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3.国际青少年互动友谊营 the International Youth Interactive Friendship Camp

Dear Sir/ Madam,



Li Hua


Dear Sir /Madam, Your project really interests us, so I’m writing with the hope that we can have the opportunity to hold the International Youth Interactive Friendship Camp in our school. We are confident that we can hold such an event successfully. The reasons are as follows: First of all, our students are very creative and talented, and they have many good ideas to share. what's more, we have plenty of advanced equipment and enough funds to meet the demands of the event. In addition, we have already organized a club consisting of 50 skilled members, and they have a lot of experience in running such an activity. Above all, by holding the event, students will be able to make many new friends and their school life will be more interesting. We would appreciate it if you could consider this application. If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】国际青少年互动友谊营正在李华所在的城市选择活动举办地,李华希望友谊营在本校举办活动,给相关部门写封申请信,从学生和学校设施等方面说明你校举办该活动的优势。文章用一般现在时来写,以第三人称为主。内容主要分三部分:首先说明写信的目的,希望友谊营在自己校举办;然后重点介绍学校举办该活动的优势;最后希望申请被考虑,尽快回复。 写作时要注意观点明确,要点全面,理由充分。还要注意高级词汇和句型的运用来为文章增加亮点,如同位语从句that we can have the opportunity to hold the International Youth Interactive Friendship Camp in our school.宾语从句that we can hold such an event successfully.连接词First of all, In addition等连接词。  








The Duanwu Festival fell on June 18 this year. The Festival, established in the memory of Qu Yuan, was also called the Dragon Boat Festival. Qu Yuan, who died in the Miluo River, was considering a good man. Shortly after she died, the local people threw food into the water to keep the fish eating Qu Yuan's body. They also sat on long and narrow paddle boats, knowing as dragon boats, making sound to scaring away the fish.

Transitionally, people celebrate the festival in different way. Traditionally celebrations of the Dragon Boat Festival include eating zongzi, drinking wine, or racing dragon boats.



China has developed a technology that is able to transform desert lands into available soil. The technology 1. (develop) several years ago by researchers at Chongqing Jiaotong University. They invented a paste(黏合剂)2. (make) of a material found in plant cell walls that, when mixed 3. sand, is able to keep water, nutrients, and air.

According to CGTN, Chinese scientists have achieved success in growing crops in areas with bad conditions caused by lack of rain and 4. (extreme) hot temperatures. One particular area is in a desert in North China’s Inner Mongolia. Over 70 kinds of crops are growing there. Many are not planted by humans but they just grow 5. (they) . And the costs of artificial materials and machines for transforming sand into soil is much 6. (low) compared with regular methods. Now, nearly 500 acres of sand is being turned into farms producing corn, 7. (tomato) and sunflowers. A reforestation(重造森林)project is also currently in progress, 8. is set to reforest 50% of desert land in three years.

Researchers are looking into expanding their project this fall, with 9. plan to transform another 500 acres of desert. In the next few years, the scientists are 10. (confidence) that they can turn over 30,000 acres more into rich ground.



A few years ago, I was working in a small office. I decided to improve office ______ and make people encouraged, but I wanted to do it ______. So one evening, I wrote up a few quotes that had ______ me over the years. The next morning, I went to work a bit ______ and quickly posted them up by the sinks and ______ in the office restrooms. Maybe someone else would ______ the quotes as much as I had, and perhaps they might just ______ their day, I thought.

For the next few months, some of the quotes got ______, but I noticed that a couple remained and felt a sense of ______. Perhaps others liked them, too. Eventually, I finished out my contract(合同)with that organization and ______ working in the office building.

Several months ago, I was invited to a(n) ______ with my colleagues to ______ how the project I had worked on was going. Towards the end of the event, I went to the ______, and the quote that I had written three years earlier was ______ up in the same spot by the mirror! It ______: "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands, but seeing with new eyes."

Maybe the quote simply blended(融入)into the background for the ______ employees, or perhaps it still stood out as a ______ reminder each time someone went to the restroom. Whatever the ______, it was a sweet moment and reminder. We never know how long a seed planted will take to ______ and give fruit, but keep sowing seeds of ______ from the heart.

1.A. rules    B. hours    C. culture    D. tradition

2.A. naturally    B. namelessly    C. aimlessly    D. calmly

3.A. puzzled    B. shocked    C. inspired    D. amused

4.A. hard    B. carefully    C. late    D. early

5.A. mirrors    B. walls    C. doors    D. handles

6.A. enjoy    B. admire    C. post    D. tolerate

7.A. save    B. spare    C. freshen    D. take

8.A. passed on    B. got round    C. put up    D. taken down

9.A. satisfaction    B. disappointment    C. embarrassment    D. sympathy

10.A. continued    B. quit    C. missed    D. delayed

11.A. interview    B. reunion    C. quarrel    D. competition

12.A. design    B. prove    C. question    D. hear

13.A. restroom    B. building hall    C. workshop    D. meeting room

14.A. even    B. still    C. yet    D. again

15.A. spoke    B. told    C. read    D. wrote

16.A. new    B. forgetful    C. difficult    D. creative

17.A. shining    B. missing    C. movable    D. avoidable

18.A. choice    B. case    C. direction    D. excuse

19.A. ripen    B. expand    C. flower    D. grow

20.A. courage    B. patience    C. trust    D. kindness



Culture shock is the emotional and mental reaction to being in a completely new cultural environment. 1. it generally consists of several stages of feelings.

The “honeymoon stage” is usually, the first stage that people go through when surrounded by different cultural values and lifestyles. During this stage, people have positive images of their new cultural surroundings. They tend to view these in an idealistic way and ignore problems. 2. This stage is usually quite short and quickly replaced by the second stage called “the frustration stage”.

During the “frustration stage”, newcomers begin to act negatively. 3. Visitors tend to exaggerate (夸大) problems in the new culture. They may feel isolated (孤立) during this stage. Depending on one’s situation, this stage can last days, months, or even years.

With the frustration stage ending, the adjustment stage begins. This marks the time when newcomers try their best to accept the differences of the new culture and the challenges of everyday life.

4. Some newcomers enter the “mastery stage” and are completely accustomed to the values and beliefs of the new culture. They are able to handle the new culture like a native while keeping some of their own original cultural values. Some choose the “rejection stage” and decide against fitting in with the new culture. 5.    _ Other newcomers completely adopt the identity of the new culture and give up the values and beliefs of their home culture.

A. Meeting new people is seen as fascinating.

B. The new cultural surroundings are no longer novel.

C. They regain their sense of balance and become confident.

D. This process opens the door to three possible outcomes.

E. For many people this is often a very difficult experience.

F. A person experiencing culture shock may display many symptoms.

G. They usually permanently withdraw from the culture through isolation or returning home.



The city of Heracleion was buried underwater 1500 years ago. This grand city had been mentioned by the Greek writer Herodotus, the 5th-century BC historian. He had told a wonderful tale of Helen of Troy, who traveled to Heracleion, then a port of great wealth, with her Trojan lover, Paris.

When French underwater researcher Franck Goddio happened to discover some cultural treasures, it led them to one of the greatest finds of the 21st century, a city underwater. The discovery took place when Goddio had been in search of Napoleon’s warships from the 1798 Battle of the Nile, when he had been defeated by Nelson in these very waters, but to his surprise, he made this important discovery.

The discoveries include the huge statues of the Egyptian goddess Isis, the god Hapi, and an unidentified Egyptian pharaoh(法老), all preserved in excellent condition by their muddy burial coverings. Hapi, the god of the flooding of the Nile especially stands out for its size. Along with these 16-foot statues there are hundreds of smaller statues of Egyptian gods, among which are the figures that guarded the temple where Cleopatra took office as Queen of the Nile. Dozens of sarcophagi(石棺)have also been found, containing the bodies of mummified animals sacrificed to Amun-Gereb, the super god of the Egyptians.

Evidence shows that Heracleion slipped into the water sometime in the 6th or 7th century AD. The discovery of Heracleion will now add depth and detail to our knowledge of the ancient world, because among the discoveries, there are perfectly preserved stones carved in both ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian.

1.Why does the author cite(引用)the description of the Greek writer Herodotus?

A. To tell a wonderful love story.    B. To have respect for the writer.

C. To draw readers’ interest in history.    D. To show the glory days of Heracleion.

2.What can we learn about the city of Heracleion?

A. It was discovered unexpectedly.    B. Napoleon defeated Nelson there.

C. Napoleon’s warships were found there.    D. It was once occupied by Napoleon.

3.Which is the biggest statue found underwater?

A. The god Hapi.    B. The goddess Isis.

C. The queen Cleopatra.    D. The Egyptian pharaoh.

4.What does the author intend to tell us in the last paragraph?

A. The artistic style of the statues.    B. The time when the city was built.

C. The significance of the discovery.    D. The language used in ancient Egypt.



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