词。句意:当我们比较不同的文化时,我们往往只注意差异而不注意相似之处。动词compare与句子we构成主动关系,应使用动词的现在分词。故填comparing。 8.考查形容词比较级。句意:贝蒂是姐妹俩中更有魅力的那个,同时也是喜欢安静的那个。the+比较级意为“两者中更……的那一个”。故填the more attractive。 9.考查时态。句意:我去了甘肃,在那里呆了一年,当志愿者教书。此处与went为并列谓语,应使用一般过去时。故填stayed。 10.考查时态。句意:我的化学老师告诉我们,当你加热一种金属时,它会膨胀。此处描述的是客观事实,应使用一般现在时。故填expands。


1.She was so angry with him because he took her car without p__________.

2.Tom finds the new school satisfying because he has free a_________to all the good resources there.

3.To tell you the truth, we are running out of money so we can’t a________ to go abroad travelling this summer holiday.

4.He has gotten used to living alone all these years. He felt e ______at being at the center of attention.

5.The wonderful world that has e________ in his dream for the whole life suddenly disappears.

6.My poor elder brother became j_________ of me when my career took off at last.

7.Adults who watched more than two hours of TV a day were more l________ to be overweight.

8.They have just built a system that uses a__________ intelligence to predict people’s needs.

9.He suffered from brain d_________ that affects his speech and leaves gaps in his memory.

10.Currently, even young people are well aware of the importance of being healthy and long life, so they keep exercising regularly and expect a greater l______________.



I sat down at my desk and started writing a letter of thankfulness, but when it came to actually putting the letter into the mailbox. I__________.I couldn’t do it. I suddenly felt a sense of __________and insecurity(不安).

The letter was to an old teacher with whom I kept in__________ on Facebook. For months, I read about what she __________ on her Facebook page, which helped me to live my life differently. Her volunteer work wasn’t huge. __________, she was doing small, local good deeds. __________, she changed my views on the world and for some reason, I felt I should let her know how her example__________influenced me.

I could have easily sent her an email, but that seemed not enough for such an important thank-you. That’s why I ended up__________the letter. But now here I was, standing before the mailbox, unable to put the envelope inside. What was stopping me? It suddenly hit me that I was __________of being too nice. I guess I felt strange__________it wasn’t like she was my best friend or a relative. Maybe my__________was too heartfelt. Thinking this over, I put the envelope in the mailbox__________.

Weeks later I received a message from her. It turned out she was__________ a hard time and my note__________a lot to her. She said she had no idea she was playing such a big__________in others’ life.

Not only did this letter make her happier, but her response to it brightened my world and __________my joy as well. I was so__________that it had such a great influence on her that I decided to write a letter of __________ to someone each month. Now it’s easier for me to__________the goodness in others and be more__________for this beautiful life I’m living.

1.A. stopped    B. continued    C. came    D. moved

2.A. disappointment    B. concern    C. responsibility    D. power

3.A. touch    B. mind    C. sight    D. order

4.A. gave up    B. suffered from    C. took in    D. put down

5.A. So    B. However    C. Instead    D. Meanwhile

6.A. Gradually    B. Exactly    C. Fluently    D. Frequently

7.A. widely    B. rapidly    C. loosely    D. greatly

8.A. checking    B. receiving    C. handwriting    D. reading

9.A. confident    B. afraid    C. fond    D. sure

10.A. because    B. although    C. while    D. until

11.A. explanation    B. agreement    C. present    D. message

12.A. sadly    B. officially    C. finally    D. obviously

13.A. going against    B. giving out    C. going through    D. going over

14.A. ignored    B. meant    C. offered    D. recognized

15.A. part    B. decision    C. choice    D. world

16.A. forecast    B. increased    C. expressed    D. judged

17.A. stubborn    B. lonely    C. upset    D. excited

18.A. congratulation    B. thanks    C. complaint    D. advice

19.A. hand out    B. put out    C. set out    D. find out

20.A. satisfied    B. sorry    C. grateful    D. careful



Tips to Create Great Readers

Are great readers born or are they made? Obviously, children don’t enter the world knowing how to understand a text or make a prediction. 1.. Here are some tips for making children great readers by habit.

2.. The most critical moment in reading instruction is when children get something wrong. If the child continues practicing the skill incorrectly, he or she will build weaker habits. Intervene (干预) with a targeted question, such as “How does this part of the text help you understand this character?” Doing so can prevent poor habits from taking root and build great ones in their place.

Build habits at the moment of writing. Just like adults, children use writing to gather their thoughts about a text and communicate their ideas to others. 3.. For example, children can first have a discussion about what they’re reading by answering a focus question in writing: “What is the author trying to teach us in this story?” 4.. By doing this, you can get a better understanding of what guidance the children will need during the discussion.

Build habits at the moment of reading. Independent reading time is important for any reading program. It’ s a chance for children to put together everything they’ve learned in reading lessons and fly using their own wings. 5.. So providing a rich class library and letting children know that they are expected to read for the entire period will ensure their success as lifelong independent readers.

A. Then, you can review their written responses.

B. Therefore, you can develop their writing and reading skills at the same time.

C. They grow into great readers by learning great habits.

D. Make sure children fall in love with reading.

E. But it only works if they really do spend that time reading.

F. Build habits at the moment of error.

G. Specific lines or phrases from the text help to reveal that information.



As Internet users become more dependent on the Internet to store information, are people remember less? If you know your computer will save information, why store it in your own personal memory, your brain? Experts are wondering if the Internet is changing what we remember and how.

In a recent study, Professor Betsy Sparrow conducted some experiments. She and her research team wanted to know the Internet is changing memory. In the first experiment, they gave people 40 unimportant facts to type into a computer. The first group of people understood that the computer would save the information. The second group understood that the computer would not save it. Later, the second group remembered the information better. People in the first group knew they could find the information again, so they did not try to remember it.

In another experiment, the researchers gave people facts to remember, and told them where to find the information an the Internet. The information was in a specific computer folder (文件夹). Surprisingly, people later remember the folder location (位置) better than the facts. When people use the Internet, they do not remember the information. Rather, they remember how to find it. This is called “transactive memory (交互记忆)”

According to Sparrow, we are not becoming people with poor memories as a result of the Internet. Instead, computer users are developing stronger transactive memories; that is, people are learning how to organize huge quantities of information so that they are able to access it at a later date. This doesn’t mean we are becoming either more or less intelligent, but there is no doubt that the way we use memory is changing.

1.The passage begins with two questions to ________.

A. introduce the main topic    B. show the author’s altitude

C. describe how to use the Interne    D. explain how to store information

2.What can we learn about the first experiment?

A. Sparrow’s team typed the information into a computer.

B. The two groups remembered the information equally well.

C. The first group did not try to remember the formation.

D. The second group did not understand the information.

3.In transactive memory, people ________.

A. keep the information in mind

B. change the quantity of information

C. organize information like a computer

D. remember how to find the information

4.What is the effect of the Internet according to Sparrow's research?

A. We are using memory differently.

B. We are becoming more intelligent.

C. We have poorer memories than before.

D. We need a better way to access information.



When I was small and my grandmother died, I couldn't understand why I had no tears. But that night when my dad tried to cheer me up, my laughs turned into crying.

So it came as no surprise to learn that researchers believe crying and laughing are controlled by the same part of the brain. Just as laughing has many health advantages, scientists are discovering that so does crying.

Whatever helps us to reduce pressure is important to our emotional health, and crying seems to work well. One study found that 85 percent of women and 73 percent of men report feeling better after crying.

Besides, tears attract help from other people. Researchers agree that when we cry, people around us become kinder and friendlier and they are more ready to provide support and comfort. Tears also enable us to understand our emotions better; sometimes we don't even know we're very sad until we cry. We learn about our emotions through crying, and then we can deal with them.

Just as crying can be healthy, not crying---holding back tears of anger, pain or suffering-can be bad for physical health. Studies have shown that too much control of emotions can lead to high blood pressure, heart problems and some other illness. If you have a health problem, doctors will certainly not ask you to cry. But when you feel like crying, don't fight it. It's a natural, healthy and emotional response.

1.It can be inferred from the text that____________________.

A. there are two ways to keep healthy

B. emotional health has a close relationship to physical health

C. crying and laughing play the same roles

D. crying does more good to health than laughing

2.According to the author, which of the following statements is true?

A. Crying is the best way to get help from others.

B. Fighting back tears may cause some health problems.

C. We will never know our deep feelings unless we cry.

D. We must cry if we want to reduce pressure.

3.What might be the most suitable title for the text?

A. Why We Cry    B. How to Keep Healthy

C. Power of Tears    D. New Scientific Discovery



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